

Hyväksytyt julkaisut

P[ANDXX]C. A. Andersson, K. Halme, M. Laine, V. Hulkko and K. Virtanen (forthcoming) Effectiveness of an expendable unmanned ground vehicle stalling a mechanized infantry company's primary combat units - A virtual simulation experiment Journal of Field Robotics (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[BUKXX]C. Buket, K. Barker, A.D. González and A. Salo (forthcoming) Two-stage stochastic program for environmental resettlement decision-making Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
P[HARXX]M. Harju, J. Liesiö and K. Virtanen (forthcoming) Independent postulates for subjective expected utility Theory and Decision (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[LEPXX]J. Leppinen, A. Punkka, T. Ekholm and A. Salo (forthcoming) An optimization model for determining cost-efficient maintenance policies for multi-component systems with economic and structural dependencies Omega (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[OSTXX]J. Öström, T. Sailaranta and K. Virtanen (forthcoming) Effects of datalink target data on air-to-air missile performance Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[ROPXX]J. Roponen and A. Salo (forthcoming) A probabilistic cross-impact methodology for explorative scenario analysis Futures & Foresight Science (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[SALXXa]A. Salo, M. Doumpos, J. Liesiö and C. Zopounidis (forthcoming) Fifty years of portfolio optimization European Journal of Operational Research (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[SIIXX]M.-L. Siikonen (forthcoming) Current and future trends in vertical transportation European Journal of Operational Research (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)


P[BEE24]D. Beech, H. Mansikka, D. Harris, K. Virtanen and N. Pattyn (2024) Team performance: Mental performance N+1 In Handbook of Mental Performance, Routledge, 2024, pp. 226-264 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[FRA24]L. A. Franco and R. P. Hämäläinen (2024) Behavioural OR in Petropoulos, Fotios, et al. "Operational Research: methods and applications" Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 75, No. 3, 2024, pp. 423-617 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[HAA24]Katri Haapalinna (2024) Machine Learning for Radio Frequency Fingerprint Recognition
P[HAM24]R. P. Hämäläinen, T. J. Lahtinen and K. Virtanen (2024) Generating policy alternatives for decision making: A process model, behavioural issues, and an experiment EURO Journal on Decision Processes, Volume 12, 2024, 100050 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) (Kalvot)
P[HAR24]D. Harris, H. Mansikka and K. Virtanen (2024) Situation awareness, workload and performance: New directions In Aerospace Psychology and Human Factors: Applied Methods and Techniques, Hogrefe Publishing, 2024, pp. 85-101 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[KAU24]J. Kautiala, S. Jumisko-Pyykkö, R.P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (2024) Systems Intelligence in an Expert Organization: A Mixed Methods Approach Human Factors, Business Management and Society, Vol. 135, 2024, pp. 93-103 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[MAN24]H. Mansikka, K. Virtanen and D. Harris (2024) Comparison of in-flight and post-flight use of NASA-TLX Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2024, pp. 49-56 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[MAN24a]H. Mansikka, K. Virtanen, T. Lipponen and D. Harris (2024) Improving pilots' tactical decisions in air combat training using the critical decision method The Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 128, No. 1326, 2024, pp. 1613-1626 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[RIN24]T. Rintamäki, F. Oliveira, A.S. Siddiqui and A. Salo (2024) Achieving emission-reduction goals: Multi-period power-system expansion under short-term operational uncertainty IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 119-131 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[VIR24]K. Virtanen and R. P. Hämäläinen (2024) Military and Homeland Security in Petropoulos, Fotios, et al. "Operational Research: methods and applications" Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 75, No. 3, 2024, pp. 423-617 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)


P[BAR23]J. de la Barra and A. Salo (2023) Selecting combinations of reinforcement actions to improve the reliability of distribution grids in the face of external hazards Proceedings of the 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL 2023, pp. 3343-3350 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[CHA23]B.R. Champion, S.A. Gabriel and A. Salo (2023) Risk-based, multistage stochastic energy project selection Energy Systems, Vol. 14, pp. 603-640 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[ELS23]S. Elsawah, E. Bakhanova, R. P. Hämäläinen and A. Voinov (2023) A Competency Framework for Participatory Modeling. Group Decision and Negotiation Group Decision and Negotiation (2023), 1-33 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[MAN23]H. Mansikka, K. Virtanen and D. Harris (2023) What we got here, is a failure to coordinate: Implicit and explicit coordination in air combat Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, Vol. 17, Issue 3, 2023, pp. 279-293 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[MAN23a]H. Mansikka, K. Virtanen, D. Harris and J. Järvinen (2023) Team performance in air combat: A teamwork perspective International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, Vol. 33, No. 4, 2023, pp. 232-246 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[MAN23b]H. Mansikka, D. Harris and K. Virtanen (2023) Accuracy and similarity of team situation awareness in simulated air combat Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, Vol. 94, No. 6, 2023, pp. 429-436 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[SAL23]A. Salo (2023) On the boundaries of experimental research on scenario planning: Commentary on Derbyshire et al. (2022) Futures & Foresight Science, Vol. 5, No. 2, e152 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[URB23]M. Urbani, M. Brunelli and A. Punkka (2023) An approach for bi-objective maintenance scheduling on a networked system with limited resources European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 305, Issue 1, 16 February 2023, Pages 101-113 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)


P[AND22]T. Andrade, N. Belyak, A. Eberhard, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira (2022) The p-Lagrangian relaxation for separable nonconvex MIQCQP problems Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 84, pp. 43-76. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[HAM22]R.P. Hämäläinen, K. Kumpulainen, J.T. Harviainen and E. Saarinen (2022) Design Gaming for Learning Systems Intelligence in Socio-Emotional Systems Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Volume 39, Issue 1 January/February 2022, pp. 163-167 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[JUM22]S. Jumisko-Pyykkö, J. Törmänen, K. Vänni, R. P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (2022) Systems Intelligence, Perceived Performance and Wellbeing Human Factors, Business Management and Society, Vol. 56, 2022, 55–63 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[KEN22]D. C. Kenny, E. Bakhanova, R. P. Hämäläinen and A. Voinov (2022) Participatory modelling and systems intelligence: A systems-based and transdisciplinary partnership Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 101310 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[LAI22]P. Laitila and K. Virtanen (2022) Portraying Probabilistic Relationships of Continuous Nodes in Bayesian Networks with Ranked Nodes Method Decision Support Systems, Vol. 154, 113709, 2022, pp. 1-15 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[LAI22a]P. Laitila and K. Virtanen (2022) Advancing Construction of Conditional Probability Tables of Bayesian Networks with Ranked Nodes Method International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 51, No. 8, 2022, pp. 758-790 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[LEH22]J.-M. Lehtonen and K. Virtanen (2022) Choosing the Most Economically Advantageous Tender using a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Approach Journal of Public Procurement, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2022, pp. 164-179 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[MAN22]H. Mansikka, M. Jalava, and K. Virtanen (2022) Performance Measurement of Fighter Operations Yearbook 2022 of Defence Research, The Finnish Defence Forces, ISBN 978-951-25-3267-4, ISSN 2489-7329, 2022, pp. 86-88 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[SAL22]A. Salo, J. Andelmin and F. Oliveira (2022) Decision Programming for Mixed-Integer Multi-Stage Optimization under Uncertainty European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 299, No. 1, pp. 550-565. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[SAL22a]A. Salo, E. Tosoni, J. Roponen and D. Bunn (2022) Using cross-impact analysis for probabilistic risk assessment Futures & Foresight Science, Vol. 4 , No. 2, e2103 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[VIR22]K. Virtanen, H. Mansikka, H. Kontio, and D. Harris (2022) Weight Watchers: NASA-TLX Weights Revisited Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, Vol. 23, No. 11, 2022, pp. 725-748 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[WU 22]Z. Wu, K. Khalilpour and R. P. Hämäläinen (2022) A decision support tool for multi-attribute evaluation of demand-side commercial battery storage products Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume 50, March 2022, 101723 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[ZEB22]P. Żebrowski, A. Couce-Vieira, and A. Mancuso (2022) A Bayesian framework for the analysis and optimal mitigation of cyber threats to cyber-physical systems Risk Analysis, Vol. 42, No. 10, pp. 2275-2290. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)


P[BAS21]M. Bashiri, E. Nikzad, A. Eberhard, J. Hearne and F. Oliveira (2021) A two stage stochastic programming for asset protection routing and a solution algorithm based on the Progressive Hedging algorithm Omega, Vol. 104, 102480 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[BRO21]T. Brown and I. Reichenberg (2021) Decreasing market value of variable renewables can be avoided by policy action Energy Economics, Vol. 100, 105354 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[CHE21]L. Chen, M. Guo, Y. Li, L. Liang and A. Salo (2021) Efficiency intervals, rank intervals and dominance relations of decision-making units with fixed-sum outputs European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 292, No. 1, pp. 238-239. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[DEB21]S. Debia, P.-O. Pineau and A.S. Siddiqui (2021) Strategic storage use in a hydro-thermal power system with carbon constraints Energy Economics, Vol. 98, 105261 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[DEH21]M. Dehghani, B. Abbasi and F. Oliveira (2021) Proactive transshipment in the blood supply chain: a stochastic programming approach Omega, Vol. 98, 102112 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[EKH21]T. Ekholm and E. Baker (2021) Multiple Beliefs, Dominance and Dynamic Consistency Management Science, Vol. 68, No. 1, 529-540. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[FAT21]Z. Fatima, V. Oksman and R. Lahdelma (2021) Enabling small medium enterprises (SMEs) to become leaders in energy efficiency using a continuous maturity matrix Sustainability, Vol. 13, No. 18, 10108 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[HAR21]J. T. Harviainen, R. P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (2021) Systems Intelligence as an Organisational Approach for Service Designers Touchpoint: The Journal of Service Design. 12, 2, p. 16-29
P[HAR21a]D. Harris, H. Mansikka, and K. Virtanen (2021) The Relationship between The Dynamic Model of Crew Resource Management and Line Operational Safety Audits International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics, Vol. 8, No. 4, 2021, pp. 319-330
P[HYN21]Y. Hynninen, E. Vilkkumaa and A. Salo (2021) Operationalization of utilitarian and egalitarian objectives for optimal allocation of healthcare resources Decision Sciences, Vol. 52(5), pp. 1169-1208. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[KAN21]X. Kan, L. Reichenberg and F. Hedenus (2021) The impacts of the electricity demand pattern on electricity system cost and the electricity supply mix: A comprehensive modeling analysis for Europe Energy, Vol. 235, 121329 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[KON21]T. Könnölä, V. Eloranta, T. Turunen and A. Salo (2021) Transformative governance of innovation ecosystems Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 173, 121106 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[LIE21]J. Liesiö, A. Salo, J. M. Keisler and A. Morton (2021) Portfolio Decision Analysis: Recent developments and future prospects European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 293, No. 3, pp. 811-825 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[LIN21]J. Lindgren (2021) Examination of interest-growth differentials and the risk of sovereign insolvency Risks, Vol. 4, 75 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[MAN21]A. Mancuso, M. Compare, A. Salo and E. Zio (2021) Optimal prognostics and health management-driven inspection and maintenance strategies for industrial systems Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 210, 107536 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[MAN21a]H. Mansikka, K. Virtanen, D. Harris and J. Salomäki (2021) Live-virtual-constructive simulation for testing and evaluation of air combat tactics, techniques, and procedures, Part 1: assessment framework Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, DOI: 10.1177/1548512919886375 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[MAN21b]H. Mansikka, K. Virtanen, D. Harris and J. Salomäki (2021) Live-virtual-constructive simulation for testing and evaluation of air combat tactics, techniques, and procedures, Part 2: demonstration of the framework Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, DOI: 10.1177/1548512919886378 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[MAN21c]H. Mansikka, K. Virtanen, D. Harris and L. Mäkinen (2021) Measurement of Normative Performance in Simulated Air Combat Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, Vol. 92, No. 11, November 2021, pp. 908-912
P[MAN21d]H. Mansikka, K. Virtanen, V. Uggeldahl and D. Harris (2021) Team Situation Awareness Accuracy Measurement Technique for Simulated Air Combat – Curvilinear Relationship between Awareness and Performance Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 96, October 2021, 103473
P[MAN21e]H. Mansikka, K. Virtanen, D. Harris, and M. Jalava (2021) Measurement of Team Performance in Air Combat – Have We Been Underperforming? Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, Vol. 22, Issue 3, 2021, pp. 338-359
P[MAN21f]H. Mansikka, K. Virtanen, and D. Harris (2021) Retrospective Verbal Probing in Evaluation of Pilots’ Situation Models in Simulated Air Combat Proceedings of the 34th European Association for Aviation Psychology (EAAP) Conference, September 20-24, 2021, Gibraltar, UK, pp. 73-82.
P[MOS21]H. Mostafaei, P.M. Castro, F. Oliveira and I. Harjunkoski (2021) Efficient formulation for transportation scheduling of single refinery multiproduct pipelines European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 293, pp. 731-747 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[MOS21a]H. Mostafaei and F. Oliveira (2021) Robust optimization for scheduling and lot-sizing of a single machine with sequence-dependent changeovers Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 50, pp. 1733-1739 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[OHM21]M. Öhman, M. Hiltunen, K. Virtanen, and J. Holmström (2021) Frontlog Scheduling in Aircraft Line Maintenance: From Explorative Solution Design to Theoretical Insight into Buffer Management Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 67, Issue 2, March 2021, pp. 120-151
P[SAL21]A. Salo, R. P. Hämäläinen and T. J. Lahtinen (2021) Multicriteria methods for group decision processes: An overview In: D. M. Kilgour and C. Eden (eds) Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation, Springer, Cham. 29 p. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[SAL21a]A. Salo (2021) Developing the needed scientific theory will not be easy: Comments on Fergnani and Chermack (2021) Futures & Foresight Science, Vol. 3, Issue 3-4, e73. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[SCH21]A. von Schantz, H. Ehtamo and S. Hostikka (2021) Minimization of mean-CVaR evacuation time of a crowd using rescue guides: a scenario-based approach Collective Dynamics, 6, 1-29
P[SCH21a]M. Schöbel, I. Silla, A. Teperi, R. Gustafsson, A. Piirto, C. Rollenhagen, B and Wahlström (2021) Human and organizational factors in European nuclear safety: A fifty-year perspective on insights, implementations, and ways forward Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 85, March 2022, 102378 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[TON21]C. Tong,X. Li,L. Duanmu and H. Wang (2021) Prediction of the temperature profiles for shallow ground in cold region and cold winter hot summer region of China Energy and Buildings, Volume 242, 1 July 2021, 110946 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[TOR21]J. Törmänen, R. P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (2021) Perceived systems intelligence and performance in organizations The Learning Organization (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[TOR21a]J. Törmänen, R. P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (2021) On the systems intelligence of a learning organization: Introducing a new measure Human Resource Development Quarterly. 2021;1–24 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[TOR21b]J. Törmänen, R. P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (2021) Systeemiäly–organisaation kehittäminen ruohonjuuritasolta ja ihmisistä käsin Työn tuuli 2 | 2021 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[WAN21]H. Wang, X. Wu, Z. Liu, K. Granlund, R. Lahdelma, J. Li, E. Teppo, L. Yu, L. Duamu, X. Li and I. Haavisto (2021) Waste heat recovery mechanism for coal-fired flue gas in a counter-flow direct contact scrubber Energy, Volume 237, 15 December 2021, 121531 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)


P[ALE20]D. Alem, F. Oliveira and M.C.R. Peinado (2020) A practical assessment of risk-averse approaches in production lot-sizing problems International Journal of Production Research 58 (9), 2581-2603, 2020
P[AND20]T. Andrade, N. Belyak, A. Eberhard, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira (2020) The p-Lagrangian relaxation for nonconvex MIQCQP problems with complicating constraints Optimization Online preprint, 2020
P[ARN20]T. Arnold, J. Guillaume, T. Lahtinen and R. Vervoort (2020) From ad-hoc modelling to strategic infrastructure: A manifesto for model management Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol. 123, 104563 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[BAK20]E. Baker, V. Bosetti, and A. Salo (2020) Robust portfolio decision analysis: An application to the energy R&D portfolio problem European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 284, No. 3, pp. 1107–1120. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[CON20]L. D. Condeixa, F. Oliveira and A.S. Siddiqui (2020) Wasserstein-Distance-Based Temporal Clustering for Capacity-Expansion Planning in Power Systems 2020 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST, 2020) (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[CON20a]L.D. Condeixa, P. Silva, D. Moah, B. Farias and A. Leiras (2020) Evaluating cost impacts on reverse logistics using an Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model with environmental and social considerations Central European Journal of Operations Research, 1-20, 2020 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[EKH20]T. Ekholm and V. Virasjoki (2020) Pricing and competition with 100% variable renewable energy and storage The Energy Journal, Vol. 41, SI1, pp. 215-231.
P[FRA20]L. A. Franco, R. P. Hämäläinen, E.A.J.A. Rouwette and I. Leppänen (2020) Taking stock of behavioural OR: A review of behavioural studies with an intervention focus European Journal of Operational Research (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[GIL20]H. Gilani, H. Sahebi and F. Oliveira (2020) Sustainable sugarcane-to-bioethanol supply chain network design: A robust possibilistic programming model Applied Energy 278, 115653, 2020
P[GUS20]J. Gustafsson (2020) Valuation of Research and Development Projects Using Buying and Selling Prices: Generalized Definitions Decision Analysis, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 154-168. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[HAM20]R. P. Hämäläinen, I. Miliszewska and A. Voinov (2020) Leadership in participatory modelling – Is there a need for it? Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 133, November 2020, 104834 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[LAH20]T. Lahtinen, R. Hämäläinen and C. Jenytin (2020) On preference elicitation processes which mitigate the accumulation of biases in multi-criteria decision analysis European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 282, No. 1, pp. 201-210 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) (Kalvot)
P[LAI20]P. Laitila and K. Virtanen (2020) On Theoretical Principle and Practical Applicability of Ranked Nodes Method for Constructing Conditional Probability Tables of Bayesian Networks IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2018.2792058 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[LIE20]J. Liesiö, J. Andelmin and A. Salo (2020) Efficient allocation of resources to a portfolio of decision making units European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 286, No. 2, pp. 619–636. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[LIN20]J. Lindgren and J. Liukkonen (2020) The Heisenberg uncertainty principle as an endogenous equilibrium property of stochastic optimal control systems in quantum mechanics Symmetry, Volume 12, No. 9, 1533 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[LIN20a]J. Lindgren (2020) Efficient markets and contingent claims valuation: An information theoretic approach Entropy, Vol. 11, 1283 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[LIX20]X. Li, H. Wang, X. Wu, L. Duanmu, E. Teppo, R. Lahdelma, J. Li and L. Yu (2020) Analysis on the Thermal Balance and Operational Parameters for the District Heating System with Peak Load Boilers in Heating Substations Energies 2020, 13(23), 6180 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[RIN20]T. Rintamäki, A. Siddiqui, and A. Salo (2020) Strategic offering of a flexible producer in day-ahead and intraday power markets European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 284, No. 3, pp. 1136–1153. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[ROP20]J. Roponen, D. Ríos Insua and A. Salo (2020) Adversarial risk analysis under partial information European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 287, No. 1, pp. 306-316. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[TOS20]E. Tosoni, A. Salo, J. Govaerts and E. Zio (2020) Definition of the data for comprehensiveness in scenario analysis of near-surface nuclear waste repositories Data in Brief, Vol. 31, No. 105780, pp. 1-24. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[VIR20]V. Virasjoki, A. Siddiqui, F. Oliveira, and A. Salo (2020) Utility-Scale Energy Storage in an Imperfectly Competitive Power Sector Energy Economics, Vol. 88, No. 104716, pp. 1-17. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)


P[ABD19]E. Abdollahi, H. Wang and R. Lahdelma (2019) Parametric optimization of long-term multi-area heat and power production with power storage Applied Energy, Volume 235, 1 February 2019, pp 802-812 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[AND19]J. Andelmin and E. Bartolini (2019) A multi-start local search heuristic for the green vehicle routing problem based on a multigraph reformulation Computers and Operations Research, Volume 109, 2019, pp. 43-63 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[AND19a]T. Andrade, F. Oliveira, S. Hamacher and A. Eberhard (2019) Enhancing the normalized multiparametric disaggregation technique for mixed-integer quadratic programming Journal of Global Optimization 73 (4), 701-722 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[BER19]aK. Berg and M. Kitti (2019) Equilibrium paths in discounted supergames Discrete Applied Mathematics (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[BER19]bK. Berg (2019) Set-valued games and mixed-strategy equilibria in discounted supergames Discrete Applied Mathematics (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[BOL19]N. Boland, J. Christiansen, B. Dandurand, A. Eberhard, F. Oliveira (2019) A parallelizable augmented Lagrangian method applied to large-scale non-convex-constrained optimization problems Mathematical Programming (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[COC19]K. Cockerill, P. Glynn, I. Chabay, M. Farooque, R. P. Hämäläinen, B. Miyamoto and P. McKay (2019) Records of engagement and decision making for environmental and socio‑ecological challenges EURO J Decis Process, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40070-019-00104-6 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[DEH19]M. Dehghani, B. Abbasi and F. Oliveira (2019) Proactive Transshipment in the Blood Supply Chain: a Stochastic Programming Approach Omega, 102112 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[HAR19]M. Harju, J. Liesiö and K. Virtanen (2019) Spatial multi-attribute decision analysis: Axiomatic foundations and incomplete preference information European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 275, pp. 167-181, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2018.11.013 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[KOK19]J. Kokkala, K. Berg, K. Virtanen and J. Poropudas (2019) Rationalizable strategies in games with incomplete preferences Theory and Decision, Vol. 86, Issue 2, pp. 185-204 DOI: 10.1007/s11238-018-9681-9 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[LAH19]J. Lahti, T. Sailaranta, M. Harju and K. Virtanen (2019) Control of exterior ballistic properties of spin-stabilized bullet by optimizing internal mass distribution Defence Technology, Vol. 15, pp. 38-50, DOI: 10.1016/j.dt.2018.10.003 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[LAH19a]R. Lahdelma, G. Kayo, E. Abdollahi and P. Salminen (2019) Optimization and Multicriteria Evaluation of District Heat Production and Storage New Perspectives in Multiple Criteria Decision Making, pp. 371-396 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[LIN19]J. Lindgren and J. Liukkonen (2019) Quantum Mechanics can be understood through stochastic optimization on spacetimes Scientific Reports, Volume 9, 19984 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[MAN19]A. Mancuso, M. Compare, A. Salo and E. Zio (2019) Portfolio optimization of safety measures for the prevention of time-dependent accident scenarios Reliability Engineering and System Safety 190, 106500
P[MAN19a]H. Mansikka, K. Virtanen and D. Harris (2019) Dissociation between mental workload, performance, and task awareness in pilots of high performance aircraft IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, Vol. 49, Issue 1, pp. 1-9 DOI: 10.1109/THMS.2018.2874186 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[MAN19b]H. Mansikka, K. Virtanen and D. Harris (2019) Comparison of NASA-TLX scale, modified Cooper-Harper scale and mean inter-beat interval as measures of pilot mental workload during simulated flight tasks Ergonomics, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 246-254 DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2018.1471159 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[MAN19c]H. Mansikka, D. Harris and K. Virtanen (2019) Pilot competencies as components of a dynamic human‐machine system Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, Vol. 29, Issue 6, pp. 466-477 DOI: 10.1002/hfm.20809 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[MAN19]dibA. Mancuso, M. Compare, A. Salo and E. Zio (2019) Probabilistic model data of time-dependent accident scenarios for a mixing tank mechanical system Data in Brief 25, 104243
P[MAT19]R.G. de Mattos, F. Oliveira, A. Leiras, A.B. de Paula Filho and P. Gonçalves (2019) Robust optimization of the insecticide-treated bed nets procurement and distribution planning under uncertainty for malaria prevention and control Annals of Operations Research 283 (1-2), 1045-1078, 2019 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[NIK19]E. Nikzad, M. Bashiri and F. Oliveira (2019) Two-stage stochastic programming approach for the medical drug inventory routing problem under uncertainty Computers & Industrial Engineering 128, 358-370, 2019 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[SAL19]A. Salo, J. Andelmin and F. Oliveira (2019) Decision Programming for Multi-Stage Optimization under Uncertainty arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.09196, 2019 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[SAN19]FSP dos Santos and F. Oliveira (2019) An enhanced L-Shaped method for optimizing periodic-review inventory control problems modeled via two-stage stochastic programming European Journal of Operational Research 275 (2), 677-693 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
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P[SCH19]von Schantz, Anton, and Harri Ehtamo (2019) Pushing and overtaking others in a spatial game of exit congestion Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 527 (2019): 121151 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
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P[CRA18]A. Cranmer, A., E. Baker, J. Liesiö and A. Salo (2018) A Portfolio Model for Siting Offshore Wind Farms with Economic and Environmental Constraints European Journal of Operations Research (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
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P[KAU18]L. Kauppinen, A. Siddiqui and A. Salo (2018) Investing in Time-to-Build Projects with Uncertain Revenues and Costs: A Real Options Approach IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[KES18]M. Kesäniemi and K. Virtanen (2018) Direct Least Square Fitting of Hyperellipsoids IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 40, No. 1.
P[KIR18]H. Kirppu, R. Lahdelma and P. Salminen (2018) Multicriteria evaluation of carbon-neutral heat-only production technologies for district heating Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 130, pp 466-476 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[LEP18]I. Leppänen, R. P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen and M. Viinikainen (2018) Intrapersonal Emotional Responses to the Inquiry and Advocacy Modes of Interaction: A Psychophysiological Study, Group Decision and Negotiation Group Decision and Negotiation, Online First Publication 6, July 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10726-018-9584-8

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P[PER18]M.A. Fernández Pérez, F. Oliveira, S. Hamacher (2018) Optimizing workover rig fleet sizing and scheduling using deterministic and stochastic programming models Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 57 (22), 2018, pp. 7544-7554 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[PIN18]K. Pingoud, T. Ekholm, R. Sievänen, S. Huuskonen, J. Hynynen (2018) Trade-offs between forest carbon stocks and harvests in a steady state - A multi-criteria analysis Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 210, pp. 96-103
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P[VIR18]V. Virasjoki, A. S. Siddiqui, B. Zakeri, and A. Salo (2018) Market Power with Combined Heat and Power Production in the Nordic Energy System IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 33, Issue 5, 2018, pp. 5263-5275
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P[ROP15]J. Roponen and A. Salo (2015) Adversarial Risk Analysis for Enhancing Combat Simulation Models Journal of Military Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2015.
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P[SCH15]A. von Schantz and H. Ehtamo (2015) Spatial game in cellular automaton evacuation model Physical Review E 92, 052805 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
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P[KUU14]J-M. Kuusinen, J. Sorsa, M-L. Siikonen (2014) The elevator trip origin-destination matrix estimation problem Transportation Science. Published online in Articles in Advance 8 May.
P[KUU14a]J-M. Kuusinen, A. Malapert (2014) The effect of randomization on constraint based estimation of elevator trip origin-destination matrices Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Lift and Escalator Technologies, Northampton, 115-126.
P[LIE14]J. Liesiö (2014) Measurable Multiattribute Value Functions for Portfolio Decision Analysis Decision Analysis, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2014, pp. 1-20.
P[LIE14b]J. Liesiö and A. Punkka (2014) Baseline Value Specification and Sensitivity Analysis in Multiattribute Project Portfolio Selection European Journal of Operational Research,Volume 237, Issue 3, 2014, pp. 946-956
P[MAT14]V. Mattila and K. Virtanen (2014) Maintenance scheduling of a fleet of fighter aircraft through multi-objective simulation-optimization SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Vol. 90, No. 9, 2014, pp. 1023-1040
P[MAT14b]V. Mattila, L. Muttilainen, K. Virtanen, J. Jylhä and V. Väisänen (2014) Optimizing locations of decoys for protecting surface-based radar against anti-radiation missile with multi-objective ranking and selection Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, Savannah, GA, Dec. 7.-10.2014, pp. 2319-2330.
P[PUN14]A. Punkka and A. Salo (2014) Scale Dependence and Ranking Intervals in Additive Value Models under Incomplete Preference Information Decision Analysis, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2014, pp. 83-104.
P[SCH14]A. von Schantz and H. Ehtamo (2014) Cellular Automaton Evacuation Model Coupled with a Spatial Game Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 8610, 2014, pp 371-382
P[VIL14]E. Vilkkumaa, J. Liesiö, and A. Salo (2014) Optimal Strategies for Selecting Project Portfolios Using Uncertain Value Estimates European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 233, 2014, pp. 772-783
P[VIL14]bE. Vilkkumaa, A. Salo, and J. Liesiö (2014) Multicriteria Portfolio Modeling for the Development of Shared Action Agendas Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 23, 2014, pp. 49-70


P[BER13]K. Berg and M. Kitti (2013) Computing equilibria in discounted 2x2 supergames Computational Economics, Vol. 41, 2013, pp. 71-88 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[BER13b]K. Berg (2013) Complexity of solution structures in nonlinear pricing Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 206, 2013, pp. 23-37 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[BER13c]K. Berg, H. Ehtamo, M.A. Uusitalo and C. Wijting (2013) Priority-based classification of spectrum access models IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 51, 2013, pp. 162-167 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[BRU13a]M. Brunelli and J.Mezei (2013) How different are ranking methods for fuzzy numbers? A numerical study International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 54(5), 627-639. Supplementary material
P[BRU13b]M. Brunelli, A. Critch and M. Fedrizzi (2013) A note on the proportionality between some consistency indices in the AHP Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219(14), 7901-7906
P[BRU13c]M. Brunelli, L. Canal and M. Fedrizzi (2013) Inconsistency indices for pairwise comparison matrices: a numerical study Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 211, 2013, 493-509
P[CAR13]C. Carlsson, J. Mezei and M. Brunelli (2013) Fuzzy ontology used for knowledge mobilization International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol 28, Issue 1, pp. 52-71.
P[CAR13b]C. Carlsson, M. Brunelli, J. Mezei (2013) A soft computing approach to mastering paper machines 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
P[DEM13]E. Demeulemeester, R. Kolisch and A. Salo (2013) Project Management and Scheduling Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, Vol. 25, Nos. 1-2, pp. 1-5.
P[HAM13]R.P. Hämäläinen, J. Luoma and E. Saarinen (2013) On the Importance of Behavioral Operational Research: The Case of Understanding and Communicating about Dynamic Systems European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 228, Issue 3, pp. 623-634. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2013.02.001 (Kalvot)
P[HEL13]S. Heliövaara, H. Ehtamo, D. Helbing and T. Korhonen (2013) Patient and Impatient Pedestrians in a Spatial Game for Egress Congestion Physical Review E 87, 012802, pp. 1-10.
P[KAK13]aA. Käki, A. Salo and S. Talluri (2013) Impact of the Shape of Demand Distribution in Decision Models for Operations Management Computers in Industry, Vol. 64, 2013, pp. 765-775
P[KUU13]J-M. Kuusinen, M. Ruokokoski, J. Sorsa, M-L. Siikonen (2013) Linear programming formulation of the elevator trip origin-destination matrix estimation problem Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, Barcelona, 298-303.
P[MAR13]F. Martela and E. Saarinen (2013) The Systems Metaphor in Therapy Discourse: Introducing Systems Intelligence Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2013, pp. 80-101
P[MAT13]V. Mattila, K. Virtanen, and R.P.Hämäläinen (2013) A simulated annealing algorithm for noisy multiobjective optimization Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 20(5-6), pp. 255-276.
P[POU13]J. Pousi, J. Poropudas and K. Virtanen (2013) Simulation metamodelling with Bayesian networks Journal of Simulation, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2013, pp. 297-311
P[PUN13]A. Punkka and A. Salo (2013) Preference Programming with incomplete ordinal information European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 231, No. 1, pp. 141-150
P[TOP13]A. Toppila and A. Salo (2013) A computational framework for prioritization of events in fault tree analysis under interval-valued probabilities IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 62, No. 3, 2013, pp. 583-595


P[BER12]K. Berg and M. Katsigiannis (2012) Optimal cost-based strategies in mobile network offloading 7th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CrownCom) (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[BER12b]K. Berg, M.A. Uusitalo and C. Wijting (2012) Spectrum access models and auction mechanisms 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DYSPAN) (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[BER12c]K. Berg and H. Ehtamo (2012) Continuous learning methods in two-buyer pricing problem Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 75, No. 3, pp. 287-304 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[HEL12]S. Heliövaara, J-M. Kuusinen, T. Rinne, T. Korhonen and H. Ehtamo (2012) Pedestrian Behavior and Exit Selection in Evacuation of a Corridor - An Experimental Study Safety Science, 50, pp. 221-227.
P[HEL12b]S. Heliövaara, T. Korhonen, S. Hostikka and H. Ehtamo (2012) Counterflow Model for Agent-Based Simulation of Crowd Dynamics Building and Environment, Vol. 48, pp. 89-100
P[HYT12]H. Hytönen, T. Jarimo, A. Salo and E. Yli-Juuti (2012) Markets for standardized technologies: Patent licensing with Principle of Proportionality Technovation, Vol. 32, Nos. 9-10, pp. 897-912.
P[JON12a]R. Jones and J. Corner (2012) Stages and Dimensions of Systems Intelligence Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol 29, Nro. 1, pp. 30-45.
P[JON12b]R. Jones and J. Corner (2012) Seeing the forest and the trees: A complex a daptive systems lens for mentoring Human Relations, 65(3), 391-411.
P[JON12c]R. Jones and J. Corner (2012) Stages and Dimensions of Systems Intelligence Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2012, pp. 30-45
P[KAN12]J.Kangaspunta, J.Liesiö and A.Salo (2012) Cost-Efficiency Analysis of Weapon System Portfolios European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 223, No. 1, pp. 264-275
P[KEL12]L.R. Keller, A. Abbas, J.E. Bickel, V. Bier, D. Budescu, J. Butler, E. Diecidue, R. Dillon-Merrill, R.P. Hämäläinen, K. Lichtendahl Jr, J. Merrick, J. Simon and G. Wu (2012) From the Editors - Brainstorming, Multiplicative Utilities, Partial Information on Probabilities or Outcomes and Regulatory Focus Decision Analysis, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 297-302.
P[KON12]T. Könnölä, A. Salo, C. Cagnin, V. Carabias and E. Vilkkumaa (2012) Facing the Future: Scanning, Synthesizing and Sense-Making in Horizon Scanning Science and Public Policy, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 222-231
P[KUU12]J-M. Kuusinen, J. Sorsa, M-L. Siikonen and H. Ehtamo (2012) A Study on the Arrival Process of Lift Passengers in a Multi-Storey Office Building Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 33:4, pp. 437-449. http://bse.sagepub.com/content/early/2011/11/10/0143624411427459.abstract
P[LIE12]J. Liesiö, A. Salo (2012) Scenario-Based Portfolio Selection of Investment Projects with Incomplete Probability and Utility Information European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 217, No. 1, pp. 162-172
P[SAL12]A. Salo (2012) A Seminar for Solving Client Problems in Project Teams INFORMS Transactions on Education, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 17-27.
P[TOP12]A. Toppila and A. Salo (2012) Prioritizing Failure Events in Fault Tree Analysis Using Interval-valued Probability Estimates Proceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management & Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference, 25-29 June 2012, Helsinki, Finland (to appear) Electronic media format


P[BER11]K. Berg, A. Klemettilä, M.A. Uusitalo and C. Wijting (2011) Evaluating the economic impact of cognitive radio with a three-player oligopoly model 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DYSPAN) (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[BRU11]V. Brummer, A. Salo, J. Nissinen and J. Liesiö (2011) A Methodology for the Identification of Prospective Collaboration Networks in International R&D Programs International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 54 No. 4, pp. 369-389
P[GUS11]J. Gustafsson, B. De Reyck, Z. Degraeve and A. Salo (2011) Valuation of Risky Projects and Illiquid Investments Using Portfolio Selection Models In: A. Salo, J. Keisler and A. Morton (eds.), Portfolio Decision Analysis: Improved Methods for Resource Allocation, Springer, New York.
P[JON11a]R. Jones, J. Corner and R.P. Hämäläinen (2011) Systems Intelligence as a Lens for Managing Personal Knowledge Personal Knowledge Management, Individual, Organizationl and Social Perspectives, Edited by David J. Pauleen and Gary E. Gorman, 2011, Chapter 5, pp. 79-98.
P[JON11b]R. Jones and D. Brown (2011) The Mentoring Relationship as a Complex Adaptive System: Finding a Model for Our Experience, Mentoring and Tutoring, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 401-408.
P[KAK11]A. Käki and A. Salo (2011) Impacts of the Shape of the Demand Distribution on Procurement Risk Mitigation Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Production and Operations Management (POMS) Conference. Available at: http://www.pomsmeetings.org/ConfPapers/020/020-0741.pdf (Kalvot)
P[KON11a]T. Könnölä, A. Salo, C. Cagnin, V. Carabias and E. Vilkkumaa (2011) Facing the Future: Scanning, Synthesizing and Sense-Making in Horizon Scanning Fourth International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis, Seville, Spain, 12-13 May 2011
P[KON11b]T. Könnölä, A.Salo and V.Brummer (2011) Foresight for European Coordination: Developing National Priorities for the Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 54 No. 4, pp. 438-459
P[KOR11]T. Korhonen and S. Heliövaara (2011) FDS+Evac: Herding Behavior and Exit Selection, Fire Safety Science Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium, Editor M. Spearpoint, International Association for Fire Safety Science, 2011, ISNN 1817-4299, pages 723-732.
P[LUO11]J. Luoma, R. P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (2011) Acting with systems intelligence: Integrating complex responsive processes with the systems perspective Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62, pp 3-11.
P[MAT11]V. Mattila and K. Virtanen (2011) Scheduling Fighter Aircraft Maintenance with Reinforcement Learning Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix, AZ, Dec. 11.-14.2011.
P[POR11a]J. Poropudas and K. Virtanen (2011) Simulation Metamodeling with Dynamic Bayesian Networks European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 214, No. 3, pp. 644-655.
P[POR11b]J. Poropudas, J. Pousi and K. Virtanen (2011) Multiple Input and Multiple Output Simulation Metamodeling using Bayesian Networks Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix, AZ, Dec. 11.-14.2011, pp. 569-580.
P[SAL11a]A. Salo and A. Punkka (2011) Ranking Intervals and Dominance Relations for Ratio-based Efficiency Analysis Management Science, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 200-214.
P[SAL11b]A. Salo, J. Keisler and A. Morton (2011) An Invitation to Portfolio Decision Analysis In: A. Salo, J. Keisler and A. Morton (eds.), Portfolio Decision Analysis: Improved Methods for Resource Allocation, Springer, New York.
P[TOP11]A. Toppila, J. Liesiö and A. Salo (2011) A Resource Allocation Model for R&D Investments - A Case Study in Telecommunication Standardization In: A. Salo, J. Keisler and A. Morton (eds.), Portfolio Decision Analysis: Improved Methods for Resource Allocation, Springer, New York.


P[BER10]K. Berg and H. Ehtamo (2010) Interpretation of Lagrange multipliers in nonlinear pricing problem Optimization Letters, Vol. 4, No. 2, Pages 275-285. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[EHT10a]H. Ehtamo, K. Berg and M. Kitti (2010) An Adjustment Scheme for Nonlinear Pricing Problem with Two Buyers European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 201, pp. 259-266. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[EHT10b]H. Ehtamo, S. Heliövaara, T. Korhonen and S. Hostikka (2010) Game Theoretic Best-Response Dynamics for Evacuees' Exit Selection Advances in Complex Systems, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 113-134.
P[EHT10c]H. Ehtamo, S. Heliövaara, S. Hostikka and T. Korhonen (2010) Modeling Evacuees' Exit Selection with Best Response Dynamics Proceedings of Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2008, Wuppertal, Germany. Springer 2010, pp. 309-319.
P[EKH10a]T. Ekholm, V. Krey, S. Pachauri and K. Riahi (2010) Determinants of Household Energy Consumption in India Energy Policy, Vol. 38, No. 10, pp. 5696-5707.
P[EKH10b]T. Ekholm, S. Soimakallio, S. Moltmann, N. Höhne, S. Syri and I. Savolainen (2010) Effort Sharing in Ambitious, Global Climate Change Mitigation Scenarios Energy Policy, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 1797-1810.
P[FLE10]S.E. Fleten, E. Näsäkkälä (2010) Gas Fired Power Plants: Investment Timing Operating Flexibility and C02 Capture Energy Economics, Vol. 32, Issue 4, pp. 805-816.
P[HAM10]R.P. Hämäläinen, J. Mustajoki and M. Marttunen (2010) Web-based Decision Support: Creating a Culture of Applying Multi-criteria Decision Analysis and Web Supported Participation in Environmental Decision Making In Rios-Insua D., French S. (eds.): e-Democracy: A Group Decision and Negotiation Perspective. Advances in Group Decision and Negotiation 5, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., Dordrecht, Holand, 2010, pp. 201-221. ISBN: 978-90-481-9044-7
P[KAK10]A. Käki and A. Salo (2010) Evaluating procurement strategies under uncertain demand and risk of component unavailability Operations Research Proceedings 2010. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. pp. 441-446. (Kalvot)
P[KET10]J. Kettunen, A. Salo and D.W. Bunn (2010) Optimization of Electricity Retailer's Contract Portfolio Subject to Risk Preferences IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 117-128.
P[KOR10]T. Korhonen, S. Hostikka, S. Heliövaara and H. Ehtamo (2010) FDS+Evac: An Agent Based Fire Evacuation Model Proceedings of Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2008, Wuppertal, Germany. Springer 2010, pp. 109-120.
P[POR10a]J. Poropudas and K. Virtanen (2010) Game Theoretic Validation and Analysis of Air Combat Simulation Models IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 1057-1070.
P[POR10b]J. Poropudas and K. Virtanen (2010) Simulation Metamodeling in Continuous Time Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, Baltimore, MD, Dec. 3.-5.2010, pp. 935-946. (Kalvot)
P[POU10]J. Pousi, J. Poropudas and K. Virtanen (2010) Game Theoretic Simulation Metamodeling Using Stochastic Kriging Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, Baltimore, MD, Dec. 3.-5.2010, pp. 1456-1467.
P[SAL10a]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (2010) Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Group Decision Processes In: D.M. Kilgour and C. Eden (eds.), Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation, Springer, New York, 2010, pp. 269-283.
P[SAL10b]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (2010) Preference Programming - Multicriteria Weighting Models under Incomplete Information In: Zopounidis, C. and Pardalos, P.M. (eds.), Handbook of Multicriteria Decision Analysis, Springer, New York, 2009, due May 24, 2010, pp. 167-187.
P[UUS10]M.A. Uusitalo, C. Wijting, T.M. Rantalainen, K. Berg, A. Klemettilä and I. Niva (2010) Different Approaches to Estimate the Value of Cognitive Radio Proceedings of the 25th meeting of the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) WG6, London, UK, November 16-18, 2010 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)


P[BER09]K. Berg and H. Ehtamo (2009) Learning in nonlinear pricing with unknown utility functions Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 172, No. 1, November 2009, Pages 375-392. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[BRU09]V. Brummer, A. Salo and M. Ollila (2009) Balancing incentives in thematic priority-setting for collaborative innovation networks Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Management of Technology, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 6.-8.9.2009
P[GEL09]J. Geldermann, V. Bertsch, M. Treitz, S. French, K.N. Papamichail, R.P. Hämäläinen (2009) Multi-criteria Decision Support and Evaluation of Strategies for Nuclear Remediation Management Omega, Volume 37, Issue 1, February 2009, Pages 238-251.
P[HAM09]R.P. Hämäläinen and O. Ojanen (2009) Multicriteria Interval Goal Optimization in the Regulation of Lake-River Systems Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Hydroinformatics 2009, University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile, 12.-16.1.2009
P[JAR09]T. Jarimo and A. Salo (2009) Multi-Criteria Partner Selection in Virtual Organisations With Transportation Costs and Other Network Interdependencies IEEE Transactions in Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part C: Applications and Reviews, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2009, 124-129.
P[KIT09]M. Kitti and H. Ehtamo (2009) Adjustment of an Affine Contract with Fixed-Point Iteration Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, January issue 2009.
P[MIL09]P. Mild and A. Salo (2009) Combining a Multiattribute Value Function with an Optimization Model: An Application to Dynamic Resource Allocation for Infrastructure Maintenance Decision Analysis, Vol. 6, No. 3, 139-152.
P[POR09a]J. Poropudas and K. Virtanen (2009) Game Theoretic Validation of Air Combat Simulation Models Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San Antonio, TX, USA, 11.-14.10.2009, pp. 3243-3250. (Kalvot)
P[POR09b]J. Poropudas and K. Virtanen (2009) Influence Diagrams in Analysis of Discrete Event Simulation Data Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference, Austin, TX, USA, 13.-16.12.2009, pp. 696-708. Slides
P[SAL09]A. Salo, V. Brummer and T. Könnölä (2009) Axes of Balance in Foresight - Reflections from FinnSight 2015 Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Vol. 21, No. 8, November, pp. 987-1001.


P[BER08]K. Berg and H. Ehtamo (2008) Multidimensional screening: online computation and limited information ICEC 2008: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, ACM International Conference Proceedings Series 42, Innsbruck, Austria. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[BRU08]V. Brummer, T. Könnölä and A. Salo (2008) Foresight within ERA-NETs: Experiences from the Preparation of an International Research Program Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 75, No. 4, 2008, 483–495.
P[HAM08a]R.P. Hämäläinen, S. Alaja (2008) The Threat of Weighting Biases in Environmental Decision Analysis Ecological Economics, Vol. 68, 2008, pp. 556-569.
P[HAM08b]R.P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen (2008) Systems Intelligence - The Way Forward? A Note on Ackoff's "Why Few Organizations Adopt Systems Thinking" Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol. 25, No. 6, 2008, pp. 821-825.
P[KAR08]J. Karelahti, K. Virtanen, and J. Öström (2008) Automated Generation of Realistic Near-Optimal Aircraft Trajectories " Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 31, No. 4, 2008, pp. 674-688.
P[KET08]J. Kettunen, Y. Grushka-Cockayne, B. De Reyck, Z. Degraeve and A. Salo (2008) Management of New Product Development: The Impact of Competition and Market Characteristics Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, 28-30 April 2008, Istanbul, Turkey, 169-172.
P[KOR08]T. Korhonen, S. Hostikka, S. Heliövaara, H. Ehtamo (2008) FDS+Evac: Modelling Social Interactions in Fire Evacuation Proceedings of 7th International conference on Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Models, Auckland, New Zeland, 16-18 Apr. 2008, pp. 241-250.
P[LIE08]J. Liesiö, P. Mild, and A. Salo (2008) Robust Portfolio Modeling with Incomplete Cost Information and Project Interdependencies European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 190, pp. 679-695.
P[LIN08]M. Lindstedt, J. Liesiö and A. Salo (2008) Participatory Development of a Strategic Product Portfolio in a Telecommunication Company International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 42, No. 3, 2008, pp. 250-266.
P[LUO08]J. Luoma, RP Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (2008) Perspectives on Team Dynamics: Meta Learning and Systems Intelligence Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol. 25, No. 6, 2008, pp. 757-767.
P[MAR08]M. Marttunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (2008) The Decision Analysis Interview Approach in the Collaborative Management of a Large Regulater Water Course Environmental Management, Vol. 42, pp. 1026-1042, 2008.
P[MAT08]V. Mattila, K. Virtanen and T. Raivio (2008) Improving Maintenance Decision-Making in the Finnish Air Force Through Simulation Interfaces, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2008, pp. 187-201. Slides
P[MIL08]P. Mild, A. Salo (2008) Multi-Criteria Tools for Asset Management at the Finnish Road Administration Proceedings of Transport Research Arena Europe 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
P[NAS08]Näsäkkälä E., Keppo J. (2008) Hydropower Production Planning and Hedging under Inflow and Forward Uncertainty Applied Mathematical Finance, Vol. 15, Issue 5-6, 2008, pp. 503-529.
P[SAA08]E. Saarinen (2008) Philosophy in the 21st Century: Socratic Philosophy That Matters and Engages With People" International Academy of Philosophy, News and Views, no. 20. 2008.
P[SAL08]A. Salo, V. Brummer and T. Könnölä (2008) Finnsight 2015 – A Foresight Exercise for the Shaping of National Strategies Third International Seville Seminar on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis: Impacts and implications for policy and decision-making – Seville 16-17 October 2008.


P[ALA07a]K. Alanne, A. Saari and A. Salo (2007) Comparative Analysis of the Life-Cycle Costs of Residential Energy Supply Technologies Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2007, 23-44.
P[ALA07b]Alanne, K., A. Salo, A. Saari and S.I. Gustafsson (2007) Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Residential Energy Supply Systems Energy and Buildings, Vol. 39 No. 12 2007 pp. 1218-1226.
P[HEL07]S. Heliövaara, H. Ehtamo, T. Korhonen and S. Hostikka (2007) Poistumissimuloinnit palotilanteissa Palotutkimuksen päivät 2007, Helsinki, Finland, 27.-28.8.2007, Pelastustieto Vol. 58 Erikoisnumero, pp. 109-113, Palo- ja pelastustieto ry 2007.
P[KAR07a]J. Karelahti, K. Virtanen, and J. Öström (2007) Automated Solution of Realistic Near-Optimal Aircraft Trajectories Using Computational Optimal Control and Inverse Simulation Proc. of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, 20-23 August 2007, Hilton Head, South Carolina.
P[KAR07b]J. Karelahti, K. Virtanen, and T. Raivio (2007) Near-Optimal Missile Avoidance Trajectories via Receding Horizon Control Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 30, No. 5, 2007, pp. 1287-1298. (Kalvot)
P[KAR07c]J. Karelahti and K. Virtanen (2007) Adaptive Controller for the Avoidance of an Unknownly Guided Air Combat Missile " Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 12-14 December, 2007, New Orleans, Lousiana.
P[KIT07]M. Kitti and H. Ehtamo (2007) Analysis of the Constraint Proposal Method for Two-Party Negotiations European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 181 No. 2 2007 pp.817-827.
P[KON07a]T. Könnölä, G. Unruh and J. Carrillo-Hermosilla (2007) Toward Prospective Voluntary Agreements: Reflections from a Hydrogen Foresight Project Cleaner Production Journal of Cleaner Production Vol. 15 2007 pp. Issue 3 259-265. Slides
P[KON07b]T. Könnölä, V.Brummer and A.Salo (2007) Diversity in Foresight: Insights from the Fostering of Innovation Ideas Technological Forecasting and Social Change 74/5 (2007) 608-626.
P[KON07c]T. Könnölä and G.C. Unruh (2007) Really Changing the Course: The Limitations of Environmental Management Systems for Innovation Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 16, No. 8, 2007, pp. 525–537. Slides
P[KOR07a]T. Korhonen, S.Hostikka, S. Heliövaara and H.Ehtamo (2007) Integration of an Agent Based Evacuation Simulation and the State-of-the-Art Fire Simulation Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science & Technology, 20-22 Septembe, 2007, Hong Kong.
P[KOR07b]T. Korhonen, S.Hostikka, S. Heliövaara, H.Ehtamo and K. Matikainen (2007) FDS+Evac: Evacuation Module for Fire Dynamics Simulator Proceedings of the Interflam2007: 11th International Conference on Fire Science and Engineering. London, UK, 3-5 Sept. 2007. Interscience Communications Limited (London, UK, 2007), pp. 1443-1448.
P[LIE07]J. Liesiö, P. Mild and A. Salo (2007) Preference Programming for Robust Portfolio Modeling and Project Selection European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 181, Issue 3, pp. 1488-1505. Slides
P[MUR07]P. Murto (2007) Timing of investment under technological and revenue-related uncertainties Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, Vol. 32, pp. 1473-1497.
P[MUS07]J. Mustajoki, R.P. Hämäläinen and K. Sinkko (2007) Interactive Computer Support in Decision Conferencing: Two Cases on Off-site Nuclear Emergency Management Decision Support Systems, Vol. 42, No. 4, 2007, pp. 2247-2260. Slides
P[MUS07b]J. Mustajoki and R.P. Hämäläinen (2007) Smart-Swaps - A decision support system for multicriteria decision analysis with the even swaps method Decision Support Systems, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2007, pp. 313-325.
P[POR07]J. Poropudas and K. Virtanen (2007) Analyzing Air Combat Simulation Results with Dynamic Bayesian Networks Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington DC, USA, 9.-12.12.2007, pp. 1370-1377. (Kalvot)


P[HAM06]R.P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (2006) Systems Intelligence: a Key Competence for Organizational Life Reflections: The SoL Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2006, pp. 17-28. The original unedited version.
P[KAR06a]J. Karelahti, K. Virtanen, and T. Raivio (2006) Game Optimal Support Time of a Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 29, No. 5, 2006, pp. 1061-1069. Slides
P[KAR06b]J. Karelahti, K. Virtanen, and T. Raivio (2006) Near-Optimal Missile Avoidance Trajectories via Receding Horizon Control Proc. of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, 21-24 August 2006, Keystone, Colorado.
P[KON06]T. Könnölä, G.C. Unruh and J. Carrillo-Hermosilla (2006) Prospective Voluntary Agreements for Escaping Techno-Institutional Lock-in Ecological Economics, Vol. 57, 2006, pp. 239-252.. Slides
P[MAT06]V. Mattila, K. Virtanen (2006) Scheduling Periodic Maintenance of Aircraft through Simulation-Based Optimization Proc. 47th Conference on Simulation and Modelling (SIMS2006) Helsinki FinlandSeptemper 28-29 2006 pp.38-43. Slides
P[MUS06]J. Mustajoki, R.P. Hämäläinen and M.R.K. Lindstedt (2006) Using intervals for Global Sensitivity and Worst Case Analyses in Multiattribute Value Trees European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 174, No. 1, 2006, pp. 278-292. Slides
P[MUS06b]J. Mustajoki, R.P. Hämäläinen and M. Marttunen (2006) Web-based Decision Support in Water Resources Management Proc. of the IASTED Conference on Environmentally Sound Technology in Water Resources Management, ACTA Press, Gaborone, Botswana, September 11-13, 2006, pp. 67-72.
P[MUT06]R. Mustonen, K. Sinkko and R.P. Hämäläinen (2006) Facilitated Workshop Method to Involve Stakeholders and Public in Decision-making Process in Radiological Emergencies Proceedings of the VALDOR (VALues in Decisions On Risk) 2006 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, May 14-18, 2006.
P[SAL06]A. Salo and J. Liesiö (2006) A Case Study in Participatory Priority-Setting for a Scandinavian Research Program International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2006, pp. 65-88. (Kalvot)
P[SAL06b]A. Salo, P. Mild and T. Pentikäinen (2006) Exploring Causal Relationships in an Innovation Program with Robust Portfolio Modeling Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 73., No. 8, 2006, pp. 1028-144.
P[SEB06]S. Slotte (2006) Systems Sensitive Dialogue Intervention Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol. 23, No. 6, 2006, pp. 793-802.
P[VIR06a]K. Virtanen, R.P. Hämäläinen, and V. Mattila (2006) Team Optimal Signaling Strategies in Air Combat IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 36, No. 4, 2006, pp. 643-660. Slides
P[VIR06b]K. Virtanen, J. Karelahti and T. Raivio (2006) Modeling Air Combat by a Moving Horizon Influence Diagram Game Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 29, No. 5, 2006, pp. 1080-1091. Slides


P[GUS05]J. Gustafsson, A. Salo (2005) Contingent Portfolio Programming for the Management of Risky Projects Operations Research, Vol. 53, No. 6, 2005, pp. 946-956.
P[JAR05]T. Jarimo, U. Pulkkinen and A. Salo (2005) Encouraging Suppliers to Process Innovations: A Game Theory Approach International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2005, pp. 403-423.
P[KON05d]T. Könnölä, A. Salo, V. Brummer (2005) Adopting Diverse Perspectives in the Fostering of Innovation Ideas. Proceedings of New Visions for Sustainability the 7th Annual International Conference on Foresight Management in Corporations and Public Organisations, Statistics Finland, Helsinki, June 9-10, 2005.
P[KUM05]K.R.Renjish Kumar, I. Hirvonen, I. Leppänen, T. Kuronen, J.K. Nurminen, A.Salo (2005) An Evaluation Model for the End-user Utility of Office Applications Proceedings of the Ninth IASTED Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, ACTA Press, November 14-16, Phoenix AZ, USA.
P[MAT05]V. Mattila, K. Virtanen (2005) A Simulation-based Optimization Model to Schedule Periodic Maintenance of a Fleet of Aircraft Proc. 2005 European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Porto, Portugal, October 24-26, 2005, pp. 479-483. Slides
P[MUS05]J. Mustajoki, R.P. Hämäläinen, A. Salo (2005) Decision Support by Interval SMART/SWING - Incorporating Imprecision in the SMART and SWING Methods Decision Sciences, Vol. 36, No.2, 2005, pp. 317-339. Slides
P[MUS05b]J. Mustajoki and R.P. Hämäläinen (2005) A Preference Programming Approach to Make the Even Swaps Method Even Easier Decision Analysis, Vol. 2, No.2, 2005, pp. 110-123. Slides
P[NÄS05]Näsäkkälä E., Fleten S. E., 2004 (2005) Flexibility and Technology Choice in Gas Fired Power Plant Investments Review of Financial Economics, Vol. 14, No. 3-4, 2005, pp. 371-393.
P[NAS05a]E. Näsäkkälä and J. Keppo (2005) Electricity Load Pattern Hedging with Static Forward Strategies Managerial Finance, Vol. 31, No. 6, 2005, pp. 116-137.
P[NAS05b]E. Näsäkkälä and S.-E. Fleten (2005) Flexibility and Technology Choice in Gas Fired Power Plant Investments Review of Financial Economics, Vol. 14, No. 3-4, 2005, pp. 371-393.
P[OJA05]O. Ojanen, S. Makkonen and A. Salo (2005) A Multi-Criteria Framework for the Selection of Risk Analysis Methods at Energy Utilities International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2005, pp. 16-35.
P[SAL05]A. Salo and A. Punkka (2005) Rank Inclusion in Criteria Hierarchies European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 163, No. 2, 2005, pp. 338-356. Slides
P[SAL05a]A. Salo and T. Käkölä (2005) Groupware Support for Requirements Management in New Product Development Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce Vol. 15, No. 4, 2005, pp. 253-284.
P[VIR05]K. Virtanen, T. Raivio and R.P. Hämäläinen (2005) Simulating Pilot's Decision Making by an Influence Diagram Game Proc. of 2005 European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Porto, Portugal, October 24/26, 2005, pp. 87-91, slides


P[BER04]K. Berg, H. Ehtamo and M. Kitti (2004) An adjustment process in a buyer-seller game Proceedings of the 4th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (Eccomas), Jyväskylä, Finland, July 24-28, 2004 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
P[EHT04]H. Ehtamo, R.P. Hämäläinen, V. Koskinen (2004) An E-learning Module on Negotiation Analysis Proc. of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Computer Society Press, Hawaii, January 5-8, 2004, slides
P[HÄM04]R.P. Hämäläinen (2004) Reversing the perspective on the applications of decision analysis DecisionAnalysis Mini Issue (The original article of Keefer andcommentary articles) Vol. 1 No. 1 2004 pp. 26-31.
P[KAR04]J. Karelahti, K. Virtanen, and T. Raivio (2004) Game Optimal Support Time of a Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile Proc. of the 11th International Symposium on Differential Games and Applications, Tucson, Arizona, December 18-21, 2004. Slides
P[MUR04a]P. Murto (2004) Exit in Duopoly under Uncertainty RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 35, No 1, Spring 2004, pp. 111-127
P[MUR04b]P. Murto, E. Näsäkkälä and J. Keppo (2004) Timing of investments in oligopoly under uncertainty: a framework for numerical analysis European Journal of Operational Research,, Vol. 157 (2), p. 486-500
P[MUS04]J. Mustajoki, R.P. Hämäläinen and M. Marttunen (2004) Participatory multicriteria decision support with Web-HIPRE: A case of lake regulation policy Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol. 19, No. 6, 2004, 537-547.
P[SAL04a]Technological Futures Analysis Methods Working Group (2004) Technology futures analysis: Toward integration of the field and new methods Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 71, No. 3, 2004, 287-303.
P[SAL04b]A. Salo, T. Gustafsson and P. Mild (2004) Prospective Evaluation of a Cluster Programme for Finnish Forestry and Forest Industries International Transactions on Operations Research, Vol. 11, Issue 2, 2004, 139-154.
P[SAL04c]A. Salo, T. Könnölä and M. Hjelt (2004) Responsiveness in Foresight Management: Reflections from the Finnish Food and Drink Industry International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, Vol. 1., Nos. 1-2, 2004, pp. 70-88
P[SAL04d]A. Salo and T. Gustafsson (2004) Group Support System for Foresight Processes International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, Vol. 1, Nos. 3-4, 2004, pp. 249-269.
P[SAL04e]A. Salo, R. Gustafsson, I. Kaakkolammi and T. Gustafsson (2004) Participatory Development of Future-Oriented Policy Configurations for Climate Change and Mobile Gaming New Horizons and Challenges for Future-oriented Technology Analysis, Proceedings of the EU-US Scientific Seminar: New Technology Foresight, Forecasting and Assessment Methods, Seville, May 13-14, 2004. European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Technical Report Series EUR 21473 EN.
P[SAM04]J.-P. Salmenkaita and A. Salo (2004) Emergent Foresight Processes: Industrial Activities in Wireless Communications Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 71, No. 9, 2004, pp. 897-912.
P[SIN04]K. Sinkko, R.P. Hämäläinen and R. Hänninen (2004) Experiences in Methods to Involve Key Players in Planning Protective Actions in the Case of a Nuclear Accident Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2004), Vol. 109, Nos 1-2, 2004, pp. 127-132. (Kalvot)
P[VIR04a]K. Virtanen, T. Raivio and R.P. Hämäläinen (2004) Modeling Pilot's Sequential Maneuvering Decisions by a Multistage Influence Diagram Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 27, No. 4, 2004, pp. 665-677. Slides
P[VIR04b]K. Virtanen, J. Karelahti, T. Raivio and R.P. Hämäläinen (2004) A Multistage Influence Diagram Game for Maneuvering Decisions in Air Combat Proc. of the 11th International Symposium on Differential Games and Applications, Tucson, Arizona, December 18-21, 2004. (Kalvot)


P[HÄM03]R.P. Hämäläinen (2003) Decisionarium - Aiding Decisions Negotiating and Collecting Opinions on the Web, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Vol. 12, No. 2-3, 2003, pp. 101-110. PowerPoint-Presentation
P[KET03]A. Kettunen (2003) Connecting methane fluxes to vegetation cover and water table fluctuations at microsite level: a modeling study Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2003, 1051.
P[LAH03]R. Lahdelma and H. Hakonen (2003) An Efficient Linear Programming Algorithm for Combined Heat and Power Production European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 148, Issue 1, 1 July 2003, Pages 141-151.
P[LAI03]P. Laininen and R.P. Hämäläinen (2003) Analyzing AHP-matrices by Regression European Journal of Operational Research, 148, 2003, pp. 514-524.
P[MAT03]V. Mattila, K. Virtanen, and T. Raivio (2003) A Simulation Model for Aircraft Maintenance in an Uncertain Operational Environment Proceedings of the 17th European Simulation Multiconference (ESM2003), D. Al-Dabass (ed.), Nottingham, England, 9.-11.6.2003, pp. 456-461. Slides
P[PIN03]P-O. Pineau and P. Murto (2003) An Oligopolistic Investment Model of the Finnish Electricity Market Annals of Operations Research, Volume 121, Issue 1, 2003, pp. 123-148
P[SAA03]E. Saarinen and S. Slotte (2003) Philosophical Lecturing as a Philosophical Practice Practical Philosophy, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2003, pp. 7-23.
P[SAL03a]A. Salo, C. Cuhls (2003) Technology Foresight—Past and Future Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 22, 2003, pp. 79-82.
P[SAL03b]A. Salo, T. Gustafsson and R. Ramanathan (2003) Multicriteria Methods for Technology Foresight Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 22, No. 2-3, March-April 2003, pp. 235-256.
P[SOR03]J. Sorsa, M-L. Siikonen and H. Ehtamo (2003) Optimal Control of Double-Deck Elevator Group Using Genetic Algorithm International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2003, pp. 103-114.
P[VIR03]K. Virtanen, T. Raivio and R.P. Hämäläinen (2003) Influence Diagram Modeling of Decision Making in a Dynamic Game Setting Proc. of the 1st Bayesian Modeling Applications Workshop of the 19th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Acapulco, Mexico, August 7, 2003. Slides


P[EHT02]H. Ehtamo, M. Kitti and R.P. Hämäläinen (2002) Recent Studies on Incentive Design Problems in Game Theory and Management Science Optimal Control and Differential Games, Essays in Honor of Steffen Jorgensen (ed. Georges Zaccour), Chapter 8, Springer 2002, pp. 121-134.
P[GRE02]B. Greer, H. Hakonen, R. Lahdelma and R. Miikkulainen (2002) Numerical Optimization with Neuroevolution in: Proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'02, Honolulu, HI), 361-401, Piscataway, NJ, IEEE.
P[HÄM02]R.P. Hämäläinen and J. Mäntysaari (2002) Dynamic Multi-Objective Heating Optimization European Journal of Operational Research, 142, 2002, pp. 1-15.
P[MER02]H-L. Merenti-Välimäki and P. Laininen (2002) Analysing Effects of Meteorological Variables on Weather Codes by Logistic Regression Meteorol. Appl. 9, 2002, 191-197.
P[MUR02]P. Murto and J. Keppo (2002) A Game Model of Irreversible Investment under Uncertainty International Game Theory Review, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2002, pp. 127-140.
P[NII02]I. Niiniluoto and E. Saarinen (2002) Philosophy in the state of change - an introduction to modern philosophy In: Modern Philosophy, I. Niiniluoto and E. Saarinen (eds.), WSOY publisher, Juva 2002, pp. 13-43.
P[RAI02a]T. Raivio and H. Ehtamo (2002) Discretization Nonlinear and Bilevel Programming in Pursuit-Evasion Games, Game Theory and Applications, Vol. VII, 2002.
P[RAI02b]T. Raivio and J. Ranta (2002) Optimal Missile Avoidance Trajectory Synthesis in the Endgame Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference 2002, Monterey, California, USA, August 5-8, 2002.
P[SAA02]E. Saarinen (2002) Phenomenology and existentialism In: Modern Philosophy, I. Niiniluoto and E. Saarinen (eds.), WSOY publisher, Juva 2002, pp. 215-260.
P[SAL02]A. Salo and J.-P. Salmenkaita (2002) Embedded Foresight in RTD Programmes International Journal ofTechnology, Policy and Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2002, pp. 167-193.
P[SAM02]J-P. Salmenkaita and A. Salo (2002) Rationales for Government Intervention in the Commercialization of New Technologies Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 14, No. 2, June 2002, pp. 183-200.
P[VIR02]K. Virtanen, T. Raivio and R.P. Hämäläinen (2002) An Influence Diagram Approach to One-on-One Air Combat Proc. of the 10th International Symposium on Differential Games and Applications, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 8-11, 2002, Vol. 2, pp. 859-864. PowerPoint-Presentation


P[EHT01a]H. Ehtamo, E. Kettunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (2001) Searching for Joint Gains in Multi-Party Negotiations European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 130, No. 1, February 2001, pp. 54-69.
P[EHT01b]H. Ehtamo and T. Raivio (2001) On Applied Nonlinear and Bilevel Programming for Pursuit-Evasion Games Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 108, No. 1, January 2001, pp. 65-96.
P[EHT01c]H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (2001) Interactive Multiple-Criteria Methods fo Reaching Pareto Optimal Agreements in Negoatiations Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 10, No. 6, November 2001, pp. 475-491.
P[GUS01]J. Gustafsson, A. Salo and T. Gustafsson (2001) PRIME Decisions - An Interactive Tool for Value Tree Analysis Proc. of the Fifteenth International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Ankara, Turkey, July 10-14, 2000, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Murat Köksalan and Stanley Zionts (eds.), 507, 2001, pp. 165-176.
P[HÄM01a]R.P. Hämäläinen, E. Kettunen, M. Marttunen and H. Ehtamo (2001) Evaluating a Framework for Multi-Stakeholder Decision Support in Water Resources Management Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 331-353, 2001. PowerPoint-Presentation
P[HÄM01b]R.P. Hämäläinen (2001) Decisionarium - Global Support for Group Decisions and Negotiations Proceedings of Group Decision & Negotiation 2001, F. Ackermann, G-J. de Vreede (eds.), La Rochelle, France, June 4-7, 2001, pp. 127-133.
P[HÄM01c]R.P. Hämäläinen and J. Mäntysaari (2001) A Dynamic Interval Goal Programming Approach to the Regulation of a Lake-River System Journal of Multicriteria Decision Analysis, Vol. 10, Issue 2, March-April 2001, pp. 75-86.
P[HEI01]P. Heiskanen, H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (2001) Constraint Proposal Method for Computing Pareto Solutions in Multi-Party Negotiations European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 133, No 1, August 2001, pp. 44-61.
P[KET01]A. Kettunen (2001) The Short-Term Carbon Dioxide Exchange and Environmental Factors in a Boreal Fen Congress in Dublin 1998, pp. 1446-1450, W.D. Williams (ed.), Verhandlung Int. Ver.Limnol., Vol 27, Part 3, 2001, 561 pages.
P[KOR01]A. Korhonen (2001) Strategic Financial Management in a Multinational Financial Conglomerate: A Multiple Goal Stochastic Programming Approach European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 128, No. 2, January 2001, pp. 418-434.
P[LAH01]R. Lahdelma and P. Salminen (2001) SMAA-2: Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis for Group Decision Making Operations Research Vol. 49, No. 3, 2001, pp.444-454.
P[LIN01]M.R.K. Lindstedt, R.P. Hämäläinen and J. Mustajoki (2001) Using Intervals for Global Sensitivity Analyses in Multiattribute Value Trees Proc. of the Fifteenth International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Ankara, Turkey, July 10-14, 2000, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Murat Köksalan and Stanley Zionts (eds.), 507, 2001, pp. 177-186. PowerPoint-Presentation
P[MAK01]S. Makkonen and R. Lahdelma (2001) Analysis of Power Pools in the Deregulated Energy Market through Simulation Decision Support Systems, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2001, pp. 289-301.
P[MER01]H-L. Merenti-Välimäki, J. Lönnqvist and P. Laininen (2001) Present Weather: Comparing the Human Observation and One Type of Automated Sensor Meteorol. Appl., 8, 2001, pp. 491-496.
P[MUS01]J. Mustajoki, R.P. Hamalainen and K. Sinkko (2001) Interactive Computer Support in Decision Conferencing: The Case of Nuclear Emergency Management Proceedings of Group Decision & Negotiation 2001, F. Ackermann, G-J. de Vreede (eds.), La Rochelle, France, June 4-7, 2001, pp. 279-284.
P[PÖY01a]M. Pöyhönen and R.P. Hämäläinen (2001) On the Convergence of Multiattribute Weighting Methods European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 129, No. 3, March 2001, pp. 569-585.
P[PÖY01b]M. Pöyhönen, H.C.J. Vrolijk and R.P. Hämäläinen (2001) Behavioral and Procedural Consequences of Structural Variation in Value Trees European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 134/1, 2001, pp. 218-227.
P[RAI01a]T. Raivio, E. Kuumola, V.A. Mattila, K. Virtanen and R.P. Hämäläinen (2001) A Simulation Model for Military Aircraft Maintenance and Availability Proceedings of the Modelling and Simulation 2001, E.J.H. Kerckhoffs and M. Snorek (eds.), 15th European Simulation Multiconference (ESM2001), Prague, Czech, 6.-9.6.2001, pp. 190-194, Slides
P[RAI01b]T. Raivio (2001) Capture Set Computation of an Optimally Guide Missile Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 24, no. 6, 2001, 1167-1175.
P[RAM01]R.Ramanathan (2001) Comparative Risk Assessment of Energy Supply Technologies: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach Energy - The International Journal, Vol. 26, 2001, pp. 197-203.
P[SAL01a]A. Salo (2001) Incentives in technology foresight International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 21, Nos. 7-8, 2001, pp. 694-710.
P[SAL01b]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (2001) Preference Ratios in Multiattribute Evaluation (PRIME) - Elicitation and Decision Procedures under Incomplete Information IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 31, No. 6, November 2001, pp. 533-545. Tables
P[SAL01c]A. Salo and O. Kuusi (2001) Developments in Parliamentary Technology Assessment in Finland Science and Public Policy, Vol. 28, No. 6, 2001, pp. 453-464.
P[SEP01]J. Seppälä and R.P. Hämäläinen (2001) On the Meaning of the Distance-to-Target Weighting Method in Life Cycle Impact Assessment International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2001, pp. 211-218.
P[VIR01a]K. Virtanen, T. Raivio and R.P. Hämäläinen (2001) Modeling Pilot's Sequential Maneuvering Decisions by a Multistage Influence Diagram Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Control, and Navigation Conference, CD, Montreal, Canada, August 6-9, 2001. Slides
P[VIR01b]K. Virtanen, R.P. Hämäläinen and V. Mattila (2001) Team Optimal Signaling Strategies in Air Combat Proceedings of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference, Tucson, Arizona, USA, October 7-10, 2001, CD, Session 61, 2001, pp. 2075-2080. Slides


P[BJO00]T. Bjorndal, V. Kaitala, M. Lindroos and G.R. Munro (2000) The Management of High Seas Fisheries Annals of Operations Research-Special Issue on Natural Resources, Vol. 94, Number 1-4, 2000, pp. 183-196.
P[HÄM00a]R.P. Hämäläinen, M. Lindstedt and K. Sinkko (2000) Multi-attribute risk analysis in nuclear emergency management Risk Analysis, Vol. 20 no. 4, 2000. pp. 455-468 PowerPoint-Presentation
P[HÄM00b]R.P. Hämäläinen, J. Mäntysaari, J. Ruusunen and P-O. Pineau (2000) Cooperative consumers in a deregulated electricity market - Dynamic consumption strategies and price coordination Energy - The International Journal, 25, 2000. pp.857-875
P[HÄM00c]R.P. Hämäläinen and A. Kettunen (2000) Stability of Fourier Coefficients in Relation to Changes in Respiratory Air Flow Patterns Medical Engineering and Physics, Vol. 22, No. 10, December 2000, pp. 733-739.
P[HOF00]J. Hoffren and T. Raivio (2000) Optimal maneuvering after engine failure Proceedings of the AIAA Atmospheric Flight Conference, Denver, Colorado, August 14-17, 2000. pp. 277-287
P[HOK00]J. Hokkanen, R. Lahdelma and P. Salminen (2000) Multicriteria Decision Support in a Technology Competition for Cleaning Polluted Soil in Helsinki Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 60, No. 4, 2000, pp. 339-348.
P[KAI00]V. Kaitala, J. Ylikarjula and M. Heino (2000) Non-unique population dynamics: Basic patterns Ecological Modelling, Vol. 135, 2000, pp. 127-134.
P[KET00]A. Kettunen, V. Kaitala, J. Alm, J. Silvola, H. Nykänen and P.J. Martikainen (2000) Predicting Variations in Methane Emissions from Boreal Peatlands through Regression Models Boreal Environment Research Vol. 5 (nro 2), 2000. pp. 115-131
P[LAH00a]R. Lahdelma, P. Salminen, A. Simonen and J. Hokkanen (2000) Choosing a reparation method for a landfill by a multicriteria method Paper submitted to discussion, 51st meeting of the European Working Group Multicriteria Aid for Decision, 30-31 March 2000, Madrid, Spain.
P[LAH00b]R. Lahdelma, P. Salminen and J. Hokkanen (2000) Using Multicriteria Methods in Environmental Planning and Management Environmental Management, Vol. 26, No. 6, 2000, pp. 595-605.
P[MUS00]J. Mustajoki and R.P.Hämäläinen (2000) Web-HIPRE: Global decision support by value tree and AHP analysis INFOR, Vol. 38, no. 3, Aug. 2000, pp. 208-220.
P[PIN00]P-O. Pineau and R.P. Hämäläinen (2000) A perspective on the restructuring of the Finnish electricity market Energy Policy, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2000, pp. 181-192.
P[PÖY00]M. Pöyhönen and R.P. Hämäläinen (2000) There is hope in attribute weighting INFOR, Vol. 38, no. 3, Aug. 2000, pp. 272-282.
P[RAI00a]T. Raivio and H. Ehtamo (2000) On numerical solution of a class of pursuit-evasion games Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games, Vol. 5, 2000, pp. 177-192.
P[RAI00b]T. Raivio (2000) On dynamic pursuit-evasion games and optimal strategies In: Hyötyniemi, H., ed., Feedback to the Future, Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society, Espoo, Finland, pp. 109-122, 2001.
P[RAI00c]T. Raivio and H. Ehtamo (2000) Visual Aircraft Identification as a Pursuit-Evasion Game Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 23 No. 4, 2000 pp. 701-708
P[TOU00]S. Touzeau, M. Lindroos, V. Kaitala and J. Ylikarjula (2000) Stock Dynamics and Risk Analysis of the Norwegian Spring-Spawning Herring Fishery Annals of Operations Research-Special Issue on natural Resources, Vol. 94, Number 1-4, 2000, pp. 197-217.
[PYLI00]J. Ylikarjula, S. Alaja, J. Laakso and D. Tesar (2000) Effects of patch number and dispersal patterns on population dynamics and synchrony Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 207, 2000, pp. 377-387.


P[EHT99a]H. Ehtamo, R.P. Hämäläinen, P. Heiskanen, J. Teich, M. Verkama and S. Zionts (1999) Generating Pareto solutions in two-party negotiations by adjusting artificial constraints Management Science, Vol. 45, No. 12, December 1999, pp. 1697-1709.
P[EHT99b]H. Ehtamo, M. Verkama and R.P. Hämäläinen (1999) How to select fair improving directions in a negotiation model over continuous issues IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part C: Applications and Reviews, Vol. 29, No. 1, February 1999, pp. 26-33.
P[HÄM99a]R.P. Hämäläinen, E. Kettunen, M. Marttunen and H. Ehtamo (1999) Towards decision and negotiation support in multi-stakeholder development of lake regulation policy Proc. of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Computer Society Press, Hawaii, January 5-8, 1999.
P[HÄM99b]R.P. Hämäläinen, J. Mäntysaari, J. Ruusunen and P-O. Pineau (1999) Consumption strategies and tariff coordination for cooperative consumers in a deregulated electricity market Proc. of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Computer Society Press, Hawaii, January 5-8, 1999. (Slides )
P[HÄM99c]R.P. Hämäläinen, M. Lindstedt and K. Sinkko (1999) On the benefits of multiattribute risk analysis in nuclear emergency management in VALDOR-VALues in Decision On Risk, K. Andersson (ed.), Stockholm, Sweden 1999, pp. 197-208.
P[HEI99]P. Heiskanen (1999) Decentralized method for computing Pareto solutions in multiparty negotiations European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 117, No. 3, 1999, pp. 578-590.
P[HOK99a]J. Hokkanen, R. Lahdelma, P. Salminen (1999) A multiple criteria decision model for analyzing and choosing among different development patterns for the Helsinki cargo harbour Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 33, 1999, pp. 1-23.
P[HOK99b]Hokkanen J., Lahdelma R., Salminen P. (1999) Selecting a Region for a Waste Treatment Facility Using Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis with Ordinal Data Paper submitted to discussion, 49th meeting of the European Working Group Multicriteria Aid for Decision, 18-19 March 1999, Milano/Como, Italy.
P[KAI99a]V. Kaitala, J. Ylikarjula and M. Heino (1999) Dynamic complexities in host-parasitoid interaction Journal of Theoretical Biology, 197, 1999, pp. 331-341.
P[KAI99b]V. Kaitala and M. Lindroos (1999) When to Sign an Environmental Agreement: The Case of High Seas Fisheries Bergen, May 19-21. Proceedings from the Conference on the Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (T. Bjørndal, G. Munro and R. Arnason eds.), and the U.N. Agreement, Centre for Fisheries Economics, Papers on Fisheries Economics No. 39/2000, Bergen.
P[KÄM99]O. Kämäräinen, V. Ek, K. Nieminen and S. Ruuth (1999) A generalized resource constrained production scheduling problems: An evolutionary algorithm approach Proc. of the EUROGEN'99 - Short Course on Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science (Eds. K. Miettinen, M.M. Mäkelä and J. Toivanen), May 30 - June 3, 1999, Jyväskylä, pp. 87-94.
P[KET99]A. Kettunen, V. Kaitala, A. Lehtinen, A. Lohila, J. Alm, J. Silvola and P.J. Martikainen (1999) Methane production and oxidation potentials in relation to water table fluctuations in two boreal mires Soil Biology and Biochemistry Vol. 31 No. 12, 1999, pp. 1741-1749.
P[LAI99]P.Laininen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1999) Analyzing AHP-matrices by robust regression 5th International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (ISAHP'99), August 12-14, 1999, Kobe, Japan.
P[LIN99]M. Lindroos (1999) Sharing the benefits of cooperation in the Norwegian Spring-Spawning herring fishery Bergen, May 19-21. Proceedings of the Conference on the Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (T. Bjørndal, G. Munro and R. Arnason eds.), and the U.N. Agreement, Centre for Fisheries Economics, Papers on Fisheries Economics No. 39/2000, Bergen.
P[MAR99]M. Marttunen, E.A. Järvinen, J. Saukkonen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1999) Regulation of Lake Päijänne - a learning process preceding decision-making Finnish Journal of Water Economy, No. 6, 1999, pp. 29-37. (in Finnish)
P[MIE99]P. Miettinen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1999) Indexes for fixed and flexible environmental target setting - A decision analytical perspective International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 12, 2/3, 1999, pp. 147-164.
P[MUS99]J. Mustajoki and R.P. Hämäläinen (1999) Web-HIPRE - A Java applet for AHP and value tree analysis 5th International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (ISAHP'99), August 12-14, 1999, Kobe, Japan.
P[SAL99]A. Salo and T. Käkölä (1999) A groupware architecture for requirements processes in new product development Proc. of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Computer Society Press, Hawaii, January 5-8, 1999.
P[VIR99a]K. Virtanen, H. Ehtamo, T. Raivio and R.P. Hämäläinen (1999) VIATO - Visual Interactive Aircraft Trajectory Optimization IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, Vol. 29, No. 3, 1999, pp. 409-421.
P[VIR99b]K. Virtanen, T. Raivio and R.P. Hämäläinen (1999) Decision theoretical approach to pilot simulation Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 36, No. 4, 1999 pp. 632-641. Slides
P[YLI99]J. Ylikarjula, M. Heino and U. Dieckmann (1999) Ecology and adaptation of stunted growth in fish Evolutionary Ecology, Vol. 13, No. 5, 1999, pp. 433-453.


P[EHT98]H. Ehtamo and T. Raivio (1998) A feasible direction method for saddle point problems Proc. of the 8th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, July 5-8, 1998, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 1998, pp. 184-188.
P[FRE98]S. French, L. Simpson, E. Atherton, V. Belton, R. Dawes, W. Edwards, R.P. Hämäläinen, O. Larichev, F. Lootsma, A. Pearman and C. Vlek (1998) Problem formulation for multi-criteria decision analysis: Report of a workshop Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 7, 1998, pp. 242-262.
P[HÄM98]R.P. Hämäläinen and J. Mäntysaari (1998) Interactive spreadsheet modelling of regulation strategies for a lake-river system Proceedings of the 17th IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control, Grindelwald, Switzerland, February 18-20, 1998, pp. 181-184.
P[HOK98]J. Hokkanen, R. Lahdelma, K. Miettinen and P. Salminen (1998) Determining the implementation order of a general plan by using a multicriteria method Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 7, 1998, pp. 273-284.
P[KAI98a]V. Kaitala and Marko Lindroos (1998) Sharing the benefits of cooperation in high seas fisheries: A characteristic function game approach Natural Resource Modeling - Special Issue on Environmental Games, Vol. 11, Issue 4, 1998.
P[KAI98b]V. Kaitala and M. Pohjola (1998) Acid rain and international environmental aid: Transboundary air pollution between Finland Russia and Estonia, Game Theory and the Environment, Nick Hanley and Henk Folmer (eds.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK, 1998, pp. 84-97.
P[KET98]A. Kettunen (1998) The dependence of photosynthesis and respiration rates on environmental factors in different microsites from a boreal oligotrophic pine fen Extended abstract, Proceedings of The spirits of peatlands, IPS, Jyväskylä, September 7-9, 1998, pp. 234-236.
P[LAH98]R. Lahdelma, J. Hokkanen, P. Salminen (1998) SMAA - Stochastic multiobjective acceptability analysis European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 106, Issue 1, 1998, pp. 137-143.
P[PÖY98]M. Pöyhönen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1998) Notes on the weighting biases in value trees Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Vol. 11, 1998, pp. 139-150.
P[RAI98]T. Raivio, K. Virtanen, H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1998) Microcomputer simulation of optimal flight paths Proc. of the EUROSIM'98 Simulation Congress (ed. K. Juslin), April 14-15, 1998, Espoo, Finland, Vol. 2, pp. 288-289.
P[SAL98]P. Salminen, J. Hokkanen and R. Lahdelma (1998) Comparing multicriteria methods in the context of environmental problems European Journal of Operational Research, 104, 1998, pp. 485-496.
P[SAL98a]A. Salo and T. Käkölä (1998) Requirements for Groupware-Supported Requirements Processes in New Product Development Proc. of Fourth International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (R E F S Q '98), June 8-11, 1998, Pisa, Italy.
P[VIR98a]K. Virtanen, T. Raivio and R.P. Hämäläinen (1998) A decision analytic approach to flight simulation Proc. of the EUROSIM'98 Simulation Congress (ed. K. Juslin), April 14-15, 1998, Espoo, Finland, Vol. 2, pp. 292-293.
P[VIR98b]K. Virtanen, T. Raivio and R.P. Hämäläinen (1998) Modeling pilot decision making by an influence diagram AIAA Modeling & Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit, Boston, MA, USA, August 10-12, 1998, pp. 447-457. Slides


P[EHT97]H. Ehtamo, M. Verkama and R.P. Hämäläinen (1997) How to select fair improving directions in a negotiation model over continuous issues Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 12-15, Orlando, Florida, USA, Vol. 4, 1997, pp. 3466-3471.
P[GREN97]I.-M. Gren and V. Kaitala (1997) Supervising skill information and violation of environmental regulations International Review of Law and Economics, 17, 1997, pp. 395-407.
P[HÄM97a]R.P. Hämäläinen and A. Salo (1997) The issue is understanding the weights Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Vol. 6, 1997, pp. 340-343.
P[HÄM97b]R.P. Hämäläinen, E. Kettunen and H. Ehtamo (1997) Game modeling and coordination processes for two-level multi-agent systems Proceedings of the Sixteenth IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control, Innsbruck, Austria, February 17-19, 1997, pp. 234-240.
P[HEI97a]M. Heino and V. Kaitala (1997) Should ecological factors affect the ageat-maturity in freshwater clams Evolutionary Ecology, 11, pp. 67-81, 1997.
P[HEI97b]M. Heino, V. Kaitala, E. Ranta and J. Lindström (1997) Synchronous dynamics and rates of extinction in spatially structured populations Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences 264, 1997, pp. 481-486.
P[HEI97c]M. Heino, H. Metz and V. Kaitala (1997) Evolution of mixed maturation strategies in semelparous life-histories: the crucial role of dimensionality of feedback environment Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 352, 1997, pp. 1647-1655.
P[HEI97d]M. Heino, V. Kaitala and E. Ranta (1997) Spatial synchrony in population dynamics and the risk of species extinction - a review pp. 8-19 in Tiit Teder (ed.), Metapopulatsioonide teooria, Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus, Tartu (Estonia), 1997.
P[HEI97e]M. Heino and V. Kaitala (1997) Evolutionary consequences of density dependence on optimal maturity in animals with indeterminate growth Journal of Biological Systems, 5, 1997, pp. 181-190.
P[KAI97a]V. Kaitala, T. Mappes and H. Ylönen (1997) Delayed female reproduction in equilibrium and chaotic populations Evolutionary Ecology, 11, pp. 105-126, 1997.
P[KAI97b]V. Kaitala, M. Heino and W.M. Getz (1997) Host-parasite dynamics and the evolution of host immunity and parasite fecundity strategies Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 59, 427-450, 1997.
P[KAI97c]V. Kaitala and G. Munro (1997) The conservation and management of high seas fishery resources under the new Law of the Sea Natural Resource Modeling, 10, 1997, pp. 87-108.
P[KAI97d]V. Kaitala, J. Ylikarjula, E. Ranta and P. Lundberg (1997) Population dynamics and the colour of environmental noise Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences, 264, 1997, pp. 943-948.
P[KAI97e]V. Kaitala (1997) Delayed maturity and reproductive gaps in fluctuating populations Journal of Biological Systems 5, 1997, pp. 191-201.
P[KAI97f]V. Kaitala, P. Lundberg, J. Ripa and J. Ylikarjula (1997) Red blue and green - Dyeing population dynamics, Annales Zoologici Fennici, 34, 1997
P[MÄN97]J. Mäntysaari and R.P. Hämäläinen (1997) Prototyping customized DSS with a spreadsheet program - the power agents system Journal of Decision Systems, Vol. 6(4), 1997, pp. 391-402.
P[MIE97]P. Miettinen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1997) How to benefit from decision analysis in environmental life cycle assessment European Journal of Operational Research, 102, 1997, pp. 279-294. PowerPoint-Presentation
P[PÖY97]M. Pöyhönen, R.P. Hämäläinen and A. A. Salo (1997) An experiment on the numerical modeling of verbal ratio statements Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Vol. 6, 1997, pp. 1-10.
P[RAI97]T. Raivio and H. Ehtamo (1997) Applying Nonlinear Programming to a Complex Pursuit-Evasion Problem Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 12-15, Orlando, Florida, USA, Vol. 2, 1997, pp. 1548-1551.
P[RAN97a]E. Ranta, J. Lindström, V. Kaitala, H. Kokko, E. Helle and H. Linden (1997) Solar activity and hare dynamics - A cross-continental comparison American Naturalist, 149, 1997, pp. 765-775.
P[RAN97b]E. Ranta, V. Kaitala, J. Lindström and E. Helle (1997) Moran effect and synchrony in population dynamics Oikos, 78, 1997, pp. 136-142.
P[RAN97c]E. Ranta, V. Kaitala and J. Lindström (1997) External disturbances and population dynamics Annales Zoologici Fennici, 34, 1997, pp. 127-132.
P[RAN97d]E. Ranta, V. Kaitala and J. Lindström (1997) Dynamics of Canadian lynx populations in space and time Ecography, 20, 1997, pp. 454-460.
P[RAN97e]E. Ranta, V. Kaitala and J. Lindström (1997) Spatial dynamics of populations - In: J. Bascompte and J.V. Sole (eds): Modeling Spatiotemporal Dynamics in Ecology, R.G. Landes Company, Austin, USA, 1997, pp. 47-62.
P[RAN97f]E. Ranta and V. Kaitala (1997) Traveling waves in vole population dynamics Nature, 390, 1997, pp. 456.
P[RAN97g]E. Ranta and V. Kaitala (1997) The spatial dimension of population fluctuations Science, 278, 1997, pp. 1621-1623.
P[RÄS97]M. Räsänen, J. Ruusunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1997) Optimal tariff design under consumer self-selection Energy Economics, 19, 1997, pp. 151-167.
P[SAL97]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1997) On the measurement of preferences in the analytic hierarchy process Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Vol. 6, 1997, pp. 309-319.
P[SAL97b]A. Salo (1997) Groupware-Assisted Requirements Assessment Proc. of the Third IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE'97), January 6-10, 1997, Annapolis, Maryland.
P[VIR97]K. Virtanen, H. Ehtamo, T. Raivio and R.P. Hämäläinen (1997) VIATO - Visual Interactive Aircraft Trajectory Optimization to be presented in the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 12-15, Orlando, Florida, USA, Vol. 3, 1997, pp. 2280-2285.


P[BUN96]D.W. Bunn and A.A. Salo (1996) Adjustment of Forecasts with Model Consistent Expectations International Journal of Forecasting, 12, 1996, pp. 163-170.
P[EHT96a]H. Ehtamo, M. Verkama and R.P. Hämäläinen (1996) On distributed computation of Pareto solutions for two decision makers IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 26, No. 4, July 1996, pp. 498-503.
P[EHT96b]H. Ehtamo, M. Verkama and R.P. Hämäläinen (1996) Successive proposals: An approach to the computation and enforcement of efficient agreements Proc. of the XIth International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Coimbra, Portugal, 1996, João Climaco (Edit.) Springer 1997 pp. 356-365.
P[EHT96c]H. Ehtamo and K. Virtanen (1996) Interactive aircraft trajectory optimization and simulation Proc. of the European Simulation Multiconference, Budapest, June 1996, pp. 150-154.
P[EHT96d]H. Ehtamo and J. Ruusunen (1996) An axiomatic bargaining approach for sharing divisible doods in: Multidisciplinary Views on Strategic Interactions, Matti Wiberg (ed.), University of Turku, Department of Political Science, Studies on Political Science, No. 14, 1996, pp. 85-98
P[HÄM96a]R.P. Hämäläinen and O. Leikola (1996) Spontaneous decision conferencing with top-level politicians OR Insight, Vol. 9, Issue 1, 1996, pp. 24-28.
P[HÄM96b]R.P. Hämäläinen and M. Pöyhönen (1996) On-line group decision support by preference programming in traffic planning Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 5, 1996, pp. 485-500.
P[HÄM96c]R.P. Hämäläinen (1996) Agent-based modeling of an electricity distribution system Proc. of the IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control, Innsbruck, Austria, February 19-21, 1996, pp. 344-346.
P[HÄM96d]R.P. Hämäläinen (1996) Tools for supporting strategic energy policy decisions Proc. of the IAEA Advisory Group Meeting on the Development of Decision Aiding Tools for Incorporation into the Agency's Planning Methodologies, Vienna, Austria February 20-22, 1996. (to appear)
P[HEI96]M. Heino and V. Kaitala (1996) Optimal resource allocation between growth and reproduction in clams: why does indeterminate growth exist Functional Ecology, 10, 1996, pp. 245-251.
P[KAI96a]V. Kaitala, E. Ranta and J. Lindström (1996) Cyclic population dynamics and random perturbations Journal of Animal Ecology, 65, 1996, pp. 249-251.
P[KAI96b]V. Kaitala and E. Ranta (1996) Red/blue chaotic power spectra Nature 381, 1996, pp. 198-199.
P[KAI96c]V. Kaitala, E. Ranta and J. Lindström (1996) External perturbations and cyclic dynamics in stable populations Annales Zoologici Fennici, 33, 1996, pp. 275-282.
P[KAI96d]V. Kaitala and M. Heino (1996) Complex nonunique dynamics in ecological interactions Proc. of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences, 263, 1996, pp. 1011-1015.
P[KET96a]A. Kettunen, J. J. Hämäläinen, K. Sjöholm and K. Pietilä (1996) A model for the prediction of b-glucanase activity and b-glucan concentration during mashing Journal of Food ENg, 1996, 29, pp. 185-200.
P[KET96b]A. Kettunen, V. Kaitala, J. Alm, J. Silvola, H. Nykänen and P.J. Martikainen (1996) Cross-correlation analysis of the methane emission dynamics in a boreal peatland Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 1996, 10, pp. 457-471.
P[LAH96a]R. Lahdelma, J. Hokkanen, P. Salminen (1996) SMAA - Stochastic multiobjective acceptability analysis; proc 43èmes Journées du Groupe de Travail Européen “Aide Multicritère à la Décision”, Télécom Bretangne, March 21.-22, Brest, 1996, 7 pp.
P[LAH96b]R. Lahdelma, S. Makkonen (1996) Interactive Graphical Object-Oriented Energy Modelling and Optimization; proc ECOS’96 Stockholm June 24.-28., 1996, pp. 425-431.
P[LAH96c]R. Lahdelma, J. Hokkanen, P. Salminen (1996) Stochastic Multi-objective Acceptability Analysis for Development of Helsinki Harbour; proc NOON-to-NOON Seminar on Decision Science and Applications, Åbo Academy University, December 12.-13., Turku 1995, pp. 57-75.
P[RAI96a]T. Raivio, H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1996) Aircraft trajectory optimization using nonlinear programming Proc. of the 17th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, July 10-14, 1995, Prague, Czech Republic, (J. Dolezal and Jiri Fidler, eds.) Chapman & Hall, 1996, pp. 435-441.
P[RAI96b]T. Raivio, H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1996) Simulating the worst case rediction error of system trajectories Proc. of the European Simulation Multiconference, Budapest, June 1996, pp. 299-303.
P[RAI96c]T. Raivio, H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1996) A decomposition method for a class of pursuit-evasion games Proc. of the 7th International Symposium on Differential Games and Applications, Kanagawa, Japan, December 16-18, 1996, Vol. 2, pp. 784-795.
P[RÄS96]M. Räsänen, J. Ruusunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1996) Object oriented modeling software for electric load analysis and simulation Simulation, Vol. 66, No. 5, 1996, pp. 275-288.
P[SAL96a]A.A. Salo (1996) Tighter Estimates for the Posteriors of Imprecise Prior and Conditional Probabilities IEEE Transactions in Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 26, No. 6, 1996, pp. 820-825.
P[SAL96b]A.A. Salo (1996) On Fuzzy Ratio Comparisons in Hierarchical Decision Models Fuzzy Set and Systems, Vol. 84, 1996, pp. 21-32.
P[VER96a]M. Verkama and P. Heiskanen (1996) Comment on a decision support approach for negotiation: Software vs methodology, European Journal of Operational Research, 96, 1996, pp. 202-204.
P[VER96b]M. Verkama, H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1996) Distributed computation of Pareto solutions in N-player games Mathematical Programming, 74, 1996, pp. 29-45.
P[VER96c]M. Verkama (1996) Random relaxation of fixed point iteration SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1996, pp. 906-912.


P[EHT95a]H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1995) Credibility of linear equilibrium strategies in a discrete time fishery management game Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1995, pp. 27-37.
P[EHT95b]H. Ehtamo and J. Ruusunen (1995) Contracting in dynamic games Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1995, pp. 59-69.
P[EHT95c]H. Ehtamo and J. Ruusunen (1995) On independence of irrelevant alternatives and dynamic programming in dynamic bargaining games in: New Trends in Dynamic Games and Applications, G. J. Olsder (ed.), Birkhäuser, Boston, 1995, pp. 395-408.
P[EHT95d]H. Ehtamo, M. Verkama and R.P. Hämäläinen (1995) How to select fair improving directions in a negotiation model over continuous issues Proc. of the Decision Sciences Institute 1995 Annual Meeting, November 20-22, Boston, Massachusetts, Vol. 2, 1995, pp. 549-551
P[ELM95a]S. El-Mahgary (1995) Data envelopment analysis - a basic glossary OR Insight, Vol. 8, Issue 4, October-December 1995, pp. 15-22.
P[ELM95b]S. El-Mahgary and R. Lahdelma (1995) Data envelopment analysis: Visualizing the results European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 83, 1995, pp. 700-710.
P[HÄM95a]R.P. Hämäläinen (1995) Introduction to the special issue on dynamic game modeling in bargaining and environmental negotiations Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1995, pp. 5-7.
P[HÄM95b]R.P. Hämäläinen and A. Kettunen (1995) On the capability of the fourier approximation to describe breathing patterns Journal of Biological Systems, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1995, pp. 633-643.
P[HÄM95c]R.P. Hämäläinen and O. Leikola (1995) Spontaneous decision conferencing in parliamentary negotiations Proc. of the 27th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, IEEE Computer Society Press, Hawaii, January 4-7, Vol. IV, 1995, pp. 290-299.
P[HÄM95d]R.P. Hämäläinen and J. Parantainen (1995) Load analysis by agent-based simulation of the electricity distribution system Proc. of the 2nd IFAC Symposium on Control of Power Plants and Power Systems, SIPOWER'95, Cancun, Mexico, December 6-8, 1995, Vol.I, pp. 213-217.
P[HÄM95e]R.P. Hämäläinen, E. Kettunen and M. Verkama (1995) Communities of reactive agents - a game theoretic approach Publications of the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society, E. Hyvönen and J.Seppänen (eds.) Artificial Life SymposiumSäätytalo Helsinki 1995 pp 181-187. (in Finnish)
P[JAA95a]J. Jaakkola and P. Miettinen (1995) Type of ventilation system in office buildings and sick building syndrome American Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 141, 1995, pp. 755-765.
P[JAA95b]J. Jaakkola and P. Miettinen (1995) Ventilation rate in office buildings and sick building syndrome Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 52, 1995, pp. 709-714.
P[KAI95a]V. Kaitala, K.-G. Mäler and H. Tulkens (1995) The acid rain game as a resource allocation process with an application to the international cooperation among Finland Russia, and Estonia, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 97(2), 1995, pp. 325-343.
P[KAI95b]V. Kaitala and W.M. Getz (1995) Population dynamics and harvesting of semelparous species with phenotypic and genotypic variability in reproductive age Journal of Mathematical Biology 33, 1995, pp. 521-556.
P[KAI95c]V. Kaitala and G.R. Munro (1995) The economic management of high seas fishery resources: Some game theory aspects in C. Carraro and J. A. Filar (eds.), Annals of the International Society of Dynamics Games: Control and Game-Theoretic Models of the Environment, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1995, pp. 299-318.
P[KAI95d]V. Kaitala and M. Pohjola (1995) Sustainable international agreements on green house warming - A game theory study in C. Carraro and J. A. Filar (eds.), Annals of the International Society of Dynamics Games: Control and Game-Theoretic Models of the Environment, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1995, pp. 67-87.
P[KAI95e]V. Kaitala and G.R. Munro (1995) The management of transboundary resources and property rights systems: The case of fisheries In S Hanna and M. Munasinghe, Property rights and the environment. Social and ecological issues, The Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics and the World Bank, Washington, 1995, pp. 69-83.
P[KAK95]U. Kakko, T. Karttinen and J. Ruusunen (1995) A new model for the optimization of the power system at Imatran Voima Proc. of the Nineteenth IEEE Power Industry Computer Applications Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, May 7-12, 1995, pp. 33-39.
P[KET95a]A. Kettunen and V. Kaitala (1995) Modelling of methane emissions from boreal peatlands in "Northern peatlands in global climatic change" Publications of the Academy of Finland, Proceedings of the International Workshop, Hyytiälä, Finland, 8-12 October 1995, pp. 277-281.
P[KET95b]A. Kettunen, V. Kaitala, J. Alm, J. Silvola, H. Nykänen and P.J. Martikainen (1995) Regression models for predicting methane emissions from boreal peatlands in "Environmental research in Finland today" Microbiological Publications, Proceedings of Second Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences, Helsinki, 16-17 November 1995, pp. 265-268.
P[LAH95]R. Lahdelma, T. Pennanen and S. Ruuth (1995) Comparison of algorithms for solving large network flow problems Proc. of the 14th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, ed. M.H. Hamza, February 20-22, IGLS, Austria, 1995, pp. 309-311.
P[LIN95]L. Linnanen, T. Boström and P. Miettinen (1995) Life cycle management: Integrated approach towards corporate environment issues Business Strategy and the Environmental, Vol. 4, 1995, pp. 117-127.
P[LND95]J. Lindström, E. Ranta, V. Kaitala and H. Lindén (1995) The clockwork of Finnish tetraonid population dynamics Oikos 74, 1995 pp. 185-194.
P[MAR95]M. Marttunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1995) Decision analysis interviews in environmental impact assessment European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 87, No. 3, 1995, pp. 551-563.
P[MUR95]A. Murgu and R. Lahdelma (1995) Tracking statistics in communications traffic control usin a genetic algorithm Proc. of the INWGA - 1st Nordic Workshop on Genetic Algorithms, January 9-12, Univ. of Vaasa, 1995, pp. 241-257.
P[NOV95]A. Novak, V. Kaitala and G. Feichtinger (1995) Resource leasing and optimal periodic capita investments ZOR - Methods and Models of Operations Research: Theory 42, 1995, pp. 47-67.
P[RAN95]E. Ranta, V. Kaitala, J. Lindström and H. Linden (1995) Synchrony in population dynamics Proc. of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences 262, 1995, pp. 113-118.
P[RÄS95a]M. Räsänen, J. Ruusunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1995) Customer level analysis of dynamic pricing experiments using consumption-pattern models Energy, Vol. 20, No. 9, 1995, pp. 897-906.
P[RÄS95b]M. Räsänen, J. Ruusunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1995) Identification of consumers' price responses in the dynamic pricing of electricity Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, Vol 2, October 22-25, 1995, pp. 1182-1187.
P[SAL95a]A. Salo (1995) Interactive decision aiding for group decision support European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 84, 1995, pp. 134-149.
P[SAL95b]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1995) Preference programming through approximate ratio comparisons European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 82, Issue 3, 1995, pp. 458-475.
P[SAL95c]A.A. Salo and D.W. Bunn (1995) Decomposition in the Assessment of Judgemental Probability Forecasts Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 49, 1995, pp. 13-25.
P[SAL95d]A.A. Salo and M. Weber (1995) Ambiguity Aversion in First-Price Sealed-Bid Auctions Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol. 11, No. 2, 1995, pp. 123-137.
P[TAK95]J. Takala, O. Martikainen and J. Ruusunen (1995) Customer value creation in value added telecommunications services in: Intelligent Networks, Proc. of the IFIP Workshop on Intelligent Networks 1994, J. Harju, T. Karttunen and O. Martikainen (eds.), Chapman & Hall, London, 1995, pp. 208-224.
P[TOI95]J. Toivanen, R. Mäkinen and R. Lahdelma (1995) The reconstruction of an airfoil in 2D potential flow using a genetic algorithm on a parallel computer Proc. of the INWGA - 1st Nordic Workshop on Genetic Algorithms, January 9-12, Univ. of Vaasa, 1995, pp.229-240.


P[BUS94]V. Bushenkov, V. Kaitala, A. Lotov and M. Pohjola (1994) Desicion and negotiation support for transboundary air pollution control between Finland Russia and Estonia, Finnish Economic Papers 7, 1994, pp. 69-80.
P[EHT94]H. Ehtamo, T. Raivio and R.P. Hämäläinen (1994) A method to generate trajectories for minimum time climb Proc. of the Sixth International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, St-Jovite, Canada, July 13-15, 1994, pp. 175-183.
P[HÄM94]R.P. Hämäläinen and E. Kettunen (1994) On-line group decision support by HIPRE 3+ Group Link Proc. of the 3rd International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Washington, D.C., July 11-13, 1994, pp. 547-557.
P[HIL94]M. Hildén, V. Kaitala and G. Leitmann (1994) Stabilizing management and structural development of open-access fisherias in: Advances in Dynamic Games and Applications 1, T. Basar and A. Haurie (eds.), Birkhauser, 1994, pp. 318-338.
P[LAH94]R. Lahdelma (1994) An object-oriented mathematical modelling system Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Mathematics and Computing in Engineering Series No. 66, Helsinki 1994.
P[LIN94]L. Linnanen, T. Boström and P. Miettinen (1994) Environmental management -Life cycle concept in business operations Weilin+Göös, Economic series, Juva, 1994, 252 p. (in Finnish)
P[MAR94]M. Marttunen ja R.P. Hämäläinen (1994) Decision analysis interviews in environmental impact assessment Vesitalous, No. 3, 1994, pp. 11-17. (in Finnish)
P[RÄS94]M. Räsänen, R.P. Hämäläinen and J. Ruusunen (1994) Visual interactive modeling in electric load analysis Proc. of the IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC'94), Grindelwald, Switzerland, February 21-23, 1994, pp. 339-342.
P[RUU94a]J. Ruusunen (1994) Barter contracts in intertemporal energy exchange European Journal of Operational Research 75, 1994, pp. 589-599.
P[RUU94b]J. Ruusunen (1994) On barter contracts in electricity exchange in: Advances in Dynamic Games and Applications, T. Basar and A. Haurie (eds.), Birkhäuser, Boston Basel, 1994, pp. 375-385.
P[TAM94]E. Tamminen (1994) On sufficient conditions for the existence of multipliers and lagrangian duality in abstract optimization problems Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 82, No. 1, July 1994.
P[VER94]M. Verkama, R.P. Hämäläinen and H. Ehtamo (1994) Modeling and computational analysis of reactive behavior in organizations in: Computational Organization Theory, K. M. Carley and M. J. Prietula (eds.), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, 1994, pp.


P[BUN93]D. W. Bunn and A. Salo (1993) Forecasting with scenarios European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 68, 1993, pp. 291-303.
P[EHT93a]H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1993) A cooperative incentive equilibrium for a resource management problem Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1993, pp. 659-678.
P[EHT93b]H. Ehtamo, M. Verkama and R.P. Hämäläinen (1993) On distributed computation of Pareto solutions in a duopoly Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Le Touquet, France, October 17-20, 1993, Vol 1, pp. 197-202.
P[GET93]W.M. Getz and V. Kaitala (1993) Ecogenetic analysis and evolutionary stable strategies in harvested populations in: R. Law, J.M. McGlade and T.K. Stokes (eds.), The Exploitation of Evolving Resources, Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Vol. 99, 1993.
P[HÄM93a]R.P. Hämäläinen and R. Karjalainen (1993) Aiding a group of experts in strategic energy risk analysis Proc. of the 16th Int. Conference of the IAEE, Bali Indonesia 27. - 29.7.1993, Vol. 1, pp. 5/25-5/33.
P[HÄM93b]R.P. Hämäläinen and A. Kettunen (1993) How to describe breathing patterns: A comparisons of optimal control modelling and the fourier transformation Proc. 2nd European Conference on Mathematics Applied to Biology and Medicine, Lyon, December 15-18, 1993.
P[KAI93a]V. Kaitala (1993) Equilibria in a stochastic resource management game under imperfect information European Journal of Operations Research 71, 1993, pp. 439-453.
P[KAI93b]A. Kaitala, V. Kaitala and P. Lundberg (1993) A theory of partial migration The American Naturalist, 142, 1993, pp. 59-81.
P[KOL93]T. Koljonen, J.J. Hämäläinen, K. Sjöholm, A. Kettunen and K. Pietilä (1993) Simulation of the degradation of starch and b-glucans during mashing Proceedings of European Brewery Convention, 24th Congress, Oslo, Norway, 1993, pp.525-532.
P[LAH93]R. Lahdelma and S. Ruuth (1993) A modified benders decomposition algorithm for solving large scale unit commitment problems Proc. of the 16th IFIP Conference on Systems Modelling and Optimization, Compiegne, France, July 5-9, Vol. 1, 1993, pp.185-188.
P[SAL93]A. Salo (1993) Inconsistency analysis by approximately specified priorities Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 17, No. 4/5, 1993, pp. 123-133.
P[TAH93]O. Tahvonen, V. Kaitala and M. Pohjola (1993) A Finnish - Soviet acid rain game: Noncooperative equilibria cost efficiency and sulphur agreements, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Vol. 24, 1993, pp. 87-100.


P[EHT92a]H. Ehtamo, M. Verkama and R.P. Hämäläinen (1992) On contracting under incomplete information using linear proposals Proc. of the Fifth International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, Switzerland, 1992.
P[EHT92b]H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1992) On the credibility on linear equilibrium strategies in discrete time fishery management games Proc. of the Fifth International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, Switzerland, 1992.
P[GET92]W.M. Getz, V. Kaitala and F.L.W. Ratnieks (1992) Invasion of sibmating genes in diploid and haplodiploid populations Evolutionary Ecology Vol. 6, 1992.
P[HÄM92a]R.P. Hämäläinen, R. Karjalainen (1992) Decision support for risk analysis in energy policy European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 56, No. 2, January 1992, pp. 172-183.
P[HÄM92b]R.P. Hämäläinen, A. Salo and K. Pöysti (1992) Observations about consensus seeking in a multiple criteria environment Proc. of the Twenty-Fifth Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Hawaii, Vol. IV, January 1992, pp. 190-198.
P[HÄM92c]R.P. Hämäläinen (1992) Decision analysis makes its way into environmental policy in Finland OR/MS Today, June 1992, pp. 40-43.
P[HÄM92d]R.P. Hämäläinen (1992) Tools for decision technology in engineering management Engineering Management, The IEEE Engineering Management Society Newsletter, Vol. 42, No. 3, July 1992.
P[HÄM92e]R.P. Hämäläinen (1992) Optimal control analysis of the breathing pattern by using the WBREPAT computer software in: Control of Breathing and its Modelling Perspective, Y. Honda, Y Miyamoto, K. Konno and J.G: Widdicombe (eds.), Plenum Press 1992, New York, pp. 393-396.
P[KAI92a]V. Kaitala, G. Feichtinger and A. Novak (1992) Stable resource - employment limit cycles in an optimally regulated fishery in G. Feichtinger (ed.), Dynamic Economic Models and Optimal Control, North-Holland, 1992, pp. 163-184.
P[KAI92b]V. Kaitala, M. Hildén and G. Leitmann (1992) Income subsidizing and fisheries development -An analysis of stabilizing management in: G. Feichtinger (ed.), Dynamic Economic Models and Optimal Control, North-Holland, 1992, pp. 189-203.
P[KAI92c]V. Kaitala, M. Pohjola and O. Tahvonen (1992) Transboundary air pollution and soil acidification: A dynamic analysis of an acid rain game between Finland and the USSR Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 2, 1992, pp. 161-181.
P[KAI92d]V. Kaitala, M. Pohjola and O. Tahvonen (1992) An economic analysis of transboundary air pollution between Finland and the Soviet Union Scandinavian Journal of Economics Vol. 94, 1992, pp. 409-424.
P[KAI92e]V. Kaitala and W.M. Getz (1992) Sex ratio genetics and the competitiveness of parasitic wasps Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 54, 1992, pp. 295-311.
P[KAI92f]V. Kaitala (1992) (Book review) An Introduction to game-theoretic modeling by M Mesterson-Gibbons (Redwood City, Addisson-Wesley 1992), Natural Resource Modeling 6, 1992, pp. 333-335.
P[KAR92]I. Karanta and J. Ruusunen (1992) Modelling the temperature factor in short-term electrical load forecasting Preprints of the IFAC Symposium on Control of Power Plants and Power Systems, Munich, Germany, March 9-11, 1992, pp. 53-55.
P[KOL92]T. Koljonen, A. Kettunen, K. Sjöholm, K. Pietilä and J.J. Hämäläinen (1992) Simulation of enzyme kinetics during malt mashing - a new parameter estimation method Proceedings of First IEEE Conference on Control Applications, IEEE Catalog No:92CH3000-7, 1992, pp.90-95.
P[LAH92]R. Lahdelma (1992) Optimizing energy management system for steel industry Proc. of Workshop on Advances in Methodology and Software in DSS, IIASA, 1992.
P[LAU92]P. Lautala, H. Antila, S. Ruuth and R. Lahdelma (1992) Decomposition technique and coordination of optimal energy production Proc. of the 15th IFIP Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, September 2-6, 1991, ed. P. Kall; Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 180, Part II, Springer-Verlag, 1992, pp. 418-419.
P[RUU92]J. Ruusunen (1992) Intertemporal electricity exchange through barter Automatica, Vol. 28, No. 1, 1992, pp. 203-207.
P[SAL92a]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1992) Preference assessment by imprecise ratio statements Operations Research, Vol. 40, No. 6, November-December 1992, pp. 1053-1061.
P[SAL92b]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1992) Processing interval judgments in the analytic hierarchy process in: A. Goicoechea, L. Duckstein and S. Zionts (eds.), Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992, pp. 359-372.
P[VER92]M. Verkama, R.P. Hämäläinen and H. Ehtamo (1992) Multi-agent interaction processes: From oligopoly theory to decentralized artificial intelligence Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1992, pp. 137-159.


P[EHT91]H. Ehtamo, J. Ruusunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1991) On intertemporal cooperation -a dynamic stochastic problem with nonadditive group utility function in: Dynamic Games in Economic Analysis, R.P. Hämäläinen and H. Ehtamo (eds.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 157, Springer-Verlag, 1991, pp. 88-94.
P[HÄJ91]J.J. Hämäläinen (1991) Optimal arterial resistance for normal and failing hearth Proc. Annu. Int. Conf. of the IEEE, Eng. in Medic. and Biol. Soc., Vol. 13(5), Orlando, Florida, pp. 2046-2048, 1991.
P[HÄM91a]R.P. Hämäläinen (1991) Facts or values - how do parliamentarians and experts see nuclear power? Energy Policy, Vol. 19, No. 5, June 1991, pp. 464-472.
P[HÄM91b]R.P. Hämäläinen and H. Ehtamo (eds.) (1991) Differential games - development in modelling and computation Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 156, Springer Verlag, May 1991.
P[HÄM91c]R.P. Hämäläinen and H. Ehtamo (eds.) (1991) Dynamic Games in Economic Analysis Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 157, Springer Verlag, May 1991.
P[HÄM91d]R.P. Hämäläinen (1991) Decision analysis in the evaluation of the noncommensurable effects Environment, Resources and Decision Making, R. Levinnen and L. Ylä-Mononen (eds.), Union of Environmental Specialists, 1991, pp. 78-85.
P[HIL91]M. Hildén and V. Kaitala (1991) Comprehensive sensitivity analysis of a bioeconomic stock-recruitment model Ecological Modelling, 54, 1991, pp. 37-57.
P[KAI91a]V. Kaitala (1991) Maximizing yield in some fluctuating fisheries in: R. Arnason and T. Bjorndal (eds.), Essays on the Economics of Migratory Fish Stocks, Studies in Contemporary Economics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1991, pp. 41-54.
P[KAI91b]V. Kaitala and G. Leitmann (1991) Stabilizing management of fluctuating resources ZOR - Methods and Models of Operations Research 35, 1991, pp. 351-364.
P[KAI91c]V. Kaitala and G. Leitmann and S. Pandey (1991) Robust aircraft take-off control: A comparison of aircraft performance under different windshear conditions in: R.P. Hämäläinen and H. Ehtamo (eds.), Differential games - development in modelling and computation, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 156, pp. 235-244, 1991.
P[KAI91d]V. Kaitala and G. Leitmann and S. Pandey (1991) Aircraft control for take-off in windshear Dynamics and Control, 1, 1991, pp. 239-252.
P[KAI91e]V. Kaitala, M. Pohjola and O. Tahvonen (1991) Transboundary air pollution between Finland and the USSR - A Dynamic acid rain game in: R.P. Hämäläinen and H. Ehtamo (eds.), Dynamic Games in Economic Analysis, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 152, 1991, pp. 183-192.
P[LAH91a]R. Lahdelma (1991) Object-oriented modelling in MME Proceedings of Applied Mathematical Modelling (APMOD 91), January 14-16, London, 1991.
P[LAH91b]R. Lahdelma and S. Ruuth (1991) Object-oriented modelling of energy management in steel industry Proceedings of Applied Mathematical Modelling (APMOD 91), January 14-16, London, 1991.
P[LAH91c]R. Lahdelma, S. Ruuth and R. Holm (1991) LPR - An educational linear programming system with rational arithmetics Proc. 6th European Seminar on Mathematics in Engineering Education, April 10-13, Budapest, 1991, pp. 86-94.
P[LAH91d]R. Lahdelma, S. Ruuth and R. Holm (1991) SIM2 - an Object-oriented Pascal-based Simulation Environment, Proceedings of European Simulation Multiconference 91, June 17-19, Copenhagen, 1991.
P[RAN91]E. Ranta and V. Kaitala (1991) School size affects individual feeding success in three spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) Journal of Fish Biology 39, 1991, pp. 733-737.
P[RUT91]S. Ruuth, R. Lahdelma and R. Holm (1991) MME - a rapid modelling and algorithm prototyping environment Proc. of Workshops on Advances in Methodology and Software in Decision Support Systems, M. Makowski and Y. Sawaragi (eds.), IIASA, 1991, pp.94-109.
P[RUU91a]J. Ruusunen, H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1991) Dynamic cooperative electricity exchange in a power pool IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 21, No. 4, July/August 1991, pp. 758-766.
P[RUU91b]J. Ruusunen, R.P. Hämäläinen and M. Räsänen (1991) Game-theoretic modelling in the dynamic pricing of electricity in: Dynamic Games in Economic Analysis, R.P. Hämäläinen and H. Ehtamo (eds.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 157, Springer-Verlag, 1991, pp. 78-87.
P[RUU91c]J. Ruusunen and T. Tiilikainen (1991) Nonfirm electricity exchange between Finland and its neighbouring countries Colloquim Papers, Meeting of Study, Committee SC-39, Power System Operation and Control, Montreal, Canada, September 10-14, 1991, pp. 69-73.
P[SAL91a]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1991) Decision support in an artificial intelligence environment in: Multiple Criteria Decision Support, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, P. Korhonen, A. Lewandowski, and J. Wallenius (eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York, Vol. 356, 1991, pp. 183-190.
P[SAL91b]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1991) Processing interval judgments in the analytic hierarchy process Proc. of the Ninth International Conference: Theory and Applications in Business, Industry and Government, in: Multiple Criteria Decision Making, A. Goicocchea, L. Duckstein and S. Zionts (eds.), Springer-Verlag, New-York, August 1990, Fairfax, Virginia, 1991, pp. 359-371.
P[SAL91c]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1991) Interactive decision support through interval judgments Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process, August 1991, Pittsburgh, USA, pp. 215-226.
P[SAL91d]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1991) Perspectives on decision support and artificial intelligence Proc. of the Ninth IASTED International Symposium on Applied Informatics, February 1991, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 220-223.


P[CAR90]J.R. Cardarelli, F. Gomide, and K. Tarvainen (1990) Large-scale systems with multiple objectives: A negotiation procedure and its application in power systems Preprints of the 11th IFAC World Congress, Tallinn, 1990.
P[HAI90]Y.Y. Haimes, K. Tarvainen, T. Shima and J. Thadathil (1990) Hierarchical multiobjective analysis of large-scale systems Hemisphere publishing corporation, New York, Washington, Philadelphia, London 1990.
P[HÄM90a]R.P. Hämäläinen (1990) A decision aid in the public debate on nuclear power European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 48, No. 1, September 1990, pp. 66-76.
P[HÄM90b]R.P. Hämäläinen (1990) Computer assisted energy policy analysis in the Parliament of Finland Cases and Readings in Management Science, 2nd edition, B. Render, R. M. Stair, Jr. and I. Greenberg (eds.), Allyn & Bacon, Massachusetts 1990 pp. 278-288
P[HÄM90c]R.P. Hämäläinen, J. Ruusunen and V. Kaitala (1990) Cartels and dynamic contracts in sharefishing Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 19, October 1990, pp. 175-192.
P[HYN90]J.E. Hynynen, R. Lahdelma, R.P. Lehtinen (1990) DUKPIE - The BREAD 'n' BUTTER for Intelligent factory scheduling Proc. of the 2nd SIGMAN workshop on Manufacturing Planning and Control, Boston (MA, USA), July 31st, 1990.
P[KAI90a]V. Kaitala (1990) Evolutionary stable migration in salmon - a simulation study of homing and straying Annales Zoologici Fennici (Special Issue "Behaviour of Fish - Ecological Consequences"), Vol. 27, 1990, pp. 131-138.
P[KAI90b]V. Kaitala and G. Leitmann (1990) Stabilizing employment in a fluctuating resource economy Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 67, No 1, 1-16, 1990.
P[KAI90c]V. Kaitala, and M. Pohjola (1990) Economic development and agreeable redistribution in capitalism: Efficient game equilibria in a two-class neoclassic growth model International Economics Review 31, No 2, 421-428, 1990.
P[KAI90d]V. Kaitala, B. Smith and W.M. Getz (1990) Nesting strategies of primitively eusocial bees: A model of nest usurpation during the solitary sage of the nesting cycle Journal of Theoretical Biology 144, 445-471, 1990, 56 pp.
P[SAL90a]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1990) SETELI - The Strategy Expert for Telecommunication Investments IEEE Expert, October 1990 Vol 5 No. 5 pp. 14-22.
P[SAL90b]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1990) Decision support under ambigous preference statements Proc. of the AIRO'90 Annual conference of the Italian OR society, Sorrento, Italy, October 1990, pp. 229-243.
P[VIR90]J. Virkkunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1990) Modelling analysis of some basic hypotheses about the spread of AIDS Simulation, Vol 54, No. 1, January 1990, pp. 21-28.


P[DOC89]E.J. Docker and V. Kaitala (1989) On efficient equilibrium solutions in dynamic games of resource management Resources and Energy 11, 23-34, 1989.
P[EHT89a]H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1989) Incentive strategies and equilibria for dynamic games with delayed information Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 63, No. 3, December 1989, pp. 355-369.
P[EHT89b]H. Ehtamo, J. Ruusunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1989) The computation of the Nash bargaining solution Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 18, No. 1-3, 1989, pp. 189-193.
P[EHT89c]H. Ehtamo, J. Ruusunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1989) A hierarchical approach to bargaining in power pool management IEEE Transactions Automatic Control, Vol. 34, No.6, 1989, pp. 666-669.
P[EHT89d]H. Ehtamo, J. Ruusunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1989) Repeated bargaining under uncertainty in: Differential Games and Applications, T. Basar and P. Bernhard, (eds.) Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 119, 1989, pp. 178-185.
P[EHT89e]H. Ehtamo, J. Ruusunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1989) On a class of cooperative feedback solutions for differential games in: Dynamic Modelling and Control of National Economies 1989, Selected Papers from the 6th IFAC Symposium, Edinburgh, UK, 27-29 June 1989, pp. 33-35.
P[GET89]W.M. Getz and V. Kaitala (1989) Ecogenetic models competition and heteropatry, Theoretical Population Biology 35, 34-58, 1989.
P[HÄJ89]J.J. Hämäläinen (1989) Optimal stroke volume in left-ventricular ejection IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 2, 1989, pp. 172-182.
P[HÄM89a]R.P. Hämäläinen and V. Kaitala (1989) Game theoretic analysis of the management of a divided fishery Proc. The Systems Analysis Approach to Environmental and Natural Resources Management of the Baltic Region, V. Vidal, A.Straszak, and H. Ravn (eds.), IMSOR, Lyngby, Denmark, 1989, pp. 165-176.
P[HÄM89b]R.P. Hämäläinen and R. Karjalainen (1989) Structuring the risks of energy production Proc. International Conference on Multicriteria Decision Making, Bangkok, Thailand, December 6-8, 1989, pp. 677-689.
P[HÄM89c]R.P. Hämäläinen and R. Karjalainen (1989) Two approaches to expert team resolution Proc. IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Cambridge, USA, November 14-17, 1989, pp. 492-493.
P[KAI89a]V. Kaitala (1989) Nonuniqueness of no-memory feedback equilibria in a fishery resource game Automatica 25, 587-592, 1989.
P[KAI89b]V. Kaitala, A. Kaitala and W.M. Getz (1989) Evolutionary stable dispersal of a waterstrider in a temporally and spatially hetetogeneous environment Evolutionary Ecology 3, 283-298, 1989.
P[KAI89c]V. Kaitala and G. Leitmann (1989) Stabilizing management of fishery resources in a fluctuating environment Dynamics and Stability of Systems 4, 95-110, 1989.
P[KAI89d]V. Kaitala and G. Leitmann (1989) Stabilizing management of fishery resources in a fluctuation environment Operations Research Proceedings (German OR Soc. Annual Meeting, Berlin, 1988), pp. 293-299, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. 1989.
P[KAI89e]V. Kaitala and G. Leitmann (1989) Stabilization of employment in an uncertain open-access resource economy Proc. of German OR Soc. Annual Meeting, Kiel, September 1989. 8 pp.
P[KAI89f]V. Kaitala, K. Lindström and E. Ranta (1989) Foraging vigilance and risk of predation in birds - a dynamic game study of ESS, Journal of Theoretical Biology 138, 1989, pp. 329-345.
P[LAH89]R. Lahdelma and S. Ruuth (1989) Solving multiperiod unit commitment problems in energy management Proceedings of AMSE Signals & Systems, Vol. 9 Brighton 1989, pp. 115-125.
P[RUU89a]J. Ruusunen, H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1989) Bargaining with dynamic information Proc. of the Bellman Continuum Workshop 1988, in: Modelling and Control of Systems in Engineering, Quantum Mechanics, Economics and Biosciences (Proceedings of the Bellman Continuum Workshop 1988), A. Blaquiére (ed.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 121, Springer-Verlag, 1989, pp. 349-353.
P[RUU89b]J. Ruusunen, H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1989) Dynamic cooperative electricity exchange in a power pool Proc. IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Cambridge, USA, November 14-17, 1989, pp. 268-273.
P[RUU89c]J. Ruusunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1989) Project selection by an integrated decision aid In the Analytic Hierarchy Process: Applications and Studies, B.L. Golden, E.A. Wasil and P.T. Harker (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1989, pp. 101-121.
P[SAL89]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1989) A modelling and decision aid for supporting telecommunications investments Proc. IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Cambridge, USA, November 14-17, 1989 pp. 115-118.
P[SHI89]T. Shima, K. Tarvainen, Y.Y. Haimes, and K. Sung (1989) Applications of hierarchical overlapping coordination with multiple objectives Information and Decision Technologies 15:33-57, 1989.


P[AIT88]L. Aittoniemi (1988) Basis representations in large-scale linear programming software Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Mathematics and Computer Science Series No. 50, Helsinki, 1988, pp 60.
P[EHT88a]H. Ehtamo, J. Ruusunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1988) The formulation of the Nash bargaining problem as a hierarchical control problem Operations Research Proceedings 1987, eds. H. Schellhaas et.al., Springer-Verlag, 1988, pp. 526-533.
P[EHT88b]H. Ehtamo, J. Ruusunen, V. Kaitala and R.P. Hämäläinen (1988) Solution for a dynamic bargaining problem with an application to resource management Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 59, No 3, December 1988, pp. 391-405.
P[GET88]W.M. Getz and V. Kaitala (1988) Ecogenetic models and chaotic competition in the absense of coexistence equilibria the Seventh Pacific Coast Resource Modeling Conference, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, June 15-17, 1988.
P[HÄM88a]R.P. Hämäläinen (1988) Computer assisted energy policy analysis in the Parliament of Finland Interfaces, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1988, pp. 12-23.
P[HÄM88b]R.P. Hämäläinen and R. Karjalainen (1988) NETPRE - A decision support system for analyzing preferences in a network setting Proc. of ISAHP - International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process, September 6-9, 1988, Tianjin, China, pp. 626-633.
P[HÄM88c]R.P. Hämäläinen and R. Karjalainen (1988) On the role of software in interactive decision analysis Proc. Multiobjective Problems of Mathematical Programming Conference, Yalta, USSR, October 26 - November 2, 1988, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 351, 1988, pp. 293-303.
P[HAR88]P. Hari, V. Kaitala and R. Salminen (1988) The use of intermittent radiation in studying photosynthesis and transpiration Photosynthetica, 22(2), 1988, pp. 236-239.
P[KAI88a]V. Kaitala and G. Leitmann (1988) Control of uncertain discrete systems: An application in resource management Proc. 27th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Austin, Texas, December 7-9 1988, pp. 497-502.
P[KAI88b]V. Kaitala and M. Pohjola (1988) Optimal recovery of a shared resource stock: A differential game model with efficient memory equilibria Natural Resource Modelling 3, 91-119, 1988.
P[KAR88]I. Karanta (1988) A survey of artificial intelligence education in Finland Proc. Finnish Artificial Intelligence symposium STeP-88, 15.-18.8.1988, vol. 2, pp. 680-686.
P[SAL88a]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1988) Supporting telecommunications planning - The SETELI case Proc. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Symposium (STeP-88), 15.-18.8.1988, Vol. 1 pp. 160-166.
P[SAL88b]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1988) Supporting telecommunications planning - The SETELI Case Proc. of the RACE Main Workshop on Techno-Economic Tools, Analysis Limited, Cambridge v.v. June 1988, pp. 294-298.


P[EHT87]H. Ehtamo, J. Ruusunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1987) On the computation of the Nash bargaining solution with an energy management example Proc. 26th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, CA, 1987, pp. 263-266.
P[HÄJ87]J.J. Hämäläinen (1987) On the optimality of stroke volume in left ventricular ejection Automedica, Vol 9, No. 1-3, 1987, p. 257.
P[HÄM87]R.P. Hämäläinen (1987) Respiratory system: Optimal control in: Systems & Control Encyclopedia, ed. M.G. Singh, Pergamon Press 1987, pp. 4062-4066.
P[KAI87a]V. Kaitala and M. Pohjola (1987) Optimal recovery of a shared resource stock Optimization Days 1987, Montreal, May 13-15, 1987.
P[KAI87b]V. Kaitala and M. Pohjola (1987) Economic growth and income redistribution Proc. 26th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, CA, December 9-11, 1987, pp. 267-270.
P[PÖY87a]P. Pöyhönen and R. Lahdelma (1987) Multimodel reasoning in DX 200 digital switching system diagnosis International Switching Symposium -87 proceedings, Phoenix 1987.
P[PÖY87b]P. Pöyhönen and R. Lahdelma (1987) DXScope: Multimodel reasoning in DX 200 digital switching system diagnosis Discovery, Vol 8, March 1987.
P[VAS87]P. Vasara, K. Tarvainen, R.P. Hämäläinen and E. Tunkelo (1987) MESTOR: A systems for the multiobjective optimization of the exploitation of arctic hydrocarbon finds Arctic Construction Group, Finn-Stroi, Lohja, Partek, 1987, pp. 1-46.


P[AHO86]A. Ahonen, L. Aittoniemi, H. Apiola and S. Ruuth (1986) On the efficient use of architecture of a small computer for lp-algorithms European Journal of Operation Research, 24, No. 1, 1986, pp. 4-11.
P[EHT86a]H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1986) On affine incentives for dynamic decision problems in: T. Basar (ed.), Dynamic Games and Applications in Economics, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 265, 1986, pp. 47-63.
P[EHT86b]H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1986) On incentive design for dynamic decision problems Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 10, 1986, pp. 41-43.
P[EIR86]T. Eirola and V. Kaitala (1986) On the existence of overtaking trajectories Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 49, 1986, pp. 227-237.
P[HÄJ86a]J.J. Hämäläinen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1986) Energy cost minimization in left ventricular ejection: An optimal control model Journal of Applied Physiology, Modeling Methodology Forum, Vol. 61, 1986, pp. 1972-1979.
P[HÄJ86b]J.J. Hämäläinen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1986) On the optimality of left ventricular ejection Acta Univ. Oulu A179, Proceedings of the Fifth National Meeting on Biophysics and Biotechnology, Oulu, Finland, Oct. 9-10, 1986, pp. 167-170.
P[HÄM86a]R.P. Hämäläinen, J. Ruusunen and V. Kaitala (1986) Myopic Stackelberg equilibria and social coordination in a share contract fishery Marine Resource Economics Vol. 3, No. 3, 1986, pp. 209-235.
P[HÄM86b]R.P. Hämäläinen, T.O. Seppäläinen and J. Ruusunen (1986) A microcomputer-based decision support tool and its application to a complex energy decision problem Proc. 17th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 1986, pp. 494-502.
P[HÄM86c]R.P. Hämäläinen and T.O. Seppäläinen (1986) The analytic network process in energy policy planning Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 6, 1986, pp. 399-405.
P[KAI86]V. Kaitala (1986) Game theory models of fisheries management - a survey in: T. Basar (ed.) Dynamic Games and Applications on Economics, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Springer-Verlag, 1986, pp. 252-266.
P[LAH86]R. Lahdelma and P. Pöyhönen (1986) Hybrid representation of knowledge Proc. Second Finnish Conf. of Artificial Intelligence, M. Karjalainen, J. Seppänen and M. Tamminen (eds.), Vol. 2, Espoo 1986, pp. 141-148.
P[PÖY86]P. Pöyhönen and R. Lahdelma (1986) There is more than backward chaining in a high quality diagnostic expert system Proc. Second Finnish Conf. of Artificial Intelligence, M. Karjalainen, J. Seppänen and M. Tamminen (eds.), Vol. 2, Espoo 1986, pp. 101-107.
P[TAR86]K. Tarvainen (1986) On the generating of Pareto optimal alternatives in large scale systems Preprints of the 4th IFAC/IFORS Symposium on Large Scale Systems, 26-29 August 1986, Pergamon Press 1986, pp. 519-524.


P[AIT85]L. Aittoniemi and K. Oehlandt (1985) A note on the Martello-Toth algorithm for unidimensional knapsack problems European Journal of Operational Research 20, No. 1, 1985, pp. 117-124.
P[EER85]A. Eerola (1985) Use and evaluation of forest product market forecasts paper presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Forecasting, Montreal, June 9-12, 1985.
P[EHT85a]H. Ehtamo, R.P. Hämäläinen and V. Kaitala (1985) On incentive solutions for linear-quadratic Stackelberg games Proc. American Control Conference, Boston, Vol. 2, June 19-21, 1985, pp. 1109-1113.
P[EHT85b]H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1985) Construction of optimal affine incentive strategies for linear-quadratic Stackelberg games Proc. 24th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Vol. 2, December 1985, pp. 1093-1098.
P[GOM85]F. Gomide, K. Tarvainen and Y.Y. Haimes (1985) Iterative negotiations on multiple objectives in large scale systems Proc. of the 9th World Congress of the IFAC, Pergamon Press, 1985.
P[HÄM85a]R.P. Hämäläinen, A. Haurie and V. Kaitala (1985) Equilibria and threats in a fishery management game Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Vol. 6, 1985, pp. 315-333.
P[HÄM85b]R.P. Hämäläinen and J.J. Hämäläinen (1985) On the minimum work criterion in optimal control models of left ventricular ejection IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, BME-22, No. 11, 1985, pp. 951-956.
P[HÄM85c]R.P. Hämäläinen, K. Oehlandt, T.O. Seppäläinen and J. Ruusunen (1985) An approach to decision support in national energy policy planning Proc. IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Tucson, USA, 1985, pp. 1008-1012.
P[KAI85a]V. Kaitala, R.P. Hämäläinen and J. Ruusunen (1985) On the analysis of equilibria and bargaining in a fishery game in: Optimal Control Theory and Economic Analysis 2, ed. G. Feichtinger, North-Holland, 1985, pp. 593-606.
P[KAI85b]V. Kaitala and R.P. Hämäläinen (1985) On the role of dynamics and information in international negotiations The case of fishery management, in: Plural Rationality and Interactive Decision Processes, M. Grauer, M. Thompson and A.P. Wierzbicki (eds.), Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Springer-Verlag, 1985, pp. 212-221.
P[VEP85]K. Vepsäläinen, A. Kaitala and V. Kaitala (1985) Reproductive tactics of the waterstrider Gerris thoracicus in unpredictable environments A simulation study, Oikos 45, 1985, pp. 266-272.


P[GOM84]F. Gomide, K. Tarvainen and Y.Y. Haimes (1984) Iterative negotiations on multiple objectives in large scale systems Preprints of the 9th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Budabest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1984.
P[HÄM84a]R.P. Hämäläinen, A. Haurie and V. Kaitala (1984) Bargaining on whales: A differential game model with Pareto optimal equilibria Operations Research Letters, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1984, pp. 5-11.
P[HÄM84b]R.P. Hämäläinen and J.J. Hämäläinen (1984) An optimal control model for left ventricular ejection Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Los Angeles, USA, 1984, p. 275.
P[HÄM84c]R.P. Hämäläinen and A. Sipilä (1984) Optimal control of inspiratory airflow in breathing Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Vol. 5, 1984, pp. 177-191.
P[TAR84]K. Tarvainen (1984) On the implementation of the interactive surrogate worth trade-off (ISWT) method in: Interactive Decision Analysis, eds. Graver and Wierzbicki, Springer, New York, 1984.



M[LAH21]T. Lahtinen (2021) Collecting actionable and value-focused feedback using multi-criteria evaluation — a procedure and an application


M[SCH20]A. von Schantz and H. Ehtamo (2020) Minimizing the evacuation time of a crowd from a complex building using rescue guides arXiv:2007.00509 [physics.soc-ph] (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
M[SCH20a]A. von Schantz, H. Ehtamo and S. Hostikka (2020) Minimization of mean-CVaR evacuation time of a crowd using rescue guides: a scenario-based approach arXiv:2010.03922 [physics.soc-ph] (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)


M[MAN19]A. Mancuso, P. Zebrowski and A. Couce Vieira (2019) Risk-based Selection of Mitigation Strategies for Cybersecurity of Electric Power Systems Risk Analysis (Kalvot)
M[SAL19]A. Salo, J. Andelmin and F. Oliveira (2019) Decision Programming for Multi-Stage Optimization under Uncertainty arXiv (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) (Kalvot)


M[KAN14]J. Kangaspunta and A. Salo (2014) A Resource Allocation Model for Improving the Resilience of Critical Transportation Systems Submitted


M[EHT08]H. Ehtamo, M. Kitti (2008) Osborne's Cartel Maintaining Rule Revisited


M[LEP07]I. Leppänen, R. P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (2007) Intentions and systems intelligence: prospects for complexity research


Varhaisempia julkaisuja


P[HAM81]R.P.Hämäläinen (1981) On the cheating problem in Stackelberg games in: International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 12, No. 6, 1981, pp. 753-770.


P[HAM78a]R.P.Hämäläinen (1978) Recursive algorithms for Nash strategies in two-player difference games in: International Journal of Control, Vol. 27, No. 2, 1978, pp. 229-237.
P[HAM78b]R.P. Hämäläinen (1978) On the role of information in decentralized macro-economic stabilization International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 9, No. 7, 1978, pp. 799-811.


P[HAM77]R.P. Hämäläinen (1977) Difference games with periodic information structures with application to the worst case design of regulators International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. No. 7, 1977, pp. 753-770.


P[HAM76]R.P. Hämäläinen (1976) Optimal controller design by nonlinear and game theoretic methods Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Ma:28, 1976, pp. 3-47. (Doctoral dissertation)

Kokousesitelmät ja ‑kalvot


C[HAM24] (2024) Generating policy alternatives for decision making: A process model, behavioural issues, and an experiment 33rd European Conference on Operational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, 30.6 - 3.7.2024 (Kalvot)


C[HAM22]Raimo P. Hämäläinen (2022) Systems Intelligence (SI) in Management – High Performing Organizations and People Score High in SI Keynote talk in the First Australian Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Sydney December 22, 2022.

(Conference Website)



C[HAM21]R. P. Hämäläinen (2021) We Have the Tools but How to Engage the People? Section Award Talk, GDN Conference Toronto, June 2021, Group Decision and Negotiation Section of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, USA


C[HAM21a]R. P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen and J. Törmänen (2021) Systems Intelligence in Engineering Management IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Singapore/Virtual, 14.12.2021



C[HAM20]Raimo P. Hämäläinen (2020) Path Dependence in Operational Research - How the Modeling Process Can Influence the Results University of Cape Town, 2020. (Kalvot)
C[TOR20]J. Törmänen, R.P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen (2020) Systeemiäly ja oppiva organisaatio 10.11.2020 (Kalvot)


C[HAM19]Raimo P. Hämäläinen (2019) FROM SYSTEMS THINKING TO SYSTEMS INTELLIGENCE- Foregrounding Human Behaviour in the Operations Research Profession Keynote presentation in 19th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, Loughborough, UK, 2019 (Kalvot)
C[HAM19a]R.P. Hämäläinen (2019) Ramsey Medal acceptance talk. INFORMS, Seattle 21.10.2019

(Aalto announcement) (Aalto yliopiston uutinen)

C[HAR19]M. Harju, J. Liesiö and K. Virtanen (2019) Spatial multi-attribute decision analysis with attribute specific spatial weights and incomplete preference information 30th European Conference on Operational Research, Dublin, Ireland, June 23-26, 2019


C[BER18]K. Berg (2018) Computing all the mixed-strategy equilibria in the repeated prisoner?s dilemma The 29th International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook, USA, 16.-20.7.2018
C[HAM18]R.P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen and J. Törmänen (2018) Systems Intelligence - A Core Competence for Next Generation Engineers? Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Wollongkong, Austalia Dec 4.-7.2018 (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) (Kalvot)
C[HAM18b)R.P. Hämäläinen, K. Virtanen and H. Mansikka (2018) Systems intelligence and Situational Awareness Air Power Conference 2018, Finnish National Defence University (Kalvot)
C[LAH18]T.J. Lahtinen, R.P. Hämäläinen (2018) Creating a strategy portfolio for climate change mitigation - A study of behavioral effects (Kalvot)
C[PUN18]A. Punkka and A. Porokka (2018) Development of a flexible multi-objective duty roster planning tool EURO 2018, Valencia, 8.-11.7.2018


C[TOS17]E. Tosoni, A. Salo, E. Zio (2017) Bayesian networks for comprehensive scenario analysis of nuclear waste repositories Society for Risk Analysis Europe Conference 2017 June 19-21, Lisbon, Portugal (Kalvot)
C[HAM17]R.P. Hämäläinen, T.J. Lahtinen and J.H.A. Guillaume (2017) Why pay attention to paths in the practice of environmental modelling? 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Quebec 17. - 21. July 2017 (Kalvot)
C[HAM17]bR.P. Hämäläinen, T.J. Lahtinen (2017) Path Dependence in Operational Research Operations Research Society of South Africa Conference, 2017. (Kalvot)
C[HAM17]cR.P. Hämäläinen (2017) On the importance of behavioral operational research Keynote, Operational Research Society of Taiwan, Taipei, October 14, 2017 (Kalvot)
C[HAM17]dR.P. Hämäläinen (2017) From Systems Thinking to Systems Intelligence - Bringing human behaviour into the focus and Systems Intelligence in group decision making Tamkang University, Taiwan, 13.10.2017 (Kalvot)
C[HAR17]M. Harju, J. Liesiö, and K. Virtanen (2017) Spatial Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis with Incomplete Preference Information 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, 17-21 July 2017, Québec City, Canada (Kalvot)
C[LAH17]T.J. Lahtinen, R.P. Hämäläinen and C. Jenytin (2017) Computational analysis for bias mitigation in multicriteria decision analysis 24th International Conference on Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM 2017), Ottawa, July 10-14, 2017 (Kalvot)
C[LEP17]I. Leppänen, R.P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen and M. Viinikainen (2017) Intrapersonal emotional responses to inquiry and advocacy Group Decision and Negotiation Conference, Hohenheim, 2017 (Kalvot)
C[ROP17]J. Roponen, A. Salo and D. Ríos Insua (2017) Adversarial risk analysis for simulation-based assessment of weapon portfolios Nordic Military OA Conference 2017, 6-7 September 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
C[TOS17]aE. Tosoni, A. Salo, E. Zio (2017) Bayesian networks for scenario analysis of nuclear waste repositories Society for Risk Analysis Nordic Chapter 2017 November 2-3, Espoo, Finland
C[VIL17]E. Vilkkumaa, Y. Hynninen, and A. Salo (2017) A decision-analytic approach for supporting healthcare resource allocation 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, 17-21 July 2017, Québec City, Canada


C[TOS16]E. Tosoni, A. Salo, E. Zio (2016) A Prospective Review of Scenario Analysis of Nuclear Waste Repositories Society for Risk Analysis Europe Conference 2016 June 20-22, Bath, UK (Kalvot)
C[BER16]K. Berg and T. Sandholm (2016) Exclusion Method for Finding Nash Equilibrium in Multiplayer Games 5th World Congress of the Game Theory Society, 24-28 July, 2016, Maastricht, the Netherlands
C[HAM16]R.P. Hämäläinen (2016) From Systems Thinking to Systems Intelligence: Bringing Human Behaviour into the Focus Keynote Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 14.-15.3.2016 (Kalvot)
C[HAM16]bR. P. Hämäläinen (2016) Elämäni mallit ja mallintajat - Ihmisen mallintamisesta ihmiseen mallintajana Farewell event of emeritus professor Raimo P. Hämäläinen, 1.9.2016. (video)
C[HAR16]M. Harju, K. Virtanen, and J. Poropudas (2016) Simulation Metamodeling Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks with Multiple Time Scales 9th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, September 12-16, 2016, Oulu, Finland
C[HAR16]bM. Harju, J. Liesiö, and K. Virtanen (2016) Preference Programming for Spatial Multiattribute Decision Analysis INFORMS Annual Meeting 2016, November 13-16, Nashville, Tennessee, USA (Kalvot)
C[HYN16]Y. Hynninen, E. Vilkkumaa and A. Salo (2016) A Decision-Analytic Approach for the Optimal Allocation of Resources to Diagnostic Testing and Treatment 42nd Conference of the EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services, 24-29 July 2016, Public University of Navarre, Pamplona, Spain
C[KAU16]L. Kauppi (2016) Kokonaisuuksia vai/ja niiden osia Farewell event of emeritus professor Raimo P. Hämäläinen, 1.9.2016. (video)
C[LAH16]T. J. Lahtinen and R. P. Hämäläinen (2016) Path Dependence in Operational Research - How the Modeling Process Can Influence the Results 28th European Conference on Operational Research, 4-6 July 2016, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
C[LAI16]P. Laitila and K. Virtanen (2016) Improving Construction of Conditional Probability Tables for Ranked Nodes in Bayesian Networks 28th European Conference on Operational Research, 4-6 July 2016, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
C[LEP16]I. Leppänen, R.P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen, M. Viinikainen (2016) Psychophysiological correlates of inquiry and advocacy in human interactions 28th European Conference on Operational Research, 4-6 July 2016, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
C[LII16]E. Liikanen (2016) Ajatuksia kasvusta, tuottavuudesta, digitalisaatiosta ja mallintamisesta Farewell event of emeritus professor Raimo P. Hämäläinen, 1.9.2016. (video)
C[PUL16]T. Pulkkinen (2016) Raimo P. Hämäläinen - 50 vuotta Otaniemeä Farewell event of emeritus professor Raimo P. Hämäläinen, 1.9.2016.
C[TOS16]Tosoni E, Salo A and Zio E (2016) A Prospective Review of Scenario Analysis of Nuclear Waste Repositories Society for Risk Analysis Europe Conference 2016
C[VIR16]V. Virasjoki, A. S. Siddiqui, B. Zakeri and A. Salo (2016) Power and Heat Market Model INFORMS Annual Meeting 2016, November 13-16, Nashville, Tennessee, USA


C[AND15]J. Andelmin and E. Bartolini (2015) An exact algorithm for the Green Vehicle Routing Problem 27th European Conference on Operational Research, 12-15 July 2015, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland (Kalvot)
C[EHT15]H. Ehtamo, A. von Schantz and S. Heliövaara (2015) Patient and impatient pedestrians in a spatial game of egress congestion OR2015, Vienna, Austria, Sep. 1-4, 2015
C[HAM15]bR. P. Hämäläinen, T. J. Lahtinen and J. Liesiö (2015) Supporting Environmental Decision Making with Portfolio Decision Analysis 23rd International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making MCDM 2015 - Bridging Disciplines, Hamburg, August 2-7, 2015. (Kalvot)
C[HAM15c]R.P. Hämäläinen (2015) Behavioural issues in environmental modelling - the missing perspective The 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2015), Queensland, Australia, 29.11. - 4.12.2015. (Kalvot)
C[LAH15]T. J. Lahtinen and R. P. Hämäläinen (2015) Path Dependence in Operational Research - An Illustration with the Even Swaps Decision Analysis Method 27th European Conference on Operational Research, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, July 12-15, 2015. (Kalvot)
C[LAH15]bT. J. Lahtinen and R. P. Hämäläinen (2015) Path dependence in systems analysis - The outcome of a problem solving process depends on the path followed Systems Analysis 2015, IIASA, Vienna, December 11-13, 2015. (Kalvot)
C[LEP15]I. Leppänen, R.P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen, M. Viinikainen (2015) Psychophysiological correlates of inquiry and advocacy in human interactions 11th NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference, 17-19 June 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark (Kalvot)
C[ROP15]J. Roponen and A. Salo (2015) Adversarial Risk Analysis for Enhancing Combat Simulation Models Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Society of Military Sciences, 14-15 October 2015, Helsinki, Finland.
C[TOP15]A. Toppila and A. Salo (2015) Binary decision diagrams for computing the non-dominated set 27th European Conference on Operational Research, 12-15 July 2015, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland (Kalvot)
C[VIL15]E. Vilkkumaa, J. Liesiö, and A. Salo (2015) Selecting a portfolio of actions with incomplete and action-dependent scenario probabilities 27th European Conference on Operational Research, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, July 12-15, 2015. (Kalvot)
C[VIL15]bE. Vilkkumaa and T. Seeve (2015) Reasons behind cost overruns: Systematic bias, selection bias, or both? Meeting for young mathematicians in Finland, Aalto University, Espoo, 26-28 August, 2015. (Kalvot)
C[VIR15]V. Virasjoki, P. Rocha, A. S. Siddiqui and A. Salo (2015) Market Impacts of Energy Storage in a Transmission-Constrained Power System 27th European Conference on Operational Research, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, July 12-15, 2015. (Kalvot)
C[WAH15a]B. Wahlström and A. Duchac (2015) The IAEA Safety Principles Applied to NPP Instrumentation and Control 9th International Conference on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control & Human-Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC & HMIT 2015), in Charlotte, North Carolina, February 23-26, 2015.
C[WAH15b]B. Wahlström (2015) Safety Principles and I&C Design 9th International Conference on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control & Human-Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC & HMIT 2015), in Charlotte, North Carolina, February 23-26, 2015.
C[WAH15c]B. Wahlström (2015) Differences between Analog and Digital I&C 9th International Conference on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control & Human-Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC & HMIT 2015), in Charlotte, North Carolina, February 23-26, 2015.


C[BER14]K. Berg and G. Schoenmakers (2014) Mixed-strategy subgame-perfect equilibria in repeated games The 25th International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook, USA, 7.-11.7.2014
C[EHT14]H. Ehtamo, A. von Schantz and S. Heliövaara (2014) Patient and impatient pedestrians in a spatial game of egress congestion INFORMS 2014, San Francisco, Nov. 9-12, 2014
C[EHT14]bH. Ehtamo (2014) Games People Play Systems Analysis Laboratory 30 years anniversary, 20.11.2014. (video) (Kalvot)
C[HAM14]R. P. Hämäläinen (2014) Milestones of Systems Analysis Systems Analysis Laboratory 30 years anniversary, 20.11.2014. (video) (Kalvot)
C[LEP14]I. Leppänen and R.P. Hämäläinen (2014) Emotions in a repeated Cournot game: a psychophysiological experiment 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, 13-18 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain
C[SAA14]E. Saarinen (2014) Systems Intelligence as Life Philosophy Systems Analysis Laboratory 30 years anniversary, 20.11.2014. (video) (Kalvot)
C[SAL14]A.Salo (2014) Understanding Systems of the Future Systems Analysis Laboratory 30 years anniversary, 20.11.2014. (video) (Kalvot)
C[SCH14]A. von Schantz and H. Ehtamo (2014) : Cellular Automaton Evacuation Model Coupled with a Spatial Game The 2014 International Conference on Active Media Technology, 11-14 August, 2014, Warsaw, Poland (Kalvot)
C[SEN14]P. Senge (2014) Systems Thinking for a Better World Systems Analysis Laboratory 30 years anniversary, 20.11.2014. (video)


C[HAM13]R.P. Hämäläinen and T. Lahtinen (2013) Biases and Path Dependency in the Even Swaps Method 22nd International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, 17-21 June, 2013, Malaga, Spain (Kalvot)
C[HAM13b]R.P. Hämäläinen and I. Leppänen (2013) Cheap talk and cooperation in Stackelberg games 8th Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 27-28 September 2013, Stockholm (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
C[HAM13c]R.P. Hämäläinen (2013) On the need for behavioral operations research MODSIM 2013 - 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 1-6 December 2013, Adelaide, Australia (Kalvot)
C[HAM13d]R.P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (2013) Systems Intelligence, The Interactive Brain -seminar in Uunisaari 19.9.2013, Helsinki. (Kalvot)
C[JON13]R. Jones and J. Corner (2013) A Photo Elicitation of Systemic Perception Mykolas Romeris University Research Days 2013: Social Innovations: Theoretical and Practical Insights, October 10-11, 2013 Vilnius, Lithuania (Kalvot)
C[KAN13]J. Kangaspunta and A. Salo (2013) Allocating Resources to Secure the Performance of Complex Networks FORS40 - Finnish Operations Research Society 40th Anniversary Workshop, Lappeenranta, Finland, 20.-21.8.2013
C[LIE13]J. Liesiö and A. Punkka (2013) Modelling Incomplete Information about Baselines in Portfolio Decision Analysis 26th European Conference on Operational Research, Rome 1-4 July, 2013
C[MAT13]V. Mattila and K. Virtanen (2013) Ranking and selection (R&S) with multiple performance measures using incomplete preference information FORS40 - Finnish Operations Research Society 40th Anniversary Workshop, Lappeenranta, Finland, 20.-21.8.2013
C[POR13]J. Poropudas, J. Pousi, and K. Virtanen (2013) Simulation Metamodeling using Bayesian Networks EURO 2012, Vilnius, 8.-11.7.2012
C[POU13]J. Pousi, J. Poropudas, M. Harju, and K. Virtanen (2013) Simulation Metamodeling with Bayesian Networks FORS40 - Finnish Operations Research Society 40th Anniversary Workshop, Lappeenranta, Finland, 20.-21.8.2013
C[PUN13]A. Punkka and A. Salo (2013) Caveats of comparing alternatives' multi-attribute value differences under incomplete preference information EURO/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Rome, Italy, 1.-4.7.2013
C[PUN13b]A. Punkka and A. Salo (2013) Scale dependent and scale independent decision recommendations in value tree analysis under incomplete information FORS40 - Finnish Operations Research Society 40th Anniversary Workshop, Lappeenranta, Finland, 20.-21.8.2013
C[TOR13]J. Törmänen, R.P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (2013) Systems Intelligence Inventory Mykolas Romeris University Research Days 2013: Social Innovations: Theoretical and Practical Insights, October 10-11, 2013 Vilnius, Lithuania
C[VIL13]E. Vilkkumaa, A. Salo, J. Liesiö and A. Siddiqui (2013) Value of flexibility in funding radical innovations 26th European Conference on Operational Research, Rome 1-4 July, 2013 (Kalvot)


C[BER12]K. Berg (2012) Characterization of equilibrium paths in discounted stochastic games The 23rd International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook, USA, 15.-19.7.2012
C[HAM12]R.P. Hämäläinen (2012) On the need for Behavioral Operations Research International Annual Conference of the German OR Society 2012: Energy, Markets and Mobility, Hannover, Germany. September 4-7, 2012. (Kalvot)
C[KAK12]A. Käki and A. Salo (2012) Importance measures in strategic-level EDSI 2012 - 3rd Annual Conference of the European Decision Sciences Institute, Istanbul, Turkey, 24.-27.6.2012 (Kalvot)
C[KAN12]J. Kangaspunta and A. Salo (2012) Monimutkaisten jarjestelmien toimintavarmuuden parantaminen Maanpuolustuksen tieteellisen neuvottelukunnan tutkimusseminaari, Helsinki, 21.11.2012.
C[MAR12]Mika Marttunen, Timo Karjalainen and Raimo P. Hämäläinen (2012) Engaging stakeholders in environmental planning projects by using MCDA approach in Finland GDN 2012 - An International Meeting on Group Decision and Negotiation, Recife, Brazil, 20 - 24 May, 2012 (Kalvot)
C[PUN12]A. Punkka and A. Salo (2012) Caveats of Decision Rules for Comparing Alternatives under Incomplete Preference Information Annual meeting of INFORMS 2012, Phoenix, Arizona, 14.-17.10.2012 (Kalvot)
C[SLO12]Sebastian Slotte and Raimo P. Hämäläinen (2012) Decision Structuring Dialogue GDN 2012 - An International Meeting on Group Decision and Negotiation, Recife, Brazil, 20 - 24 May, 2012 (Kalvot)
C[TOP12]A. Toppila and A. Salo (2012) Prioritizing Failure Events in Fault Tree Analysis Using Interval-valued Probability Estimates 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and The Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference Scandic Marina Congress Center, Helsinki, Finland 25-29 June 2012 (Kalvot)
C[VIL12]aE. Vilkkumaa, J. Liesiö, and A. Salo (2012) Bayesian evaluation and selection strategies in portfolio decision analysis EURO 2012, Vilnius, 8.-11.7.2012 (Kalvot)
C[VIL12]bE. Vilkkumaa, J. Liesiö, and A. Salo (2012) Bayesian evaluation and selection strategies in portfolio decision analysis INFORMS Annual meeting, Phoenix, 14.-17.10. 2012 (Kalvot)


C[BER11]K. Berg and M. Kitti (2011) Computing equilibria in discounted 2x2 supergames 45th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association (CEA), Ottawa, 2.-5.6.2011
C[BER11]bK. Berg, A. Klemettilä, M.A. Uusitalo, C. Wijting (2011) Evaluating the economic impact of cognitive radio with a three-player oligopoly model International Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN) conference, Aachen, Germany, 3.-6.5.2011
C[KAN11]Jussi Kangaspunta and Ahti Salo (2011) Expert Judgments in the Cost-Efficiency Analysis of Technologies MCDM2011 - 21st International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Jyväskylä, Finland, 12.-17.6.2011 (Kalvot)
C[MAT11]Ville Mattila, Kai Virtanen, Raimo P. Hämäläinen (2011) A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Noisy Multi-Objective Optimization MCDM2011 - 21st International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Jyväskylä, Finland, 12.-17.6.2011 (Kalvot)
C[POU11]Jouni Pousi, Jirka Poropudas, Kai Virtanen and Raimo P. Hämäläinen (2011) Utilization of Multi-Criteria Influence Diagrams in Simulation Metamodeling MCDM2011 - 21st International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Jyväskylä, Finland, 12.-17.6.2011 (Kalvot)
C[PUN11]Antti Punkka, Ahti Salo (2011) Ratio-Based Efficiency Analysis 9th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA2011), Thessaloniki, Greece, 24.-27.8.2011 (Kalvot)
C[SAL11]aAhti Salo, Jussi Kangaspunta and Juuso Liesiö (2011) Portfolio Decision Analysis for the Cost-efficiency Evaluation of Weapon Systems INFORMS 2011, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 13.-17.11.2011 (Kalvot)
C[SAL11]bAhti Salo and Yrjänä Hynninen (2011) Ratio-based Efficiency Analysis and Benchmarking of Healthcare Services EWG-DSS/DASIG Paris-2011 Joint Workshop, Paris, France, 30.11.-1.12.2011 (Kalvot)
C[VIR11]Juhani Virkkunen (2011) Elliott 803A aloitti tietokoneajan 50 vuotta sitten Matematiikan ja systeemianalyysin laitos, 16.12.2011 Picture Picture Picture (Slides by Virkkunen) (Slides by Halme)


C[BER10]K. Berg and M. Kitti (2010) Equilibrium paths in discounted supergames The 21st International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook, USA, 12.-16.7.2010
C[HAM10a]Raimo P. Hämäläinen (2010) Decision Analysis Workshops in the Planning of Countermeasures in Nuclear Accidents FORS-seminaari 2010 - Mallintamisella ryhtiä riskienhallintaan, 27.5.2010, Otaniemi, Suomi.
C[HAM10b]Raimo P. Hämäläinen (2010) Tieto, arvot ja mallit päätöksenteossa Tutkijoiden ja kansanedustajien seura TUTKAS, Tutkimustulosten vaikuttavuus poliittisessa päätöksenteossa, Keskustelutilaisuus Eduskunnassa 13.10.2010 (Kalvot)
C[HAM10c]Raimo P. Hämäläinen and Ilkka Leppänen (2010) Evolution of cooperation in Stackelberg games 5th Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 12-13.11.2010, Helsinki, Finland (Kalvot)
C[HEL10]S. Heliövaara and T.Korhonen (2010) Counterflow Model for FDS+Evac Simulations Fifth International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, Gaithersburg, MD USA, 8-10.3.2010. Poster
C[POR10]J. Poropudas (2010) Bayesian networks, influence diagrams, and games in simulation metamodeling Ph.D. Colloquium, Winter Simulation Conference 2010, Baltimore, Maryland, Dec. 3.-5. (Kalvot)
C[PUN10]Antti Punkka and Ahti Salo (2010) Ratio-Based Efficiency Analysis (REA) EURO 2010, Lisbon (Kalvot)
C[RAN10]M.J. Rantanen (2010) Indexicality of Language and the Art of Creating Treasures Proceedings of the CHI 2010, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Atlanta, USA, 10.-15.4.2010.
C[SAL10]Ahti Salo, Juuso Liesiö, Eeva Vilkkumaa (2010) Selecting Better Portfolios Based on Uncertainty-Adjusted Performance Estimates INFORMS 2010, Austin, Texas, USA, 7.-10.11.2010 (Kalvot)
C[SUT10]M. Sutinen, M, Danielson, L. Ekenberg and A. Larsson (2010) Web-based Analytical Decision Support System 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Cairo, Egypt 29.11-1.12.2010
C[VIL10]E. Vilkkumaa, J. Liesiö, and A. Salo (2010) Optimal Revision of Uncertain Estimates in Project Portfolio Selection EURO 2010, Lisbon, 11.-14.7.2010 (Kalvot)


C[BER09]K. Berg and H. Ehtamo (2009) Interpretation of Lagrange multipliers in nonlinear pricing problem INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 11.-14.10.2009. Slides
C[HAM09]Raimo P. Hämäläinen and Otso Ojanen (2009) Multicriteria Interval Goal Optimization in the Regulation of Lake-River Systems Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Hydroinformatics 2009, University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile, 12.-16.1.2009. Slides
C[HAM09a]Raimo P. Hämäläinen (2009) Systems Intelligence for Life Cycle Management - Shifting Focus from Products to People The 4th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2009), Claremont Cape Town South Africa 6.-9.9.2009 (Kalvot)
C[HEL09]S. Heliövaara, H. Ehtamo, T. Korhonen, and S. Hostikka (2009) Best Response Model for Evacuees' Exit Selection INFORMS Annual Meeting San Diego, October 11-14, 2009 Slides
C[KAN09a]Jussi Kangaspunta, Juuso Liesiö and Ahti Salo (2009) Portfolio Analysis in the Cost-Efficiency Evaluation of Weapon Systems 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, Germany, 5.-8.7.2009. (Kalvot)
C[KUU09]J-M. Kuusinen, H. Ehtamo, J. Sorsa and M-L. Siikonen (2009) A New Concept for Passenger Traffic in Elevators INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 11.-14.10.2009. Slides
C[LIE09]Juuso Liesiö, Pekka Mild and Ahti Salo (2009) Supporting Infrastructure Maintenance Project Selection with Robust Portfolio Modelling (RPM) 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, Germany, 5.-8.7.2009. (Kalvot)
C[MAT09]Ville Mattila, Kai Virtanen and Raimo P. Hämäläinen (2009) Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet with Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization 20th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Chengdu/Jiuzhaigou, China, 21-26.6.2009. (Kalvot)
C[POU09]Jouni Pousi, Kai Virtanen and Raimo P. Hämäläinen (2009) Multiple Criteria Optimization and Analysis in the Planning of Effects-Based Operations (EBO) 20th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Chengdu/Jiuzhaigou, China, 21-26.6.2009. (Kalvot)
C[SAL09a]Ahti Salo, Juuso Liesiö and Bert de Reyck (2009) Optimizer's Curse in Project Portfolio Selection 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, Germany, 5.-8.7.2009. (Kalvot)
C[SAL09b]Ahti Salo, Juuso Liesiö and Bert de Reyck (2009) Optimizer's Curse in Project Portfolio Selection Meeting of the working group on Project Management and Scheduling of the German Operations Research Society, Munich, Germany, 13.11.2009. Slides
C[TOP09]Antti Toppila, Ahti Salo and Juuso Liesiö (2009) A Portfolio Model for the Allocation of Resources to Standardization Activities 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, Germany, 5.-8.7.2009. (Kalvot)


C[BER08]K. Berg and H. Ehtamo (2008) Multidimensional Screening: Online Computation and Limited Information 10th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC) 2008, Innsbruck, Austria, 19-22.8.2008. Slides
C[EHT08]H. Ehtamo and K. Berg (2008) Gradient Learning for a Buyer Seller Game INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 12.-15.10.2008. Slides
C[HAM08a]Raimo P. Hämäläinen and Esa Saarinen (2008) Systems Intelligence in Decision and Negotiation support 19th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 7.-12.1.2008. Slides
C[HAM08b]Raimo P. Hämäläinen and Ilkka Leppänen (2008) Sustainability by Self Enforced Co-Operation in Environmental Games Second Workshop on Game Theory in Energy, Resource and Environment, Montreal, Canada, 20-21.11.2008. Slides
C[KAN08a]J. Kangaspunta, A. Salo and J. Liesiö (2008) Portfolio and Scenario Analysis in the Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Weapon Systems 18th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Johannesburg, South Africa, 13-18.7.2008. Slides
C[KAN08b]J. Kangaspunta, J. Liesiö and A. Salo (2008) Portfolio and Scenario Analysis in the Evaluation of Cost-Efficient Weapon Systems 2nd Nordic Military Analysis Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, 17.-18.11.2008. (Kalvot)
C[LIE08]J. Liesiö, A. Salo and A. Toppila (2008) A Portfolio Model for the Allocation of Resources to Standardization Activities INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 12.-15.10.2008.
C[LUO08]Jukka Luoma, Raimo P. Hämäläinen and Esa Saarinen (2008) Acting with systems thinking: complex responsive processes and systems intelligence The Operational Research Society Annual Conference (OR50), York, UK, 9 - 11.9.2008. Slides
C[MAR08]E. Saarinen, R. Hämäläinen, M. Martela and J. Luoma (2008) Systems Intelligence Thinking as Engineering Philosophy Second Annual Workshop on Philosophy and Engineering, The Royal Academy of Engineering, London, 10-12.11.2008. Slides
C[MAT08]V. Mattila, K. Virtanen and T. Raivio (2008) Improving Maintenance Decision-Making in the Finnish Air Force through Simulation INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 12.-15.10.2008. Slides
C[MIL08]P. Mild, A. Salo (2008) Multi-Criteria Tools for Asset Management at the Finnish Road Administration Proceedings of Transport Research Arena Europe 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 21.-24.4.2008. Poster
C[POR08a]J. Poropudas and K. Virtanen (2008) Game Theoretic Approach to Air Combat Simulation INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 12.-15.10.2008. (Kalvot)
C[POR08b]J. Poropudas and K. Virtanen (2008) Games and Bayesian Networks in Air Combat Simulation Analysis 2nd Nordic Military Analysis Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, 17.-18.11.2008. (Kalvot)
C[POU08]J. Pousi, K. Virtanen and R.P. Hämäläinen (2008) Effects-Based Operations as a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Problem INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 12.-15.10.2008. (Kalvot)
C[PUN08]A. Punkka and A. Salo (2008) Rank-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Multiattribute Value Models INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 12.-15.10.2008. (Kalvot)
C[RUO08]M. Ruokokoski, H. Ehtamo, J. Sorsa, M.-L. Siikonen (2008) Elevator Dispatching as Mixed Integer Linear Optimization Problem INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 12.-15.10.2008. Slides
C[SAL08a]A. Salo, A. Toppila and J. Liesiö (2008) A Portfolio Model for the Allocation of Resources to Standardization Activities 18th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Johannesburg, South Africa, 13-18.7.2008.
C[SAL08b]A. Salo, J. Mustajoki and R.P. Hämäläinen (2008) Decision support by interval smart/swing 18th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Johannesburg, South Africa, 13-18.7.2008. Slides
C[SAL08c]A. Salo, R.P. Hämäläinen and J. Mustajoki (2008) Incorporating Incomplete Information in the SMART and SWING Methods INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 12.-15.10.2008. Slides


C[HEL07]S. Heliövaara, H. Ehtamo, T. Korhonen and S. Hostikka (2007) Poistumissimuloinnit palotilanteissa Palotutkimuksen päivät 2007, Helsinki, Finland, 27.-28.8.2007. Slides
C[KET07]J. Kettunen and A. Salo (2007) Dynamic Risk Management of Electricity Contracts with Contingent Portfolio Programming INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, 4.-7.11.2007. (Kalvot)
C[LIE07]J. Liesiö and A. Salo (2007) Determining Cost-Effective Portfolios of Weapon Systems INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, 4.-7.11.2007. (Kalvot)
C[MAT07]V. Mattila and K. Virtanen (2007) Flight Time Allocation for a Fleet of Aircraft through Reinforcement Learning Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, D.C., 9.-12.12.2007. (Kalvot)
C[MIL07]P. Mild and A. Salo (2007) Integrated Multi-Criteria Budgeting for Maintenance and Rehabilitation Policies at the Finnish Road Administration INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, 4.-7.11.2007. (Kalvot)
C[SAL07]A. Salo and A. Punkka (2007) Efficiency and Sensitivity Analyses in the Evaluation of University Departments INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, 4.-7.11.2007. (Kalvot)


C[BRU06]V. Brummer and A. Salo (2006) Robust Portfolio Modeling in the Development of National Research Priorities EURO XXI: "OR for Better Management of Sustainable Development", Reykjavik, Island, 2.-5.7.2006 (Kalvot)
C[HAM06]R.P. Hämäläinen, J. Mustajoki and M. Marttunen (2006) Web-based Decision Support in Water Resources Management The IASTED Conference on Environmentally Sound Technology in Water Resources Management, Gaborone, Botswana, September 11-13, 2006.
C[HAM06b]R.P. Hämäläinen, J. Mustajoki and M. Marttunen (2006) We have the tools - How to attract the people? Creating a culture of Web-based participation in environmental decision making TED 06 - Towards e-Democracy: Participation, Deliberation, Communities, Mantova, Italy, October 24-26, 2006. Slides
C[JAL06]E. Jalonen and A. Salo (2006) RPM-Explorer - A Web-based Tool for Interactive Portfolio Decision Analysis EURO XXI: "OR for Better Management of Sustainable Development", Reykjavik, Island, 2.-5.7.2006 (Kalvot)
C[LIE06]J. Liesiö, P. Mild and A. Salo (2006) Incomplete Cost and Budget Information in Robust Portfolio Modelling (RPM) INFORMS International, Hong Kong, 25.-28.6.2006. (Kalvot)
C[MAT06]V. Mattila and K. Virtanen (2006) Scheduling Periodic Maintenance of Aircraft through Simulation-Based Optimization SIMS2006 - 47th Conference on Simulation and Modelling, Helsinki, Finland, 28.-29.9.2006. (Kalvot)
C[MIL06]P. Mild, J. Liesiö and A. Salo (2006) Supporting Road Asset Management with Portfolio Decision Analysis INFORMS International, Hong Kong, 25.-28.6.2006. (Kalvot)
C[MUS06]J. Mustajoki and R.P. Hämäläinen (2006) Decision support for the even swaps process with preference programming OR48 Conference, Bath, United Kingdom, September 11-13, 2006. Slides
C[MUS06b]J. Mustajoki and R.P. Hämäläinen (2006) Web-HIPRE: Eight years of decision analysis software on the Web -History users and applications. TED 06 - Towards e-Democracy: Participation, Deliberation, Communities, Mantova, Italy, October 24-26, 2006. Slides
C[POR06]J. Poropudas and K. Virtanen (2006) Game Theoretic Analysis of an Air Combat Simulation Model 12th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 3.-6.7. 2006.
C[PUN06]A. Punkka and A. Salo (2006) Selecting Forest Sites for Voluntary Conservation in Finland INFORMS International, Hong Kong, 25.-28.6.2006. Slides


C[LIE05]J. Liesiö, P. Mild and A. Salo (2005) Robust Portfolio Modeling for Scenarios-Based Project Appraisal IFORS Triennial, Honolulu, Hawaii, 11. - 15.7.2005. Slides
C[MAT05]V. Mattila and K. Virtanen (2005) A Simulation-Based Optimization Model to Schedule Periodic Maintenance of a Fleet of Aircraft ESM2005 - European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Porto, Portugal, 24.-26.10.2005. (Kalvot)
C[MIL05]P. Mild, J. Liesiö and A. Salo (2005) RPM - Robust Portfolio Modeling for Project Selection IFORS Triennial, Honolulu, Hawaii, 11. - 15.7.2005. Slides
C[MUS05a]J. Mustajoki, R.P. Hämäläinen and M. Marttunen (2005) We have the tools - how to attract the people? Creating a culture of web-based participation in environmental decision making TED Workshop: e-Participation in Environmental Decision Making, Helsinki and Conference boat, 19. - 22.5.2005. Slides
C[MUS05b]J. Mustajoki, R.P. Hämäläinen and K. Sinkko (2005) Interactive computer support in decision conferencing: two cases on off-site nuclear emergency management TED Workshop: e-Participation in Environmental Decision Making, Helsinki and Conference boat, 19. - 22.5.2005. Slides
C[MUS05c]J. Mustajoki and R.P. Hämäläinen (2005) Issues in decision support under preferential uncertainty - Decision making based on simple interval MAVT modelling with the WINPRE software TED Workshop: Human-Computer Interface Issues in e-Democracy, Manchester, United Kingdom, 9.-11.11.2005. Slides
C[MUS05d]J. Mustajoki, R.P. Hämäläinen and P. Lievonen (2005) Observations from computer-supported Even Swaps experiments using the Smart-Swaps software TED Workshop: Human-Computer Interface Issues in e-Democracy, Manchester, United Kingdom, 9.-11.11.2005. Slides
C[PUN05a]A. Punkka, J. Liesiö and A. Salo (2005) Selecting Forest Sites for Voluntary Conservation with Robust Portfolio Modeling TED Workshop: e-Participation in Environmental Decision Making, Helsinki and Conference boat, 19. - 22.5.2005. Slides
C[PUN05b]A. Punkka and A. Salo (2005) Incomplete Ordinal Information in Value Tree Analysis IFORS Triennial, Honolulu, Hawaii, 11. - 15.7.2005. Slides


C[BER04]K. Berg, H. Ehtamo and M. Kitti (2004) An Adjustment Process in a Buyer-Seller Game European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), Jyväskylä, Finland, 24. - 28.07.2004. Slides
C[EHT04]H. Ehtamo (2004) Optimization and Game Theory Models of E-Markets - A Survey 11th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications (ISDG), Tucson, Arizona, 18. - 21.12.2004. Slides
C[EHT04b]H. Ehtamo, K. Berg and M. Kitti (2004) An Adjustment Scheme for a Buyer-Seller Game 11th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications (ISDG), Tucson, Arizona, 18. - 21.12.2004. Slides
C[EHT04c]H. Ehtamo, R.P. Hämäläinen and V. Koskinen (2004) An e-Learning Approach for Teaching Mathematical Models of Negotiation Analysis Proc. of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Computer Society Press, Hawaii, January 5-8, 2004.
C[KAR04]J. Karelahti, K. Virtanen, and T. Raivio (2004) Game Optimal Support Time of a Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile Nordic Military Operational Research Symposium, Helsinki, Finland, October 26.-27.2004. (Kalvot)
C[MAT04]V. Mattila and K. Virtanen (2004) A Simulation Model for Aircraft Maintenance in an Uncertain Operational Environment Nordic Military Operational Research Symposium, Helsinki, Finland, October 26.-27.2004. (Kalvot)
C[MIL04]P. Mild, J. Liesiö and A. Salo (2004) Multi-Criteria Capital Budgeting with Incomplete Preference Information 15th Mini-EURO Conference: Managing Uncertainty in Decision Support Models, Coimbra, Portugal, 22. - 24.9.2004. Slides
C[MUS04]M. R. K. Lindstedt, R. P. Hämäläinen and J. Mustajoki (2004) Using Intervals for Global Sensitivity and Worst Case Analyses in Multicriteria Value Trees 15th Mini-EURO Conference: Managing Uncertainty in Decision Support Models, Coimbra, Portugal, 22. - 24.9.2004. Slides
C[NAS04a]Näsäkkälä E., Fleten S.-E (2004) Flexibility and Technology Choice in Gas Fired Power Plant Investments X ELAVIO, Latin American Operations Research Summer School, Montevideo, Uruguay February 16-20, 2004.
C[NAS04b]Näsäkkälä E. (2004) Investments in natural gas networks under stochastic electricity and gas demand IIASA, Young scientist summer program, Mid-Summer Workshop, Laxenburg Austria July 12-13,2004. Slides
C[PUN04]A. Punkka and A. Salo (2004) RICHER - A Method for Exploiting Incomplete Ordinal Information in Value Trees 15th Mini-EURO Conference: Managing Uncertainty in Decision Support Models, Coimbra, Portugal, 22. - 24.9.2004. Slides
C[SAL04x]A. Salo (2004) Managing Uncertainty through Preference Programming Invited plenary presentation. 15th Mini-EURO Conference: Managing Uncertainty in Decision Support Models, Coimbra, Portugal, 22. - 24.9.2004. Slides
C[VIR04a]K. Virtanen, T. Raivio, and R.P. Hämäläinen (2004) Optimal Pilot Decisions and Flight Trajectories in Air Combat Nordic Military Operational Research Symposium, Helsinki, Finland, October 26. - 27.2004. (Kalvot)
C[VIR04b]K. Virtanen, J. Karelahti, T. Raivio, and R.P. Hämäläinen (2004) Influence Diagram Game Modeling of Maneuvering Decisions in One-on-One Air Combat Nordic Military Operational Research Symposium, Helsinki, Finland, October 26. - 27.2004. (Kalvot)


C[EHT03]H. Ehtamo, K. Berg and M. Kitti (2003) On Tariff Adjustment in a Principal Agent Game ISDG Workshop, Goslar, Germany, 19. - 21.5.2003. Slides
C[MAT03]V. Mattila, K. Virtanen and T. Raivio (2003) A Simulation Model for Aircraft Maintenance in an Uncertain Operational Environment ESM2003 - 17th European Simulation Multiconference, Nottingham, England, June 9.-12.2003. (Kalvot)
C[MIL03]P. Mild and A. Salo (2003) Robust Portfolio Selection in Multiattribute Capital Budgeting EURO/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, 6. - 10.7.2003. Slides
C[MUS03]J. Mustajoki and R. P. Hämäläinen (2003) Practical Dominance and Process Support in the Even Swaps Method EURO/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, 6. - 10.7.2003. Slides
C[NAS03a]Näsäkkälä E., Fleten S.-E (2003) Gas Fired Power Plants: Investment Timing Operating Flexibility and Abandonment. 7th Annual International Real Options Conference, Washington DC July 10-12, 2003.
C[NAS03b]Näsäkkälä E., Fleten S.-E (2003) Gas Fired Power Plants: Investment Timing Operating Flexibility and Abandonment. Arne Ryde symposium, The Nordic Electricity Market, Lund, Sweden October 3-4, 2003.
C[PUN03]A. Punkka and A. Salo (2003) Incomplete Holistic Comparisons in Value Tree Analysis EURO/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, 6. - 10.7.2003. (Kalvot)
C[SAL03x]A. Salo and J. Liesiö (2003) Multicriteria Methods for the Shaping of Research Priorities - A Case Study for Finnish Forestry and Forest Industries EURO/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, 6. - 10.7.2003. Slides



R[HEL14]Simo Heliövaara (2014) Pedestrian Behavior in Evacuations - Simulation Models and Experiments Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory, June 2014
R[KÄK14]Anssi Käki (2014) Decision Models for Managing Demand and Supply Uncertainties in Supply Networks Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory, May 2014
R[VIL14]Eeva Vilkkumaa (2014) Model-based decision processes for agenda building and project funding Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory, June 2014
R[WAH14]Björn Wahlström ja Martin Ollus (toim.) (2014) Systeemiteoria ennen ja nyt - systeemit muuttuvassa maailmassa, Hans Blomberg - seminaari, 13-14.5.2013, Brändö, Ahvenanmaa Systeemianalyysin laboratorio, Aalto-yliopiston julkaisusarja Tiede + Teknologia 6 / 2014, 153 p. (in Finnish) (Full electronic version) Picture


R[MAT13]Tuomas Mattila (2013) Input-output analysis of the networks of production, consumption and environmental destruction in Finland Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory, September 2013
R[PUN13]Antti Punkka (2013) Rank-based information in multi-attribute decision and efficiency analysis Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory, January 2013


R[SOR12]Kimmo Soramäki (2012) Topology, dynamics and bank behavior in interbank payment systems Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory, June 2012


R[MAR11]Mika Marttunen (2011) Interactive Multicriteria Decision Analysis in the Collaborative Management of Watercourses Aalto University School of Science and Technology,Systems Analysis Laboratory, October 2011.
R[POR11]Jirka Poropudas (2011) Bayesian Networks, Influence Diagrams, and Games in Simulation Metamodeling Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory, October 2011.


R[BER10]Kimmo Berg (2010) A Learning Approach for Nonlinear Pricing Problem Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A105, December 2010.
R[BRU10]Ville Brummer (2010) Participatory Approaches to Foresight and Priority-Setting in Innovation Networks Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A104, June 2010.
R[HAM10]R.P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen, (eds.) (2010) Essays on Systems Intelligence Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory, April, 2010.


R[KET09]J. Kettunen (2009) Applications of Stochastic Modeling for Investment Decision-Making Under Market Uncertainties Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A103, October 2009. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
R[PER09]J. Perttunen (2009) The Lignum Functional-Structural Tree Model Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A102, February 2009. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)


R[HAM08]R.P. Hämäläinand E. Saarinen, (eds.) (2008) Systems Intelligence - A New Lens on Human Engagement and Action Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory, August, 2008.
R[HOS08]S. Hostikka, T. Korhonen, T. Paloposki, T. Rinne, K. Matikainen and S. Heliövaara (2008) Development and validation of FDS+Evac for evacuation simulation VTT Research Notes 2421, 2008.
R[JAR10]T. Jarimo (2008) Innovation Incentives and the Design of Value Networks Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A100, May 2008.
R[KAR08]J. Karelahti (2008) Modeling and On-Line Solution of Air Combat Optimization Problems and Games Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A99, January 2008.
R[LIE08]J. Liesiö (2008) Portfolio Decision Analysis for Robust Project Selection and Resource Allocation Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A101, October 2008.
R[MAR08a]M. Marttunen, J. Mustajoki, O-M Verta and R.P. Hämäläinen (2008) Monitavoitearviointi vuorovaikutteisessa ympäristösuunnittelussa Suomen ympäristö 11/2008, Edita Prima Oy.
R[SIN08]K. Sinkko, M. Ammann, R.P. Hämäläinen, J. Mustajoki (2008) A Participatory Method for Planning of Countermeasures in Case of a Nuclear Accident STUK-A226, June 2008.


R[ALA07]K. Alanne (2007) Applications of Decision Analysis in the Assessment of Energy Technologies for Buildings Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A98, January 2007.
R[HAM07]R.P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (eds.) (2007) Systems Intelligence in Leadership and Everyday Life Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, June 2007.
R[HAM07a]R.P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (2007) Systems Intelligent Leadership. In: Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Esa Saarinen (eds.): Systems Intelligence in Leadership and Everyday Life Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, June 2007.
R[HAM07b]R.P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (2007) Systems Intelligence: A Key Competence in Human Action and Organizational Life In: Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Esa Saarinen (eds.): Systems Intelligence in Leadership and Everyday Life. Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, June 2007.
R[HAM07c]R.P. Hämäläinen and E. Saarinen (2007) The Way Forward with Systems Intelligence. In: Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Esa Saarinen (eds.): Systems Intelligence in Leadership and Everyday Life. Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, June 2007.
R[HOS07]S. Hostikka, T. Paloposki, T. Rinne, J.M. Saari, T. Korhonen, and S. Heliövaara (2007) Evacuation experiments in offices and public buildings VTT Working Papers 85. 2007
R[LEP07]I. Leppänen (2007) Systems Intelligence as Opportunity Appreciation In: Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Esa Saarinen (eds.): Systems Intelligence in Leadership and Everyday Life. Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, June 2007.
R[LUO07]J. Luoma (2007) Systems Thinking in Complex Responsive Processes and Systems Intelligence In: Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Esa Saarinen (eds.): Systems Intelligence in Leadership and Everyday Life. Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, June 2007.
R[MUS07]J. Mustajoki (2007) Interactive Multi-Criteria Decision Support - New Tools and Processes for Practical Applications Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A97, January 2007.
R[PUL07]O. Pulkkinen (2007) Emergence of Cooperation and Systems Intelligence In: Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Esa Saarinen (eds.): Systems Intelligence in Leadership and Everyday Life. Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, June 2007.
R[RAN07]M. Rantanen (2007) Reasons of Systemic Collapse in Enron In: Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Esa Saarinen (eds.): Systems Intelligence in Leadership and Everyday Life. Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, June 2007.
R[SAA07]E. Saarinen and R.P. Hämäläinen (2007) Systems Intelligence: Connecting Engineering Thinking with Human Sensitivity In: Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Esa Saarinen (eds.): Systems Intelligence in Leadership and Everyday Life. Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, June 2007.
R[SEP07]M. Seppä (2007) Quality Improvements for Multi-Modal Neuroimaging Low Temperature Laboratory, Brain Research Unit, Helsinki University of Technology, September 2007.


R[HÄM06]R. P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen (eds.) (2006) Systeemiäly 2006 Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, B26, June 2006.
R[HOG06]A. Höglund (2006) Advanced Mobile Network Monitoring and Automated Optimization Methods Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A95, March 2006. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
R[KIT06]M. Kitti (2006) Affine Equations as Dynamic Variables to Obtain Economic Equilibria Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A94, February 2006. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
R[KON06]T. Könnölä (2006) Escaping Path Dependence – Essays on Foresight and Environmental Management Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A96, May 2006. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)


R[GUS05]J. Gustafsson (2005) Portfolio Optimization Models for Project Valuation Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A92, August 2005. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
R[HÄM05]R. P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen (eds.) (2005) Systeemiäly 2005 Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, B25, May 2005.
R[MAK05]S. Makkonen (2005) Decision Modelling Tools for Utilities in the Deregulated Energy Market Systems Analysis Laboratory Reports, A93, September 2005. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
R[NAS05]E. Näsäkkälä (2005) Electricity Derivative Markets: Investment Valuation Production Planning and Hedging. Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A91, May 2005. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
R[SIN05]K. Sinkko, M. Ammann, R.P. Hämäläinen and J. Mustajoki (2005) Facilitated workshop on clean-up actions in inhabited areas in Finland after an accidental release of radionuclides Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, STUK-A214, December 2005.
R[VIR05]K. Virtanen (2005) Optimal Pilot Decisions and Flight Trajectories in Air Combat Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A90, March 2005. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)


R[HÄM04]R. P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen (eds.) (2004) Systeemiäly - Näkökulmia vuorovaikutukseen ja kokonaisuuksien hallintaan Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, B24, June 2004.
R[HÄM04b]R. P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen (eds.) (2004) Systems Intelligence - Discovering a hidden competence in human action and organizational life Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A88, October 2004.
R[HAN04]V. Handolin (2004) Systeemiälykäs palkitseminen R. P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen (eds.): Systeemiäly - Näkökulmia vuorovaikutukseen ja kokonaisuuksien hallintaan, Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B24, June 2004, 51-67.
R[SAA04]E. Saarinen, R.P. Hämäläinen, V. Handolin (2004) Systeemiäly vastaan systeemidiktatuuri - 50 kiteytystä R. P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen (eds.):Systeemiäly - Näkökulmia vuorovaikutukseen ja kokonaisuuksien hallintaan, Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B24, June 2004, 7-20.
R[SAA04b]E. Saarinen and R.P. Hämäläinen (2004) Systems Intelligence: Connecting Engineering Thinking with Human Sensitivity R. P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen (eds.): Systems Intelligence - Discovering a Hidden Competence in Human Action and Organizational Life, Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A88, October 2004, 9-37.
R[SAL04]Jukka-Pekka Salmenkaita (2004) On Foresight Processes and Performance of Innovation Networks Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A89, November 2004.
R[SII04]P. Siitonen and R.P. Hämäläinen (2004) From Conflict Management to Systems Intelligence in Forest Conservation Decision Making R. P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen (eds.): Systems Intelligence - Discovering a Hidden Competence in Human Action and Organizational Life, Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A88, October 2004, 199-214.
R[SIN04]Kari Sinkko (2004) Nuclear Emergency Response Planning Based on Participatory Decision Analytic Approaches Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, STUK-A207, October 2004. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
R[SLO04]S. Slotte (2004) Dialogue and Systems Intelligence: A Work Philosophy R. P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen (eds.): Systems Intelligence - Discovering a Hidden Competence in Human Action and Organizational Life, Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A88, October 2004, 39-55.
R[TUR04]S. Turunen (2004) From Neuro-Linguistic Programming to Systems Intelligence R. P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen (eds.): Systems Intelligence - Discovering a Hidden Competence in Human Action and Organizational Life, Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A88, October 2004, 257-271.
R[WES04]M.C. Westerlund (2004) Theory of Constraints Revisited - Leveraging Teamwork by Systems Intelligence R. P. Hämäläinen, E. Saarinen (eds.): Systems Intelligence - Discovering a Hidden Competence in Human Action and Organizational Life, Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A88, October 2004, 179-196.


R[BÄC03]T. Bäckström, V. Brummer, T. Kling and P. Siitonen (eds.) (2003) Systeemiäly! Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B23, April 2003.
R[HÄM03]R.P. Hämäläinen and S. Alaja (2003) The threath of biases in environmental decision models Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, E12, April 2003.
R[HOL03]M. Holmberg (2003) Modelling Studies on Soil-Mediated Response to Acid Deposition and Climate Variability Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A87, October 2003.
R[MUR03b]P. Murto (2003) On investment uncertainty, and strategic interaction with applications in energy markets, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A84, April 2003.
R[NUR03]J.K. Nurminen (2003) Modelling and implementation issues in circuit and network planning tools Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A85, May 2003.
R[SAL03]A. Salo (2003) Future scenarios in research and development programmes Ministry of Trade and Industry, Studies and Reports 18/2003, pp. 63.
R[SEP03]J. Seppälä (2003) Life cycle impact assessment based on decision analysis Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A86, June 2003.
R[SLO03]S. Slotte and R.P. Hämäläinen (2003) Decision structuring dialogue Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, E13, April 2003.


R[GUS02]T. Gustafsson, T. Kiviniemi and R. Mäki-Ontto (eds.) (2002) Loruja - Esseitä uoman ulkopuolelta Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, B22, April 2002.
R[KET02a]Anu Kettunen (2002) Modeling of microscale variations in methane fluxes Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A83, November 2002.
R[KET02b]A. Kettunen (2002) Connecting methane fluxes to vegetation cover and water table fluctuations at microsite level: a modeling study Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, E10, November 2002.
R[SAL02]A. Salo, P. Utunen, J. Lievonen, T. Gustafsson, P. Mild (2002) Results from the Self-Evaluation Process Finnish Forest Cluster Research Programme Wood Wisdom (1998-2001), Helsinki, August 2002. 79 p.


R[AMM01]M. Ammann, K. Sinkko, E. Kostiainen, A. Salo, K. Liskola, R.P. Hämäläinen and J. Mustajoki (2001) Decision analysis of countermeasures for the milk pathway after an accidental release of radionuclides Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, STUK-A186, December 2001, pp. 57.
R[INK01a]A. Inkala and K. Myrberg (2001) Comparison of hydrodynamical models of the Gulf of Finland in 1995 - a case study Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, E9, October 2001.
R[INK01b]A. Inkala (2001) Modelling of Water Circulation and the Dynamics of Phytoplankton for the Analysis of Eutrophication Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A82, October 2001.
R[KÄM01]O. Kämäräinen, V. Ek, K. Nieminen and S. Ruuth (2001) Large scale generalized resource constrained scheduling problems: A genetic algorithm approach
R[SAL01a]A. Salo (2001) On the Role of Decision Analytic Modelling In A. Stirling (ed.), On Science and Precaution in the Management of Technological Risk, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Center of the European Commission, Report EUR 19056/EN/2, Vol. II, November 2001, pp. 123-141.
R[SAL01b]A. Salo (2001) Concluding Remarks on Strategic Intelligence In: A. Tübke, K. Ducatel, J.P. Gavigan. P. Moncado-Paternò-Castello (eds.), Strategic Policy Intelligence: Current Trends, the State of Play and Perspectives, Institute of Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Report EUR 20137/EN, December 2001, pp. 65-72.
R[SIN01]K. Sinkko, M. Ammann, E. Kostiainen, A. Salo, K. Liskola, R.P. Hämäläinen and J. Mustajoki (2001) Countermeasures for dairy products in nuclear emergencies Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, STUK-A185, June 2001, pp. 68. (in Finnish)
R[UUT01]K. Uutela (2001) Estimating Neural Currents from Neuromagnetic Measurements Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A83, December 2001.


R[EHT00a]H. Ehtamo, T. Raivio and R.P. Hämäläinen (2000) A continuation method for minimum time problems Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, E3, March 2000. Abstract
R[EHT00b]H. Ehtamo and T. Raivio (2000) Applying nonlinear programming to pursuit-evasion games Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, E4, March 2000. Abstract
R[HÄM00]R.P. Hämäläinen, K. Sinkko, M. Lindstedt, M. Ammann and A. Salo (2000) Decision analysis interviews on protective actions in Finland supported by the RODOS system Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, STUK-A173, February 2000, pp. 57. Also RODOS Report - Decision Support for Nuclear Emergencies, RODOS(WG7)-TN(99)-04.
R[LAH00a]R. Lahdelma, P. Salminen and M. Kuula (2000) Testing the efficiency of Pairwise Comparison Methods in Discrete Multiple Criteria Problems Technical Report 362, TUCS - Turku Centre for Computer Science, Turku, Finland, September 2000.
R[LAH00b]R. Lahdelma and A. Ranne (2000) Hydropower in Europe Impacts of Environmental Classification Technical Report Research Notes 2019, Technical Research Centre of Finland, 2000, (note: 89 p.). (in Finnish)
R[LIN00a]M. Lindroos (2000) Nash equilibria for a coalitional game on Atlanto-Scandian herring Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, E6, April 2000 Abstract
R[LIN00b]M. Lindroos (2000) Cooperation and Conflicts in High Seas Fisheries Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Doctoral Dissertation, A:172, 2000
R[RAI00a]T. Raivio (2000) Capture set computation of an optimally guided missile Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, E5, March 2000. Abstract
R[RAI00b]T. Raivio (2000) Computational methods for dynamic optimization and pursuit-evasion games Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A80, March 2000.
R[SAL00]A. Salo, K. Pahlavan and J.-P. Salmenkaita (2000) R&D; Programmes in Electronics and Telecommunication: ETX TLX, INWITE and Telectronics, Mid-Term Evaluation, Technology Programme Report 5/2000, Tekes, February 2000.
R[YLI00a]J. Ylikarjula, S. Alaja, J. Laakso, D. Tesar (2000) Effects of dispersal patterns on population dynamics and synchrony Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, E7, April 2000 Abstract
R[YLI00b]J. Ylikarjula (2000) Nonlinearity and environmental stochasticity in ecological interactions Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A81, April 2000


R[LIN99a]M. Linna and U. Häkkinen (1999) Determinants of cost efficiency of Finnish hospitals: A comparison of DEA and SFA Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A78, May 1999.
R[LIN99b]M. Linna (1999) The impact of health care financing reform on the productivity change in Finnish hospitals Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A79, May 1999.
R[PUL99]U. Pulkkinen and K. Simola (1999) Bayesian ageing models and indicators for repairable components Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A77, January 1999, pp. 1-29.
R[SAL99]A. Salo (1999) Technology Foresight for Institutional Learning in: G. Schienstock and O. Kuusi (eds.), Transformation Towards a Learning Economy: Challenges for the Finnish Innovation System, SITRA 213, Helsinki, 1999, pp. 385-394.
R[STI99]A. Stirling, O. Renn, A. Klinke, A. Rip, A. Salo (1999) On Science and Precaution in the Management of Technological Risk Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, European Commission, May 1999.


R[HÄM98]R.P. Hämäläinen, K. Sinkko, M. Lindstedt, M. Ammann and A. Salo (1998) RODOS and decision conferencing on early phase protective actions in Finland Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, STUK-A159, December 1998, pp. 1-76.
R[KEP98a]J. Keppo (1998) On arbitrage optimal portfolio and equilibrium under frictions and complete markets, Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A70, February 1998, pp. 1-8.
R[KEP98b]J. Keppo (1998) Optimal home currency and the curved international equilibrium Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A71, February 1998, pp. 1-11.
R[KEP98c]J. Keppo (1998) Market conditions under frictions and without dynamic spanning Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A72, February 1998, pp. 1-14.
R[LIN98]M. Lindroos (1998) Management of regional fisheries organisations: An application of the Shapley value Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A76, November 1998, pp. 1-22.
R[PÖY98a]M. Pöyhönen (1998) On attribute weighting in value trees Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A73, March 1998.
R[SIN98]J. Sinisalo (1998) Estimation of greenhouse impacts of continuous regional emissions VTT Publications 338, Technical Research Centre of Finland 1998.
R[TOU98]S. Touzeau, V. Kaitala and M. Lindroos (1998) Implementation of the Norwegian spring-spawning herring stock dynamics and risk analysis Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A75, September 1998.


R[HÄM97]R.P. Hämäläinen (ed.) (1997) Multicriteria decision making models in the management and regulation of water resources Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, B21, June 1997, pp. 1-95. (in Finnish)
R[HOL97]J. Holmberg (1997) Probabilistic safety assessment and optimal control of hazardous technological systems - A marked point process approach VTT Publications 305, Technical Research Centre of Finland 1997.
R[SII97a]M-L. Siikonen (1997) Elevator Group Control with Artificial Intelligence Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A67, May 1997, pp. 1-32.
R[SII97b]M-L. Siikonen (1997) Planning and control models for elevators in high-rise buildings Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports, A68, October 1997.


R[FRE96]S. French, R. Finck, R.P. Hämäläinen, E. Naadland, J. Roed, A. Salo and K. Sinkko (1996) An exercise on clean-up actions in an urban environment after a nuclear accident Nordic Decision Conference, Sweden, 20-31, August, 1995.
R[HÄM96]R.P. Hämäläinen and P. Miettinen (eds.) (1996) Valuing the environment - The Economics and multi-criteria approaches Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B19, June 1996. (in Finnish)
R[KOS96]M. Kosola, H. Laikari and P. Miettinen (1996) Environmental Economics - current research and development projects The Finnish Environment 3, Finnish Environment Agency, February 1996 (in Finnish).
R[LAI96a]Pertti Laininen (1996) A multiple comparison procedure based on Mallows 1-distance bootstrap Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A62, April, 1996.
R[LAI96b]P. Laininen (1996) Applied probability Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B20, September, 1996.
R[LAP96]V. Lappalainen, R. Lahdelma (1996) Object-Oriented Programming and C++; University of Jyväskylä Department of Mathematics, Jyväskylä 1994, 1995, 1996, 94 p. (in Finnish)
R[SAL96]P. Salminen, J. Hokkanen and R. Lahdelma (1996) Multicriteria decision analysis project on environmental problems University of Jyväskylä, Department of Mathematics, Laboratory of Scientific Computing, Report 5/1996, 50 p.


R[HÄM95a]R.P. Hämäläinen, E. Kettunen and M. Verkama (1995) Communities of reactive agents - the game theoretic viewpoint Artificial Life, Finnish Artificial Intelligence Symposium (STep-95) 12.5.1995, Symposium Papers, pp. 181-187. (in Finnish)
R[HÄM95b]R.P. Hämäläinen and A. Kettunen (1995) How to describe breathing patterns: Evaluation of the fourier transformation approach Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A61, November, 1995.
R[JAU95]O. Jauri (1995) Three essays on the pricing theory of seasoned share issues and investment banking services Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A57, October 1995.
R[KOL95]T. Koljonen (1995) Simulation of the mashing process VTT Publications 225, Technical Research Centre of Finland, 1995, pp. 1-138.
R[KUO95]H. Kuosmanen, S. Ruuth and R. Lahdelma (1995) Embedded combinatorial optimization algorithms in industrial automation systems Finnish Automation Days'95, Finnish Society of Automation, 1995, pp. 232-236. (in Finnish)
R[LAH95]R. Lahdelma, S. Ruuth, H. Kuosmanen and T. Pennanen (1995) Optimal production planning in a glass factory and its economic value Finnish Automation Days'95, Finnish Society of Automation, 1995, pp. 399-403. (in Finnish)
R[RÄS95]M. Räsänen (1995) Modeling processes in the design of electricity tariffs Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A60, October 1995.


R[EHT94a]H. Ehtamo ja P. Miettinen (1994) Ten years of mathematical modelling: Systems thinking instead of model monsters University Computing News (Korkeakoulujen atk-uutiset), No. 3, 1994, pp. 16-17. (in Finnish)
R[EHT94b]H. Ehtamo and T. Raivio (1994) Numerical solution of minimum time climb trajectories CSC News (Center for Scientific Computing), Vol. 6, No. 3, October 1994, pp. 15-18.
R[HAG94]K. Hagros, E. Markkanen and P. Miettinen (1994) Moduulitehtaan ympäristökuormituksen mittaaminen Elinkaarianalyysi, Sami Surakka (toim.), Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Tietotekniikan osasto, Tietojenkäsittelytekniikan laitos, TKO-C71, 1994.
R[HÄM94]R.P. Hämäläinen and E. Kettunen (1994) HIPRE 3+ Group Link User's Guide, Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Raports, 1994.
R[KAI94]V. Kaitala (1994) Population dynamics life-history traidoffs and phenotypic fitness, Proc. of the Second Finnish Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications, Vaasa, Finland, March 17-18, 1994, pp. 185-199.
R[KET94]A. Kettunen, W. Schöpp and Z. Klimont (1994) Statistical analysis of tropospheric ozone concentration International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, WP-94-88, August 1994.
R[MIE94]P. Miettinen (1994) Environmental life cycle assessment as a tool for product design Business and the environment - Changing legislation and environmental viewpoint, Helsinki University of Technology, 6.10.1994, Environmental Protection Technology 4/1994, pp. 1-80. (in Finnish)
R[PUL94]U. Pulkkinen (1994) Statistical models for expert judgement and wear prediction VTT Publications 181, Technical Research Centre of Finland, 1994.
R[RUT94]S. Ruuth and R. Lahdelma (eds.) (1994) New management technologies and transition to market economies Proc. of the Post-Conference on M/S Sally Albatross, July 1-3, 1992, Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A56, December 1994.
R[VER94b]M. Verkama (1994) Distributed methods and processes in games of incomplete information Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A55, October 1994, pp. 1-12.


R[EHT93]H. Ehtamo and J. Ruusunen (1993) Intertemporal bargaining and dynamic consistency Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A48, June 1993.
R[LAH93a]R. Lahdelma (1993) Optimal energy management of a steel factory (TEHO) Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B18, November 1993. (in Finnish)
R[LAH93b]R. Lahdelma (1993) Object-oriented hierarchical modelling in the TEHO-energy management system, Ministry of Trade and Industry, SULA-seminar, April 14, Espoo, 1993, pp. 1-10.
R[LAH93c]R. Lahdelma (1993) TEHO-Energy management systems for steel industry Users' Manual, Rautaruukki Oy, Raahe, 1993.
R[LAH93d]R. Lahdelma (1993) Optimizing energy management with the TEHO system SULA Energy-efficient steel and metal production. Final report on the energy research programme, 1988-1992, H. Hakulin (ed.), Ministry of Trade and Industry, Energy Department, Reviews B:169, Helsinki, December 1993.
R[PUL93]U. Pulkkinen (1993) Gaussian paired comparison models Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A49, December 1993.


R[BUS92]V. Bushenkov, V. Kaitala, A. Lotov and M. Pohjola (1992) Decision and negotiation support for transboundary air pollution control between Finland Russia and Estonia, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, ETLA Discussion papers, No. 418, 1992.
R[HÄM92]R.P. Hämäläinen and H. Lauri (1992) HIPRE 3+ User's guide Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory, 1992.
R[KAI92a]V. Kaitala (1992) Stabilization and uncertain resources in: H. Salminen and T. Katermaa (eds.), Simulation and Forest Development, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Rovaniemi Research Station, Research Papers 407, Rovaniemi 1992, pp. 60-65.
R[LAH92]R. Lahdelma (1992) Optimal energy management of a steel factory (TEHO-Terästehtaan energiahallinnan optimointi), Ministry of Trade and Industry, SULA-seminar, Espoo, 16-19.9.1992, pp. 1-5. (in Finnish)
R[RÄS92]M. Räsänen and J. Ruusunen (1992) Estimation of the state of the electricity network using measurements and load models Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B17, May 1992. (in Finnish)
R[RUT92]S. Ruuth, R. Lahdelma and R. Holm (1992) Linear programming as an optimization method in energy management Ministry of Trade and Industry, SULA-seminar, January 16-19, Espoo, 1992, pp. 1-13.
R[RUU92]J. Ruusunen and A. Vepsäläinen (1992) Päätösanalyysi (Decision analysis) in: Tekoälyn ensyklopedia, E. Hyvönen, I. Karanta and M. Syrjänen (eds.), Gaudeamus, Helsinki, 1993, pp. 196-205. (in Finnish)
R[SAL92a]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1992) PRIME - Preference ratios in multiattribute evaluation Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A43, July 1992.
R[SAL92b]A. Salo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1992) Rank reversal in the feedback technique of the analytic hierarchy process Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A45, August 1992.
R[SAL92c]A. Salo (1992) Approximate ratio statements in hierarchical weighting models Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A46, November 1992.


R[HÄM91a]R.P. Hämäläinen (1991) Mathematical models The Otava Encyclopedia, 2nd Extension Volume 1991, Otava Publisher, pp. 10239-10240. (in Finnish)
R[HÄM91b]R.P. Hämäläinen (1991) Risk analysis The Otava Encyclopedia, 2nd Extension Volume 1991, Otava Publisher, pp. 10289-10290. (in Finnish)
R[KAI91]V. Kaitala, M. Pohjola and O. Tahvonen (1991) An analysis of SO2 negotiations between Finland and the Soviet Union Finnish Economic Papers 4, 1991, pp. 104-112.
R[KAR91]I. Karanta and J. Ruusunen (1991) Short term load forecasting in communal electric utilities Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A40, May 1991.
R[LAH91]R. Lahdelma, S. Ruuth and R. Holm (1991) SIM2 - an object-oriented simulator in Pascal FORS - Finnish Operations Research Society Newsletter Magazine, Nr. 1, 1991, Helsinki. (in Finnish)


R[EHT90]H. Ehtamo and J. Ruusunen (1990) An intertemporal bargaining model Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A35, November 1990.
R[HOL90]M. Holmberg (1990) Ion exchange dynamics and soil acidification: Model development and testing Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A31, May 1990.
R[RUT90]S. Ruuth and R. Lahdelma (1990) Distributed energy planning using parametric optimization Automation Days -90, September 17-19 1990, Helsinki. (in Finnish)
R[RUU90a]J. Ruusunen (1990) Models of intertemporal bargaining Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A36, December 1990.
R[RUU90b]J. Ruusunen, M. Räsänen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1990) Dynamic pricing of electricity in load management Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B16, February 1990. (in Finnish)


R[HÄM89]R.P. Hämäläinen, U. Pulkkinen and R. Karjalainen (eds.) (1989) Risk analysis Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Report B14, October 1989. (in Finnish)
R[KAJ89]R. Karjalainen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1989) Risk analysis in energy policy decision making Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Report B15, November 1989. (in Finnish)
R[KAR89]I. Karanta (ed.) (1989) Hypertext and artificial intelligence Publications of the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society, No.2. (in Finnish)
R[LAH89]R. Lahdelma (1989) C++ in the PC/DOS environment Object-oriented analysis, design and programming, NORIT-teleconference, Espoo 3-4.10.1989. (in Finnish)


R[EHT88a]H. Ehtamo (1988) On closed-loop epsilon-strategies for differential games Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Report, A28, November 1988.
R[EHT88b]H. Ehtamo (1988) Incentive strategies and bargaining solutions for dynamic decision problems Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A29, November 1988.
R[HÄJ88a]J.J. Hämäläinen (1988) Optimal stroke in left ventricular ejection Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A26, August 1988.
R[HÄJ88b]J.J. Hämäläinen (1988) Analysis of left ventricular function by optimization methods Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A27, August 1988.
R[KAI88]V. Kaitala (1988) A note on optimal cartel trigger price strategies University of California, 1988, 7 pp.
R[KAR88]I. Karanta (1988) Artificial intelligence education in Finland Tietotekniikka 34 (1988): 6, pp. 13-14. (in Finnish)
R[RUU88]J. Ruusunen and I. Karanta (1988) A system for the short term forecasting of electrical and district heating loads in a communal energy utility Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B13, 1988. (in Finnish)


R[ARO87a]M. Aro, M. Kokkonen, and P. Laininen (1987) Preliminary analysis of tests results of interlaboratory tests for checking the reproducibility of impulse voltage puncture test on insulators in air CIRGE 33-37 (TF 07/03.01) 27 IWD, 2 pp.
R[ARO87b]M. Aro, M. Kokkonen, P. Laininen, and H. Stellberg (1987) On statistical analysis in impulse voltage puncture test on insulators in air CIGRE 33-87 (TF 07/03.01) 25 IWD, 19 May 1987, 11 pp.
R[HÄJ87]J.J. Hämäläinen (1987) A hierarchical optimization model of left ventricular ejection Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A19, 1987.
R[HÄM87]R.P. Hämäläinen and J. Ruusunen (eds.) (1987) From decision making to artificial intelligence Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B12, 1987. (in Finnish)
R[HYV87a]E. Hyvönen (1987) A conceptual analysis of forms of non-exactness 1987. (in Finnish)
R[HYV87b]E. Hyvönen (1987) Forms of introspection in machine intelligence Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A21, August 1987.
R[HYV87c]E. Hyvönen, and J. Seppänen (1987) Lisp world: programming techniques and environments Kirjayhtymä, Helsinki, 1987. (in Finnish)
R[HYV87d]E. Hyvönen (1987) Feasibility analysis is needed for AI applications Tietotekniikka 1/1987, pp. 59-61. (in Finnish)
R[HYV87e]E. Hyvönen (1987) Military applications of machine intelligence Sotilasaikakausilehti, Vol. 62, No. 631, 1987 pp. 205-209. (in Finnish)
R[KAI87]V. Kaitala and M. Pohjola (1987) Optimal recovery of a shared resource stock Labour Institute for Economic Research, Discussion Papers 57, 23 pp., 1987.
R[KYN87]M. Kynsijärvi and K. Tarvainen (1987) An introduction to stochastic multiobjective optimization Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B10, August 1987. (in Finnish)
R[LAH87]R. Lahdelma (1987) Rule based implementation techniques using OPS-languages INSKO-87,1987. (in Finnish)
R[LAI87]P. Laininen (1987) Acompilation of statictical formulae tables and vocabulary, Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B11, August 1987. (in Finnish)
R[MÄK87]H. Mäkitie, L. Aittoniemi, R.P. Hämäläinen and S. Ruuth (1987) A multicommodity network application to transportation of forest industry products Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A22, September 1987.
R[VAS87b]P. Vasara, K. Tarvainen, R.P. Hämäläinen and E. Tunkelo (1987) MESTOR: A systems for the multiobjective optimization of the exploitation of arctic hydrocarbon finds Arctic Construction Group, Finn-Stroi, Lohja, Partek, 1987, pp. 1-46.


R[AIT86]L. Aittoniemi (1986) Optimal routing of telephone traffic Proc. Seminar on Industrial Mathematics, Lammi, January 27-28, 1986. (in Finnish)
R[ARO86]M. Aro, J. Huhdanmäki, P. Laininen, V-J. Pöystilä and H. Stellberg (1986) On reproducibility of impulse voltage puncture test on insulators in air CIRGE 33-86 (WG 07) 11 IWD, 20.
R[HÄJ86]J.J. Hämäläinen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1986) On the optimization of robot arm movements in: Numerical Simulation Models, VTT Symposium 80, J. Hallikas, M-L. Kanervirta and P. Neittaanmäki (eds.), Espoo 1986. (in Finnish)
R[HÄM86a]R.P. Hämäläinen and V. Kaitala (eds.) (1986) Decision analysis and expert systems Proc. Summer School on Systems Science 1986, Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B9, September 1986.
R[HÄM86b]R.P. Hämäläinen and T.O. Seppäläinen (1986) On the use of mathematical decision aids in energy policy planning Finnish Ministry of Trade and Industry, Department of Energy, Report B:59, 1986. (in Finnish)
R[JAK86]J. Jakosuo, J. Ruusunen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1986) A knowledge based decision aid for selecting R&D projects Proc. Second Finnish Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, M. Karjalainen, J. Seppänen and M. Tamminen (eds.), Vol. 3, 1986, pp. 165-173. (in Finnish)
R[KAI86]V. Kaitala and M. Pohjola (1986) Economic growth and income redistribution: A differential game approach Labour Institute for Economic Research, Discussion Papers 51, 1986.
R[LAH86]R. Lahdelma, J. Nurminen and S. Ruuth (1986) Implementations of LP- and MIP-systems Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A18, December 1986.
R[LOU86]P. Lounamaa and J. Nurminen (1986) The use of knowledge based techniques in the next generation process control systems INSKO 19.1.1986. Artificial intelligence and expert systems in process control. (in Finnish)
R[SEP86]T.O. Seppäläinen and R.P. Hämäläinen (1986) Decision analysis in energy policy planning Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B8, June 1986. (in Finnish)


R[EER85]A. Eerola (1985) Mathematics as a tool for forecasting Matemaattisten aineiden aikakausikirja, Vol. 49, No. 3, 1985. (in Finnish)
R[EHT85]H. Ehtamo and R.P. Hämäläinen (1985) Construction of optimal affine incentive strategies for linear-quadratic Stackelberg games Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A12, March 1985.
R[ESK85]A. Eskola (1985) Connection of synchronous interface circuits to asynchronous bus Prosessori 1, 1985, pp. 58-61. (in Finnish)
R[KAI85]V. Kaitala (1985) Game theory models of dynamic bargaining and contracting in fisheries management Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A11, January 1985.
R[RUT85]S. Ruuth, L. Aittoniemi, R. Lahdelma and J. Nurminen (1985) Implementations of the revised simplex method Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A15, December 1985.
R[RUU85a]J. Ruusunen (1985) Computer assisted time series analysis Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B6, January 1985. (in Finnish)
R[RUU85b]J. Ruusunen and J. Jakosuo (1985) Handbook for the TISEAN time series program Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B7, November 1985. (in Finnish)


R[AIT84b]L. Aittoniemi (1984) Computational comparison of knapsack-algorithms paper presented at the XIth Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Bonn, August 1982. Also Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A6, September 1984.
R[EER84]A. Eerola (1984) Forecasting as information processing and communication paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Forecasting, Philadelphia, June 5-8, 1983. Also Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A5, January 1984.
R[EVA84]F.J. Evans and P.M. Larsen (1984) Structural design of control systems - Lecture notes for the 1984 Summer School on Systems Science Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports A7, May 1984.
R[HÄM84a]R.P. Hämäläinen and K. Oehlandt (1984) Factors affecting the energy decision - economic effects of power plant investments Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B3, May 1984. (in Finnish)
R[HÄM84b]R.P. Hämäläinen and K. Oehlandt (1984) Decision support model for the evaluation of energy policy alternatives Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B5, November 1984. (in Finnish)
R[HÄM84c]R.P. Hämäläinen (ed.) (1984) The energy decision model in the media - a collection of articles from Finnish newspapers 1984
R[HÄM84d]R.P. Hämäläinen and J. Ruusunen (1984) Game theoretical approach to decision making with applications in energy economics in: Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Energy Economics and Power Plants, Report 32, 1984. (in Finnish)
R[HAR84]S. Harala, J. Kuusela and R. Lahdelma (1984) Development of software tools on MacLisp-based environments Finnish Artificial Intelligence Symposium (STeP-84) Symposium Papers, Hyvönen, Seppänen, Syrjänen (eds.), Otaniemi, 1984, pp. 90-94. (in Finnish)
R[OEH84]K. Oehlandt (1984) Testing the MPSP package and a modified Martello-Toth knapsack algorithm with integer problems arising in paper trim Helsinki University of Technology, Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports B4, 1984. (in Finnish)
R[VAN84]G.C. Vansteenkiste (1984) Computer-aided modelling and simulation Lecture notes for the 1984 Summer School on Systems Science, Helsinki University of Technology, 1984.



T[HER24]Olli Herrala (2024) Mixed-integer formulations for large-scale energy-environmental optimization (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)


T[BEL23]Nikita Belyak (2023) Modelling and solution methods for renewables-driven energy markets (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
T[MAN23]Juha Mäntysaari (2023) Optimization approaches for dynamic environmental and energy management problems
T[ROP23]Juho Roponen (2023) Computational models for adversarial risk analysis and probabilistic scenario planning (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)



T[LAI22]Pekka Laitila (2022) Advancing incorporation of expert knowledge into Bayesian networks

(Lectio) (Pictures)


T[AND21]Juho Andelmin (2021) Models and algorithms for vehicle routing, resource allocation, and multi-stage decision-making under uncertainty (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)


T[LIN21]Jussi Lindgren (2021) The principle of least action and stochastic dynamic optimal control - Applications to economic, financial and physical systems (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)


T[SCH21]Anton von Schantz (2021) Numerical simulation and optimization models for socio-dynamical features of crowd evacuation (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
T[TOS21]Edoardo Tosoni (2021) Novel methods of scenario analysis for the probabilistic risk assessment of nuclear waste storage and disposal facilities (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)



T[MAN20]Alessandro Mancuso (2020) Risk-informed optimization of mitigation strategies in safety-critical systems (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)

Lectio Video 1 Video 2 Video 3


T[RUU19]Sampsa Ruutu (2019) Dynamic modelling for the analysis and support of systemic innovations and competition strategies (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Lectio
T[VIR19]Vilma Virasjoki (2019) Optimization Models for Assessing Energy Systems in Transition (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Lectio Picture


T[HYN18]Yrjänä Hynninen (2018) Model-based efficiency analyses of healthcare delivery (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture
T[LAH18]Tuomas Lahtinen (2018) Improving the practice of model based problem solving with a systemic behavioral perspective (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Video1 Video2 Video3 Video4 Video5 Lectio


T[MIL17]Pekka Mild (2017) Portfolio decision analysis for infrastructure and innovation management (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture
T[SOR17]Janne Sorsa (2017) Optimization models and numerical algorithms for an elevator group control system (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture
T[TYR17]Tero Tyrväinen (2017) Theoretical and methodological extensions to dynamic reliability analysis (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture


T[DUF16]Mikko Dufva (2016) Knowledge creation in foresight - a practice- and systems-oriented view (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Lectio Slides
T[KAN16]Jussi Kangaspunta (2016) Resource allocation methods for defence and infrastructure systems (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture
T[LEP16]Ilkka Leppänen (2016) Cooperation, commitment, and other-regarding behavior in duopoly games (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Pictures Lectio
T[TOP16]Antti Toppila (2016) Robust reliability and resource allocation - Models and algorithms (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Lectio


T[KUU15]Juha-Matti Kuusinen (2015) People Flow in Buildings - Evacuation Experiments and Modelling of Elevator Passenger Traffic (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture
T[REP15]Anna Repo (2015) Climate Impacts of Bioenergy from Forest Harvest Residues (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture 1 Picture 2


T[HEL14]Simo Heliövaara (2014) Pedestrian Behavior in Evacuations - Simulation Models and Experiments (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture
T[KÄK14]Anssi Käki (2014) Decision Models for Managing Demand and Supply Uncertainties in Supply Networks Picture (Full electronic version)
T[VIL14]Eeva Vilkkumaa (2014) Model-based decision processes for agenda building and project funding (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Lectio Slides


T[EKH13]Ekholm, Tommi (2013) Risks, costs and equity - Modelling efficient strategies for climate and energy policy Picture Picture
T[MAT13]Tuomas Mattila (2013) Input-output analysis of the networks of production, consumption and environmental destruction in Finland Picture
T[MAT13a]Anna Matala (2013) Methods and Applications of Pyrolysis Modelling for Polymeric Materials Picture
T[PUN13]Punkka, Antti (2013) Rank-based information in multi-attribute decision and efficiency analysis (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Lectio


T[SOR12]Soramäki, Kimmo (2012) Topology, dynamics and bank behavior in interbank payment systems (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Picture Picture


T[BER11]Berg, Kimmo (2011) A Learning Approach for Nonlinear Pricing Problem (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Picture
T[MAR11]Marttunen, Mika (2011) Interactive multicriteria decision analysis in the collaborative management of watercourses (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Picture Picture Lectio
T[POR11]Poropudas, Jirka (2011) Bayesian networks, influence diagrams, and games in simulation metamodeling (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)


T[BRU10]Ville Brummer (2010) Participatory Approaches to Foresight and Priority-Setting in Innovation Networks (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Picture


T[KET09]Kettunen, Janne (2009) Applications of Stochastic Modeling for Investment Decision-Making under Market Uncertainties (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Lectio
T[PER09]Perttunen, Jari (2009) The LIGNUM Functional-Structural Tree Model (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Lectio


T[JAR08]Jarimo, Toni (2008) Innovation Incentives and the Design of Value Networks (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Lectio
T[KAR08]Karelahti, Janne (2008) Modeling and on-line solution of air combat optimization problems and games (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Lectio
T[LIE08]Liesiö Juuso (2008) Portfolio Decision Analysis for Robust Project Selection and Resource Allocation (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Lectio Don Kleinmuntz: Opening Remarks


T[ALA07]Alanne, Kari (2007) Applications of Decision Analysis in the Assessment of Energy Technologies for Buildings (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture
T[MUS07]Mustajoki, Jyri (2007) Interactive Multi-Criteria Decision Support - New Tools and Processes for Practical Applications (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Lectio
T[SEP07]Seppä Mika (2007) Quality Improvements for Multi-Modal Neuroimaging (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Picture Lectio


T[HOG06]Höglund, Albert (2006) Advanced Mobile Network Monitoring and Automated Optimization Methods (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture
T[KIT06]Kitti, Mitri (2006) Affine Equations as Dynamic Variables to Obtain Economic Equilibria (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture
T[KON06]Könnölä, Totti (2006) Escaping Path Dependence – Essays on Foresight and Environmental Management (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture


T[GUS05]Gustafsson, Janne (2005) Portfolio Optimization Models for Project Valuation (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Pictures
T[MAK05]Makkonen, Simo (2005) Decision Modelling Tools for Utilities in the Deregulated Energy Market (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture
T[NAS05]Näsäkkälä, Erkka (2005) Electricity Derivative Markets: Investment Valuation Production Planning and Hedging. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture
T[VIR05]Kai Virtanen (2005) Optimal Pilot Decisions and Flight Trajectories in Air Combat (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Lectio


T[SAM04]Jukka-Pekka Salmenkaita (2004) On Foresight Processes and Performance of Innovation Networks (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture
T[SIN04]Kari Sinkko (2004) Nuclear Emergency Response Planning Based on Participatory Decision Analytic Approaches (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Pictures


T[HOL03]Maria Holmberg (2003) Modelling Studies on Soil-Mediated Response to Acid Deposition and Climate Variability (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture 1 Picture 2
T[KET03]Anu Kettunen (2003) Modeling of Microscale Variations in methane Fluxes (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Slides Kalvot Picture
T[MUR03]Pauli Murto (2003) On investment uncertainty, and strategic interaction with applications in energy markets. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Tiedote Picture
T[NUR03]Jukka K. Nurminen (2003) Modelling and implementation issues in circuit and network planning tools (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Tiedote Slides Picture
T[ROS03]Tony Rosqvist (2003) On the use of expert judgement in the qualification of risk assessment (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture Lectio Picture
T[SEP03]Jyri Seppälä (2003) Life cycle impact assessment based on decision analysis (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Tiedote Slides Picture


T[PYY02]Jouni Pyykönen (2002) Computational simulation of aerosol behaviour (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Slides


T[INK01]Arto Inkala (2001) Modelling of Water Circulation and the Dynamics of Phytoplankton for the Analysis of Eutrophication (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) R[INK01b] Picture
T[LEH01]Heikki Lehtonen (2001) Principles Structure and Applications of Dynamic Regional Sector Model of Finnish Agriculture. (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture
T[UUT01]Kimmo Uutela (2001) Estimating Neural Currents from Neuromagnetic Measurements (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla) Picture


T[LIN00]Marko Lindroos (2000) Cooperation and Conflicts in High Seas Fisheries (defended at the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration) R[LIN00b] Picture
T[RAI00]Tuomas Raivio (2000) Computational methods for dynamic optimization and pursuit-evasion games Picture R[RAI00b]
T[YLI00]Janica Ylikarjula (2000) Nonlinearity and environmental stochasticity in ecological interactions R[YLI00b] Picture


T[LIN99]Miika Linna (1999) Measuring Hospital Performance: the Productivity Efficiency and Costs of Teaching in Finnish Hospitals. Pictures R[LIN99a] R[LIN99b] Picture
T[SIM99]Kaisa Simola (1999) Reliability methods in nuclear power plant ageing management Picture


T[KEP98]Jussi Keppo (1998) On arbitrage optimal portfolio and equilibrium under frictions and incomplete markets. Picture R[KEP98a]
T[PÖY98]Mari Pöyhönen (1998) On attribute weighting in value trees Pictures R[PÖY98a]
T[SIN98]Jukka Sinisalo (1998) Estimation of greenhouse impacts of continuous regional emissions Picture R[SIN98]


T[HOL97]Jan Holmberg (1997) Probabilistic safety assessment and optimal control of hazardous technological systems - A marked point process approach Picture R[HOL97]
T[SII97]Marja-Liisa Siikonen (1997) Planning and control models for elevators in high-rise buildings Picture R[SII97b]


T[LAI96]Pertti Laininen (1996) A multiple comparison procedure based on Mallows 1-distance bootstrap Pictures R[LAI96a]


T[JAU95]Osmo Jauri (1995) Three essays on the pricing theory of seasoned share issues and investment banking services Picture R[JAU95]
T[KOL95]Tatu Koljonen (1995) Simulation of the mashing process Picture R[KOL95]
T[RÄS95]Mika Räsänen (1995) Modeling processes in the design of electricity tariffs Picture R[RÄS95]


T[LAH94]Risto Lahdelma (1994) Object-oriented mathematical modelling
T[PUL94]Urho Pulkkinen (1994) Statistical models for expert judgement and wear prediction R[PUL94]
T[VER94]Markku Verkama (1994) Distributed methods and processes in games of incomplete information Pictures R[VER94b]


T[SAL92]Ahti Salo (1992) Approximate ratio statements in hierarchical weighting models R[SAL92c]


T[RUU90]J. Ruusunen (1991) Models of Intertemporal Bargaining


T[EHT89]Harri Ehtamo (1989) Incentive strategies and bargaining solutions for dynamic decision problems R[EHT88b]


T[AIT88]Leena Aittoniemi (1988) Basis representations in large-scale linear programming software P[AIT88]
T[HÄJ88]Jari Hämäläinen (1988) Analysis of left ventricular function by optimization models R[HÄJ88b]


T[KAI85]Veijo Kaitala (1985) Game theory models of dynamic bargaining and contracting in fisheries management R[KAI85]



T[KAK12]Anssi Käki (2012) Impact of demand and supply uncertainties in decision models for operations management
T[VIL12]Eeva Vilkkumaa (2012) Modeling uncertainties in portfolio decision analysis


T[HYT10]Henri Hytönen (2010) Dynamic Models for the Valuation and Management of Intellectual Property Rights


T[BER08]Kimmo Berg (2008) Computation under Limited Information in Nonlinear Pricing (TKK)


T[MIL07]Pekka Mild (2007) Applications of Multicriteria Portfolio Models in Project Evaluation and Resource Allocation (TKK)


T[JAR06]Toni Jarimo (2006) Partner Selection and Utility Sharing in Collaborative Networks (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[LIE06]Juuso Liesiö (2006) Robust Portfolio Optimization in Multi-Criteria Project Selection (TKK)
T[PUN06]Antti Punkka (2006) Incomplete Ordinal Information in Value Tree Analysis (TKK)


T[KON05]Totti Könnölä (2005) Escaping Path-Dependence: Essays on Foresight and Environmental Management (HUT)


T[GUS04]Janne Gustafsson (2004) Valuation of Projects and Real Options in Incomplete Markets
T[GUT04]Tommi Gustafsson (2004) Computer-Supported Evaluation of National Technology Programmes
T[RAN04]Jukka Ranta (2004) Optimal Control and Trajectory Optimization Applied to Evasion Analysis (HUT)


T[HAK03]Henri Hakonen (2003) Simulation of Building Traffic and Evacuation by Elevators (Kone Ltd)


T[LIN00b]Mats Lindstedt (2000) Experiences of Multi-attribute Risk Analysis in Nuclear Emergency Decision Support
T[MUR00]Pauli Murto (2000) Models of Capacity Investment in Deregulated Electricity Markets


T[KET99]Eero Kettunen (1999) Interactive methods for group decision and negotiation support
T[WEI99]Robert Weiss (1999) A model for the water balance, water table and soil climate of boreal peatlands during the growing season. (HUT)
T[YLI99]Janica Ylikarjula (1999) Dynamic complexity in discrete-time population models


T[HEI98]Pirja Heiskanen (1998) Decentralized computation of Pareto solutions in multi-party negotiations
T[MOI98]Atte Moilanen (1998) Optimization with evolutionary algorithms and local search (HUT)
T[SEI98]Ilkka Seilonen (1998) A review of distributed and collaborative production management systems in discrete part manufacturing (VTT)


T[MIE97]Pauli Miettinen (1997) Decision analytical perspective on environmental management of products (HUT)
T[SAI97]Timo Saija (1997) Operations research based analysis on software engineering projects (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[SEP97]Jyri Seppälä (1997) Decision analysis as a tool for life cycle impact assessment (HUT)


T[KET96]Anu Kettunen (1996) Statistical analyses of the dynamics of methane emissions from a borealpeatland (HUT)
T[RAI96]Tuomas Raivio (1996) Direct solution methods for optimal control problems and pursuit-evasion games (HUT)


T[JÄR95]Silja Järvinen (1995) Optimisation-based Configuration in intelligent Decision Support Systems (in German)
T[PÖY95]Mari Pöyhönen (1995) Hierarchical weighting procedures in multiattribute decision making
T[YLI95]Erkki Yli-Juuti (1995) Stack gas flow measurement based on modeling of fan (IndMeas) (in Finnish)


T[ADL94]Frank Adler (1994) An advanced desicion support system for production and distribution plannig at corporate level
T[HAA94]Juha Haataja (1994) Suurten optimointitehtävien ratkaiseminen (in Finnish)


T[HOL93]Jan Holmberg (1993) Operating experience feedback in probabilistic safety assessment
T[KOL93]Tatu Koljonen (1993) Simulation of biochemical processes during malt mashing


T[JAU92]Osmo Jauri (1992) Contingent claim analysis and term structures: Continuous time approaches into mathematical construction
T[RÄS92]Mika Räsänen (1992) Customer reaction modelling in dynamic pricing of electricity
T[SIM92]Kaisa Simola (1992) Probalistic methods in nuclear power plant component ageing
T[VAS92]Petri Vasara (1992) CORONA - of knowledge-based simulation and market dynamics
T[VER92]Markku Verkama (1992) On cooperation under incomplete information


T[LAH91]Risto Lahdelma (1991) MME - a mathematical modelling environment
T[TÄH91]Markus Tähtinen (1991) A holistic acidification model for estimating the trends decreasing the suplhur- and nitrogen emissions in Finland and cost estimates for emissions decreasing (in Finnish)


T[HOL90]Maria Holmberg (1990) Ion exchange dynamics and soil acidification: Model development and testing R[HOL90]. (in Swedish)
T[KAR90]Ilkka Karanta (1990) Short-term load forecasting in communal electric utilities
T[SAL90]Ahti Salo (1990) Approximate preferences in hierarchical decision models (in Finnish)


T[PUL89]Urho Pulkkinen (1989) Uncertainty in reliability and risk analysis (in Finnish)
T[SII89]Marja-Liisa Siikonen (1989) Modelling and control of elevator traffic (in Finnish)


T[RUU86]Jukka Ruusunen (1986) Dynamic cooperative decision making


T[BER85]Jukka Bergqvist (1985) Decision support system for resource allocation in a corporation
T[HÄJ85]Jari Hämäläinen (1985) Optimal control modeling in cardiovascular biomechanics



T[ANT24]Olivia Antikainen (2024) Incorporating a Geopolitical Risk Index in momentum investment strategies
T[EME24]Oskar Emelianov (2024) An evaluation framework for assessing uses of radio telescopes
T[HAA24]Katri Haapalinna (2024) Machine learning for radio frequency fingerprint recognition
T[HAK24]Sakari Hakkola (2024) Evaluation of parametric models and neural networks for pricing zero days-to-expiration ptions
T[HEI24]Pontus Heir (2024) On forecast calculation levels and observation granularities
T[HEI24a]Eero Heimonen (2024) Portfolio optimization under solvency requirements
T[JAL24]Jarkko Jalovaara (2024) Line planning with multiple modalities: Performance analysis of cost-oriented approaches
T[JAL24a]Perttu Jalovaara (2024) Win probability estimation for strategic decision-making in esports
T[JAR24]Emma Järvinen (2024) Long-input summarization using large language models
T[KAR24]Hanna Karras (2024) Optimizing the fill rate and throughput rate of an automated shuttle-based storage and retrieval system (Siemens)
T[KAU24]Leevi Kaukonen (2024) On teamwork efficiency estimation based on interaction data
T[KOI24]Petri Koivisto (2024) Application of System-Theoretic Process Analysis in Probabilistic Risk Assessment of a Nuclear Power Plant
T[KUM24]Avashesh Kumar (2024) Optimising the hybrid energy system: A mathematical modelling approach considering uncertainties
T[LAI24]Leo Laitinen (2024) Optimal offering strategy for a base station virtual power plant via stochastic programming
T[LYL24]Andrea Lyly (2024) Macroeconomic calibration methods in loss given default modelling
T[MUR24]Mikko Murhu (2024) Generating complementary instrument tracks with a transformer model
T[MYL24]Tuomas Myllymäki (2024) Gaussian process surrogate models in elevator planning
T[MYL24a]Saku Myllymäki (2024) Automated optimisation workflow for radiotherapy using dose mimicking from deep learning predicted dose
T[NAR24]Mikko Närhi (2024) Censored regression models with autoregressive errors for improved time series estimation and forecasting
T[NAR24a]Paul Närhi (2024) Robustness-based sensitivity analysis of a decision model - Application to counterparty risk in energy markets (Fortum)
T[NGU24]Kevin Nguyen (2024) On sales lead optimization of personal insurance products with multi-armed bandit algorithms
T[OIN24]Oona Oinonen (2024) Unsupervised semantic segmentation of multispectral point clouds
T[OLE24]Lukas Olenborg (2024) Clustering hierarchical purchasing categories for procurement benchmarking using sentence embeddings
T[OST24]Mattias Österbacka (2024) A biobjective mixed-integer linear program for decarbonized bunkering locations in the Baltic sea
T[PAR24]Konsta Parkkali (2024) Risk-informed project selection for developing breakthrough technologies
T[RON24]Leevi Rönty (2024) Graph neural network heuristic for timetable planning in public transport
T[SUL24]Amir Sultanbekov (2024) Designing an effort estimation process for embedded software projects (EKE-Electronics)
T[TAA24]Miio Taarna (2024) Optimization of learning paths for individualized phishing training (Hoxhunt)
T[TYN24]Iiro Tynnilä (2024) Utilization of climate scenarios in corporate planning with a cross-impact approach (Konecranes)
T[UUS24]Viljami Uusihärkälä (2024) Optimization approaches for line planning in linear railway systems
T[VEH24]Juhana Vehmas (2024) Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for nuclear power plant sites in Finland (Fortum)
T[VIR24]Markus Virtanen (2024) Evaluation of quality of air surveillance using spatial multi-criteria decision analysis
T[WEC24]Aino Weckman (2024) Optimising emission reduction actions in organisations’ climate work


T[AND23]Mika Andersson (2023) Forecasting of zonal power transfer distribution factors in flow-based market coupling
T[AUN23]Jerry Aunula (2023) Models for Solving Multi-Agent Decision Problems
T[EKL23]Tomas Eklund (2023) Impact of air passengers on COVID-19 transmission
T[HAA23]Eetu Haavisto (2023) Model optimization for diffuse reflection spectroscopy
T[HAK23]Riina Hakkarainen (2023) Drift detection methods for data streams (Wapice Oy)
T[HOL23]Thomas-Roy Holt (2023) Modeling supply contracts in production planning with disjunctive programming
T[ILV23]Roosa Ilvonen (2023) On the effects of the 2022 crisis on the returns of growth and value companies in the Finnish stock market
T[KOR23]Antti Korkealaakso (2023) Predicting liquid-liquid phase separation of proteins using graph neural network
T[LAI23]Jani Laine (2023) Moving decision horizon multi-criteria approach to planning of air combat tactics, techniques and procedures
T[LUN23]Oliver Lundqvist (2023) A robust optimization approach against adversarial attacks on medical images
T[LUO23]Peetu Luotonen (2023) Calibration of European option pricing models using neural networks (Yliaisti Oy) (Kalvot)
T[MAT23]Tuukka Mattlar (2023) Assessing marginal abatement cost of bioplastics with an integrated assessment model
T[REH23]Walter Rehn (2023) Simulation and optimization of a hybrid cruise ship’s power plant using nonlinear programming
T[RIE23]Joonas Riekkinen (2023) A neural network surrogate modeling routine for simulation-based analysis of ship energy systems
T[SAA23]Lauri Sääskilahti (2023) Modelling of Uncertainties in Wind Power Forecasts
T[SAV23]Joona Savela (2023) Feasibility of a reinforcement learning based market maker without using limit order book data
T[SEG23]Christian Segercrantz (2023) Experimental evaluation of record linkage algorithms in a secure banking environment
T[TOR23]Noora Torpo (2023) Analysis on the impact of non-participating cargo vessels in a multi-lateral arrival schedule optimization model for decarbonization (Napa Ltd)
T[TUR23]Lauri Turtiainen (2023) Modeling non-maturity deposit balances for stress testing (S-Pankki Oyj)


T[ALA22]Kalle Alaluusua (2022) Consistent Bayesian community detection (Aalto University)
T[AXE22a]Elias Axelsson (2022) Mittausepätarkkuuden määrittäminen radantarkastusvaunun validointitestauksessa (Ramboll)
T[BJO22]Emil af Björkensten (2022) Price verification of interest rate options under market uncertainty (OP Group)
T[ELF22]Vikke Elfving (2022) Scenario selection in probabilistic cross-impact analysis (Aalto University)
T[HON22]Marianne Honkasaari (2022) On optimization of the logistics related to recycling of nutrients in wastewater sludges
T[HUU22]Toni Huuhka (2022) Regime-Based Black-Litterman Model for the Strategic Asset Allocation of Institutional Investors
T[JOK22]Lauri Jokinen (2022) Elevator packing with various objects using cyclic placement method and quadratic line search
T[KUJ22]Ville Kujala (2022) On parameter estimation for generalized nonlinear forecasting models
T[LAH22]Patrik Lahti (2022) Compensation of adverse effects of wind farms on air surveillance capability using spatial decision analysis (Aalto University)
T[LAH22a]Janne Lahti (2022) Model-based learning interventions to enhance decision-making of master fighter controllers
T[MAK22]Johannes Mäkinen (2022) Estimating the Effectiveness of Depression Care Pathways: A Process Mining and Survival Analysis Approach
T[MAK22a]Jani Mäkinen (2022) Cost-effectiveness of screening for celiac disease in children
T[MET22]Iivo Metsä-Eerola (2022) On forecasting heating energy consumption of HVAC systems with recurrent neural networks
T[OKS22]Sonja Oksanen (2022) Predicting residential property prices with decision tree models
T[OLA22]Leevi Olander (2022) Decision Programming formulations for optimal asset portfolio management under uncertainty (Aalto University)
T[PAS22]Aleksi Pasanen (2022) Discrete-event simulation of an automated guided vehicle system in a Finnish hospital
T[PEL22]Matias Peltoketo (2022) Mobile Phone Surface Defect Detection Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning
T[RAS22]Joonas Rasa (2022) Margin of Conservatism in Credit Risk Models
T[SAA22]Severi Saastamoinen (2022) A Deep Learning Model for Filtering Unusable Visual Data
T[SIH22]Roni Sihvonen (2022) Characterizing the winning bid features in multidimensional bidding
T[SIM22]Joanna Simms (2022) Developing an agent-based model for peatland subsidies in Lapland (Natural Resources Institute Finland)
T[TER22]Topias Terho (2022) Optimization of information structures in influence diagrams (Aalto University)
T[TUO22]Ville Tuominen (2022) Improving Individual Tree Detection Using Drone Remote Sensing for Ecosystem Modeling Purposes (Natural Resources Institute Finland)
T[VIL22]Vili Visakorpi (2022) Sensitivity analysis of a seismic hazard assessment for a Finnish nuclear power plant (Fortum)
T[VIL22a]Miku Vilander (2022) An Optimization Method for Wagon Allocation in Long-Distance Trains (VR)


T[AAL21]Tuuli Aaltonen (2021) Feasibility of using choice models with loyalty card data in quantifying product substitution
T[HAN21]Hilkka Hännikäinen (2021) Modelling the Joint Distribution of Risk Factors in Financial Markets (OP Group)
T[HAU21]Tapio Hautamäki (2021) Multiobjective Optimization Model for Elevator Call Allocation (Kone Oyj)
T[JEN21]Cosmo Jenytin (2021) Should a machine be trusted? A study on the effect of explainable artificial intelligence on trust in automated machine learning (MindsDB)
T[JIA21]Bingzhen Jiang (2021) Modelling Uncertainties in the Multistage Selection of Energy Projects (Aalto University)
T[KAN21]Veli Kangas (2021) A Model for Daily Shift Scheduling of Multi-skilled Workers
T[KIV21]Oskari Kivinen (2021) Decision Support Model for Fleet Maintenance based on Vehicle Quality Incentives for Bus Operators in Public Transportation (Nobina Oy)
T[LES21]Juuso Leskinen (2021) Optimization of logistics service provider’s parcel network (Posti)
T[MAA21]Petri Määttä (2021) Comparison of solution methods for the dynamic pickup and delivery problem with time windows
T[MET21]Katja Metsäkoivu (2021) A Capacity allocation method for appointment scheduling in public healthcare (FlovV.io)
T[MUH21]Patrik Muhojoki (2021) Domain independent feasibility repairs in a sales configurator framework (Variantum Oy)
T[NYM21]Elin Nyman (2021) A credit scoring model for peer-to-peer consumer lending (Fellow Finance)
T[NYM21a]Emil Nyman (2021) A sensitivity analysis approach to improve workforce optimization results by simulating employee training
T[PAR21]Tuomas Pärssinen (2021) Valuing Pharmaceutical Assets During Clinical Development - A Thread-Oriented Method (Faron Pharmaceuticals Oy)
T[PAR21a]Mio Parmi (2021) An optimization model for finding shortest paths in a road network (Nobina Oy)
T[ROD21]Marcos Ryhänen Rodellas (2021) Default-implied asset correlations for Finnish small and medium-sized enterprises (Aktia)
T[SAI21]Otto Saikkonen (2021) Risk assessment of dynamic interdependencies based of sectoral survey data (Aalto, National Emergency Supply Organization)
T[SUM21]Tommi Summanen (2021) Heuristics for days-off scheduling of heterogeneous workforce
T[SUO21]Tuomas Suominen (2021) Optimizing defensive naval minefields through network interdiction modeling
T[TUU21]Tuukka Stewen (2021) Data-Driven Dynamic Pricing of Airline Upgrades (Finnair)
T[VAI21]Tommi Vainio (2021) On Hierarchical Campaign Forecasting
T[VIK21]Janne Vikelä (2021) Active management, investment style and mutual fund performance - Evidence from the Nordic market (Aalto University)
T[ZEI21]Topias Zein (2021) Verification and validation of passive heat removal systems’ simulation models (Fennovoima)


T[HER20]Olli Herrala (2020) An efficient strategy for solving stochastic programming problems under endogenous and exogenous uncertainties
T[ISO20]Veli-Matti Isoviita (2020) Computational methods in analysing on-call duty doctors’ working hour data (FIOH)
T[LEP20]Jussi Leppinen (2020) A Dynamic Optimization Model for Maintenance Scheduling of a Multi-Component System
T[NOR20]Jessica Norrbäck (2020) Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning for Electronic Components (ABB)
T[REI20]Kati Reinikainen (2020) Strategic Asset Allocation Using Robust Covariance Estimation and Portfolio Optimization Methods (Elo)
T[SAL20]Iiro Sallinen (2020) Customer loyalty in the sales of engine spare parts (Wärtsilä)
T[SAR20]Tuukka Sarvi (2020) Predicting product sales in retail store chain (Houston Analytics)
T[VAS20]Valtteri Vaskikari (2020) Identifying tactical asset allocation signals for US and European equities (Elo)
T[WIL20]Markus Wilkman (2020) Feasibility of a Reinforcement Learning Based Stock Trader (Yliaisti Oy)


T[AAL19]Henrik Aalto (2019) Competition-Based Dynamic Pricing in E-Commerce
T[DOU19]Mihail Douhaniaris (2019) Fully convolutional networks for segmentation of wearable sensor data (UnifyID)
T[ESK19]Janne Eskola (2019) Developing an optimization model for VR's long-term locomotive allocation planning (VR)
T[GUN19]Nina Gunell (2019) Optimal Route of Military Aircraft in Multi-Stage Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Target Acquisition Missions (Aalto University
T[KAN19]Tommi Kantala (2019) Assessment of cyber risk for energy utilities (Sectra)
T[LAA19]Niko Laakkonen (2019) Optimization Problems in Outpatient Clinic Production Planning and Control (Delfoi Ltd)
T[LAU19]Verneri Lauksio (2019) Analysing regional response time of imaging satellite systems through simulation (Aalto University)
T[LEH19]Leo Lehikoinen (2019) Simulation Approach to Rolling Stock Brake Pad Replacement Strategy Optimization (in Finnish) (VR)
T[MAK19]Iiro Mäkinen (2019) Flow shop scheduling of multi phase plywood production with parallel machines (UPM)
T[MEL19]Sara Melander (2019) Survival regression model for rolling stock failure prediction (VR)
T[MUT19]Juhani Mutikainen (2019) Optimization Model for Multicriteria Workforce Planning of Flexible Train Driver Resource (VR)
T[NIS19]Olli Niskanen (2019) An approach for automated rigging to facilitate 3D modeling in mobile augmented reality (3DBear)
T[SÄR19]Ilkka Särkiö (2019) Topic modelling of Finnish Internet discussion forums as a tool for trend identification and marketing applications (Dagmar)
T[STR19]Jani Strandberg (2019) Semi-automated scenario analysis of optimisation models (UPM)
T[TUR19]Samuli Turunen (2019) Feasibility of Nonlinear Multifactor Classifiers for Predicting Share Returns (Evli Fund Management Company Ltd)
T[WAR19]Ella Warras (2019) Optimizing Shelf Space Allocation in Grocery Retail (Relex Solutions)


T[ASI18]Milja Asikainen (2018) Framework for evaluating the performance of predictive models in healthcare and social services (NHG) (in Finnish)
T[LAH18a]Elmeri Lähevirta (2018) On optimization of empty raw wood wagon circulations of rail transport in Finland (VR)
T[LIN18]Visa Linkiö (2018) A Multi-Objective Linear Programming Model for Ranking Competing Refineries (Neste)
T[MAT18]Markus Mattila (2018) A cyclic exchange neighborhood search algorithm and transformations for the Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem (Aalto University)
T[PEL18]Lari Pelkola (2018) Decision Support System for Hydropower Planning under Inflow Uncertainty (UPM Energy)
T[RAN18]Eero Rantala (2018) Analyzing Defense Capability of a Fleet of Military Aircraft Through Simulation (Aalto University)
T[SAI18]Santtu Saijets (2018) Modelling of preferences in multimodal routing algorithms (Flou Solutions Ltd)
T[SEE18]Teemu Seeve (2018) A Structured Method for Identifying and Visualizing Scenarios (Capful Oy)
T[SHA18]Nourhan Shafik (2018) On Clustering of Non-smooth Functional Observations (Aalto University)
T[SIP18]Juhani Sipilä (2018) On Generating Prime Numbers Efficiently (Aalto University)
T[VAU18]Joonas Vauhkonen (2018) Cross-Price Elasticities in Fashion Retail Pricing


T[HAS17]Jari Hast (2017) Optimal work shift scheduling: a heuristic approach (Haahtela HR)
T[HYY17]Riku Hyytiäinen (2017) Evaluating Trajectories of Air-to-Ground Weapons using a Probability Map for Surface-to-Air Threats (Aalto University)
T[LAN17]Mariko Landström (2017) Capabilities, structural change and climate policy (Mercator Research Institute)
T[LAN17a]Joonas Lanne (2017) Pricing regulatory capital in over-the-counter derivatives (Nordea Markets)
T[NYM17]Lauri Nyman (2017) A Genetic Algorithm for Generating Optimal Stock Investment Strategies
T[POR17]Aleksi Porokka (2017) Train driver rostering in Finland considering driver satisfaction (VR)
T[RIE17]Vesa-Matti Riekkinen (2017) Comparison of alternatives in EIA Evaluation of multicriteria methods (in Finnish) (Finnish Environmental Institute)
T[SAL17]Markus Sallila (2017) An Evaluation Model for a Ride-Sharing Problem (Aalto University)
T[SEL17]Katri Selonen (2017) An Adaptive Recommender System for News Delivery (Futurice)
T[VÄÄ17]Touko Väänänen (2017) An activity-based model of travel demand using an open-source simulation framework (FLOU)


T[ALL16]Pekka Alli (2016) On cluster structures in unemployment of OECD-nations (Aalto University) (in Finnish)
T[ANT16]Turkka Anttonen (2016) Procurement Contracts under Uncertain Demand (Microsoft)
T[HIR16]Jussi Hirvonen (2016) Stochastic approach to mid- and longterm forecasting of ERCOT real-time electricity price (Wärtsilä)
T[HUS16]Vesa Husgafvel (2016) Polyhedral Analysis of Up-peak Traffic Patterns in Elevator Dispatching Problem
T[ILO16]Juuso Ilomäki (2016) Recognizing Transportation Modes by Multivariate Clustering of Accelerometer Data (Aalto University)
T[KAI16]Joona Kaivosoja (2016) A pull controlled manufacturing system with uncertain demand (Orion Oy) (in Finnish)
T[KAN16]Joona Kanerva (2016) Pulp market price forecast model (UPM-Kymmene Oyj) (in Finnish)
T[KAR16]Markus Kärki (2016) Computing pure-strategy punishments in repeated games (Aalto University)
T[KAU16]Lauri Kauppinen (2016) Developing mid-term sales planning in an engineer-to-order business (ABB)
T[KIN16]Teemu Kinnunen (2016) Cost-efficient vacation planning with variable workforce demand and manpower (VR Group)
T[KLE16]Santtu Klemettilä (2016) Strategic workforce planning with integer linear programming (Haahtela) (in Finnish)
T[KUN16]Janne Kunnas (2016) Importance Sampling for Simulating Risk Contributions of Corporate Loan Portfolios (OP Financial Group)
T[LEH16]Eero Lehtonen (2016) A Large-Scale Optimization Model for Tactical Wood Procurement Planning (UPM)
T[LEV16]Antti Levo (2016) Predicting Pilot Fatigue in Commercial Air Transportation (Blue1)
T[LIE16]Niko Lietzen (2016) New Approach to Complex Valued ICA: From FOBI to AMUSE (Aalto University)
T[MET16]Saku Metsärinne (2016) Defining the Level of Accuracy in Strategic Workplace Planning (Haahtela-kehitys Oy) (in Finnish)
T[MYR16]Jesse Myrberg (2016) A Recommender System for an Online Auction (Sanoma Oyj)
T[OJA16]Vili-Matti Ojala (2016) Simulation support for medium-term production planning at an energy utility (Vantaan Energia)
T[POH16]Ville Pohjalainen (2016) Predicting service contract churn with decision tree models (Kone)
T[SEP16]Aleksi Seppänen (2016) Utilizing acoustic measurements in equipment condition monitoring
T[SIL16]Riikka Siljander (2016) Energy-climate-forest modelling for integrated policy analysis (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[TUO16]Henri Tuovila (2016) Optimised Strategies for Dynamic Asset Allocation (OP Financial Group)
T[VAH16]Ilari Vähä-Pietilä (2016) Network Optimization of Drives Service Workshops (ABB)
T[VOU16]Arttu Voutilainen (2016) Spatial Objectives in Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning (Varian Medical Systems Finland)


T[KAJ15]Jussi Kajovaara (2015) Safety Control Analysis in Risk Analysis of Medication in University Hospital (Safeplus4) (in Finnish)
T[KAN15]Tiina Kangasniemi (2015) Statistical estimation of price elasticity to support aftermarket pricing (ABB Oy)
T[KÄN15]Teemu Känsäkangas (2015) Quality Assessment Methods for Traffic Incident Information (Strafica Ltd.)
T[KOS15]Jukka Koskenranta (2015) Availability analysis of Loviisa nuclear power plant considering major risks (Fortum Power and Heat Oy) (in Finnish)
T[OBE15]Janrik Öberg (2015) Supporting a company's offering process with Service Design (Mavisystems Oy) (in Finnish)
T[PÄR15]Ilmari Pärnänen (2015) Spatial game approach to describe risky agents in evacuation situation (Aalto University)
T[ROP15]Juho Roponen (2015) Simulating artillery fire in forest environment (Technology Division of Finnish Defence Research Agency)
T[SAL15]Antti Salmela (2015) Nash Equilibrium in Hold'em Poker (Aalto University) (in Finnish)
T[SII15]Susanna Siitonen (2015) The measurement and comparison of productivity in specialized paediatric health care (Turku University Hospital) (in Finnish)
T[TAR15]Joonas Tarpila (2015) Measurement and statistical analysis of corporate reputations (T-Media Oy) (in Finnish)
T[TII15]Teemu Tiinanen (2015) An Agent-Based Simulator to Support Systems Intelligent Behaviour in Organizations (Aalto University)
T[VEN15]Ville Venojärvi (2015) Finnish Lotto as a game and modelling and simulation of its sales (Veikkaus)
T[VES15]Arttu Vesterinen (2015) Startup teams and organizational systems intelligence (Aalto University) (in Finnish)


T[AND14]Juho Andelmin (2014) Optimal routing of electric vehicles (Aalto University)
T[FOR14]Jimmy Forsman (2014) Evaluating Options for International Software Expansion within a Partner Channel Model (Enoro Oy)
T[JUS14]Tomi Jussila (2014) The Impacts of Forecast Quality on an Energy Company (Helsingin Energia)
T[KLE14]Raul Kleinberg (2014) Evaluation of effect of time-dependent phenomena in probabilistic risk analysis (Fortum Power and Heat Oy) (in Finnish)
T[KOP14]Ville Koponen (2014) Estimating the use of public transport from smart card data (Strafica Oy) (in Finnish)
T[KOT14]Mikko Kotilainen (2014) Statistical modeling of ice-induced loads on a research vessel (Aalto University)
T[LIN14]Lasse Lindqvist (2014) Analysis of a predator-prey system with a shared diease
T[MÄK14]Harri Mäkelin (2014) Statistical Learning Based Classification of Rare Events in Predictive Maintenance
T[NIK14]Tuomas Nikoskinen (2014) Exposure estimation of interest rate derivatives with affine term structure models (Pohjola Bank)
T[PAA14]Tuomo Paavilainen (2014) Optimal Generation of Bent Plates in a Software Product (Tekla Oy)
T[PON14]Outi Pönni (2014) Post-processing wind speed forecasts with the extended logistic regression method for energy production (Finnish Meteorological Institute)
T[REN14]Olli Rentola (2014) Analyses of Online Advertising Performance Using Attribution Modeling
T[SCH14]Anton von Schantz (2014) Modeling egress congestion using a cellular automaton approach
T[VIR14]Vilma Virasjoki (2014) Market impacts of storage in a transmission- constrained power system (Aalto University)


T[HAR13]Mikko Harju (2013) Automated Construction of Dynamic Bayesian Networks in Simulation Metamodeling (Aalto University, School of Science)
T[HOT13]Rasmus Hotakainen (2013) Estimation of human error probabilities based on operating experience from a nuclear power plant (Fortum Oyj) (In Finnish)
T[HYT13]Noora Hyttinen (2013) The effect experience on knowledge extraction from accident reports (Kotka Maritime Research Center)
T[KAN13]Juha Kännö (2013) A short-term price forecast model of the Nordic electricity markets (UPM)
T[LAH13]Tuomas Lahtinen (2013) Path Dependency in the Even Swaps Method (Aalto University, School of Science)
T[LAI13]Pekka Laitila (2013) Improving the Use of Ranked Nodes in the Elicitation of Conditional Probabilities for Bayesian Networks (Aalto University, School of Science)
T[NIE13]Eerno Niemenmaa (2013) Computing Nash equilibrium in a telecommunication market model with different cognitive radio scenarios(Aalto University, School of Science)
T[NYS13]Tony Nysten (2013) Development and Communication of Short Term Sales Forecasts (Nokia)
T[OLL13]Joonas Ollila (2013) Portfolio Modeling in Environmental Decision Making (Aalto University, School of Science)
T[OST13]Lars Östring (2013) Product development process model for producing and maintaining market specific standard configurations (Enoro OY) (in Finnish)
T[PAR13]Kaisa Parkkila (2013) Value-at-Risk Analysis of Credit Portfolios (Fortum Oyj)
T[PUU13]Heikki Puustinen (2013) Military Aircraft Routing with Multi-Objective Network Optimization and Simulation
T[SAI13]Jussi Sainio (2013) Multi-Camera Object Tracking and Camera Calibration in a Video Content Analysis System (Mirasys Ltd.)
T[SAN13]Vendla Sandström (2013) Real-Time Resource Management and Activity Controlling - from a Push and Pull Perspective (Haahtela) (in Finnish)
T[VII13]Ville Viitasaari (2013) Modeling of Seaborne Forward Freight Rates


T[AHL12]Karin Ahlbäck (2012) Using Environmental Value Stream Mapping for Reducing Energy Consumption in Manufacturing (Grundfos A/S)
T[ALA12]Jari Alahuhta (2012) The Use of Multilevel Models to Evaluate the Effects of Pay Secrecy (Aalto University, School of Science)
T[HYN12]Yrjänä Hynninen (2012) An Efficiency Analysis of Service Providers in Oral Health Care (in Finnish)
T[LEP12]Ilkka Leppänen (2012) Cheap talk and cooperation in Stackelberg games (Aalto University, School of Science)
T[MAN12]Ilkka Mansikkamäki (2012) Histogram Based Signatures for Detecting Warranty Fraud
T[NUU12]Juha Nuutinen (2012) A Consumer Choice Model in Retailing of Health Products
T[SIL12]Taneli Silvonen (2012) Reliability Analysis for Passive Autocatalytic Hydrogen Recombiners of a Nuclear Power Plant (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[SOR12]Otto-Ville Sormunen (2012) Spill Estimation of Chemical Tanker Collisions in the Gulf of Finland
T[SUT12]Martti Sutinen (2012) Adaptive Emotion Based Decision Model for a Social Robot
T[TAL12]Lauri Talvikoski (2012) Short Term Load Forecasting with Analytic and Seasonal Time Series Methods (ABB)
T[TOR12]Juha Törmänen (2012) Systems Intelligence Inventory (Aalto University, School of Science)
T[VES12]Heikki Vesterinen (2012) Statistical Regression Models for Ship Performance Analysis


T[DAN11]Gillis Danielsen (2011) Optimizing Novel Technologies For Thermal Neutron Detection
T[ESK11]Olli Eskola (2011) Bayesian Games for Analysis of Asymmetric Warfare Tactics (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[HAS11]Aira Hast (2011) Assessment of Risks and Cost-Efficiency of National Greenhouse Gas Abatement Actions in Finland (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[JUN11]Janne Junes (2011) Comparing Road Pavement Maintenance Strategies Using Simulation Model (The Finnish Transport Agency / Pöyry CM Oy) (in Finnish)
T[KOL11]Juha-Matti Koljonen (2011) Improving Signal/Noise Ratio by Simple Rules and Local Information (Aalto University School of Science and Technology)
T[LUU11]Teppo Luukkonen (2011) Emergency medicine services simulation and optimization model (in Finnish)
T[NUR11]Joni Nurmentaus (2011) Tactical Forecasting of Arrivals to Call Centers.
T[POR11]Jirka Poropudas (2011) Kalman Filter Algorithm for Rating and Prediction in Basketball (Master's Thesis in Statistics at Faculty of Social Sciences at University of Helsinki)
T[SAL11]Osmo Salomaa (2011) An Accessibility-Based Simulation Model for Destination and Mode Choice of Trips (in Finnish)
T[SAV11]Antti Savelainen (2011) Movement Artifact Detection from Electroencephalogram Utilizing Accelerometer
T[TYR11]Tero Tyrväinen (2011) Risk Importance Measures and Common Cause Failures in Dynamic Flowgraph Methodology (VTT Technical Research Center of Finland)


T[AHL10]Lassi Ahlvik (2010) Cost-Effective Nutrient Abatement in the Baltic Sea (MTT Agrifood Research Finland)
T[BAA10]Lars Baarman (2010) Computing the Thermochemical Balance (Aalto University School of Science and Technology) (in Finnish)
T[GUE10]Reda Guerfi (2010) The Effect of Inaccurate Parameters on the Assesment of Radiation Doses (Fortum Oyj) (in Finnish)
T[HAA10]Lauri Haapamäki (2010) Identifying Business Models in Networks (Pöyry Forest Industry Consulting)
T[HUO10]Aapo Huovila (2010) Evaluation of Workspace Performance with a Multi-Criteria Model Approach (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[HYR10]Lauri Hyry (2010) A Statistical Analysis of the Relationship of Quality Perceptions and Loyalty of Customers with the Sales of a Global Company (Aalto University School of Science and Technology)
T[JAA10]Väinö Jääskinen (2010) Modelling of Human Sleep Stage Transitions (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health)
T[KER10]Tuomas Kervinen (2010) A Linear Programming Approach to Estimate Hydropower Supply in the Nordic Electricity Market (Fortum Power and Heat)
T[KLE10]Arttu Klemettilä (2010) Three player oligopoly model to evaluate the economic impact of cognitive radio (Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Nokia Research Center)
T[KOK10]Juho Kokkala (2010) Optimal Allocation of Defensive Fighter Force (Aalto University School of Science and Technology)
T[KOT10]Marko Kotilainen (2010) Complex Network Approach to the Analysis of Industrial Collaborations (Aalto University School of Science and Technology)
T[LAI10]Janne Laitonen (2010) Risk Follow-up in Regulatory Control of Nuclear Safety (Nuclear Safety Authority) (in Finnish)
T[LIE10]Jari Liede (2010) Hedging Currency Exposures in a Multinational Corporation (Nordea Markets)
T[LOI10]Mikko Loimula (2010) Evaluation of Fire Risks for a Room in Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant Using Two Methods (Fortum Nuclear Services Oy)
T[LUT10]Mikko Luttinen (2010) No-Limit Texas Hold'em - Analysis of Cash Game Strategy (Aalto University School of Science and Technology) (in Finnish)
T[MAN10]Karl Johan Mangs (2010) Classifying Individual-Level Migration Behavior Using Multivariate Methods (Fonecta Ltd )
T[MAT10]Maija Mattinen (2010) Modeling and Forecasting of Local Geomagnetic Activity (Finnish Meteorological Institute)
T[NEV10]Eero Nevalainen (2010) Evaluation of Global Positioning System Augmentation Options for Finland (Indagon)
T[NUM10]Tuomas Nummelin (2010) Identification of Behavioural Changes from Large-Value Payment Systems Data (Bank of Finland)
T[PAS10]Tommi Pastinen (2010) Forecasting Systems in Sales and Materials Management (Aalto University School of Science and Technology) (in Finnish)
T[PEK10]Timo Pekkala (2010) Scenario Testing in Managing the Market Risk of an Interest Rate Derivatives Portfolio (Pohjola Bank plc)
T[RAS10]Harri Räsänen (2010) Capital Structure and Valuation - A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Finnish Companies (Aalto University School of Science and Technology)
T[TAA10]Mauno Taajamaa (2010) Acceleration of Innovation Processes in the ICT Sector (Aalto University School of Science and Technology)
T[YLI10]Jukka Ylitalo (2010) Resources and Growth Orientation as Predictors of Firm Growth (Software Business Lab)
T[YLI110]Jutta Ylitalo (2010) Modelling Marine Accident Frequency (Aalto Univeristy School of Science and Technology)


T[AUL09]Samuel Aulanko (2009) Work Cycle Modeling of Ship-to-Shore Container Cranes (100 Year Foundation of the Federation of Finnish Technology Industries)
T[HEL09]Juho Helander (2009) Consideration of Major Uncertainties in the Risk Study of a Nuclear Power Plant (Fortum Nuclear Services Ltd )
T[HYV09]Tapani Hyvämäki (2009) Testing Bayesian Networks and Density Based Clustering in Maintenance Fault Detection (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[KUU09]Juha-Matti Kuusinen (2009) Modeling and Forecasting of People Flow in Buildings (Kone Oyj) (in Finnish)
T[LEI09]Topi Leisti (2009) Construction of the Network Optimization Based Simulation Model for Paper Industry (Stora Enso Newsprint & Book Paper)
T[LEP09]Matias Leppisaari (2009) Stochastic Modelling of Mortality Using Finnish Data (Mandatum Life)
T[LOI09]Mikko Loimula (2009) Evaluation of Fire Risks for a Room in Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant Using Two Methods (Fortum Nuclear Services Oy)
T[LUO09]Jukka Luoma (2009) Systems Intelligence in the Process of Systems Thinking (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[NIE09]Pyry-Matti Niemelä (2009) Benchmarking-mittaristo sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon tuotannonohjaukseen (NHG Benchmarking Oy)
T[NII09]Arto Niinistö (2009) Simulation of the Management of a Micro Grid with Wind Solar amd Gas Generators (Nokia Siemens Networks)
T[NIS09]Ville-Veikko Niskanen (2009) Estimating the Liquidity Premium of Equity Indices (ICECAPITAL Asset Management Ltd )
T[OLL09]Matti Ollila (2009) Efficiency Analyses of Interrelationships Between University Research Groups and Their Funding Sources (Helsinki University of Technology) (in Finnish)
T[POU09]Jouni Pousi (2009) Decision Analytical Approach to Effects-Based Operations (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[RAI09]Ismo Räisänen (2009) Transportation Problems Their Solution Methods and an Application to Sea Transportation (Neste Oil Oyj) (in Finnish)
T[SAL09]Juha Saloheimo (2009) Utilizing Syslog Messages in Fault Management Process of a Broadband Network (Elisa Oyj) (in Finnish)
T[SOD09]Kimmo Söderholm (2009) Computation of Lake Outflow in WSFS (Suomen ympäristökeskus) (in Finnish)
T[TOP09]Antti Toppila (2009) A Resource Allocation Model for Standardisation Activities in a Telecommunication Company (Nokia Oyj)


T[TDUF08]Mikko Dufva (2008) Cost-Efficient Reduction of Agricultural Load to Water System (Suomen ympäristökeskus) (in Finnish)
T[TEHR08]Markus Ehrnrooth (2008) Analyses of Flight to Quality in Financial Markets (Estlander & Rönnlund)
T[TELO08]Antti Eloranta (2008) Pricing of Exotic Foreign Exchange Rate Options (Nordea Markets)
T[ERO08]Tanja Eronen (2008) Non-Maturity Deposit Valuation and Hedging (Nordea Bank)
T[GYL08]Michael Gylling (2008) Designing a Global Supply Chain for a Consumer Product Manufacturer (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[HEI08]Matti Heimonen (2008) Revenue Generation Model in Multi-player Games (Finland's Slot Machine Association RAY) (in Finnish)
T[HOL08]Ville Holma (2008) Copula Functions in Pricing Credit Baskets (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[HOL08a]Petri Holappa (2008) Purchase Optimization for an Industrial Wholesaler (Etra Oy) (in Finnish)
T[KAN08]Jussi Kangaspunta (2008) Portfolio Analysis in the Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Weapon Systems (Maanpuolustuksen tieteellinen neuvottelukunta) (in Finnish)
T[KAU08]Tommi Kauppinen (2008) Efficiency Analysis of Material Input and Nutritional Values of Foodstuffs (Ympäristöministeriö) (in Finnish)
T[KOV08]Lauri Kovanen (2008) Forecasting the Probability of Corporate Default (Aktia Säästöpankki) (in Finnish)
T[MAT08]Anna Matala (2008) Estimation of Solid Phase Reaction Parameters for Fire Simulation (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[RUU08]Sampsa Ruutu (2008) National Sea Transport Demand and Capacity Forecasting with System Dynamics (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[RYY08]Erkka Ryynänen (2008) Customer Segmentation in Retail Banking (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[SIK08]Topi Sikanen (2008) Modeling Firebrands Scattering in Fire Simulation (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[SUO08]Atso Suopajärvi (2008) Modeling of Phenomenological Uncertainties in Level 2 Probablistic Safety Assessment of a Nuclear Power Plant (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[VAN08]Maija Vanhatalo (2008) Multivariate Modeling in Improving Product Creation Processes (Nokia Oyj)
T[VIL08]Eeva Vilkkumaa (2008) Approaches to Group Decision Support in Robust Portfolio Modeling (Helsinki University of Technology)


T[EKH07]Tommi Ekholm (2007) Scenarios on the Burden Sharing of Climate Change Mitigation (VTT Energy Systems)
T[HEL07]Simo Heliövaara (2007) Computational Models for Human Behavior in Fire Evacuations (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[JAL07]Erkka Jalonen (2007) Portfolio Decision Making in Innovation Management (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[JAR07]Harri Järvinen (2007) Functional and Mathematical Structure of Lottery Betting and Gambling Games (Veikkaus Oy)
T[KAK07]Anssi Käki (2007) Forecasting in End-Of-Life Spare Parts Procurement (ROCE Partners Oy)
T[KOR07]Kalle Korpiaho (2007) Project Portfolio Management in a R&D; Organization (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[KUJ07]Ilkka Kujamäki (2007) Assessment of Customer Profitability in a Multinational Paper Company (UPM-Kymmene Corporation)
T[LEH07]Kimmo Lehikoinen (2007) Development of Systematic Backtesting Processes of Value-at-Risk (Nordea)
T[MAL07]Antti Malava (2007) Modelling the Volatility Risk of an Option Portfolio (Sampo Bank)
T[MUT07]Teemu Mutanen (2007) Consumer Data and Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[NIS07]Juuso Nissinen (2007) The Impact of Evaluation Information in Project Portfolio Selection (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[RUO07]Mirko Ruokokoski (2007) Integer optimization in elevator group control (Kone Elevators Ltd ) (in Finnish)
T[SAL07]Timo Salminen (2007) Calibration of a Forward Rate Market Model (Evli Pankki)
T[SIR07]Sami Sirén (2007) Risk-Informed Optimization of Allowed Outage Times of a Nuclear Power Plant (Fortum Nuclear Services Oy) (in Finnish)
T[STE07]Olli Stenlund (2007) Optimization of Construction Project Schedule (Vico Software Oy) (in Finnish)
T[VAY07]Olli Väyrynen (2007) Identifying Undervalued Stocks with Multiple Financial Ratios (Sifterfund)


T[HAM06]Auli Hämäläinen (2006) Estimating Common Cause Failure Parameters Using Impact Vectors in the Probablistic Safety Analysis of the Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant (Fortum Nuclear Services)
T[KER06]Mikko Kerola (2006) Calibration of an Optimisation Model for Short-term Hydropower Production Planning (Fortum Portfolio Management and Trading)
T[LEH06]Hannele Lehtinen (2006) Construction of Demand Scenarios in Paper Industry (UPM-Kymmene Oyj)
T[LEH06b]Jaakko Lehtinen (2006) Production Control Needs and Methods for Forecasting in Information Logistics Business (Itella Suomi Oy) (in Finnish)
T[PIR06]Antti Pirttimäki (2006) Foresight in a Research and Technology Organisation (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[SIM06]Lassi Similä (2006) The Electricity Sector in Russia - From Central Planning to Liberalized Markets (Fortum Portfolio Management and Trading)
T[SUO06]Emilia Suomalainen (2006) Multicriteria Analysis and Visualization of Location-Allocation Problems (Fraunhofer Gesellschaft)
T[TAH06]Topi Tahvonen (2006) Methods and Tools for Simulation Assisted Process Automation Testing (Fortum Nuclear Services)
T[VIR06]Pasi Virtanen (2006) Determining an Optimal Cut-Off Point in Credit Scoring (Suomen Asiakastieto Oy) (in Finnish)


T[AHV05]Rasmus Ahvenniemi (2005) Analysis of Continental European Electricity Market Under Liberalization (Fortum Oyj)
T[BRU05]Ville Brummer (2005) Internet-based Generation and Multi-criteria Screening of Innovation Ideas (Helsinki University of Technology) (in Finnish)
T[HEL05]Matti Hellqvist (2005) Intraday Liquidity Management in Gross Settlement System as a Coordination Game (Bank of Finland)
T[HYT05]Henri Hytönen (2005) A Model for Value-based Pricing of Industrial Services (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[ING05]Henrik Ingo (2005) Using Online Quizzes as a Study Aid in a Course on Probability and Statistics (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[JAV05]Timo Javanainen (2005) Analysis of Short-Term Hydro Power Production in the Nordic Electricity Market (Fortum Oyj)
T[KAN05]Lauri Kangas (2005) Stochastic Warfare Modeling (Puolustusvoimien Teknillinen Tutkimuslaitos) (in Finnish)
T[KAR05]Ville Karttunen (2005) Validation of a Fission Product Revaporization Model (Fortum Nuclear Services Oy)
T[KIV05]Toivo Kivirinta (2005) Risk-Informed Balancing of Allowed Outage Times of a Nuclear Power Plant (Fortum Nuclear Services Oy)(in Finnish)
T[LEH05]Jukka Lehmusvirta (2005) Systemic Modeling of Hierarchical Software Development in a Distributed Enterprise (Nokia Oyj)
T[MÄN05]Ilkka Männistö (2005) Risk-Informed Classification of Systems Structures and Components in Nuclear Power Plants. (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[NIE05]Sami Niemelä (2005) Short-Term Procurement Optimisation in Deregulated Energy Markets (Process Vision Oy)
T[POR05]Jirka Poropudas (2005) Game Theoretic Analysis of an Air Combat Simulation Model (in Finnish)
T[PÖY05]Jouni Pöyliö (2005) Cost-Benefit Analysis of Rare Products in Metal Processing (Rautaruukki PLC) (in Finnish)
T[SOR05]Antti Soro (2005) Maximizing the Overall Profit Per Hour With Production Planning and Product Transfers in the Fine Paper Industry (Ahlstrom Oy) (in Finnish)
T[TEN05]Karno Tenovuo (2005) Analyzing Vibration Sources Based on Their Responses in a Large Cruise Ship (Aker-Finnyards) (in Finnish)
T[TUO05]Tero Tuominen (2005) Information Model of an Electricity Procurement Planning System (Process Vision Ltd.)
T[VUO05]Matti Vuorinen (2005) Development of Load Forecast Models in an Electrical Utility (Tampereen Sähkölaitos) (in Finnish)


T[BER04]Kimmo Berg (2004) A Model of Monopoly Pricing under Incomplete Information (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[GIL04]Mika Gillberg (2004) Electricity Balance Estimation Models Based on Measurements and Forecasts - Comparison of Economical Efficiency (Fortum Power and Heat) (in Finnish)
T[ILM04]Mika Ilmoniemi (2004) Electricity Offer Risk Management (Process Vision Oy) (in Finnish)
T[JAA04]Keijo Jaakola (2004) The Weapon Effect and Finnish Terrain on Company Level Combat Modelling (Helsinki University of Technology) (in Finnish)
T[KOS04]Mika Koskela (2004) Measurement as a Tool for Developing Dependable Software Products (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[LAU04]Antti Laukkanen (2004) Short Term Inflow Forecasting in the Nordic Power Market (Fortum Power and Heat)
T[LIE04]Juuso Liesiö (2004) Robust Multicriteria Optimization of Project Portfolios (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[MAA04]Ari Maarni (2004) Utilization Control and Reporting of Secondary Energy in an Integrated Groundwood Mill and Paper Mill. (UPM-Kymmene) (in Finnish)
T[MET04]Max Mether (2004) Systematic Management of Technical Intelligence in a Small High-Tech Company (Asperation Oy)
T[MIL04]Pekka Mild (2004) Multicriteria Portfolio Analysis for Strategic Resource Allocation (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[NYH04]Teemu Nyholm (2004) Optimization Algorithm for Securities Settlement (OMHEX Oyj) (in Finnish)
T[POR04]Markus Porthin (2004) Advanced Case Studies in Risk Management (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[RII04]Vesa Riihimäki (2004) Graph Algorithms in Computational Systems Biology (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[SAL04]Laura Salmi (2004) Time Series Analysis of Demand Patterns in Supply Chains (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[SPI04]Kai Spitzley (2004) Dynamics of Massive Multiagent Economies: Simulation and Analysis of Inherent Problems (Helsinki University of Technology)
T[VÄL04]Tommi Välimäki (2004) Efficiency Determinants of Paper Machine Wet-End Performance (M-real Oyj)
T[VAP04]Satu Vapaakallio (2004) Efficiency Analysis for Paper Machine Wet End Performance (M-Real)
T[VAT04]Kari Vatanen (2004) Simulation of Nonlinear Risk Measures for Hedge Funds (Evli Investment Management Oy) (in Finnish)


T[BEL03]Taras Beletski (2003) Forecasting the Term Structure of Interest Rates with Stochastic Models (Research Center CAESAR)
T[DIE03]Jaakko Dietrich (2003) Comparative Analysis of Operational Decision-Making at Chinese and Finnish Paper Mills (UPM-Kymmene Ltd)
T[HOR03]Pekka Horttanainen (2003) Uncertainty Evaluation of Terrain Analysis Source Data (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[JAI03]Toni Jarimo (2003) Innovation Incentives in Enterprise Networks: A Game Theoretic Approach (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[JÄR03]Tiia Järvenpää (2003) Optimization Software for Evasive Aircraft Maneuvers (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[KOS03]Ville Koskinen (2003) e-Learning and Teaching Mathematical Models of Negotiation Analysis (HUT) Abstract Slides
T[KUO03]Nuutti Kuosa (2003) Market valuation of employee stock options (HSE) (in Finnish)
T[LÅG03]Tomas Lågland (2003) Stochastic Optimization in Dynamic Asset and Liability Management (Moneybell Ab)
T[MEH03]Mark Mehtonen (2003) Simulation of Production Based on a Real-Time Database (ABB Automation)
T[NYB03]Tuomas Nyblom (2003) Effect of Input Filter on Stability of a Switching Power Supply (in Finnish) (Fortum)
T[PEL03]Jarno Pelkonen (2003) Output-Oriented Benchmarking of Product Platform Development (Nokia)
T[PUN03]Antti Punkka (2003) Uses of Ordinal Preference Information in Interactive Decision Support (HUT) Abstract
T[RIS03]Tuomas Riski (2003) A Multi-Criteria Tool for the Selection of Web-Based Education Technology (Innofactor) (in Finnish)
T[SÄY03]Pentti Säynätjoki (2003) Finnish Hydropower in a Nordic Electricity Production Model (Fingrid) (in Finnish)
T[TIM03]Vesa Timonen (2003) Simulation Studies on Performance of Balanced Fairness (HUT)
T[ULJ03]Heikki Uljas (2003) Performance Evaluation of a Subscriber Database with Queuing Networks (Softplan)


T[AHL02]Pekka Ahlajärvi (2002) Reliability of Terrain Analysis (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[ART02]Kai Arte (2002) Bandwidth Derivatives under Network Arbitrage (EigenValue Ltd)
T[KAR02]Janne Karelahti (2002) Solving the Cutting Stock Problem in the Steel Industry (Accenture and AvestaPolarit)
T[MAR02]Juha Martikainen (2002) Portfolio Management of Strategic Investments in Metal Products Industry (Outokumpu Ltd)
T[MAT02]Ville Mattila (2002) Simulation of Aircraft Maintenance (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[NIE02]Kimmo Nieminen (2002) Developing MILP-methods (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[OJA02]Otso Ojanen (2002) Comparative Analysis of Risk Management Strategies for Electricity Retailers (Process Vision)
T[SOR02]Janne Sorsa (2002) Optimal Group Control of Double-Deck Elevators (Kone) (in Finnish)


T[IKÄ01]Timo Ikävalko (2001) Course Evaluation (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[KUU01]Antti Kuurne (2001) Mobile Measurement Based Frequency Planning in GSM Networks (Nokia Networks)
T[LAS01]Janne Lassila (2001) Real Options in Telecommunications Capacity Markets (EigenValue Ltd.)
T[NÄS01]Erkka Näsäkkälä (2001) Modeling Price Processes in Telecommunications Capacity Markets (HUT)
T[NYL01]Samppa Nylund (2001) Value-at-Risk Analysis for Heavy-Tailed Financial Returns (HUT)
T[PÖL01]Janne Pöllönen (2001) Quality of Service Based Admission Control for WCDMA Mobile Systems (Nokia)
T[PUR01]Esa Pursiheimo (2001) Updating the Gradient with Quasi-Newton Methods in Nonlinear Optimization (HUT) Abstract
T[SOU01]Kalle Soukka (2001) Automatic Demand Forecasting Model Selection (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[TIR01]Maarit Tirri (2001) Corporate-Wide Risk Management in Energy Business (Fortum)


T[GUS00]Janne Gustafsson (2000) Risk Management in Finnish Biopharmaceutical Companies (HUT)
T[GUT00]Tommi Gustafsson (2000) Participatory Foresight Processes for Finnish RTD Programmes (HUT)
T[JÄL00]Harri Jäälinoja (2000) Joint Gains - Negotiation Support in the Internet (HUT)
T[JÄS00]Mika Jääskeläinen (2000) Households in the deregulated electricity markets (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[KIN00]Olli Kinnunen (2000) Management of Project Risks in Logistics Development (Siemens)
T[KIT00]Mitri Kitti (2000) Distributed Computation of Incentive Stackelberg Solution (HUT)
T[KÖS00]Jouni Kössi (2000) Production control in hardware service in telecommunication industry
T[LAA00]Teemu Laakso (2000) Efficient integrators for few-body problems (University of Helsinki) (in Finnish)
T[MIE00]Antti Miettinen (2000) Implied volatility and derivatives market efficiency on the call options of a technology company (HEX Oy) (in Finnish)
T[OKS00]Olli-Matti Oksanen (2000) Acceletated testing in product development
T[OLL00]Jaakko Ollila (2000) Real Options in Pharmaceutical R&D ; (Orion Pharma)
T[PIR00]Antti Pirinen (2000) Risk analysis of a new Venture project
T[POY00]Aku Pöysti (2000) Blocking in Third Generation Radio Access Networks (Nokia)
T[RIN01]Esa Rinta-Runsala (2000) Paper Machine Monitoring Using Self-Organizing Neural Networks (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[SIR00]Konsta Sirviö (2000) Simulation application specifications for a modular laboratory automation system (Labsystems Ltd)
T[SUU00]Riku Suutari (2000) From Emission in Europe to Effects in Finland - Uncertainty Analysis of The Acidification Integrated Assessment Model (in Finnish)
T[TAP00]Miikka Taponen (2000) initial synchronization in compact mode
T[TUR00]Jussi Turunen (2000) Raw material optimization for copper foundry (in Finnish)
T[USK00]Jussi Uskola (2000) Strategic network planning for third generation mobile networks


T[AHL99]Mikko Ahlholm (1999) Risk management of a product development program (HUT)
T[EK99]Vesa Ek (1999) Design and implementation of a scheduling algorithm (Dialogos-Team) (in Finnish)
T[HEI99]Marko Heino (1999) Optimal allocation of transmission network capacity (Sonera) (in Finnish)
T[IKÄ99]Jussi Ikäheimo (1999) Adaptive raw material charge optimization system for a steel plant (HUT)
T[JUN99]Virpi Junttila (1999) Dynamic multicriteria regulation of a lake-river system (HUT) Tables
T[KÄH99]Markus Kähäri (1999) Field failure data analysis of telecommunications equipment (Nokia) (in Finnish)
T[KÄM99]Olli Kämäräinen (1999) A finite capacity scheduling system for a silicon wafer manufacturer (Okmetic Ltd.) Abstract
T[KAN99]Leena Kangas (1999) Comparison of modelled and measured concentrations of sulphur and nitrogen compounds in Finland (Finnish Meteorological Institute) (in Finnish)
T[KAU99]Seppo Kauppinen (1999) Modeling internet service production - Dependability and risk assessment (Sonera)
T[KIV99]Ari Kiviluoma (1999) Protection against medium-sized loss accumulation by reinsurance (Enterprise Fennia) (in Finnish)
T[KUU99]Mikko Kuusisto (1999) The role of field failure analysis in estimating reliability (Nokia)
T[LEH99]Matti Lehtonen (1999) Analyzing uncertainty of preferences in AHP-decision models (HUT)
T[MUS99]Jyri Mustajoki (1999) Web-HIPRE - A multiattribute decision support system on the Internet (HUT)
T[OKS99]Sami Oksanen (1999) Creating business plans in the telecommunications industry (Omnitele Ltd)
T[PYY99]Tuomas Pyykkönen (1999) Modelling of the portfolio management in the deregulated electricity market (Fortum Power & Heat) (in Finnish)
T[QVI99]Tomas Qvickström (1999) Pricing of electricity options with a structural model (Fortum Power and Heat) (in Finnish)
T[RAN99]Jukka Ranta (1999) A simulator for testing optimisation systems for secondary aluminium production at the Heinola factory of Kuusakoski Ltd (HUT) (in Finnish) Appendix Abstract
T[SÄK99]Petri Säkkinen (1999) Optimisation of liquidity needs in security clearance and settlement systems (BHG-Consulting) (in Finnish)
T[SAM99]Sauli Samila (1999) Monitoring and diagnostics of GSM network (Sonera) (in Finnish)
T[SPA99]Greig Spankie (1999) Optimizing the pickup and delivery problem (Logisticon Ltd. / Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) Abstract
T[SUO99]Mika Suojarinne (1999) Combining simulation and optimisation in calculation of cetane index and contribution to refinery's production optimisation process and decision-making (Neste) (in Finnish)
T[VAS99]Anu Vasama (1999) Scenario method in strategic planning (HUT) (in Finnish)


T[ALA98]Susanna Alaja (1998) Structuring effects in environmental decision models (HUT) Slides
T[BIN98]Ella Bingham (1998) Neurofuzzy traffic signal control (HUT)
T[JÄR98]Ilpo Järvimäki (1998) A monitoring system for the malting process (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[KAR98]Jaakko Karas (1998) Prioritisation of investments in a distribution network company (Imatran Voima)
T[KYL98]Kaisa Kyläkoski (1998) Performance models for caching World Wide Web traffic (HUT) Abstract
T[LAA98]Karri-Pekka Laakso (1998) Compiling Bayesian models to simulator software (University of Helsinki)
T[LIN98]Mats Lindstedt (1998) Decision conferencing in nuclear emergency management (HUT)
T[MUR98]Pauli Murto (1998) Neural network models for short-term load forecasting (ABB Power Ltd)
T[PET98]Antti Petäjistö (1998) An evaluation of connection admission control algorithms (Nokia)
T[PIE98]Matti Pietilä (1998) Simulation of the price distribution of derivative securities (Garantia)
T[RIS98]Reija Ristilä (1998) A model for the growth of trees (Finnish Forest Research Institute, METLA). Abstract
T[SOR98]Antti Sorvari (1998) Bootstrapping in statistical testing (HUT)
T[SUO98]Jukka Suominen (1998) ATM routing algorithms (Nokia)
T[SYR98]Mikko Syrjänen (1998) The possibilities of data envelopment analysis in university management (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[VEH98]Iivo Vehviläinen (1998) Risk management in electricity markets (Helsinki Energy)
T[VEN98]Juha Venäläinen (1998) Finishing process simulation of a paper mill (ABB)
T[VIL98]Samu Viljanen (1998) Optimization of power control parameters of the base station in GSM (Nokia)
T[VOU98]Marko Voutilainen (1998) Using desktop-videoconferencing in distance education (Tieturi Ltd)


T[AUL97]Heikki Aulamo (1997) Cable fire risk of a nuclear power plant (Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety - STUK) (in Finnish)
T[FAL97]Harri Falck (1997) Decision support system for the planning of production and marketing in a steel corporation (Rautaruukki) (in Finnish)
T[HAN97]Raisa Hannus (1997) Multiobjective development of lake regulation policies (HUT)
T[HEL97]Jyri Helenius (1997) An open decision support system (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[HIE97]Saku Hieta (1997) Optimization of transmitting powers and locations of base stations in cellular radio communications systems (HUT)
T[HÖG97]Albert Höglund (1997) An anomaly detection system for computer networks (Nokia)
T[JÄR97]Hannu Järvi (1997) Decision support model for the pricing of international calls (Telecom Finland) (in Finnish)
T[JUN97]Timo Junttila (1997) Load forecasting system for electricity markets (Process Vision Ltd) (in Finnish)
T[KON97]Elisa Konga (1997) Power and heat procurement planning under influence of electricity (Imatran Voima) (in Finnish)
T[LAA97]Pasi Laakso (1997) Tracking simulator model of nuclear power plant (Imatran Voima / Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[LAP97]Jari Lappalainen (1997) Margining of interest rate derivatives using zero coupon yield curve (SOM - The Finnish Securities and Derivatives Exchange, Clearing House) (in Finnish)
T[MIK97]Juha Mikkola (1997) Factors affecting the choice of travel mode in the Helsinki metropolitan area (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[PAA97]Lauri Paatero (1997) Customer satisfactions analyse in business process (Neste / HUT) (in Finnish)
T[PEN97]Jussi Penttinen (1997) A reliability study for a telecommunications equipment manufacture (HUT)
T[PUK97]Markku Pukkila (1997) Channel estimation of multiple co-channel signals in GSM (Nokia Research Center)
T[SAL97]Hannu Salminen (1997) A model for planning direct selling campaigns (Helsingin Sanomat) (in Finnish)
T[SIM97]Pekka Simula (1997) Drawing a restricted graph using evolutionary computation (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[STR97]Christoffer Strandell (1997) A conceptual model for nuclear power safety analysis (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Swedish)
T[SUO97]Janne Suotula (1997) A study on the use of genetic algorithms in project time sheduling (LM Ericsson Ltd)
T[TAK97]Petri Takala (1997) Access providers in the internet value chain (Nokia Telecommunications Ltd)
T[TOI97]Juha Toivari (1997) Implementation of an interior point method for linear programming (ABB Power Ltd)
T[YLI97]Esa Ylipahkala (1997) Estimating the uncertainty of electricity load (Helsinki Energy)


T[BLO96]Petri Blomqvist (1996) Modelling the passenger traffic of Finland (Viatek) (in Finnish)
T[HAA96]Harri Haanpää (1996) MMP - A Modular Matrix Package (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[HAK96]Henri Hakonen (1996) Unit commitment optimization of backpressure power plants in cogeneration planning (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[HÄM96]Markko Hämäläinen (1996) Demand Side Management with innovative tariffs and interactive information exchange (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[HON96]Karri Honkoila (1996) Training simulator model for combined cycle power plant (Imatran Voima) (in Finnish)
T[HUU96]Sami Huusko (1996) Quality of service in packet radio data transfer (Nokia)
T[IIV96]Tuomas Iivanainen (1996) Bonds in a multiperiod scenario model for banks (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[JOK96]Antti Jokinen (1996) Parameter and state estimation of a district heating network model (Process Vision Ltd) (in Finnish)
T[KES96]Marko Keskinen (1996) Distance transformation for scalar fields and its use in route optimization (Tekla Ltd) (in Finnish)
T[KON96]Esa Konga (1996) Clustering using statistical and neural network methods (Telecom Finland Ltd) (in Finnish)
T[KTT96]Eero Kettunen (1996) Procedures for reaching efficient agreements in negotiations (HUT)
T[LEH96]Heikki Lehtonen (1996) A dynamic model for economic and policy analysis of Finnish agriculture (Agricultural Economics Research Institute) (in Finnish)
T[MAN96]Juha Mäntysaari (1996) Modelling and solving combinatorial optimization problems with Branch-and-Cut algorithms (HUT) (In Finnish)
T[PLI96]Herkko Plit (1996) Validation of a simulation software with a nuclear power plant test facility (Imatran Voima) (in Finnish)
T[SAA96]Jussi Saalinki (1996) Trade - off analysis in market research (Credere) (in Finnish)
T[SAR96]Sari Saranka (1996) Connection admission control in an ATM node (Nokia)
T[SUN96]Max Sundström (1996) Neural nets in forecasting capital markets (Merita Bank Ltd) (in Finnish)
T[TAL96]Markus Tallgren (1996) Page composition based automated pagination of the newspaper advertisements (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[VIL96]Juha Viljakka (1996) Reliability Analysis of Digital Transmission Software (Nokia)
T[VIR96]Kai Virtanen (1996) Interactive aircraft trajectory optimization (HUT) (in Finnish)


T[ESK95]Jari Eskelinen (1995) Improvement of the mathematical optimization algorithm for a chemical equilibrium software (Outokumpu Research)
T[HAR95]Miikka Haromo (1995) Customer satisfaction measurement system for magazine papers (Kymmene) (in Finnish)
T[HEI95]Pirja Heiskanen (1995) A mathematical programming approach to generating efficient agreements in negotiations (HUT)
T[KAK95]Urpo Kakko (1995) A model for the optimization of a large-scale power system (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Finnish)
T[KEP95]Jussi Keppo (1995) Valuation of FOX options (HUT)
T[KKK95]Tero Kokkila (1995) Modelling the currents of the Gulf of Finland (EIA)
T[KOK95]Hanna Kokko (1995) Extinction risks in Saimaa ringed scal (University of Helsinki) (in Finnish)
T[LAP95]Antti Lappeteläinen (1995) Dynamic general equilibrium models - numerical methods and stability (Government Institute for Economic Research at Helsinki, VATT)
T[MYY95]Satu Myyrä (1995) Optimising model for winter ship traffic in the Baltic sea (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[PEN95]Teemu Pennanen (1995) Second-order information of separable programming (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[PIE95]Karoliina Pietiläinen (1995) Power system load monitoring and classification of distribution companies (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Finnish)
T[RAU95]Mika Rautakorpi (1995) Application of Markov chain techniques in certification of software (L M Ericsson)
T[RIS95]Marita Risku (1995) Dimensional management of injection molded plastic parts (Nokia Corporation) (in Finnish)
T[SAL95]Sami Salomaa (1995) Market and technology forecasts for the strategy development in the personal computers industry (ICL Data)
T[TAK95]Janne Takala (1995) A model for perceived customer value of telecommunication services (Telecom Finland)
T[UUT95]Kimmo Uutela (1995) Global optimization in the localization of brain activity (HUT) (in finnish)


T[HEL94]Tom Helenius (1994) Load control in an ATM network (Nokia Corporation) (in Finnish)
T[JOH94]Niklas Johnsson (1994) Correlation analysis in estimating in vivo dissolution of drugs on the basis of in vitro dissolution data (Orion - Farmos Pharmaceuticals)
T[KEK94]Timo Kekäläinen (1994) Use of optimization methods on material logistic applications (Carelcomp Mill Systems) (in Finnish)
T[KON94]Jyrki Konola (1994) Realiability growth models applied to planning of software testing (Siemens) (in Finnish)
T[KUO94]Harri Kuosmanen (1994) Computer-aided teaching of mathematical modeling (HUT)
T[KUR94]Juha Kurkela (1994) Estimation of aerosol mass size distribution (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[LEI94]Ossi Leikola (1994) Computer supported group decision making in parliamentary work (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[LUC94]Ville Lucander (1994) Fault location in transmission lines based on power system simulation (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Finnish)
T[NIK94]Kimmo Nikkanen (1994) Management information systems as a decision aid (ICL Data) (in Finnish)
T[PAR94]Janne Parantainen (1994) Game theoretic analysis of a dynamic tariff for electric space heating (HUT)
T[SÄY94]Simo Säynevirta (1994) Solving the trim loss problem in paper industry by using discrete methods (ABB Industry) (in Finnish)


T[JOH93]Carita Johansson (1993) Dependency between business volume and computer resource usage (Finnpap)
T[KAN93]Pekka Kanerva (1993) A queuing theoretical analysis of an on-line transaction processing system (Union Bank of Finland Ltd) (in Finnish)
T[KAR94]Kari Karhunen (1993) Public transport trip-time attributes in routes choice (YTV) (in Finnish)
T[KIN93]Kari Kinnunen (1993) Retrospective oil reserve estimates in corporate decision-making (Neste)
T[KOM93]Markku Komsi (1993) Forecasting of the demand of perishable goods (Maitokaari) (in Finnish)
T[KUR93]Jari Kurri (1993) Estimation of the value of travel time savings (in Finnish)
T[LAU93]Hannu Lauri (1993) A mesoscale dispersion model (YVA) (in Finnish)
T[LEH93]Petri Lehtivaara (1993) Strategic evaluation in capital budgeting decisions (Rautaruukki) (in Finnish)
T[NAR93]Timo Narumo (1993) Modelling two-phase flow by separation of the flow according to velocity (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[NIK93]Eero Nikula (1993) The probabilistic fire analysis for the instrumentation systems at the nuclear power plant (Teollisuuden Voima) (in Finnish)
T[PAL93]Mika Paloranta (1993) Production controllability analysis of a steel factory (Rautaruukki) (in Finnish)
T[RAI93]Tuomas Raivio (1993) Optimization models for flight paths (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[WEI93]Robert Weiss (1993) Evaluation of energy-emission models on a national level (Ekono) (in Swedish)


T[JOU92]Juha Jouhki (1992) Mathematical and heuristic methods as planning support in a transportation company (Finncarries) (in Finnish)
T[KAR91]Panu Karhu (1992) Controlling cutting pattern changes in paper industry (ABB) (in Finnish)
T[KET92]Anu Kettunen (1992) A model for glucanolysis during malt mashing (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[KLI92]Terhi Kling (1992) Modelling of heat storage in porous unsaturated soil using pore air flow (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[KUR92]Mikko Kurimo (1992) Combining adaptive vector quantization methods and hidden Markov models in speech recognition (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[KUU92]Pirkko Kuusela (1992) Development of a simulation model for a germination process (in Finnish)
T[LEM92]Mikael Lemström (1992) A decision model for purchasing unique spare parts for power plants (in Finnish)
T[MET92]Hannu Mettälä (1992) Optimal routing in a digital transmission network using object-oriented modelling (Nokia Corporation)
T[OLL92]Markku Ollila (1992) A simulator for a district heating network (JP-International) (in Finnish)
T[PÖY92]Mari Pöyhönen (1992) Optimal control of electrical heating under real time pricing of electricity (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[PYY92]Jouni Pyykkönen (1992) A spreadsheet application of the energy-environment model of Finland (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
T[SIN92]Jukka Sinisalo (1992) A model for the evaluation of the radiation pressure caused by CO2 emissions (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[TOI92]Pekka Toivonen (1992) A numerical and graphical analysis environment of contingent claims (KOP) (in Finnish)
T[VAL92]Esko Valkonen (1992) A model for the transformation of nitrogen oxides in a street canyon (Ilmatieteenlaitos) (in Finnish)


T[ARO91]Antti Arola (1991) Linear programming applied to the management of the lakes Pielinen and Koitere (Faculty of Surveying and Civil Engineering) (in Finnish)
T[HEI91]Arto Heikkinen (1991) Emissions and costs of reducing emissions of energy use in Finland (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Finnish)
T[HUT91]Reijo Hutka (1991) Analysis of a hybrid wind-diesel power plant (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[HUU91]Asko Huumonen (1991) Coordinated activation of a knowledge base (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[KOL91]Tatu Koljonen (1991) A kinetic model of starch hydrolysis during malt mashing (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[LAP91]Esa Lappi (1991) An analysis method for firesafety (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[LEP91]Jussi Leppälä (1991) Prediction of personal traffic in the group guidance of elevators (Kone) (in Finnish)
T[MAL91]Sakari Malka (1991) A strategic evaluation and analysis system for financing (in Finnish)
T[OLK91]Mikko Olkkonen (1991) Analysis of the processing capacity of the DX-220 (Nokia Corporation) (in Finnish)
T[SEI91]Ilkka Seilonen (1991) A support system for power transmission network restoration (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[TAK91]Paula Takkunen (1991) Integrating options with currency portfolio optimization (in Finnish)
T[YLI91]Jukka Ylijoki (1991) Calculation of friction and interfacial heat transfer in a two-phase flow model (in Finnish)


T[AIT90]Perttu Aittoniemi (1990) Impacts of climate change on energy production and consumption in Finland (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Finnish)
T[HEI90]Tapio Heininen (1990) Analysis of floc traces in paper (Tapio Technologies) (in Finnish)
T[JUV90]Asko Juvonen (1990) A method for optimizing load in paper transport (Transfennica) (in Finnish)
T[LUN90]Petra Lundström (1990) Phenomenological uncertainty in severe accidents (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Swedish)
T[MAK90]Simo Makkonen (1990) Dynamic power plant modelling for a training simulator (JP-International) (in Finnish)
T[MYL90]Pekka Myllymäki (1990) Data base service in the office architecture of governmental administration (VTKK) (in Finnish)
T[NIE90]Jarmo Nieminen (1990) Decision support for acquiring a data transport net (TELE) (in Finnish)
T[PAS90]Virpi Pastinen (1990) Updating methods for traffic flow estimation (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[TIK90]Kimmo Tikka (1990) Maintenance of gravel roads - a stochastic model (in Finnish)
T[TUO90]Petri Tuominen (1990) Influence diagram analysis in a knowledge based system for enerprice management (Nokia Corporation) (in Finnish)
T[VER90]Markku Verkama (1990) Cooperative strategies in duopoly games (HUT) (in Finnish)


T[BAC89]Tom Backman (1989) Comparison between the production and consumption scenarios of the Finnish electricity supply service (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[CAS89]Matias Castren (1989) Expert system and data base for a paper company (JP-International) (in Finnish)
T[HOL89]Jan Holmberg (1989) Uncertainty study in probabilistic risk assessment for a nuclear power plant (Teollisuuden Voima) (in Finnish)
T[JYR89]Marko Jyrkinen (1989) Modelling in the development of the shipping department (Systecon) (in Finnish)
T[KAR89]Risto Karjalainen (1989) Risk analysis in energy policy decision making (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[KEM89]Pia Kemppainen (1989) Applications of lead field theory in neuromagnetism (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[LIP89]Risto Lipponen (1989) A send-and-split-method for minimization of transportation costs (in Finnish)
T[MUR89]Juhani Murto (1989) Computer visualization of a three-dimensional microscope picture (in Finnish)
T[RÄS89]Mika Räsänen (1989) Effects of real time pricing on the load duration curve of an electric utility (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[TAK89]Pekka Takaranta (1989) Automatic planning of newspaper distribution districts (HS) (in Finnish)
T[TÖY89]Pekka Töytäri (1989) Design and software implementation of a freeform surface modelling system (Fineka)


T[HEI88]Jussi Heinonen (1988) Mathematical modelling and simulation of operations and material flow in the shipping department (Systecon)
T[KRO88]Edward Krogius (1988) Production control in a large bakery (Fazer) (in Swedish)
T[LAM88]Pekka Lampio (1988) A model of a semantic knowledge base (VIA) (in Finnish)
T[LEH88]Antti Lehtilä (1988) Belief nets and uncertainty in planning electricity production (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[NIE88]Tuomo Niemi (1988) Management support system for a metal industry corporation (Kone) (in Finnish)
T[RAN88]Kimmo Rantanen (1988) Analysis of uncertainty in investment budgets (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Finnish)
T[SAI88]Timo Saija (1988) On modelling the demand for long distance calls - a model and a decision support system for pricing (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[VÄÄ88]Jyrki Väänänen (1988) Power plant unavailability calculation system (in Finnish)


T[ANT87]Tapio Anttila (1987) Project planning and monitoring in the technical center of Suomen Sokeri Oy (Suomen Sokeri) (in Finnish)
T[JAU87]Osmo Jauri (1987) Executive support system for financing foreign insurance business under complex tax regulations
T[KAR87]Ilkka Karanta (1987) Incentives in dynamic decision problems (HUT)
T[MYL87]Salla Myllylä (1987) A mathematical model for the metabolism of alcohol (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[SAL87]Ahti Salo (1987) A decision support system for strategic management in artificial intelligence environment (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[SIL87]Matti Silverhut (1987) Forecasting traffic in the main road network (Tie- ja vesihallitus) (in Finnish)
T[VÄL87]Juha Välisalmi (1987) Shortening delivery time in production (in Finnish)
T[VAR87]Markku Varhimo (1987) Management of alarms in a digital switching system (Telenokia) (in Finnish)
T[VIE87]Petri Viertiö (1987) A decision support system for investment planning in a bookbindery (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)


T[ELA86]Anne Elovaara (1986) Project management methods and tools for information system development projects (VTKK) (in Finnish)
T[ELM86]Antero Elovaara (1986) Trim scheduling of paper mill's sheet production-development of a program and test results (Advanced Forest Automation Ltd) (in Finnish)
T[ELO86]Timo Elolähde (1986) A simulation model of highway trafic (in Finnish)
T[JAK86]Jyrki Jakosuo (1986) An expert system for the evaluation and selection of R&D projects (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[MII86]Risto Miikkulainen (1986) SDL-based simulation system (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[NIE86]Jarto Niemi (1986) Dynamic optimization of a nuclear fuel cycle (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[NUR86]Jukka Nurminen (1986) The design and implementation of a mixed integer programming system (HUT)
T[PÄI86]Seppo Päivinen (1986) A simulation system for studying highway traffic (HUT) 8in Finnish)
T[PIT86]Antti Pitkänen (1986) Corporate-wide energy management systems (Nokia Corporation) (in Finnish)
T[VAS86]Petri Vasara (1986) MESTOR: Rule-based multiple criteria optimization system for the exploration of arctic oil fields (Mestor)


T[KAL85]Markku Kallio (1985) Temperature effect in the forecasting of hourly grid load (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Finnish)
T[KOH85]Jorma Kohonen (1985) Design of the production management system for a pulp mill (Dataway) (in Finnish)
T[LAH85]Risto Lahdelma (1985) Design and implementation of linear programming systems (HUT) (in Finnish)
T[LIU85]Helvi Liukkaala (1985) Production control system for house building (in Finnish)
T[MAR85]Pekka Martikainen (1985) Time series analysis of total comsumption of district heat (Helsingin kaupunki) (in Finnish)
T[PÖY85]Kaija Pöysti (1985) Forecasting magazine sales for next number issued (Rautakirja) (in Finnish)
T[TÄH85]Markus Tähtinen (1985) Development of sulphur emissions in Finland to year 1995 (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[TER85]Jukka Teräs (1985) Factors determining the success of science parks (Otaniemen teknologiakylä) (in Finnish)
T[TII85]Jouni Tiira (1985) A system for managing product documentation (Telenokia) (in Finnish)
T[TÖY85]Pekka Töytäri (1985) Reliability and point processes (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish)
T[UHL85]Jan Uhlenius (1985) Online transaction processing application tuning in a multiprocessor environment (in Finnish)
T[VUO85]Jyrki Vuokko (1985) Evalution of the performance of a mill computer and the associated workstations by mens of a queueing network model (in Finnish)


T[AAL84]Jukka Aaltonen (1984) Process data management in a distributed computer system (in Finnish)
T[JOK84]Arto Jokinen (1984) An interactive simulation language and environment for production systems. (in Finnish)
T[KOV84]Kari Kovanen (1984) A microcomputer based system for three-dimensional color-illustration (in Finnish)
T[MÄK84]Harri Mäkitie (1984) A model for the forest industry export transportations (Transfennica) (in Finnish)
T[MAN84]Matti Manni (1984) Terminal response time on a polled multipoint line
T[MKI84]Raimo Mäkilä (1984) On the protection and estimation of vulnerability of information processing systems (in Finnish)
T[OEH84]Klaus Oehlandt (1984) Development of a trim program for paper industry (in Finnish)
T[PYS84]Tuomas Pystynen (1984) A computer aided planning method of data systems (in Finnish)
T[SAL84]Jukka Salonen (1984) The analytic hierarchy process in the planning of a bank's branch network (KOP) (in Finnish)
T[VUO84]Mikko Vuorikoski (1984) Developing a simulation model for analysing throughput times and costs of a newspaper mailroom (in Finnish)



T[BAC25]Erik Backman (2025) Effects of green investing on optimal stock portfolios
T[HAA25]Tuomas Haapasalo (2025) Refining a probabilistic cross-impact methodology for scenario analysis


T[HIR24]Pinja Hirvinen (2024) Machine Learning for Unconventional Superconductivity
T[KJA24]Venla Kjäll (2024) P-split formulation for neural networks
T[KOI24]Salomon Koivisto (2024) Salibandyn juniorisarjojen otteluohjelmien optimointi Länsi-Suomessa
T[KOR24]Ahti Korhonen (2024) A Decision Model for Electricity Contract Selection Under Uncertainty
T[KOS24]Petteri Koskiahde (2024) The impacts of correlated supplier disruptions in supply networks
T[LAH24]Juho Lahti (2024) Teollisuusyritysten konkurssien ennustaminen logistisella regressiolla
T[MAK24]Lotta Mäkinen (2024) Optimising Colorectal Cancer Screening with Decision Programming
T[MAL24]Arttu Malmlund (2024) Enhanced portfolio optimization of multi-asset portfolios
T[PAA24]Jaakko Paavilainen (2024) Salibandyn otteluasettelun optimointi Itä-Suomessa
T[PAK24]Aleksi Päkkilä (2024) Optimizing budget allocation in creator marketing campaigns
T[PAL24]Konsta Palmanto (2024) Kartonkituotannon materiaalihävikin minimointi stokastisella algoritmilla
T[PEL24]Elias Pelo (2024) Cost-efficient portfolios of reinforcement actions to secure the performance of transportation networks
T[SAA24]Ilmari Saarinen (2024) Robustness analysis for reinforcement actions in distribution grids
T[SOR24]Waldemar Sorjonen (2024) Suomalaisten sähköntoimittajien siirtohintojen klusterirakenteista
T[VES24]Paavo Vesterinen (2024) Asuntolainan korkokaton arvonmääritys Black-Derman-Toy -korkomallilla
T[VIR24]Valtteri Vironmäki (2024) Puutavaran sahauksen optimointi


T[HAP23]Juuso Hapulahti (2023) Compartmental SIR-models for infectious diseases
T[HEI23]Aleksander Heino (2023) Combining SDDP and novel formulations for solving multi-stage capacity expansion problems
T[HIL23]Markus Hiltunen (2023) Satelliittien rataliikkeen ennustamisesta
T[KAN23]Anna-Maija Kangaslahti (2023) Travel-time Optimal Line Plans on Trees
T[KEU23]Waltteri Keus (2023) Tukikohtien tukeutumiskyvyn vaikutus hävittäjälentokoneiden käytettävyyteen
T[LAU23]Kristo Laurila (2023) Technology forecasting with a probabilistic cross-impact method
T[LES23]Niki Leskinen (2023) Elokuviin ja TV-sarjoihin sijoittavan vaikuttavuusrahaston investointiviitekehys
T[LIN23]Joonatan Linkola (2023) Reformulating deep neural networks as mathematical programming problems (Avaa julkaisijan sivulla)
T[NIE23]Veikka Niemi (2023) Ambulanssien optimaalinen lähettäminen hälytystehtäville Markov-päätösprosessin avulla
T[NIE23a]Jere Niemi (2023) ARMA-mallin takaisinotantaluottamusväleistä
T[NOR23]Timo Norrkniivilä (2023) Impact of financed emissions constraints on the composition of an optimal investment portfolio
T[OJA23]Tuomas Ojavuo (2023) Alternative distance functions for change minimization in manufacturing network optimization
T[PAL23]Santeri Paljakka (2023) Determining optimal condition monitoring strategies for a multi-component system
T[PAR23]Henrik Pärssinen (2023) Robustness evaluation of dynamic maintenance strategies
T[POH23]Velma Pohjonen (2023) Optimal forest rotation under carbon pricing and multiple age-dependent risks
T[POI23]Sini Poikonen (2023) Veturina-ajojen määrien ennustamisesta
T[REI23]Eetu Reijonen (2023) Impact of model size on tree ensemble prediction accuracy and optimization time
T[STE23]Einari Stenberg (2023) On the Effects of Gross Domestic Product on Life Expectancy in Sub-Saharan Africa
T[UUS23]Santra Uusitalo (2023) Ydinspinien tarkka kääntäminen magneettisella pulssimuotokytkennällä
T[VAA23]Joel Vääräniemi (2023) Training decision trees using mixed-integer optimisation
T[VAA23a]Mikko Vaarala (2023) Bruttokansantuotteen muutoksista OECD-maissa vuosina 2019-2022
T[VAR23]Juuso Varho (2023) Assessment of standard definition data for high definition convolutional neural network for visual flaw detection
T[VIR23]Eero Virmavirta (2023) Optimization models for allocating memory capacity in server applications
T[WIL23]Veera Wilkki (2023) A Robust Optimisation Approach for Stable Linear Regression


T[ANT22]Olivia Antikainen (2022) Luottoriskien arviointi logistisella regressiolla (Kalvot)
T[ANT22a]Tuomo Antikainen (2022) Organisaation sisäisen tiimirakenteen matemaattinen mallintaminen vuorovaikutusverkoilla (Kalvot)
T[HAG22]Fredrik Hagström (2022) Finding Solutions to the Vehicle Routing Problem using a Graph Neural Network (Kalvot)
T[KIR22]Miikka Kirsilä (2022) Time Series Analysis and Prediction of Customers’ Invoices (Kalvot)
T[KOI22]Petri Koivisto (2022) Applying modified policy iteration to multi-component system maintenance scheduling (Kalvot)
T[LAS22]Erik Lassila (2022) Optimal selection of first-tier suppliers in supply networks with disruption costs
T[MAK22]Tuomas Mäkelä (2022) Assessment of prediction models for plasma conditions in a magnetic-confinement fusion reactor
T[RAN22]Vesa Ranta-aho (2022) The effect of carbon caps and renewable share targets on the European energy system using capacity expansion modeling (Kalvot)
T[STA22]Matti Staudinger (2022) On Comparison of ARIMA and RNN Models in Predicting Stock Indices (Kalvot)
T[TAK22]Jaakko Takala (2022) Vastarinta-pelin optimaalinen pelistrategia (Kalvot)
T[TOR22]Tomas Toro (2022) Asiantuntija-arvioiden ristiriitojen käsittely ristivaikutusanalyysissä (Kalvot)
T[YLA22]Elias Ylä-Jarkko (2022) Projection Predictive Method for Bayesian Model Selection in Retail Time Series Forecasting (Kalvot)


T[ANT21]Linus Antell (2021) Comparison of COVID19 policies using a SIR-model (Kalvot)
T[AUN21]Jerry Aunula (2021) An Algorithm for Generating Most Probable Paths in Decision Programming (Kalvot)
T[HAA21]Eetu Haavisto (2021) A three-index formulation for the Truck and Trailer Vehicle Routing Problem (Kalvot)
T[HAA21a]Katri Haapalinna (2021) Signaalien luokittelu ohjelmistoradiojärjestelmässä (Kalvot)
T[HAN21]Helmi Hankimaa (2021) Optimising the use of genetic testing in prevention of CHD using Decision Programming
T[HAR21]Sami Härkönen (2021) Riskitärkeysmittojen laskeminen skenaarioanalyysissä (Kalvot)
T[JAL21]Perttu Jalovaara (2021) Selection of Air Combat Tactics using a Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis Model with Incomplete Preference Information
T[JAL21a]Jarkko Jalovaara (2021) Improving kinematic laser scanning point cloud accuracy with graph optimization (Kalvot)
T[MOY21]Oskari Möykkynen (2021) Kryptovaluuttaportfolioiden optimointi Markowitzin mallilla
T[NAR21]Mikko Närhi (2021) Optimization of order quantities in the presence of quantity discounts
T[NYB21]Peter Nybergh (2021) Identifying risky scenarios in nuclear waste management using Bayesian networks
T[PAR21]Konsta Parkkali (2021) Enhanced Policy Iteration Methods for Optimal Maintenance Scheduling (Kalvot)
T[REH21]Walter Rehn (2021) Kokonaislukuoptimointimalli kuljetuskaluston ajojärjestelyn suunnittelun tukena (Kalvot)
T[RIN21]Aleksi Rintanen (2021) Raitiovaunun pyörien kulumisen mallinnus ja sorvausvälin optimointi (Kalvot)
T[RON21]Leevi Rönty (2021) Bayesian model validation and selection metrics in retail time series forecasting (Kalvot)
T[SAA21]Severi Saastamoinen (2021) Estimating the prediction accuracy of production values (Kalvot)
T[SAI21]Niko Sairo (2021) Miinoitteen tehokkuuden arviointi (Kalvot)
T[SIN21a]Henrik Sinivuori (2021) Financial model for a process innovation
T[WEC21]Aino Weckman (2021) Comparison of individual tree detection methods (Kalvot)


T[HOP20]Henrik Hoppania (2020) Exploratory analyse for cost index calculation
T[HUU20]Toni Huuhka (2020) Data envelopment analysis with principal component analysis (Kalvot)
T[KAU20]Emil Kauppi (2020) Predicting Crude Oil Market Value Based on Crude Oil Properties (Kalvot)
T[KON20]Helmiina Kontio (2020) Representing the importance of locations in spatial decision analysis (Kalvot)
T[LAI20]Suvi Laine (2020) Tarkan liikennedatan tilastollinen analyysi ja ennustaminen koneoppimismenetelmin (Kalvot)
T[LIN20]Matias Linnankoski (2020) Estimating the dynamics of geometric Brownian motion using MCMC (Kalvot)
T[LYL20]Andrea Lyly (2020) Eliciting Expert Judgements for Probabilistic Cross-Impact Assessment (Kalvot)
T[MAT20]Tuukka Mattlar (2020) The effects of CO2 taxes in renewable energy production share using a capacity expansion model (Kalvot)
T[SUO20]Lauri Suoknuuti (2020) Poistuman tutkiminen logistisella regressiolla (Kalvot)


T[ANT19]Tommi Anttila (2019) Planning the positions of air surveillance radars using computational spatial decision analysis (Kalvot)
T[AVE19]Aleksi Avela (2019) Jalkapallovedonlyöntistrategioiden simulointi ja evaluointi (Kalvot)
T[HAK19]Jussi Hakosalo (2019) Genetic algorithms in symmetric Travelling Salesman Problem (Kalvot)
T[JOK19]Lauri Jokinen (2019) Cyclic Placement Method for Capsule Packing Problem
T[MAK19]Johannes Mäkinen (2019) Estimating the protection provided by islands against anti-ship missiles (Kalvot)
T[NYM19]Emil Nyman (2019) Clearance price optimization of seasonal products (Kalvot)
T[OLA19]Leevi Olander (2019) Generating a Navigation Graph for Coastal Waters (Kalvot)
T[TOR19]Noora Torpo (2019) A simulation model to compare opportunistic maintenance policies (Kalvot)
T[UUS19]Viljami Uusihärkälä (2019) Methods for Removing Digital Image Noise by Merging Multiple Exposures


T[ALA18]Kalle Alaluusua (2018) Outlier detection using robust PCA methods (Kalvot)
T[HAN18]Hilkka Hännikäinen (2018) Estimating the activity of regions of interest using Expectation Maximization algorithm (Kalvot)
T[HER18]Olli Herrala (2018) Evaluating cannibalization between items in retail promotions (Kalvot)
T[HUT18]Petra Huttunen (2018) Recognizing campaigns that cause cannibalization (Kalvot)
T[LAH18]Elmeri Lähevirta (2018) On cluster structures of NHL players (Kalvot)
T[LAH18]bPatrik Lahti (2018) Suojarakenteiden vaikutus maalin selviytymiseen epäsuoran tulen tai täsmäaseen iskussa (Kalvot)
T[LAM18]Pekka Lammi (2018) Portfoliopäätöksenteon vinoumat (Kalvot)
T[MIL18]Niklas Miller (2018) Testing the Random Walk Hypothesis for Helsinki Stock Exchange
T[SAI18]bOtto Saikkonen (2018) On ARIMAX modelling of frauds and household wealth (Kalvot)
T[VAI18]Tommi Vainio (2018) Modeling space elasticity of demand to support retail replenishment planning (Kalvot)


T[GUN17]Nina Gunell (2017) Puhelintukiasema-antennin säteilykuvion mittaus multikopterilla (Kalvot)
T[LAH17]Janne Lahti (2017) Optimizing Mass Distributions of Bullets (Kalvot)
T[LAI17]Jani Laine (2017) Testing Performance of Two Virtualization Software (Kalvot)
T[MER17]Max Merikoski (2017) On residential rents in the Helsinki metropolitan area (Kalvot)
T[NOR17]Jessica Norrbäck (2017) Identifying Determinants of District Heating Prices for Forecasting (Kalvot)
T[PAL17]Manu Paloniemi (2017) Nuorten jalkapalloilijoiden taitotestien ja ottelutulosten yhteydestä
T[STE17]Tuukka Stewen (2017) Optimization of artillery fire based on aerial reconnaissance (Kalvot)


T[ALL16]Pekka Alli (2016) Työvuorosuunnittelun optimointi (Kalvot)
T[ESK16]Janne Eskola (2016) Optimization of locomotive allocation in Finland (Kalvot)
T[HAU16]Tapio Hautamäki (2016) Systems Intelligence and Team Performance (Kalvot)
T[JEN16]Cosmo Jenytin (2016) How to mitigate bias in the Even Swaps process - A simulation study (Kalvot)
T[KAN16]Joona Kanerva (2016) Accuracy of Approximate Operations on Fuzzy Numbers (Kalvot)
T[KIL16]Samu Kilpinen (2016) Suomen rautatieverkoston robustisuus (Kalvot)
T[KON16]Kimmo Kontio (2016) Kiinalaisen postimiehen ongelma (Kalvot)
T[KOS16]Antti Koskenranta (2016) Tavoitteen välittyminen vuorovaikutustilanteessa - systeemiälynäkökulma (Kalvot)
T[LEH16]bLeo Lehikoinen (2016) Päätöksenteon mobiilisovellukset (Kalvot)
T[MAT16]Markus Mattila (2016) The Distance-Constrained Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem
T[MEL16]Sara Melander (2016) Tillämpning av beslutsanalys i beslutsprocessen för Teknologföreingens fastighetsförnyelse (Kalvot)
T[NYM16]Lauri Nyman (2016) Menetelmä Markowitzin mallin parametrien estimointiin (Kalvot)
T[SAL16]Markus Sallila (2016) Lentolaitteen tutkapoikkipinta-alasta riippuva lentoreitin uhkamalli (Kalvot)
T[SIP16]Juhani Sipilä (2016) Dynaaminen verkko-optimointi karttasovelluksessa (Kalvot)
T[VAU16]Joonas Vauhkonen (2016) Optimization of the warehouse location and transport routes in retail business (Kalvot)


T[ASI15]Milja Asikainen (2015) Anatomical connectivity networks of the human brain (Kalvot)
T[HAA15]Joonas Haapala (2015) Routing military aircraft by solving a dynamic multi-objective network optimization problem with the A* algorithm (Kalvot)
T[HAP15]Juulia Happonen (2015) Experiment on psychophysiological responses in a Cournot duopoly game (Kalvot)
T[HIR15]Jussi Hirvonen (2015) Lisäinformaation arvo monikriteerisessä projektiportfoliovalinnassa (Kalvot)
T[HYY15]Riku Hyytiäinen (2015) Peliteorian soveltaminen hajautettujen järjestelmien protokollasuunnittelussa (Kalvot)
T[JAM15]Jori Jämsä (2015) Temporal evolution of the scientific collaboration network in Europe (Kalvot)
T[KAR15]Lasse Kärkkäinen (2015) Vesikiertokeskuslämmitysjärjestelmien putkistolaskenta ja perussäätö (Kalvot)
T[LAA15]Niko Laakkonen (2015) Monte Carlo -menetelmä optioiden hinnoittelussa (Kalvot)
T[LAN15]Joonas Lanne (2015) Kustannustehokkaat riskienhallintatoimenpiteet kuljetusverkostossa (Kalvot)
T[LEH15]Eero Lehtonen (2015) A study on decision making using fuzzy decision trees (Kalvot)
T[MUT15]Juhani Mutikainen (2015) On measuring dependence of income distribution and crime (Kalvot)
T[MYR15]Jesse Myrberg (2015) Epävarmuuden huomioiminen diagnostisen testausstrategian valinnassa (Kalvot)
T[OJA15]Vili-Matti Ojala (2015) Missing preferences in pairwise comparison matrices: a numerical study (Kalvot)
T[PII15]Johanna Piipponen (2015) Linja-autonkuljettajien kokemuksia aikatauluista reitillä Turku-Helsinki-Turku (Kalvot)
T[SEL15]Katri Selonen (2015) A study on evidence theory: a general representation of uncertainty (Kalvot)
T[SII15]Susanna Siitonen (2015) Alueellisten erojen tutkiminen pienen pienten keskosten syntyvyydessä ja kustannuksissa (Kalvot)
T[SIL15]Riikka Siljander (2015) Polkuriippuvuus YK:n vuosituhattavoitteiden trade-off-painotuksessa (Kalvot)
T[TIM15]Juho Timonen (2015) Computation of mixed-strategy equilibria in the repeated prisoner's dilemma
T[VAA15]Touko Väänänen (2015) Työvoiman tarpeen ennustaminen SARIMA-aikasarjamallilla (Kalvot)
T[VOU15]Arttu Voutilainen (2015) Scheduling of genetic analysis workflows in grid environments (Kalvot)
T[WAR15]Ella Warras (2015) Rate dependency study on gas electron multiplier gain (Kalvot)


T[HAS14]Jari Hast (2014) Implementation of Selected Metaheuristics to the Travelling Salesman Problem (Kalvot)
T[KAI14]Joona Kaivosoja (2014) Tuotantoprosessin optimaalinen aikataulutus (Kalvot)
T[KAN14]aTeemu Känsäkangas (2014) Vaihtoehtoisten reittien tuottaminen tiheällä liikenneverkolla ja stokastinen valinta niiden välillä (Kalvot)
T[KAN14]bTiina Kangasniemi (2014) Discrete Choquet integral and multilinear forms (Kalvot)
T[KAR14]Joona Karjalainen (2014) Comparison of simulation and performance models of a tracking system (Kalvot)
T[KAU14]Lauri Kauppinen (2014) Multistage investment under two sources of uncertainty - a real options approach (Kalvot)
T[KIN14]Teemu Kinnunen (2014) Optimization of Duties in Railway Traffic (Kalvot)
T[KOP14]Ville Koponen (2014) Multiobjective ranking and selection with incomplete preference information (Kalvot)
T[LIE14]Niko Lietzén (2014) Spatiaalisiin merkkeihin ja järjestyslukuihin perustuva moniulotteinen regressioanalyysi R-ohjelmistoa käyttäen (Kalvot)
T[LOS14]Henri Losoi (2014) Implementation of an algorithm for verifying the non-negativity of a multilinear function in a hypercube (Kalvot)
T[MEL14]Antti Melén (2014) M-estimaatit (Kalvot)
T[MET14]Saku Metsärinne (2014) Rakennuksen nykyhinnan laskenta (Kalvot)
T[PEL14]Lari Pelkola (2014) Epälineaaristen pienimmän neliösumman tehtävien ratkaiseminen numeerisilla optimointimenetelmillä (Kalvot)
T[POH14]Ville Pohjalainen (2014) Verkostohäiriöiden laskennallinen riskiarviointi
T[POR14]Aleksi Porokka (2014) Optimization techniques for the moment-constrained entropy minimization problem on the sphere (Kalvot)
T[RAN14]Sakke Rantala (2014) Vesivoimaketjun optimointi mehiläisalgoritmilla (Kalvot)
T[RAT14]Petteri Räty (2014) Asiakaspalautteen monikanavainen palaute (Kalvot)
T[SAI14]Santtu Saijets (2014) Optimaalisen tuotekehitysportfolion valinta kasvuyrityksessä (Kalvot)
T[SAL14]Antti Salmela (2014) Minimilatenssiongelman ratkaisualgoritmeja (Kalvot)
T[TUO14]Henri Tuovila (2014) Osakkeiden tuottojakaumia koskevien markkina- ja asiantuntijanäkemysten yhdistäminen kopulafunktioilla (Kalvot)
T[VAH14]Ilari Vähä-Pietilä (2014) Kirjallisuuskatsaus sisäpistemenetelmiin ja niiden soveltamiseen eri optimointiluokille (Kalvot)
T[VON14]Anton von Schantz (2014) Time Series Model for Forecasting the Sales of a Functional Dairy Product (Kalvot)


T[AND13]Juho Andelmin (2013) Lineaaristen monitavoiteoptimointitehtävien ratkaiseminen Bensonin algoritmilla (Kalvot)
T[HAL13]Viivi Halla-aho (2013) Lajittelumenetelmät ilmakehän kaukokartoituksen laadun tarkkailussa (Kalvot)
T[ILO13]Juuso Ilomäki (2013) PK-yrityksen sähköisen liikennetoiminnan tason mittaaminen (Kalvot)
T[JUS13]Tomi Jussila (2013) Yhteisviat ja intervallitodennäköisyydet vikapuuanalyysissä (Kalvot)
T[KAJ13]Jussi Kajovaara (2013) Tuntiassistenttien ohjaamisella parempaa opetusta (Kalvot)
T[KAR13]Markus Kärki (2013) Computing equilibria in repeated games (Kalvot)
T[KIV13]Paavo Kivistö (2013) Verkko-optimointiin perustuva torjuntatasan laskenta mellakkapoliisin resurssien kohdentamisessa (Kalvot)
T[KLE13]Santtu Klemettilä (2013) Ontologiamuokkaimen käyttö laskentaklusterin tehokkuusanalyysissä (Kalvot)
T[KOS13]Jukka Koskenranta (2013) State-Space Inference in Gaussian Process Regression Models (Kalvot)
T[KOT13]Mikko Kotilainen (2013) Klempererin huutokauppa differentioituvien tuotteiden tapauksessa (Kalvot)
T[LIN13]Lasse Lindqvist (2013) Vangin dilemma häiriöisessä ympäristössä Markov-prosessina (Kalvot)
T[LOS13]Markus Losoi (2013) Optimal Risk Reduction Portfolios in Fault Tree Analysis (Kalvot)
T[PAR13]Ilmari Pärnänen (2013) Kausaalimallit funktionaalisessa magneettikuvantamisessa (Kalvot)
T[RAN13]Eero Rantala (2013) Simulointimalli mellakkapoliisin resurssien kohdentamiseen (Kalvot)
T[REN13]Olli Rentola (2013) Stochastic optimization in tactical supply chain risk management (Kalvot)
T[RIN13]Tuomas Rintamäki (2013) Impact of renewable energy on electricity prices - comparative analysis of Denmark and Germany (Kalvot)
T[ROP13]Juho Roponen (2013) Kaksintaistelun approksimatiivinen mallintaminen (Kalvot)
T[VIN13]Oskari Vinko (2013) Inferring Trichoderma reesei Gene Regulatory Network (Kalvot)
T[VIR13]Vilma Virasjoki (2013) Epätäydellisen preferenssi-informaation huomioon ottavien päätöksenteon tukimenetelmien vertailu (Kalvot)


T[BAC12]Ville-Pekka Backlund (2012) The effects of varying neighborhood size on the evolution of opinion in a coevolving linear chain
T[HUS12]Vesa Husgafvel (2012) Trimmitysongelman LP-relaksaation ratkaiseminen sarakkeita generoivalla algoritmilla ja brute-force-menetelmällä
T[HYT12]Noora Hyttinen (2012) Konveksin QP-tehtävän laskenta-ajat sisäpistemenetelmillä
T[JUU12]Mika Juuti (2012) Search space traversal using metaheuristics
T[KAN12]Juha Kännö (2012) Aihioiden priorisointi ja portfolioanalyysi ennakoinnissa
T[KLE12]Raul Kleinberg (2012) Turvallisuudelle tärkeiden laitteiden koestusten merkitys vikojen havaitsemisessa
T[KOL12]Jussi Kolehmainen (2012) Ylikerroinstrategiat ja Poisson-mallit vedonlyönnissä
T[KUN12]Janne Kunnas (2012) GARCH Models for Foreign Exchange Rates
T[LAH12]Tuomas Lahtinen (2012) Portfoliolähestymistapa CO2-kiilapelin analysoinnissa (Kalvot)
T[NUM12]Jerri Nummenpalo (2012) Lineaaristen monitavoiteoptimointitehtävien ratkaiseminen
T[OLL12]Joonas Ollila (2012) Portfoliomalli turpeenoton optimointiin (Kalvot)
T[OST12]Lars Östring (2012) Taistelujoukkojen allokaatioiden kustannustehokkuuden arviointi Lanchesterin taistelumallissa
T[PII12]Juho Piiroinen (2012) Influence of atmospheric circulation on Antaretic sea ice in climate model HadGEM1: statistical analysis
T[REM12]Sami Remes (2012) Ryhmäfaktorianalyysi neurotiedesovelluksissa
T[TAR12]Joonas Tarpila (2012) Toistetun haukka-kyyhky -pelin numeerinen analysointi
T[YLI12]Kimi Ylilammi (2012) Monen kauppamatkustajan ongelman ratkaiseminen kombinatorisena huutokauppana


T[ANT11]Turkka Anttonen (2011) Gauss-Newton ja Levenberg-Marquardt -menetelmien vertailu epälineaarisessa pienimmän neliösumman tehtävässä
T[HYN11]Yrjänä Hynninen (2011) Stokastinen dominanssi projektiportfolion valinnassa
T[LEP11]Eemeli Leppäaho (2011) Transfer learning for molecular systems biology
T[LEV11]Antti Levo (2011) Monitavoitteiseen optimointiin soveltuvan evoluutioalgoritmin tarkastelu
T[LUU11]Teppo Luukkonen (2011) Analysing Optimal Routing of Single Elevator
T[MAN11]Ilkka Mansikkamäki (2011) Pientalojen radonpitoisuuksien tilastollinen analyysi
T[NUU11]Juha Nuutinen (2011) Optimal Harvesting of Forest Stands
T[NYS11]Tony Nysten (2011) Informaation leviäminen väkijoukossa - Matemaattinen mallintaminen
T[OBE11]Janrik Öberg (2011) Johtajuuden mallintaminen liikkuvissa eläinryhmissä
T[PAR11]Kaisa Parkkila (2011) Partial Least Squares Path Modeling in Theory Testing
T[PON11]Outi Pönni (2011) Life cycle analysis of dye-sensitized solar cells
T[PUN11]Perttu Punakallio (2011) Best-Response-ovenvalinta-algoritmin toiminnan tutkiminen kokeellisen aineiston avulla
T[PUU11]Heikki Puustinen (2011) Simulation-Optimization Tool for Multi-Objective Aircraft Maintenance Scheduling
T[STR11]Jonas Strahl (2011) Efficiency Maximization of Retail Campaigns
T[SUO11]Markku Suomalainen (2011) Polaarisatelliittidataan perustuva lumentunnistusalgoritmi
T[TOR11]Juha Törmänen (2011) Positiivisen psykologian vuorovaikutusmalli
T[VES11]Heikki Vesterinen (2011) Epälineaarinen hinnoittelu: Diskreetin ja jatkuvan mallin vertailu
T[VII11]Ville Viitasaari (2011) Valuation of Asian Quanto-Basket Options


T[ALA10]Jari Alahuhta (2010) Virheraportoijien virhemäärien jakaumat virhetietokannassa.
T[THAS10]Aira Hast (2010) Tulvien ennustaminen matemaattisia malleja kättäen
T[HOT10]Rasmus Hotakainen (2010) Implementation of a scheduling simulator for high-energy physics jobs and mathematical validation of the simulator
T[TJOH10]Lasse Johansson (2010) Vaikutuskaaviopelit
T[TKUI10]Ilmari Kuikka (2010) Poistumistien valinnan mallintaminen rationaalisille ja harhaisille agenteille
T[MAK10]Harri Mäkelin (2010) Yrityksen myynnin ennustaminen
T[MOK10]Harri Mökkönen (2010) Suoritusaika-analyysi selainkäyttöisessä sovelluksessa
T[NIK10]Tuomas Nikoskinen (2010) Gaussiset prosessit derivaattahavainnoilla regressio-ongelmassa
T[TSAI10]Jussi Sainio (2010) Taistelukentän signaaliympäristön parantaminen Sandis-ohjelmistossa
T[SOL10]Arno Solin (2010) Cubature Integration Methods in Non-linear Kalman Filtering and Smoothing
T[SUT10]Martti Sutinen (2010) How to Support Decision Analysis with Software - Case Förbifart Stockholm


T[TAHL09]Lassi Ahlvik (2009) Sijoutusrahastojen monikriteerien valinta
T[TDAN09]Gillis Danielsen (2009) Simulating Carbon Beam Fragmentation in Water Phantom with GEANT4
T[TJUN09]Janne Junes (2009) Tutkimus varasto-virtaussysteemin ymmärtämisestä
T[TKLE09]Arttu Klemettilä (2009) Epälineaarisen hinnoittelutehtävän numeerinen analysointi ja ratkaiseminen
T[TKOL09]Juha-Matti Koljonen (2009) Hajautettuja algoritmeja satunnaisverkon värittämiseen
T[TKUU09]Mikael Kuusela (2009) Algorithms for Variational Learning of Mixture of Gaussians
T[TNUR09]Joni Nurmentaus (2009) Riskirajoitusten huomiointi projektiportfoliovalinnassa
T[TSAA09]Jarno Saarimäki (2009) Pohjaveden painekorkeuden riippuvuus luonnonilmiöistä
T[TVES09]Riina Vesanen (2009) Palveluiden myyntikäyrien analysointi operaattoriliiketoiminnassa
T[TYLI09]Jukka Ylitalo (2009) Assessing the effects of entrepreneurial orientation in Finnish software industry


T[TESK08]Olli Eskola (2008) Vastepintamenetelmät
T[TGUE08]Reda Guerfi (2008) Säteilyannosten arviointimalli ja päästövanan gammalaskennan verifiointi
T[TILV08]Martti Ilvesmäki (2008) Prosessitarkastelu aivotoiminnan virtatiheysanalyysistä
T[TLEP08]Matias Leppisaari (2008) Monopolin sääntely epätäydellisen informaation vallitessa
T[TMAL08]Eric Malmi (2008) Multiagent simulation and visualization of social interactions: Framework and recommender system



E[KOI23]Petri Koivisto (2023) Estimating component repair times of a nuclear power plant


E[HON18]Marianne Honkasaari (2018) Modelling Energy Production of Wind Farms under Transmission Capacity Constraints


E[ALL16]Pekka Alli (2016) Local depth functions
E[ANT16]Turkka Anttonen (2016) Comparison of Safety Stock Policies
E[HON16]Marianne Honkasaari (2016) Computation of Non-Dominated Alternatives in Spatial Decision Analysis
E[JUS16]Tomi Jussila (2016) Huoltosuunnitelman optimointi teknisten järjestelmien vikaantumisten ennaltaehkäisemiseksi
E[KLE16]Santtu Klemettilä (2016) Energy disaggregation with event-based detection and hierarchical clustering
E[LAN16]Joonas Lanne (2016) Ensimmäisen asteen stokastinen dominanssi kuljetusverkoston riskienhallintatoimenpiteiden valinnassa
E[OBE16]Janrik Öberg (2016) Räätälöidyn ohjelmiston päivittävyyden arviointi
R[SAA16]Alina Saaranto (2016) A Review of the Methods for Valuing Intellectual Property Rights
E[SEE16]Teemu Seeve (2016) A Method for Estimating Selection and Systematic Biases in Project Portfolio Selection
E[SEP16]Aleksi Seppänen (2016) Functional depth
E[STR16]Jani Strandberg (2016) Euroopan taloudellisesta yhtenäisyydestä


E[KAR15]Joona Karjalainen (2015) Tracking of Multiple Interacting Targets Using Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filters
E[KIN15]Teemu Kinnunen (2015) Henkilöstön kustannustehokas lomasuunnittelu
E[LEH15]Eero Lehtonen (2015) Production Planning of a Pumped-storage Hydropower Plant
E[NIK15]Tuomas Nikoskinen (2015) From neural networks to deep neural networks
E[PÄR15]Ilmari Pärnänen (2015) Väkijoukon käyttäytyminen katastrofitilanteissa
E[POR15]Aleksi Porokka (2015) An evolutionary algorithm for robust optimization of unconstrained problems
E[RAN15]Sakke Rantala (2015) Several sample location problem
E[RIN15]Tuomas Rintamäki (2015) A parallel implementation of the ADMM algorithm for power network control
E[ROP15]Juho Roponen (2015) Adversarial risk analysis in military combat modelling
E[SAI15]Jussi Sainio (2015) Kommunikatiivinen musikaalisuus ja systeemiäly
E[TAR15]Joonas Tarpila (2015) Kotimaisten ja ulkomaisten yritysten maineen tilastollisesta analysoinnista
E[VAA15]Touko Väänänen (2015) Parempia kehitysideoita: Monikriteerinen arviointi kurssipalautteen keruussa
E[VAH15]Ilari Vähä-Pietilä (2015) An Application of the Two-Period Newsvendor Problem


E[KAN14]Juha Kännö (2014) Pricing of electricity futures: A literature review
E[KLE14]Raul Kleinberg (2014) Pinnanmittausten yhteisvika- todennäköisyyksien arviointi
E[KOP14]Ville Koponen (2014) Multiobjective ranking and selection with incomplete preference information
E[KUN14]Janne Kunnas (2014) Luottoriski ja taloudellinen pääoma
E[OST14]Lars Östring (2014) Kriittisten verkostoinfrastruktuurien toiminnallisuuden arviointi
E[RIE14]Vesa Riekkinen (2014) Työkalu ympäristövaikutusten merkittävyyden arviointiin
E[SAI14]Santtu Saijets (2014) Optimal strategies for selecting project portfolios using uncertain cost estimates
E[SAL14]Antti Salmela (2014) Epävarmojen arvioiden välisten riippuvuuksien vaikutus projektiportfolion arvoon
E[SCH14]Anton von Schantz (2014) Cellular Automaton Evacuation Model Coupled with a Spatial Game
E[YLI14]Kimi Ylilammi (2014) A simulation tool for project portfolio selection


E[AND13]Juho Andelmin (2013) Robust Portfolio Modelling for Allocating Resources to Decision Making Units
E[BAC13]Ville-Pekka Backlund (2013) Threshold models of information spreading in empirical temporal networks
E[LAH13]Tuomas Lahtinen (2013) Portfolio value models for capturing project dependencies within disjoint project clusters
E[LIN13]L. Lindqvist (2013) Näyttämällä opettaminen: liikeratojen toistamisen mallit
E[MÄK13]Harri Mäkelin (2013) Multi-objective Simulation-Optimization Using Simulated Annealing With Incomplete Preference Information
E[PAR13]Kaisa Parkkila (2013) Shokkijakaumien välittyminen epälineaarisissa dynaamisissa stokastisissa yleisen tasapainon malleissa
E[PII13]Juho Piiroinen (2013) Bayesian predictive methods for model selection
E[PUN13]Perttu Punakallio (2013) Vertailuryhmän valinta havainnoivassa tutkimuksessa -Propensity Score Matching
E[REM13]Sami Remes (2013) Diagnosing ADHD from resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging data using sparse Bayesian logistic regression.
E[VII13]Ville Viitasaari (2013) Delta Hedging of Option Positions


E[AHL12]Karin Ahlbäck (2012) Corporate Social Responsibility from an Institutional Perspective - An Illustration of Talvivaara Mining Company
E[ALA12]Jari Alahuhta (2012) Ratio-Based Efficiency Analysis for the Efficiency Evaluation of Healthcare Spending
E[HOT12]Rasmus Hotakainen (2012) Kaukolämpöverkon tilan estimointi virtausdatan perusteella ja mittausvirheiden havaitseminen
E[NUU12]Juha Nuutinen (2012) Segmentation of Consumers in Retailing of Probiotics - A Latent Class Approach
E[SAN12]Vendla Sandström (2012) Scheduling of teaching resources and classes using mixed integer linear programming - A case study in a university of applied sciences
E[SOL12]Arno Solin (2012) Tracking and elimination of periodic noise in fMRI using Bayesian inference
E[TOR12]Juha Törmänen (2012) Robustness of factor analysis in analysis of data with discrete variables
E[TOR12b]Fatemeh Torabihaghighi (2012) Grounding incidident and AIS data analysis
E[VES12]Heikki Vesterinen (2012) Simulation budget allocation with incomplete preference information


E[ESK11]Olli Eskola (2011) Examining Bayesian Nash Equilibria in a Two Player War Game
E[HAP11]Juho Häppölä (2011) Nordpool spot volatility modeling and optio pricing
E[HAS11]Aira Hast (2011) Logistisen regressiomallin muodostaminen ja käyttö havaintojen luokittelussa
E[HYN11]Yrjänä Hynninen (2011) Asiantuntija-arvioinnit asejärjestelmien kustannustehokkuuden arvioinnissa
E[JOH11]Lasse Johansson (2011) Reactive vehicle routing using a shortest path network optimization algorithm
E[KAJ11]Jussi Kajovaara (2011) Quantifying the savings potential by optimizing inventory parameters
E[KOR11]Janne Korvenpää (2011) Portfolio DEA
E[LEV11]Antti Levo (2011) Airline Crew Optimization Problem
E[LUU11]Teppo Luukkonen (2011) Modelling and control of quadcopter
E[MAN11]Ilkka Mansikkamäki (2011) Optimizing sampling structures in multilevel testing
E[NUR11]Joni Nurmentaus (2011) Impact of Forecast Errors on Retrials in Service Systems
E[SAN11]Max Sandholm (2011) Unsupervised learning from HITChip microarray data
E[SIL11]Taneli Silvonen (2011) Reliability analysis for passive systems - A case study on a passive containment cooling system
E[SUT11]Martti Sutinen (2011) MILP models for medium-term production cost optimization in multifuel and multigeneretion combined heat and power systems
E[TYR11]Tero Tyrväinen (2011) Dynaamisen monitavoitteisen verkko-optimointitehtävän ratkaisemisen laskennallinen vaativuus


E[HOL10]Ville Holma (2010) Arbitrage Pricing of Currency Derivatives
E[KER10]Tuomas Kervinen (2010) Contingent portfolio programming approach to hydropower scheduling
E[KOI10]Ossi Koivistoinen (2010) Comparison of Multiobjective Simulated Annealing and Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms in Presence of Noise
E[KOT10]Marko Kotilainen (2010) Network Analysis of Technology Industry Collaboration
E[KOT10b]Marko Kotilainen (2010) Tiedon leviämisen kuvaaminen SI-mallin ja empiirisen datan avulla
E[LIE10]Jari Liede (2010) The effect of target duration on the volatility of interest payments
E[LUT10]Mikko Luttinen (2010) Keep Cool - Gambling with the Climate
E[LUT10b]Mikko Luttinen (2010) Hattrick - virtuaalisen jalkapallomanageripelin optimointiongelmat
E[MAA10a]Jyrki Maaranen (2010) Paperikoneiden tuotannonohjauksen optimointi ja tuotefokusointi
E[MAA10b]Jyrki Maaranen (2010) Tilastollisten menetelmien ja neuroverkkojen vertailua aikasarjojen ennustamisessa
E[NIE10]Anni Nieminen (2010) Scheduling and routing geographically distributed tasks with a genetic algorithm
E[NIE10b]Anni Nieminen (2010) Riskienhallintamenetelmien integroiminen energiatietojärjestelmään
E[NII10]Arto Niinistö (2010) Shortage Supply Allocation for the Prioritised Sales Orders
E[PAS10]Tommi Pastinen (2010) Valvontakortit
E[PEK10]Timo Pekkala (2010) Value at Risk in Bank Risk Management
E[PEK10b]Timo Pekkala (2010) Systemic Qualities of the 2007-2010 Financial Crisis
E[PEU10]Heikki Peura (2010) Sparse Approximate Gaussian Process Regression
E[SAL10]Osmo Salomaa (2010) Työpaikkasaavutettavuuspohjainen asuinpaikan valinnan simulointimalli
E[SAV10]Antti Savelainen (2010) An introduction to EEG artifacts
E[SOR10]Otto Sormunen (2010) Tulvapadon kustannus-hyötyanalyysi Monte Carlo-simuloinnin avulla
E[TUR10]Kimmo Turunen (2010) Exposure-at-default models for counterparty credit risk under basel frameworks


E[AHL09]Lassi Ahlvik (2009) Free Trade as a Repeated Game
E[AUL09]Samuel Aulanko (2009) Producing uniformly distributed random numbers inside an n-dimensional polygon
E[AUL09b]Samuel Aulanko (2009) Comparison of Complete and Incomplete Classification of Alternatives in Value Tree Analysis
E[GUE09]Reda Guerfi (2009) REA-solver - Verkkopohjainen työkalu DEA- ja REA-perusteiseen tehokkuusvertailuun
E[HEL09]Juho Helander (2009) The Dependence of Repair Times of Safety-significant Devices on Repair Class in the Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant
E[HYV09]Tapani Hyvämäki (2009) Generating Uniformly Distributed Random Points Inside Arbitrary Polyhedra
E[JAA09]Väinö Jääskinen (2009) Modelling Sleep Stages With Markov Chains
E[KLE09]Arttu Klemettilä (2009) Suoritusaikojen ja energiankulutuksen optimoiminen tietokoneklustereiden jonohallintajärjestelmissä
E[KOI09]Ossi Koivistoinen (2009) Genetic Algorithms with Adaptive Simulation Replication Count in Simulation Based Optimization
E[KOS09]Matti Koskimies (2009) Metaheuristiikat kombinatoristen optimointiongelmien ratkaisussa
E[KUI09]Ilmari Kuikka (2009) Wind Nowcasting: Optimizing runway in use
E[KUR09]Kimmo Kurki (2009) Estimating Project Value Distributions Using Expert Evaluations
E[LAI09]Janne Laitonen (2009) Hahmontunnistus ja Bayesilainen luokitin: käytännön sovellus
E[LAI09b]Pekka Laitila (2009) Bayesian Network Model for BDA
E[LEI09]Topi Leisti (2009) Cournot-pelin soveltaminen keräyspaperikustannusten määräytymiseen
E[LEI09b]Topi Leisti (2009) Synergioiden arvioiminen yritysostoissa ja -fuusioissa
E[LUO09]Jukka Luoma (2009) Acting with Systems Thinking: Complex Responsive Processes and Systems Intelligence
E[MAN09]Johan Mangs (2009) Identifying Change Points in Linear Regressions
E[MAN09b]Johan Mangs (2009) Modeling Evacuees' Exit Selection Utilizing Leader and Follower Agents
E[NIS09]Ville Niskanen (2009) Pricing Dynamics between Credit Default Swap and Bond Markets
E[NIS09b]Ville Niskanen (2009) A Two-Stage Project Management Model
E[NUM09]Tuomas Nummelin (2009) Algorithmic Trading in Foreign Exchange Based on Order Flow
E[OLL09]Matti Ollila (2009) Inflation and inflation uncertainty in Finland 1985-2008
E[OLL09b]Matti Ollila (2009) Dynamic Impacts of Competence-Based Competitive Research Funding
E[PEU09]Heikki Peura (2009) Periodiset kovarianssifunktiot gaussisissa prosesseissa
E[RYY09]Erkka Ryynänen (2009) International environmental agreements in short
E[SAL09]Juha Saloheimo (2009) ARCH-mallit
E[SAV09]Antti Savelainen (2009) Construction of SARIMAX-models using MATLAB
E[TAA09]Mauno Taajamaa (2009) Verkkolaskutuksen kehitysprojekti sopimusteoreettisena sovelluksena
E[TAA09b]Mauno Taajamaa (2009) System Thinking for Business Plan Validation
E[URH09a]Pekka Urhonen (2009) 1-D reaktorin mallinnusapuvälineen toteutus APROS-ympäristössä
E[URH09b]Pekka Urhonen (2009) Partiotoiminnan laatuun vaikuttavat tekijät vuosiselostedatan perusteella Uudenmaan Partiopiirissä
E[VEN09a]Ville Venojärvi (2009) Vangin ongelma sosiologisissa tutkimuksissa
E[VEN09b]Ville Venojärvi (2009) Veikkauksen tulosvetopelien pelikäyttäytymisestä
E[VII09]Lauri Viitasaari (2009) The Influence of Uncertainties in Binary Project Portfolio Selection
E[YLI09]Jutta Ylitalo (2009) Ship-Ship Collision Probability of the Crossing Area between Helsinki and Tallinn
E[YLI09b]Jukka Ylitalo (2009) Controlling for Common Method Variance with Partial Least Squares Path modeling: A Monte Carlo Study More recent version


E[EHR08]Markus Ehrnrooth (2008) The Performance of a Relative Value Trading Strategy
E[ERO08]Tanja Eronen (2008) Pricing of Arithmetic Asian Quanto-Based Options
E[HAA08]Lauri Haapamäki (2008) Coalition Theory and Applying it on Modelling Wood Trade
E[HYV08]Tapani Hyvämäki (2008) Analysis of PID Control Design Methods for a Heated Airflow Process
E[KAR08]Jussi Karlqvist (2008) Copula Models for Dependence between Equity Inex Returns
E[KER08]Tuomas Kervinen (2008) Estimation of the Temperature Dependency of the Finnish Electricity Consumption
E[KOK08]Juho Kokkala (2008) Preference Information in Multicriteria Games
E[LAI08]Janne Laitonen (2008) Taistelun simulointi sekä ampumatarvikkeiden ja asejärjestelmien kustannustehokkuus
E[LEP08]Matias Leppisaari (2008) Managing Longevity Risk with Longevity Bonds
E[LEP08b]Samuli Leppänen (2008) Multidimensional Screening: Three Approaches
E[MAT08]Anna Matala (2008) Sample Size Requirement for Monte Carlo - simulations using Latin Hypercube Sampling
E[NEV08]Eero Nevalainen (2008) Accelerometer configurations for a gyroscope free inertial navigation system
E[NEV08b]Eero Nevalainen (2008) Survey on Recursive Bayesian State Estimation
E[NIE08]Pyry Niemelä (2008) Yhteislaitumen ongelma taistelussa ilmastonmuutosta vastaan
E[NOU08]Jarno Nousiainen (2008) Liikkuvuuden mallinnus
E[RYY08]Erkka Ryynänen (2008) Predictive data mining - methods and a case study
E[SAA08]Teppo-Heikki Saari (2008) PLS-regressio kemometrian kalibrointiongelmassa
E[SAL08]Osmo Salomaa (2008) Geneettiset algoritmit joukkoliikennelinjastojen suunnittelussa
E[SAL08b]Juha Saloheimo (2008) Evaluation of Decision Rules in Robust Portfolio Modeling
E[SIK08]Topi Sikanen (2008) RPM-menetelmän päätössääntöjen tilastollinen vertailu
E[SIK08b]Topi Sikanen (2008) Solving Weapon Target Assignment Problem with Dynamic Programming
E[TOL08]Jaakko Tölö (2008) Optical flow based motion estimation in magnetic resonance imaging
E[TOP08]Antti Toppila (2008) Optimal Exploitation of Mineral Resources with Contingent Portfolio Programming
E[VAY08]Olli Väyrynen (2008) Portfoliomalli taktiseen metsäsuunnitteluun
E[YLI08]Jutta Ylitalo (2008) Flash-OFDM-verkon tukiaseman simulointi


E[BRU07]Jenni Brunila (2007) Middleware Platform Pricing
E[EHR07]Markus Ehrnrooth (2007) Volatility Forecasts for Finnish Equities
E[HEL07a]Simo Heliövaara (2007) Evakuoinnin simulointimalleista
E[HEL07b]Simo Heliövaara (2007) Geneettiset Algoritmit
E[HEL07c]Juho Helander (2007) Keskipakopumppujen yhteisvikataajuuksien arviointi
E[HOL07]Petri Holappa (2007) Tilauserän koon optimointi EOQ-mallin avulla huomioiden myös paljousalennukset ja tilarajoitteet
E[KAK07]Anssi Käki (2007) Evaluation of Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance in Asset Allocation
E[KAN07]Jussi Kangaspunta (2007) Approximative Algorithms in Robust Portfolio Modeling
E[KAN07b]Lauri Kangas (2007) Taistelun mallinnuksesta Markovin ketjulla
E[KAN07c]Jussi Kangaspunta (2007) Teknillisen korkeakoulun osastojen tehokkuusanalyysi
E[KAU07]Tommi Kauppinen (2007) Decision analytical perspectives into voting machines
E[KOK07]Juho Kokkala (2007) Improving Dynamic Bayesian Network Models by Non-Uniform Time Slice Selection
E[KOV07]Lauri Kovanen (2007) Control Design for a Tactical Missile Autopilot - an Application of Robust Control
E[KUJ07]Ilkka Kujamäki (2007) Temporal aggregation and smoothing of sales forecasts
E[KUR07]Tuomas Kuronen (2007) Capital Budgeting in a Capital-intensive Industry
E[KUU07]Juha-Matti Kuusinen (2007) Group Behavior in FDS+Evac Evacuation Simulations
E[LEH07]Kimmo Lehikoinen (2007) Extreme Value Theory in Risk Management for Electricity Market
E[LEP07]Ilkka Leppänen (2007) Cooperation and Systems Intelligence: Locating Pareto-Solutions Using Intention Announcements
E[LEP07b]Samuli Leppänen (2007) Tehokkuusanalyysin käyttömahdollisuuksia yliopistoyksiköiden vertailussa
E[LIE07]Jari Liede (2007) Hedging contingent foreign currency exposures
E[MAT07]Anna Matala (2007) Application of genetic algorithm in pyrolysis model parameter estimation
E[MON07]Esa Mononen (2007) Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis on Technology barometer composite indicator
E[MUT07]Teemu Mutanen (2007) Slope One Predictor on Consumer Data
E[NIE07]Jaakko Niemi (2007) Accuracy of the Bayesian Network Algorithms for Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks
E[NIE07b]Pyry Niemelä (2007) Muutospisteiden tunnistaminen Bayesilaisella analyysilla
E[NOU07]Jarno Nousiainen (2007) Local Forwarding Methods in Large Ad Hoc Networks
E[NUM07]Tuomas Nummelin (2007) Analysis of evaluation time frames in project portfolio selection
E[RÄI07]Ismo Räisänen (2007) Raakaöljyjen ominaisuusennusteiden luotettavuuden arviointi
E[RAN07]Reetta-Johanna Ranne (2007) Manifestations of the Implicitness of Systems Intelligence in Leadership
E[SAL07a]Timo Salminen (2007) Ei-normaalisten tuottojakaumien mallintaminen
E[SAL07b]Timo Salminen (2007) Uuden eläkelaitoslain vaikutus allokaatiovalintaan
E[SAR07]Tuukka Sarvi (2007) Evaluation of Approximative Algorithms in Robust Portfolio Modeling
E[SAR07b]Tuukka Sarvi (2007) An Oligopolistic Conjectural Variation Model of the Nordic Electricity Market
E[SIR07]Sami Siren (2007) Ydinvoimalaitoksen vuosihuoltoseisokin palotaajuuksien estimointi
E[SIR07b]Sami Siren (2007) Ydinvoimalaitoksen turvatärkeiden laitteiden korjausajan mallinnus
E[SUO07]Atso Suopajärvi (2007) Tupen todennäköisyysanalyysi
E[TOP07]Antti Toppila (2007) Hierarchical Preference Elicitation in Robust Portfolio Modeling
E[VIL07a]Eeva Vilkkumaa (2007) Choosing a qualified majority voting rule for the Council of the European Union - past, present, and future
E[VIL07b]Eeva Vilkkumaa (2007) Modeling the legislative process in the European Union through multi-objective optimization


E[EKH06]Tommi Ekholm (2006) Aggregation of power-plant components for Generis Optimization Studio
E[EKH06b]Tommi Ekholm (2006) Typpioksiduulin päästöarvioiden vertailu ja epävarmuuksien Monte Carlo -analyysi
E[ERO06]Tanja Eronen (2006) Simulation Study on Exploring Causal Relationships with Multiattribute Portfolio Analysis
E[ERV06]Valtteri Ervasti (2006) Effectiveness of quantity support in combinatorial auctions
E[GYL06]Michael Gylling (2006) Commercial Real Estate Valuation in the Finnish Market
E[HAM06a]Auli Hämäläinen (2006) Dieselgeneraattorin koestusvälin optimointi
E[HAM06b]Auli Hämäläinen (2006) Psykologisten ilmiöiden mittaaminen
E[HIR06]Ilkka Hirvonen (2006) User Behaviour and Platform Performance in Mobile Multiplayer Environments
E[KAK06]Anssi Käki (2006) Comparison of Forecasting Algorithms in Spare Part Demand Planning
E[KAR06]Petri Kärkäs (2006) cDNA Microarray Data Analysis Methods: A Review
E[KER06]Mikko Kerola (2006) The development of a mid-term planning model of a hydropower system
E[KUJ06]Ilkka Kujamäki (2006) Valmistusaikojen ja -määrien ennustamisesta tilastollisin menetelmin
E[LEH06]Jaakko Lehtinen (2006) Laadun mittaaminen informaatiologistiikkayrityksessä
E[LUO06]Jukka Luoma (2006) Perspectives on Team Dynamics: Meta Learning and Systems Intelligence
E[MAL06]Antti Malava (2006) Principal Component Analysis on Term Structure of Interest Rates
E[MAN06]Otso Manninen (2006) Forward Contract Hedging with Contingent Portfolio Programming
E[MUT06]Teemu Mutanen (2006) Customer churn analysis - a case study
E[MYL06]Tomi Myllylä (2006) Software Services and Packaged Software Solutions: a Customer Perspective
E[NIS06]Juuso Nissinen (2006) Implementing an optimization algorithm for the Smart-Swaps software
E[NIS06b]Juuso Nissinen (2006) Robust Portfolio Modeling for Research Theme Selection and Collaborative Network Design
E[RAN06]Ulla Rantakokko (2006) Decision making and the brain: Imprecision handling in the light of neuroeconomics
E[RAS06]Harri Räsänen (2006) A Simulation Study on the Computation of Non-Dominated Portfolios
E[RUO06]Jarno Ruokokoski (2006) Ilmataisteluohjuksen ohjauslain identifionti Bayesin päättelyllä
E[SOR06]Antti Soro (2006) Evaluating IT investments within corporations - real options approach
E[TUO06a]Marko Tuominen (2006) Application of Robust Portfolio Modeling to Credit Scoring Problem
E[TUO06b]Marko Tuominen (2006) Models and Properties of Financial Limit Order Books
E[VAN06]Maija Vanhatalo (2006) Parameter Estimation in Metabolic Reaction Networks
E[VAR06]Reetta-Johanna Vartiainen (2006) Voimalaitoskattilan prosessidatan analysointi - Muuttujien väliset riippuvuusrakenteet


E[AHV05]Rasmus Ahvenniemi (2005) Optimization of a Real Estate Portfolio with Contingent Portfolio Programming
E[BRU05]Ville Brummer (2005) RICHER Decisions - A Decision Support Software Tool
E[ERV05]Valtteri Ervasti (2005) Painemittarin kalibrointi
E[HEL05a]Matti Hellqvist (2005) Toiminnallisten häiriöiden vaikutusten kvantifiointi arvopapereiden selvitysjärjestelmässä
E[HEL05b]Matti Hellqvist (2005) Comparison of approximation methods for combinations of differently distributed random variables
E[HYT05]Henri Hytönen (2005) Moving Horizon Control in the Generation of Initial Solution to Dynamic Optimization Problem
E[JAL05]Erkka Jalonen (2005) Innovaatioaihioiden vuorovaikutteinen tarkastelu monikriteerisessä RPM-seulonnassa
E[JAV05]Timo Javanainen (2005) Kvantitatiiviset menetelmät yliopistojen tuloksellisuuden arvioinnissa
E[KAN05]Lauri Kangas (2005) Robust Portfolio Modeling for the ex post Analysis on Innovation Programme
E[LEH05a]Kimmo Lehikoinen (2005) Effects of the corrosion products and gas generated in the repository cavern for the reactor pressure vessel
E[LEH05b]Jaakko Lehtinen (2005) Suurtehoskannereiden nopeudet häiriöt ja käyttöasteet
E[MAL05]Antti Malava (2005) Application of Robust Portfolio Modelling to the Management of Intellectual Property Rights
E[MUS05]Jari Mustonen (2005) Arvohäviö Rank Inclusion in Criteria Hierarchies menetelmässä
E[MYL05]Tomi Myllylä (2005) Software Agents: A Literature Survey
E[NIE05]Sami Niemelä (2005) Toimitusketjun dynamiikkaa opettavan pelin internetsovellus
E[RUU05]Sampsa Ruutu (2005) Applying Parallel Computing in the Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems
E[SAL05]Lauri Salminen (2005) A Simulation Study on the Computation of Potentially Optimal Multicriteria Portfolios
E[SIM05a]Lassi Similä (2005) Esikäsittelyjen vaikutuksesta aikasarjan spektriin
E[SIM05b]Lassi Similä (2005) Multi-Vehicle Routing with Contingent Portfolio Programming
E[STE05]Olli Stenlund (2005) Geneettiset algoritmit ja luonnossa tapahtuva mikroevoluutio
E[SUO05]Atso Suopajärvi (2005) ARCH-mallit
E[TEN05]Karno Tenovuo (2005) Laivan pakkovärähtelylaskentatulosten analysointi
E[VIR05]Pasi Virtanen (2005) Geneettiset algoritmit ja sukupuolten taistelu
E[VIR05b]Jussi K. Virtanen (2005) The OtaStat Publication Platform
E[WES05]Martin Westerlund (2005) Theory of Constraints Revisited - Leveraging Teamwork by Systems Intelligence


E[HYT04]Henri Hytönen (2004) Utilization of Air-to-Air Missile Seeker Constraints in the Missile Evasion
E[JAA04]Keijo Jaakola (2004) Auringonpilkkujen jaksollisuus
E[JAV04]Timo Javanainen (2004) Analytical Delta-Gamma VaR Methods for Portfolios of Electricity Derivatives
E[KIV04]Toivo Kivirinta (2004) Sääalkutapahtumien arviointi korjausseisokin riskimallissa
E[KOS04a]Juha Koskenkylä (2004) Capital Budgeting under Ambiguity Aversion
E[KOS04b]Mika Koskela (2004) Äänestysjärjestelmät ydinvoimalaitoksen suojausjärjestelmissä
E[KOS04c]Mika Koskela (2004) Elintarviketeollisuuden HACCP-sovellus pakkausmateriaaleille
E[LAU04a]Antti Laukkanen (2004) The use of special day information in a demand forecasting model for Nordic power market
E[LAU04b]Antti Laukkanen (2004) Rank ordering attribute weighting methods - simulation study
E[LEH04]Jukka Lehmusvirta (2004) A Pragmatic Study on Cost Estimation in Software Platform Based Product Development Model
E[LEH04b]Hannele Lehtinen (2004) Optimointimallin avulla toteutetun raaka-aineiden arvotusprosessin arviointi
E[MAA04]Ari Maarni (2004) 0-veden kierrätys paperikoneen lyhytaikaisessa seisokissa
E[MAN04]Ilkka Männistö (2004) Optimization-Based Approach to Classification Tasks
E[MET04]Max Mether (2004) Simulation Analysis of Option Buying
E[NYH04a]Teemu Nyholm (2004) Knapsack-algoritmien vertailu ja testaaminen arvopaperien selvitysjärjestelmän aineistolla
E[NYH04b]Teemu Nyholm (2004) Osakeindeksisidonnaisten joukkovelkakirjojen hinnoittelumallit
E[POR04]Jirka Poropudas (2004) Helikopterien huoltotoiminnan simulointityökalu
E[POT04]Markus Porthin (2004) Alihankintaketjun simulointi- ja optimointimalli
E[POY04]Jouni Pöyliö (2004) Varainhallinnan systeemidynaaminen mallinnus ja simulaatio
E[SAL04]Laura Salmi (2004) Kysynnän ennustaminen
E[STE04]Olli Stenlund (2004) Liikkuvan ennakointihorisontin ohjaustekniikan soveltaminen optimiohjauksen ratkaisemisessa
E[SUO04]Emilia Suomalainen (2004) Spatiaalinen autokorrelaatio viljelykokeiden havainnoissa
E[TUO04]Tero Tuominen (2004) Perfusion Deconvolution via EM Algorithm
E[VAT04a]Kari Vatanen (2004) Osakesalkun markkinariskin mallinnus pääkomponenttianalyysillä
E[VAT04b]Kari Vatanen (2004) Sijoitussalkun optimointi Black-Litterman -mallilla
E[VUO04]Matti Vuorinen (2004) Lentotoiminnan huoltosimulaation herkkyysanalyysi


E[BER03]Kimmo Berg (2003) Modelling Frisbee Flight
E[DIE03]Jaakko Dietrich (2003) E-learning decision making
E[HOR03]Esa-Pekka Horttanainen (2003) Spatiaalisen autokorrelaation testaaminen
E[JAA03]Keijo Jaakola (2003) Ominaisarvojen jakauma balansoidulla asteikolla AHP:ssa
E[JAL03]Erkka Jalonen (2003) Multicast Traffic Modelling and Load Allocation in Hybrid Cellular Network
E[JAR03]Tiia Järvenpää (2003) Decision Conferencing in Nuclear Accident Management - Case Olkiluoto Milk Conference
E[JUV03a]Ilmari Juva (2003) Confidence Intervals in Bootstrap
E[JUV03b]Ilmari Juva (2003) Jalkapallo-ottelun lopputuloksen stokastinen mallintaminen
E[KIV03]Toivo Kivirinta (2003) Loviisan riskianalyysin yhteisvikaparametrien määrittäminen
E[KOS03]Juha Koskenkylä (2003) Incentive Adjustment with Fixed-Point Method in a Game of Leader and Two Followers
E[LIE03]Juuso Liesiö (2003) Non-dominated Portfolios in Capital Budgeting with Interval Valued Project Outcomes
E[MEH03]Mark Mehtonen (2003) The Tragedy of the Commons and the Forest Industry
E[MET03]Max Mether (2003) The History of the Central Limit Theorem
E[MIL03]Pekka Mild (2003) Potential Optimal Portfolios in Capital Budgeting
E[NIE03]Sami Niemelä (2003) Suomen kasvihuonekaasuinventaarin epävarmuusarvio: simulointimallin analyysi ja jatkomittaussuositus
E[NOR03a]Timo Nordlund (2003) Todennäköisyysjakaumien mallintaminen Matlab-ohjelmalla
E[NOR03b]Timo Nordlund (2003) Alkoholin kulutusmenojen ennustaminen
E[NYB03]Tuomas Nyblom (2003) Frequency Offset Compensation in OFDM System Using Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
E[OJA03]Juha Ojala (2003) Scenario Selection Problem in Nordic Power Markets
E[POR03]Markus Porthin (2003) Comparative Analysis of Learning Approaches in a Course on Decision Analysis
E[RII03]Vesa Riihimäki (2003) Bounding the Zero Error Capacity by Tabu Search in a Packing Problem
E[RIS03a]Tuomas Riski (2003) Lineaaristen dokumenttien samanlaisuuden mittaaminen
E[RIS03b]Tuomas Riski (2003) Arvio kahden vaalikoneen toiminnasta
E[SUO03]Emilia Suomalainen (2003) Pixel Maps in the FMI Inversion Method
E[VUO03]Matti Vuorinen (2003) Aikasarjojen ennustaminen oikealla ja väärällä ARMA-mallilla


E[AHL02]Pekka Ahlajärvi (2002) RICH method - Simulation study
E[ALA02]Pauli Alanaatu (2002) Spatiaalisen datan analysointi
E[HAM02]Vesa-Pekka Hämäläinen (2002) A Decision Analytic Simulation Approach to a One-on-One Air Combat Game
E[JAP02]Tiia Järvenpää (2002) Oliopohjaisen lennon optimointijärjestelmän suunnittelu
E[JAR02]Toni Jarimo (2002) Calibration of Precautinary Filters
E[KOS02]Ville Koskinen (2002) Modelling the Spatial Correlation of the Baltic Sea Surface Topography
E[LEI02a]Juha Leino (2002) Use of a Multistage Influence Diagram in the Determination of Preference Optimal Flight Paths
E[LEI02b]Juha Leino (2002) Optimal Multicast Routing in Ad Hoc Networks
E[LIE02]Juuso Liesiö (2002) RICH Decisions - A Decision Support Software
E[MEH02]Mark Mehtonen (2002) The Implementation of Statistical Multivariate Methods in Small-Sized Consulting Companies
E[MIL02]Pekka Mild (2002) Decision Models in the Evaluation of a Cluster Programme
E[OJA02]Juha Ojala (2002) Contingent Portfolio Programming under Incomplete Information
E[PEL02]Jarno Pelkonen (2002) Expert selection problem -evaluation of cost efficiency approach
E[POR02]Jirka Poropudas (2002) Experiences of Teaching Two Web-based Courses on Mathematical Modelling
E[PUN02a]Antti Punkka (2002) Rank Inclusion in Criteria Hierarchies
E[PUN02b]Antti Punkka (2002) Use of RICH in Multi-Level Value Trees
E[TIM02]Vesa Timonen (2002) Static Fairness Criteria in Telecommunications
E[TUM02]Tero Tuominen (2002) Savitzky-Golay-temporaalifiltterin Monte Carlo-optimointi ja evaluointi fMRI perfuusiomittauksissa
E[TUO02a]Esa Tuomaala (2002) Finding D-optimal Designs for AHP Based Experiments
E[TUO02b]Esa Tuomaala (2002) Applying a Genetic Algorithm in Cellular Radio Network Optimization
E[ULJ02]Heikki Uljas (2002) Lognormaalijakauma-oletuksen tarkastelu keskiarvojen vertailutesteissä
E[WIL02a]Jens Wilke (2002) Use of neural networks for imitating and improving heuristic system performance
E[WIL02b]Jens Wilke (2002) Use of neural networks for trajectory performance optimization in human gait animation


E[AHL01]Pekka Ahlajärvi (2001) Numerical Solving of Price Coordination Problem
E[ART01]Kai Arte (2001) Decomposition of Demand Acquisition in the Nordic Power Market
E[HEI01]Kai Heikkinen (2001) Keskiarvon valvontakortin virheellisen hälytyksen riskit eksponentiaali- ja normaalijakautuneella datalla
E[JAA01]Mikko Jääskeläinen (2001) Centrality Measures and Information Flows in Venture Capital Syndication Networks
E[JUN01]Jouni Junttila (2001) Roolipuukomponentti
E[KOS01]Ville Koskinen (2001) Applying Hierarchical Optimization to Influence Diagram Games
E[KUU01]Eemeli Kuumola (2001) Analytical Model of AF PHB Node in DiffServ Network
E[LÅG01]Tomas Lågland (2001) Extracting the Market's view on Bond Defaults
E[LAT01a]Antti M. Latva-koivisto (2001) Finding a Complexity Measure for Business Process Models
E[LAT01b]Antti Latva-Koivisto (2001) Joint Gains -ohjelmiston käytettävyyden arviointi
E[PEN01]Aleksi Penttinen (2001) State Dependent Robust Allocation
E[POL01]Janne Pöllönen (2001) Autotuning of Maximum Interference Threshold in WCDMA Mobile Networks
E[PUR01a]Esa Pursiheimo (2001) Menestyminen valintakokeissa ja todennäköisyyslaskussa
E[PUR01b]Esa Pursiheimo (2001) Bendersin dekompositio ja lineaarisen diskreettiaikaisen dynaamisen optimointitehtävän ratkaiseminen
E[RII01]Vesa Riihimäki (2001) Lentokone-ohjus -tehtävän alkuarvauksen tuottaminen geneettisillä optimointialgoritmeilla
E[SÄY01]Pentti Säynätjoki (2001) Suhteellisesti navigoivan lentolaitteen maksimilentomatkasta
E[SOU01a]Kalle Soukka (2001) Havaintoaineiston trimmauksen vaikutus otoskeskiarvoon
E[SOU01b]Kalle Soukka (2001) Pääsykoemenestyksen vaikutus välikoepisteisiin
E[SYS01]Marko Sysi-Aho (2001) Osaketuottojen tyylitellyt faktat ja Minority Game
E[TIM01]Vesa Timonen (2001) Monte Carlo Simulation of a Banyan Net
E[WAT01]Rolf Wathen (2001) Paperin pienimittakaavaisten vaurioiden varianssin tilastollinen analysointi


E[GSS00]Tommi Gustafsson (2000) Outokumpu Polarit AMRO-projekti: tietokanta ja sen käyttöliittymä (yhdessä Janne Gustafssonin kanssa)
E[GUS00]Janne Gustafsson (2000) Outokumpu Polarit AMRO-projekti: tietokanta ja sen käyttöliittymä (yhdessä Tommi Gustafssonin kanssa)
E[JÄÄ00]Mikko Jääskeläinen (2000) Comparison of VaR Models
E[KAI00a]Mika Kaija (2000) Jononmuodostusalgoritmit
E[KAI00b]Mika Kaija (2000) Tuotannonohjauksen optimointi autotehtaassa
E[KIT00]Mitri Kitti (2000) On-line computation of incentive Stackelberg solution
E[KUR00]Antti Kuurne (2000) Numeerinen menetelmä ohjuksen väistön optimointiin
E[KUT00a]Timo Kutinlahti (2000) Mathematics behind Life Cycle Inventory Systems
E[KUT00b]Timo Kutinlahti (2000) Steady state simulation of ECF bleaching plant
E[KUU00]Eemeli Kuumola (2000) Laivueen toiminnan simulointi
E[LAS00]Janne Lassila (2000) Concerns in the Evolution of Technology Programmes
E[NÄS00]Erkka Näsäkkälä (2000) Solving numerically the Markov perfect Nash equilibrium in an oligopoly investment game
E[NIE00]Antti Niemi (2000) Stochastic Optimization for Strategic Airlift
E[NYL00]Samppa Nylund (2000) The Value of Software Portability: A Real Options Approach
E[OJA00b]Otso Ojanen (2000) Goal Intervals in Regulation of a Lake-River System
E[OKS00]Olli-Matti Oksanen (2000) Optimality in product configuration tasks
E[PEN00]Aleksi Penttinen (2000) Simulation of Two-dimensional Fractional Brownian Motion
E[PÖL00]Janne Pöllönen (2000) Äänestyssääntöjen lisääminen Opinions-Onlineen
E[RIN00a]Esa Rinta-Runsala (2000) Sähköyhtiöiden riskienhallinta avoimilla sähkömarkkinoilla
E[RIN00b]Esa Rinta-Runsala (2000) Geneettisten algoritmien soveltaminen optimaalisen väistöliikkeen etsimiseen ilmataistelutilanteessa
E[RIS00a]Riku Riski (2000) Tuotantolaitoksen kustannusoptio Pohjoismaisilla sähkömarkkinoilla
E[RIS00b]Riku Riski (2000) Bootstrap Limit Estimation for X Quality Chart
E[SYS00]Marko Sysi-Aho (2000) Osakkeiden tuottojen ajasta riippumattomat mallit ja dynamiikka


E[GUS99]Janne Gustafsson (1999) PRIME: An Introduction and Assesment
E[HEI99]Marko Heino (1999) Ionivaihdon kineettiset mallit
E[IKÄ99a]Jussi Ikäheimo (1999) Optimizing the orbit of a non-geostationary satellite with respect to a multiple station array
E[IKÄ99b]Jussi Ikäheimo (1999) Simulation of electricity training strategies for El-Ex hour forward contracts
E[JUN99a]Virpi Junttila (1999) Numerical solutions of incompressible steady flows
E[JUN99b]Virpi Junttila (1999) Exploitation and Conservation of Norwegian Spiring-spawning Herring: Open access versus Optimal Harvesting Strategies
E[KÄH99a]Markus Kähäri (1999) Assosiaatiosääntöjen etsiminen DX 200-tuotteiden vikatiedoista
E[KÄH99b]Markus Kähäri (1999) Työkalu puhelinkeskuksen luotettavuustekniseen simulointiin
E[KAN99a]Leena Kangas (1999) Maatalousmaan hinnan riippuvuus ilmasto- ja maaperätekijöistä
E[KAN99b]Leena Kangas (1999) Rikki- ja typpiyhdisteiden mitattujen ja laskettujen pitoisuuksien vertailu
E[KAU99]Seppo Kauppinen (1999) Dependability Analysis of Generic Internet Service Computing Hardware
E[KIN99a]Olli Kinnunen (1999) Searching for Joint Gains in Electricity Market Negotiations
E[KIN99b]Olli Kinnunen (1999) Negotiation Support Systems in the Internet
E[KÖS99]Jouni Kössi (1999) Optimointitehtävien ratkaiseminen: Kvadraattinen ohjelmointi ja sisäpistemenetelmät
E[MEL99]Carlo Meloni (1999) Internet service provider liiketoiminta paikallisessa puhelinyhtiössä
E[MUS99]Jyri Mustajoki (1999) Preferenssien jakaumasimuloinnit intervalli-SMART-päätösmalleissa
E[NYB99]Eeva Nyberg (1999) Controlling Government Debt as an Optimal Control Problem (yhdessä Olli Oksasen kanssa)
E[NYL99]Samppa Nylund (1999) Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
E[OKS99]Olli-Matti Oksanen (1999) Controlling Government Debt as an Optimal Control Problem (yhdessä Eeva Nybergin kanssa)
Aku Pöysti (1999) PNNI Routing Algorithm
E[PÖY99]Aku Pöysti (1999) Merkinatokanavan kuormituksesta matkapuhelinverkossa
E[QVI99a]Tuomas Qvickström (1999) An adaptive learning algorithm for information filtering
E[QVI99b]Tuomas Qvickström (1999) Selvitys futuurihintojen ja toteutuvan spothinnan erosta sekä tuotteiden korrelaatiosta sähkömarkkinoissa
E[RAN99a]Jukka Juuso Ranta (1999) Parametrien estimointi sulatusdatasta
E[RAN99b]Jukka Juuso Ranta (1999) Job shop-ajoituksen laskenta simuloimalla
E[SÄK99a]Petri Säkkinen (1999) AHP:n painokertoimien varianssien määrittäminen lineaarisointiin perustuvalla approksimaatiolla
E[SÄK99b]Petri Säkkinen (1999) AHP:n painokertoimien määrittäminen robustilla regressiolla
E[SIR99a]Juuso Siren (1999) Kansantalouspeli
E[SIR99b]Juuso Siren (1999) Gradientin suunnan arvioiminen epätäydellisellä informaatiolla
E[SOR99]Janne Sorsa (1999) Statistical comparison of mechanical properties of steel tubes
E[SPA99]Greig Spankie (1999) Mobile agents and Information Security
E[SUO99a]Mika Suojarinne (1999) Setaani-indeksilaskurin toteuttaminen Porvoon jalostamon optimointimalliin simulaattoriliitännällä
E[SUO99b]Mika Suojarinne (1999) Tuontilentorahdin yhteislähetysten luotettavuus
E[TUR99]Jussi Turunen (1999) Bootstrap-menetelmän soveltaminen sähkönkulutusaikasarjaan
E[USK99a]Jussi Uskola (1999) Lentokoneen liidon optimointi
E[USK99b]Jussi Uskola (1999) Simulointityökalujen käyttö GPRS-verkon suunnitteluprosessissa
E[VAS99]Anu Vasama (1999) Rakenneanalyysi skenaariomuuttujien määrittelyssä


E[ARO98a]Martti Aro (1998) Eristimien läpilyöntitestauksen tutkimuksessa käytetyt tilastolliset menetelmät
E[ARO98b]Martti Aro (1998) Käyränsovitusalgoritmeja
E[BAC98]Tom Backman (1998) Kaukolämpöverkon tilan estimointi Kalman suotimen soveltuvuus ja sovitus verkkomalliin
E[EKV98a]Vesa Ek (1998) Simulointimalli laajojen dynaamisten ajoitustehtävien herkkyysanalyysin suorittamiseksi
E[EKV98b]Vesa Ek (1998) Resurssirajoitetut ajoitustehtävät
E[HOR98]Esa-P. Horttanainen (1998) Log-normaalijakaumaa noudattavan ajan arvon estimointi
E[JÄÄ98]Harri Jäälinoja (1998) Simulations in Population Dynamics
E[JAN98]Paula Jantunen (1998) Ohjelmistotuotannon laatumittareiden strukturointi ja laatuindeksimallin kehittäminen
E[KÄM98a]Olli Kämäräinen (1998) Päätöksentekijän monitavoitetehtävän tukemeinen syklisellä koordinaattimenetelmällä rajoitusehdotusmenetelmässä
E[KÄM98b]Olli Kämäräinen (1998) Intelligent agents and their applications in supply chain management
E[KIV98]Ari Kiviluoma (1998) Liikennevakuutuksen suurivahinkopoolin omavastuun valinta
E[KÖS98]Jouni Kössi (1998) Tunnistustehtävien numeerisesta ratkaisemisesta
E[LAA98a]Kari-Pekka Laakso (1998) Biodiversiteettimalli
E[LAA98b]Kari-Pekka Laakso (1998) Bassist-ohjelmiston arviointi
E[LAK98]Teemu Laakso (1998) Density Dependence Applied to a Multiple Matrix Model Pepresenting the Life Cycle of a Tick
E[LEH98]Matti Lehtonen (1998) Tuoterakenteen käsittely relaatiotietokantasovellutuksissaelektroniikkateollisuuden toiminnanohjausjärjest kehityspr.
E[MÄK98a]Mikko Mäkelä (1998) The Dynamics of a Spatially Explicit Host-Parasitoid Model
E[MÄK98b]Mikko Mäkelä (1998) Software Agents - An Overview of Theory and Practice
E[MEL98]Carlo Meloni (1998) Heuristic Tools for Analyzing the Telecommunications Business
E[NIE98]Antti Niemi (1998) Analysis and Presentation of OpSSim Logistics Simulation Results
E[NIK98]Petri Nikkola (1998) Tarkkuusvaaituksen satunnaisen virheen analyysi
E[NUR98a]Ilari Nurmi (1998) Prosessimalli Internet-kaupankäynnin aloittamisesta - Tuotteiden ja palvelujen jakelun instrumentit Internetissä
E[NUR98b]Ilari Nurmi (1998) Competitive Analysis of Marketing Techniques and Recommendations for Future Actions
E[NYB98]Eeva Nyberg (1998) Yrityksen toimintaa kuvaava koulutuspeli
E[OKS98]Sami Markus Oksanen (1998) Osapelitäydellisyys ja muita peliteorian ratkaisukäsitteitä
E[PYY98]Tuomas Pyykkönen (1998) Kahden tason optimointitehtävä - sovellutusalueita vaikeuksia ja ratkaisumenetelmiä
E[RIS98a]Reija Ristilä (1998) Päätöksenteon tietokoneavusteinen opetus
E[RIS98b]Reija Ristilä (1998) A study of steady-states and dynamics of two shoot-root models for allocation of resources in plants
E[RUD98]Leena Rudanko (1998) ARMA-tyyppisessä aikasarjayhtälössä syntyvästä varianssista
E[SPA98]Greig Spankie (1998) Beergamen mallinnus Simulinkillä sekä stabiili säädin tilausten laskentaan
E[SUU98a]Riku Suutari (1998) Kaksiulotteisen vakiokeskiarvoisen stokastisen prosessin ennustaminen kriging-menetelmällä
E[SUU98b]Riku Suutari (1998) Ekosysteemityypin mukainen korjaus Suomen rikkilaskeumaan
E[SYR98]Mikko Syrjänen (1998) Energiahankintakulujen minimointi Lineaarisilla optimointimalleilla
E[VAS98]Anu Vasama (1998) Standardiajoitetun työn aikasarja-analyysi
E[VEH98]Iivo Vehviläinen (1998) Numerical solution to moment equations in a triangle
E[VEN98]Juha Venäläinen (1998) Lentokoneen tilan ennustusmenetelmien vertailu
E[VIL98]Samu Viljanen (1998) Tukiaseman hajautetun tehonsäädön vaikutus puhelun laatuun
E[VUO98]Vuokko Vuori (1998) Oliotekniikat jakeluverkkojen ohjaus- ja käytönvalvontajärjestelmän komentokielessä


E[ALA97]Susanna Alaja (1997) Predator prey system with spatial structure
E[AUL97a]Heikki Aulamo (1997) Ydinvoimalaitoksen kaapelitunnelin paloriskianalyysi
E[AUL97b]Heikki Aulamo (1997) Permutaatiotestin vertaaminen t-testiin ja Wilcoxonin rankisummatestiin
E[BIN97]Ella Bingham (1997) Neuraaliverkon käyttö Suomen kuntien ja satamien välisen tavaraliikenteen mallinnuksessa
E[BLO97]Mikko Blomroos (1997) Tehollinen kaistanleveys ATM-liikenteen hinnoittelussa
E[GIL97]Mika Gillberg (1997) Sähkönkulutuksen ennustaminen poikkeamasähkökaupassa
E[HÄM97a]Anu Hämäläinen (1997) Paperirullisa esiintyvien vikojen valvontaan soveltuvan valvontakortin suunnittelu
E[HÄM97b]Anu Hämäläinen (1997) Talvinopeusrajoitusten kokeilussa havaittujen liikenneonnettomuuksien lukumäärän mallinnus Poisson-regressiolla
E[HEL97]Jyri Helenius (1997) Heiluriradan opetuskäyttö
E[HIE97]Saku Hieta (1997) A Survey of Models for Locating Base Stations in a Cellular Radio Communication System
E[JÄR97a]Hannu Järvi (1997) Ulkomaanpuheluiden hintarakenteen vertaileminen eri operaattoreiden välillä
E[JÄR97b]Hannu Järvi (1997) Paikallispuhelinyhtiöiden vertailu DEA-menetelmällä
E[JRV97a]Ilpo Järvimäki (1997) Prosessimittausten klusterointi: Kolmen menetelmän vertailu
E[JRV97b]Ilpo Järvimäki (1997) Projisointimenetelmä prosessimittauksiin perustuvien neuroverkkomallien luotettavuuden parantamiseksi
E[KAR97a]Jaakko Karas (1997) Maanalaisten putkilinjojen katodisen korroosiosuojauksen toteutus aurinkoenergiaa hyödyntämällä
E[KAR97b]aakko Karas (1997) Viikkotulovirtaamien ennustaminen neuroverkon avulla
E[KAT97a]Esa Katajainen (1997) Massataseiden sekventiaalisesta modulaarilaskennasta
E[KAT97b]Esa Katajainen (1997) Minimiaikatehtävä heiluriratasysteemille
E[LAA97]Pasi Laakso (1997) Suuren primääri-sekundäärivuodon eteneminen ydinvoimalaitoksessa
E[LAI97a]Hannu Laine (1997) PIMS-optimointiohjelmiston parametrien valitseminen öljynjalostamon optimointimallille
E[LAI97b]Hannu Laine (1997) Yksilötasolla tapahtuva populaatio- ja infektiotautimallien simulointi (yht Mäkilä, Samila)
E[LEH97]Matti Lehtonen (1997) Visualizing the LIGNUM tree growth model
E[LIN97a]Mats Lindstedt (1997) Comparison of Inconsistency Indexes in the Analytic Hierarchy Process and the Tradeoff Method
E[LIN97b]Mats Lindstedt (1997) On Using Data Envelopment Analysis in Life Cycle Assessment
E[MÄK97]Jussi Mäkilä (1997) Yksilötasolla tapahtuva populaatio- ja infektiotautimallien simulointi (yht Laine, Samila)
E[MUR97]Pauli Murto (1997) Wavelet transform in analyzing discrete population dynamics models
E[MUS97]Jyri Mustajoki (1997) Suomen korkeakoulujen luonnontieteellisten yksiköiden tehokkuuksien määrittäminen DEA-menetelmällä
E[NIK97]Petri Nikkola (1997) Tarkkuusvaaituksen satunnaisen virheen analyysi
E[OKS97]Sami Markus Oksanen (1997) ATM/AAL5 In a GSM Network - A theoretical approach
E[PAS97]Tommi Pastinen (1997) Nelipuut-sovellutus malmikartoitukseen (C-kielinen nelipuumoduli aluehakua varten)
E[PEN97a]Jussi Penttinen (1997) Tilastollinen laadunvalvonta elektroniikkateollisuudessa
E[PEN97b]Jussi Penttinen (1997) Lämpenemisajan estimointi tuotantojärjestelmien simumuloinnissa
E[PET97a]Antti Petäjistö (1997) A Java-Based Value Tree Analysis Tool for the World Wide Web
E[PET97b]Antti Petäjistö (1997) An Empirical Time-Series Analysis of Internet Protocol Datatraffic
E[PIE97a]Matti Pietilä (1997) SWAP-sopimusten luottoriskin simulointi
E[PIE97b]Matti Pietilä (1997) Valuuttalainasalkun valinta ja suojaus valuuttariskiltä
E[PÖY97]Sanna Pöyhönen (1997) Takaa-ajotilanteen numeerisesta ratkaisemisesta
E[PYY97]Tuomas Pyykkönen (1997) Lineaarisen ohjelmoinnin hyödyntäminen energianhankintakulujen minimoinnissa
E[RUD97]Leena Rudanko (1997) Transport-teorian sovellutus puuston valaistusolojen mallinnukseen
E[SAM97a]Sauli Samila (1997) Lentokoneen optimaaliset väistöliikkeet takaa-ajotilanteessa
E[SAM97b]Sauli Samila (1997) Yksilötasolla tapahtuva populaatio- ja infektiotautimallien simulointi (yht Laine, Mäkilä)
E[SIM97a]Pekka Simula (1997) Liukuvien blokkien Bootstrapin mahdollisuuksista yksinkertaisessa aikasarja-analyysissä
E[SIM97b]Pekka Simula (1997) Evoluutio-ohjelmointi ja evoluutiostrategiat - evoluutiolaskennan menetelmien vertailua ja sovellutuksia
E[SOR97a]Antti Sorvari (1997) A Comparison of the Powers and Risk Levels of Statistical Tests by Monte Carlo Simulation
E[SOR97b]Antti Sorvari (1997) Using Self-Organizing Maps for Comparison of Stock Prices development
E[SUO97a]Janne Suotula (1997) Characterization of the Test Specification Process
E[SUO97b]Janne Suotula (1997) Ryhmäpäätöksenteon simulointi
E[TAK97a]Petri Takala (1997) Sähköpörssisimulaattorin syöte- ja tulostiedonhallinnan järjestäminen Access-tietokantasovellutuksen avulla
E[TAK97b]Petri Takala (1997) Olio-ohjelmointi ja G2-ohjelmiston käyttö sähköpörssisimulaatiossa
E[TOI97a]Juha Toivari (1997) Ryhmäpäätöksenteon simulointi käyttäen intervallitekniikoita
E[TOI97b]Juha Toivari (1997) Sähkönkulutuksen ennustaminen neuroverkolla
E[TOR97a]Teemu Toroi (1997) Design and implementation of precompiler for a linear optimization tool in OpenVMS VAX -environment
E[TOR97b]Teemu Toroi (1997) Aktiivisten aivoalueiden jakauman graafinen havainnollistaminen
E[VEH97]Iivo Vehviläinen (1997) Lennon optimointitehtävien adaptiivinen ratkaiseminen
E[VEN97]Juha Venäläinen (1997) Iteraatioalgoritmien suppenemisalue Excel-ohjelmalla tehdyssä N-ulott putkituotannon eräkok. optimointimallissa
E[VIL97]Samu Viljanen (1997) Matkapuhelinliikenteen vaatiman verkkokapasiteetin mallintaminen graafisesti
E[VUO97]Vuokko Vuori (1997) Sähkökaupan taseselvitys ilman tuntimittausta


E[ALA96]Susanna Alaja (1996) Comparison of weight estimation methods and evaluation scales with the anal hierarchy process and tradeoff tech.
E[BIN96]Ella Bingham (1996) Tilastollinen analyysi paperinpäällystyskoneen ratakatkoista
E[BLO96a]Mikko Blomroos (1996) Bayesilaisen posteriorijakauman laskeminen parittaisesten vertailujen ja monte carlo -simuloinnin avulla
E[BLO96b]Petri Blomqvist (1996) Helsingin ja pietarin välisen henkilöliikenteen kysyntätutkimuksen koesuunnitelma
E[HAA96a]Harri Haanpää (1996) Minimum cost flow -tehtävän ratkaiseminen Relax-algoritmilla
E[HAA96b]Harri Haanpää (1996) Harvan matriisin transponointi lineaarisessa ajassa omassa tilassaan
E[HÄM96]Markko Hämäläinen (1996) Reaaliaikaisen viestintäjärjestelmän käyttömahdollisuuksia energiankäytön ohjaamisessa
E[HAN96]Sami Hanttu (1996) Arviointivirheiden vaikutus vaihtoehtojen paremmuusjärjest vaihtumiseen analyyttisessä hierarkkiaprosessissa; ...
E[HEI96]Marko Heino (1996) Ohjausten eliminoinnin vaikutus optimisäätötehtävän ratkaisemisessa
E[HEL96]Jyri Helenius (1996) Windows-käyttöliittymän toteuttaminen intervallimenetelmiä käyttävälle päätöksenteon tukiohjelmalle
E[HIE96]Saku Hieta (1996) Jakelulogistiikan luotettavuusanalyysi
E[HNN96]Raisa Hannus (1996) Multicrireria Decision Making in Environmental Pollution Control in India
E[IIV96a]Tuomas Iivanainen (1996) Autokaupan jälleenmyyjän skenariomalli
E[IIV96b]Tuomas Iivanainen (1996) Liikepankin moniperiodinen skenariomalli
E[JÄÄ96]Harri Jäälinoja (1996) WWW-pohjainen koejärjestely monitavoitteisen päätöksenteon painotusmenetelmien tutkimiseksi
E[JOK96]Antti Jokinen (1996) Lyhyen aikavälin sähkönkulutuksen ennustamien
E[JUN96]Timo Junttila (1996) Sähkönkulutuksen lyhyen aikavälin ennustaminen RBF-verkon avulla
E[KAU96]Seppo Kauppinen (1996) Opetusasteikon vaikutus neuroverkon ratkaisukykyyn AHP-päätösmatriiseja ratkottaessa
E[KES96a]Marko Keskinen (1996) Access-tietokantasovellutuksen käyttö sähkönkulutuksen analysointiin ja ennustamiseen
E[KES96b]Marko Keskinen (1996) Suorituskykyoptimointi graafisessa valvontasovellutuksessa
E[KIV96]Ari Kiviluoma (1996) Name not known
E[KNG96]Elisa Konga (1996) Teollisuuskuormien pudotusprioriteetin optimointi perustuen asiakassopimuksissa määr sakkoihin ja käytettävyystakuisiin
E[KON96a]Esa Konga (1996) Intelligent systems in capital markets
E[KON96b]Esa Konga (1996) Forecasting Finnish 5-year interest rate with macroeconomic and market data
E[KYL96]Kaisa Kyläkoski (1996) Ryhmäpäätöksenteon simulointi käyttäen intervallitekniikoita
E[LAA96]Teemu Laakso (1996) Thornleyn kuljetusmallin sovellus Lignum-mallissa
E[LAK96]Janne Laakso (1996) Epävarmuuden ja johdonmukaisuuden vaikutus analyyttiseen hierarkkiaprosessin päätösvektoriin
E[LAP96]Jari Lappalainen (1996) Koronvaihtosopimusten hyötyteoreettinen hinnoittelu
E[LEH96a]Heikki Lehtonen (1996) Missing values in time series
E[LEH96b]Heikki Lehtonen (1996) Kansainvälisen maatalouskaupan ympäristövaikutuksista
E[MÄK96]Jussi Mäkilä (1996) Monipisteammuntamenetelmän rinnakkaistaminen PVM-ohjelmiston avulla
E[MIK96a]Juha Mikkola (1996) 3D-virtausmallin soveltaminen Kemira oy:n Uudenkaupungin tehtaan vesistökuormituksen tutkimiseen
E[MIK96b]Juha Mikkola (1996) Haarautumisprosessit ja LIGNUM
E[MUR96]Pauli Murto (1996) Fine tuning of professional football fixture lists in the Netherlands
E[PLI96]Herkko Plit (1996) Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksen välijäähdytyspiirin analyysi APROS-simulointiympäristössä
E[PÖY96]Sanna Pöyhönen (1996) Tulovirtaaman ennustaminen lineaarisella regressiomallilla
E[SAL96]Hannu Salminen (1996) Varastorullista tapahtuvan arkkileikkuun optimointi
E[STR96a]Chistoffer Strandell (1996) Poissonin regressio
E[STR96b]Chistoffer Strandell (1996) Ainetta rikkomattomien testausmenetelmien käyttö säröjen mittaamisessa
E[SUN96]Max Sundström (1996) Trend Analysis of Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes
E[SYR96]Mikko Syrjänen (1996) Lähdetermien määrittäminen tason 2 PSA:ssa
E[TUR96]Jussi Turunen (1996) Usean otoksen keskiarvojen vertailu bootstrap-menetelmällä
E[VIL96]Juha Viljakka (1996) SDH Networks and Network Testing
E[VOU96a]Marko Voutilainen (1996) Lentokoneen väistötekniikoita läheltä ammuttua suhteellisesti navigoivaa ohjusta vastaan
E[VOU96b]Marko Voutilainen (1996) Tietoturva yrityksen liittyessä internetiin


E[BLO95]Petri Blomqvist (1995) Henkilöauton omistuksen ja käyttömahdollisuuden mallit
E[FAL95]Harri Falck (1995) Oliopohjainen tuotantotalouden optimointimallitus
E[GIL95]Mika Gillberg (1995) Vesivoiman optimointitehtävän ratkaiseminen Zoutendijkin ja rajoitetulla Frank-Wolfen menetelmillä
E[HÄM95]Markko Hämäläinen (1995) Sähkölämmitystalon lämmitysenergian käytön ohjaaminen
E[HAN95]Sami Hanttu (1995) STRATEGEM -kansantalouspeli
E[HNN95]Raisa Hannus (1995) Kulttuurierot ryhmäpäätöksessä
E[HON95]Karri Honkoila (1995) Lentokoneen ohjaus käänteissimuloinnin avulla
E[HUU95a]Sami Huusko (1995) Populaatioiden fraktaalianalyysi
E[HUU95b]Sami Huusko (1995) Metaaniemissiomalli
E[JOK95]Antti Jokinen (1995) Energialaitoksen sähkönhankinnan optimointi
E[JUN95]Timo Junttila (1995) Matemaattinen malli jätevedenpuhdistamon aktiivilieteprosessille
E[JUO95a]Jukka Juottonen (1995) Rationaalipolynomin sovittaminen pistejoukkoon
E[JUO95b]Jukka Juottonen (1995) Kuormamomentin estimointi nopeussäädetyssä epätahtimoottorikäytössä
E[KET95]Eero Kettunen (1995) A Simulation Study of Two-Party Negotiation Procedures
E[KON95]Elisa Konga (1995) ...kaasuturbiinin teknis-taloudelliseen valvontaan tehtäviä laskentoja SOLVO-voimalaitossimulointiohjelmalla.
E[KYL95]Kaisa Kyläkoski (1995) Sileällä rationaalifunktiolla approksimointi
E[LAA95]Pasi Laakso (1995) Suhteellisesti navigoivan ohjuksen simulointiohjelma
E[LAK95]Janne Laakso (1995) Sihteeriongelma
E[LAP95]Jari Lappalainen (1995) Optimaalinen valuuttasijoitusportfolio yhden ja kahden periodin tapauksessa
E[MÄN95]Juha Mäntysaari (1995) DEA-mallin ratkaisualgoritmien parantaminen
E[MIE95a]Susanna Miettinen (1995) A Comparison Experiment on Accuracies of Priorities in AHP Obtained with Different Scales
E[MIE95b]Susanna Miettinen (1995) Korko- ja valuuttaswappeihin liittyvät riskit ja niiden hallinta
E[PAA95]Lauri Paatero (1995) Algoritmi vaihtoehtoisten algoritmien rinnakkaiskäytölle
E[PLI95]Herkko Plit (1995) Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksen ison LOCAn analyysi APROSin 1-D mallilla
E[PUK95]Markku Pukkila (1995) Optimaalinen koesuunnittelu ja geneettiset algoritmit
E[RIS95a]Marita Risku (1995) Ryhmäpäätöksenteko Internetissä käyttäen päätösanalyysityökaluja
E[RIS95b]Marita Risku (1995) Weibullanalyysi mekaanisten komponenttien luotettavuustestauksessa
E[SAA95]Jussi Saalinki (1995) Monimuuttujamenetelmät markkinatutkimuksessa
E[SAL95]Hannu Salminen (1995) Lineaar osittaisdiff.tiaaliyht. diskretoinnissa syntyvien lineaaristen yhtälöryhmien iteratiiviset ratkaisumenetelmät
E[SAR95]Sari Saranka (1995) Kilpailevien regrssiomallien erottaminen
E[SUN95]Max Sundström (1995) You Choose -johdannaisen hinnoittelumalli
E[TAL95a]Markus Tallgren (1995) Indeksirahaston muodostaminen
E[TAL95b]Markus Tallgren (1995) Branch-and-cut algoritmit 0-1 kokonaislukutehtävälle sekä kiinteät kustannukset -sekalukutehtävälle
E[UUT95]Kimmo Uutela (1995) Takaisinkytketyn optimisäädön toteutus neuroverkolla
E[VIL95]Juha Viljakka (1995) BUGS-ohjelman käyttö Gibbs sampingissa
E[VIR95a]Kai Virtanen (1995) Lentokoneen parametrien approksimointiohjelma APPROX
E[VIR95b]Kai Virtanen (1995) Vesivoiman optimointitehtävän hajauttaminen täydennetyn Lagrangen funktion menetelmällä


E[FAL94]Harri Falck (1994) Yhteistyöratkaisut saastepäästöpelissä
E[HEI94a]Pirja Heiskanen (1994) Prosessi- ja taito-orientoitujen koreografiaopetusmenetelmien erojen tutkiminen tilastollisin menetelmin
E[HEI94b]Pirja Heiskanen (1994) Painokerroinmenetelmän käänteinen ratkaiseminen
E[HON94]Karri Honkoila (1994) Simulation of VVER-91 Condenser System Behavior with APROS
E[KEP94a]Jussi Keppo (1994) Valuuttakurssiriskiltä suojaaminen
E[KEP94b]Jussi Keppo (1994) Valuation of Options in Inefficient Markets
E[KET94]Eero Kettunen (1994) HIPRE 3+ Group Link and INPRE v 2 0
E[KOK94a]Hanna Kokko (1994) Sähkönkulutuksen viikkokeskitehon ennustaminen
E[KOK94b]Hanna Kokko (1994) Stokastiset ikärakenteiset populaatiomallit ja uhanalaiset eläinkannat
E[KUR94a]Juha Kurkela (1994) Yrityksen arvon tarkastelu Leveraged Buyout -yrityskaupassa
E[KUR94b]Juha Kurkela (1994) Aerosolisovellutusten dekonvoluutiomenetelmiä
E[LAP94a]Antti Lappeteläinen (1994) Kansantalouspeli
E[LAP94b]Antti Lappeteläinen (1994) Regressioanalyysi iän sukupuolen ja bruttokansantuotteen vaikutuksesta vuosituloihin
E[LEI94a]Ossi Leikola (1994) Yksilöllisten energiapoliittisten näkemysten yhdistäminen intervalli AHP:n avulla
E[LEI94b]Ossi Leikola (1994) Käyttöaikaan perustuvalla energianhinnoittelulla saavutettavan hyödyn jakaminen sähköntuottajan ja 3 kuluttajan kesken
E[MÄN94]Juha Mäntysaari (1994) Käyttöliittymä sähkölämmityskuluttajien toimintaa simuloivaan ohjelmaan
E[MYY94a]Satu Myyrä (1994) Kertopuupalkkien mittatoleranssien määrittäminen
E[MYY94b]Satu Myyrä (1994) Lasitehtaan myynnin ennustaminen aikasarjamallin avulla
E[PAA94]Lauri Paatero (1994) Lentokoneen ja ilmakehän mallit optimointia varten
E[PAR94]Janne Parantainen (1994) Kriteerien painotusmenetelmien vertailu
E[PEN94]Teemu Pennanen (1994) Resurssien allokointiongelma joukkoliikenteen suunnittelussa
E[PIE94]Karoliina Pietiläinen (1994) Kaukolämmön kulutuksen ennustaminen
E[PUK94]Markku Pukkila (1994) Pareto-optimaalisten pisteiden ratkaisumenetelmien vertailu oligopolipelissä
E[RAU94]Mika Rautakorpi (1994) Ensimmäisen kertaluvun differentiaalisen dynaamisen ohjelmointimeneyelmän tietokonetoteutus
E[SAL94]Sami Salomaa (1994) Behaviour of universal Feigenbaum constant in a chaotic environmental-economic system
E[SAR94]Sari Saranka (1994) Itsesimilaarisen liikenteen mallinnus ja generointi
E[SÄY94]Simo Säynevirta (1994) Kahden pisteen reuna-arvotehtävien numeeristen ratkaisumenetelmien kokeellinen vertailu
E[TAK94a]Janne Takala (1994) Lentokoneen simulointimalli
E[TAK94b]Janne Takala (1994) Valuuttaluottojen diversifiointi
E[UUT94]Kimmo Uutela (1994) Latenssivaihtelut MEG-signaalissa


E[HEL93a]Tom Helenius (1993) Kemiallisen tasapainotilan ratkaiseminen: Ratkaisun toteutus tietokoneohjelmalla
E[HEL93b]Tom Helenius (1993) Kemiallisen tasapainotilan ratkaiseminen: lineaarinen malli ja mallin ratkaiseminen
E[HJOH93]Niklas Johnsson (1993) Preliminär beskrivning av kvicksilvrets kretslopp i en flod
E[JOH93]Carita Johnsson (1993) Ett sammandrag över matematiska metoder som kan utnyttjas vid datorers kapacitetsanalys
E[KAK93a]Urpo Kakko (1993) Oulunjokivesistön kevättulvamalli
E[KAK93b]Urpo Kakko (1993) Oulujoen vesistönjuoksutusten optimointi
E[KAR93]Kari Karhunen (1993) Suora kysyntämalli Pääkaupunkiseudun sisäisten joukkoliikennematkojen ennustaminen
E[KEK93]Timo Kekäläinen (1993) Laivan täyttö
E[KOK93]Tero Kokkila (1993) Kulkeutumisen lähtöpaikan käänteislaskenta
E[KON93]Jyrki Konola (1993) Volatiliteetin estimointi puutteellisesta aikasarjasta
E[KUR93]Jari Kurri (1993) Nopeuksien aikavaihteluista
E[NIK93]Kimmo Nikkanen (1993) Huoltosopimusten spesifiointiasteen vaikutus tietotekniikkaalan yritysten katteen muodostumiseen asiakasryhmittäin
E[PAL93]Mika Paloranta (1993) IVO:n Oulujoen tulvamallin kehittäminen
E[PAR93]Janne Parantainen (1993) Normaalipäivien tunnistaminen korkeamman hinnan kulutuskäyristä
E[PEN93]Teemu Pennanen (1993) Differenssimenetelmän käyttö lennon optimointitehtävässä
E[RAU93]Mika Rautakorpi (1993) The prediction of the parament of a software product
E[SAA93]Jussi Saalinki (1993) Kalamallin "fisut" käyttöliittymän kehittäminen Windows ympäristössä
E[SAL93]Sami Salomaa (1993) Kemijoen vesistön optimointi
E[SÄY93]Simo Säynevirta (1993) Optimitilauksen määrittäminen subjektiivisiin kysyntäennusteisiin perustuen
E[WEI93a]Robert Weiss (1993) Kansantalouden simulointimallin ja kansallisen energiastruktuurin optimointimallin yhdistäminen
E[WEI93b]Robert Weiss (1993) Virtuaalimassatermi APROS-simulaattorin yksiulotteisessä erillisessä kaksifaasimallissa


E[JHN92]Carita Johnsson (1992) Räntors och valutakursvariationers inverkan på aktiemarknaden
E[JOH92]Niklas Johnsson (1992) Modellering av 3 månaders helibor räntan
E[KAN92]Janne Kankare (1992) Neuraaliverkot hiivankasvatusprosessin mallinnuksessa
E[KEK92]Timo Kekäläinen (1992) Laivareittien etäisyyslaskenta
E[KLI92]Terhi Kling (1992) Maaperän sähkönjohtavuusrakenteen käänteinen mallintaminen DCA-verkon avulla
E[KOK92]Tero Kokkila (1992) Blackjack -korttipeliin liittyvät todennäköisyydet
E[KOM92]Markku Komsi (1992) Hierarkkiarakenteen vaikutus päätösvaihtoehtojen painoihin hiearkkisissa päätösmalleissa
E[KON92]Jyrki Konola (1992) Sotkamon reitin vesistömalli
E[KUU92]Pirkko Kuusela (1992) Simulointimenetelmä kahden otoksen vertailuun sensuroiduilla havainnoilla
E[LEH92a]Petri Lehtivaara (1992) Projektinhallinta
E[LEH92b]Petri Lehtivaara (1992) Ryhmäpäätöksenteko intervallitekniikalla
E[LUC92]Ville Lucander (1992) Tehonjaon laskenta osana verkostolaskentaa sähkönsiirtoverkossa
E[LUM92]Annareetta Lumme (1992) Kahden pienen havaintoaineiston jakaumien yhdenmukaisuuden testaus
E[MET92]Hannu Mettälä (1992) Multimedia ja päättelyverkkopohjainen asiantuntijajärjestelmä - sovellutusesimerkki
E[NAR92a]Timo Narumo (1992) Merenranta-alueen makean ja suolaisen pohjaveden virtausten ja rajakerroksen tarkastelua 2D-mallin avulla
E[NAR92b]Timo Narumo (1992) Kahden tilastollisen testin pätevyysalueen laajentaminen simuloimalla
E[NIK92]Eero Nikula (1992) Fox-indeksin arvojen enustaminen simulointi- ja aikasarjamalleilla
E[NKK92]Kimmo Nikkanen (1992) Erillislaskutuksen laskutusviiveen muodostuminen ja sen vaikutus tietotekniikka-alan yrityksen kustannusrakenteeseen
E[NUM92]Jussi Numminen (1992) Sateenkaaren teoria
E[PAL92]Mika Paloranta (1992) Joukkoliikenteen lippujen hinnoittelumalli liikenteenharjoittajalle
E[PIE92]Karoliina Pietiläinen (1992) p-Poisson -yhtälön ratkaiseminen FEMPAK-ohjelmistolla
E[PYY92]Jouni Pyykönen (1992) Outlier-aikasarjamalli kaukolämmön kulutukselle
E[RAI92a]Tuomas Raivio (1992) Saimaan tulvista aiheutuvien rakennusvahinkojen selvittäminen otannalla
E[RAI92b]Tuomas Raivio (1992) Yrityksille tehdyn reaaliaikaisen hinnoittelukokeen tulosten analysointi
E[SIN92]Jukka Sinisalo (1992) Malli Suomen kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen vaikutuksille
E[VAL92]Esko Valkonen (1992) Pakokaasupäästöjen leviämismallin testaus avoimen väylän läheisyydessä


E[CAS91]Matias Castren (1991) Aikasarjamallin perusteella tapahtuva ennustaminen puuttuvien havaintojen tapauksessa
E[ESK91]Jari Eskelinen (1991) Momenttimenetelmän soveltaminen sähkömagnetiikan sirontaprobleemaan
E[HOL91]Maunu Holma (1991) Kalman-suodatuksen periaatteet ja käyttö liikenneteknisissä mittauksissa ja liikenteen ohjauksessa
E[HUU91a]Asko Huumonen (1991) PAIRS-menetelmän implementointi
E[HUU91b]Asko Huumonen (1991) Energiantuotannon optimoiminen monitavoitteisesti
E[JOU91a]Juha Jouhki (1991) Rytmimallin muodostaminen kaukolämmön kulutuksesta
E[JOU91b]Juha Jouhki (1991) Siirrettävät korjaukset voimalaitoksen voimalaitoksen käytettävyysarviossa
E[KAN91]Janne Kankare (1991) Mathematica modernien ohjausalgoritmien ohjelmoinnissa Case: Tilaestimointi
E[KAR91]Kari Karhunen (1991) Paperikoneen viiran ja perälaatikon muodostaman osaprosessin epästabiilis vaikutus paperin neliöpainon var.kompon.:hin
E[KET91]Anu Kettunen (1991) Säde-esitys kaksiulotteisten muotojen luokittelussa
E[KIN91]Kari Kinnunen (1991) Analyyttinen hierarkkiaprosessi vesivarojen käytössä ja hoidossa
E[KOL91]Tatu Koljonen (1991) Sähkönkulutuksen ja lämpötilan välisen riippuvuuden määrääminen
E[KOM91]Markku Komsi (1991) Poikkiprofiilin säätösimulaattori
E[KON91]Kimmo Kontio (1991) Maximum likelihood - menetelmän soveltaminen rakojen vedenjohtavuusparametrien määrittämiseen
E[KRH91a]Panu Karhu (1991) Tuotannon läpimeno-ongelman ratkaisu jälkikäsittelylinjalla
E[KRH91b]Panu Karhu (1991) Takaisinkytkentä analyyttisessä verkkoprosessissa osa 2
E[KRI91a]Mikko Kurimo (1991) Spektrianalyysi logaritmisella taajuusjaolla puheentunnistusjärjestelmässä
E[KRI91b]Mikko Kurimo (1991) Puheentunnistus kätketyillä Markov-malleilla käyttäen jatkuvaa havaintojakaumaa
E[KUR91]Jari Kurri (1991) Aikavälijakaumien estimointi
E[KUU91]Pirkko Kuusela (1991) Veden virtaus maaperässä
E[LAP91a]Esa Lappi (1991) Päätösanalyysin herkkyystarkastelu
E[LAP91b]Esa Lappi (1991) Doplertutkan maalinilmaisu
E[LAU91]Hannu Lauri (1991) Sisäänhengitysmallin laskenta ja käyttöliittymä Windows 3 0 ympäristössä
E[LEM91a]Mikael Lemström (1991) Gammajakauma
E[LEM91b]Mikael Lemström (1991) Satunnaislukujen generointi - Paretojakauma
E[LEP91]Jussi Leppälä (1991) SIM2-ohjelmiston graafinen käyttöliittymä
E[LUC91]Ville Lucander (1991) Hajautetun toimistojärjestelmäsovellutuksen toteuttaminen VIA/DRE -tietokantajärjestelmällä DOS/OS2 -ympäristöön
E[MAL91a]M. Sakari Malka (1991) Tieliikenteen energian kysynnän hinta- ja tulojousto
E[MAL91b]M. Sakari Malka (1991) Sitran sijoitustoiminnan kehittäminen
E[NIK91]Eero Nikula (1991) Hissiryhmän ohjausmenetelmien vertailu ylösruuhkan palveluksessa
E[NUM91]Jussi Numminen (1991) Aivojen synnyttämän magneettikentän standardiesitys
E[OLK91]Mikko Olkkonen (1991) Branch and Bound algoritmi
E[PAS91a]Virpi Pastinen (1991) Stated Preference - menetelmä ja Logit - analyysi kulkutavan valinnan mallintamisessa
E[PAS91b]Virpi Pastinen (1991) Kuluttajan hyötyfunktion muodostaminen
E[PÖY91]Mari Pöyhönen (1991) Sähkön reaaliaikaisen hinnoittelukokeen mittauksien analysointi
E[PYY91]Jouni Pyykönen (1991) Tiedonhallintajärjestelmän hyväksikäyttö energiahuollon optimointitehtävän ratkaisussa
E[SEI91]Ilkka Seilonen (1991) Energiankulutuksen ennustaminen sähkölaitoksessa - uuden lämpötilojen laskentatavan testaaminen ja käyttöliitt keh.
E[SIN91]Jukka Sinisalo (1991) Epätasaisesta pinnasta heijastuvan säteilyn mallintaminen
E[TAK91]Paula Takkunen (1991) Intervalli-AHP pätöksenteon tukena - graafisen käyttäjäliittymän koekäyttö
E[TOI91a]Pekka Toivonen (1991) Epätäsmällisyysindeksien laskeminen ja vertailu intervalli- AHP:ssa
E[TOI91b]Pekka Toivonen (1991) Vektorimaksimointialgoritmin toteutus LPR:lle
E[VAL91]Esko Valkonen (1991) Liikenteen aiheuttamien epäpuhtauspäästöjen leviämismalliin liittyvän integrointimenetelmän kehittäminen


E[AIT90a]Perttu Aittoniemi (1990) Energian tuotannon ja käytön vaikutus ihmisen terveyteen ja turvallisuuteen
E[AIT90b]Perttu Aittoniemi (1990) Mittausten analysointiohjelma kuvaputken välkkymisen tutkimiseen
E[HAA90]Juha Haataja (1990) APL2 matemaattisena apuvälineenä
E[HEI90]Arto Heikkinen (1990) Vastapainevoimalan eräiden tasaussäätöjen toteutus ja simulointi
E[HOL90]Maunu Holma (1990) Pohjaveden virtauksen mallintaminen lineaarisilla yksiyhtälömalleilla
E[HUT90a]Reijo Hutka (1990) Takaisinkytkentä analyyttisessä verkkoprosessissa
E[HUT90b]Reijo Hutka (1990) Tuulen käyttäytymisen ja tuuliturbiinien analysointi
E[JUV90a]Asko Juvonen (1990) Heuristinen menetelmä rullatavaran lastauksen optimointiin
E[JUV90b]Asko Juvonen (1990) Bendersin algoritmi
E[KET90]Anu Kettunen (1990) Autoregressiivisen mallin kertaluvun määrääminen ja parametrien estimointi: Eri menetelmien kokeellinen vertailu
E[KIN90]Kari Kinnunen (1990) Johdon tietojärjestelmät ja päätöksenteon tukijärjestelmät loppukäyttäjän näkökulmasta
E[KLI90]Terhi Kling (1990) Kallioporareikää leikkaavien rakojen vedenjohtavuuksien mallintaminen BORE-ohjelmalla
E[KOL90]Tatu Koljonen (1990) Voimaloiden yhteiskäyttö NASH-sopimusratkaisuna
E[LAU90]Hannu Lauri (1990) AHP-analyysin toteutus mikrotietokoneella
E[LUN90]Petra Lundström (1990) Gruppering av elektricitetskonsumtionskurvor
E[MET90]Hannu Mettälä (1990) Analyyttinen hierarkkiaprosessi ja intervallivertailut graafisen käyttäjäliitynnän toteuttaminen
E[MYL90a]Pekka Myllymäki (1990) Käyttäjän arvostusten huomioonottaminen konfliktitilanteessa
E[MYL90b]Pekka Myllymäki (1990) Tietokantakyselyiden optimointi ralaatiotietokannoissa
E[NIE90]Jarmo Nieminen (1990) Sisäänhengitysmallin ja sen ratkaisuparametrien estimoinnin toteutus fortranilla
E[OLK90]Mikko Olkkonen (1990) Kaukolämmön kulutusdatan suodattaminen
E[OLL90a]Markku Ollila (1990) Polttolinjan automatisointi ja PC-ohjauksen toteutus
E[OLL90b]Markku Ollila (1990) Pseudoinversin ja hermoverkkoalgoritmin käyttö erään mallin estimoinnissa
E[PÖY90]Mari Pöyhönen (1990) Identifiointiohjelmia yksinkertaisille dynaamisille malleille
E[SEI90]Ilkka Seilonen (1990) Sähkönsiirtoverkon topologian laskenta
E[TAK90]Paula Takkunen (1990) Rahoitusoptiot (Option hinnan määräytyminen ja korko-option käsittely)
E[TIK90]Kimmo Tikka (1990) AIDS-epidemian leviämisen yksinkertaiset mallit
E[TUO90]Petri Tuominen (1990) Implementing Interval Input in the Analytic Hierarchy Process
E[VER90]Markku Verkama (1990) Kartelli duopolissa
E[YLI90a]Jukka Ylijoki (1990) Tietokoneohjelmisto epäpuhtauspäästön leviämisen arvioimiseksi ilmakehässä
E[YLI90b]Jukka Ylijoki (1990) Lukujen järjestäminen peräkkäisten arvojen välisen vaihtelun perusteella


E[CAS89]Matias Castren (1989) Asiantuntijajärjestelmät ja tietokannat
E[HAA89]Juha Haataja (1989) Vektorilaskenta IBM 3090 Vector facility
E[LEP89]Jussi Leppälä (1989) Hissiliikenteen ennustamisesta
E[LUM89]Annareetta Lumme (1989) Talouspelit
E[LUN89]Petra Lundström (1989) Konstruktion av en simuleringsmodell för ett grundvattenvärmemagasin
E[MAK89a]Simo Makkonen (1989) Tuulen suunnan ja nopeuden sekä auringon säteilyn huomioonottaminen kaukolämmönkulutuksen lyh aikav. ennustamisessa
E[MAK89b]Simo Makkonen (1989) FLOATER-ennusteohjelmiston ennustuskyvyn analysointi
E[MUR89]Juhani Murto (1989) Digitaalikuvien kompressiomenetelmä
E[RÄS89a]Mika Räsänen (1989) Laivan optimaalinen lastaus
E[RÄS89b]Mika Räsänen (1989) Sähkön kuormituksen ohjaaminen hinnoittelun avulla
E[TÖY89]Pekka Olavi Töytäri (1989) Ihmisen sisäänhengitystä kuvaavan matemaattisen mallin ratkaisuohjelman sovitus mikrotietokoneelle
E[TUO89]Petri Tuominen (1989) Laskennallisten riippuvuuksien määrittäminen tietämysalkioiden välille
E[VER89]Markku Verkama (1989) Aurinkosähkölaitos ja sen sääennusteeseen perustuva optimaalinen säätö


E[BAC88]Tom Backman (1988) Suomen sähköhuolto 1988 - 2020 Optimaalinen lauhdetuotanto ja sen vaikutus sähkön säästön kannattavuuteen
E[HEI88a]Tapio Heininen (1988) Tietokoneohjelma paperin analysointia varten
E[HEI88b]Tapio Heininen (1988) Teoreettisia tarkasteluja paperinanalysointiohjelmaa varten
E[HKK88]Arto Heikkinen (1988) Eräiden verenkierrron säätöilmiöiden mallintaminen optimointimalleilla
E[JYR88a]Marko Jyrkinen (1988) Päätöspuuohjelma
E[JYR88b]Marko Jyrkinen (1988) Tuotesijoituksen optimointi
E[KRO88]Edward Krogius (1988) Voimansiirtolinjojen ja teollisuuden nopeiden staattisten kompensaattoreiden mitoituksen formul optimointiongelmaksi
E[MUR88]Juhani Murto (1988) Erään hermoverkkomallin simulointi
E[NIE88]Jarmo Nieminen (1988) Epävarman tiedon hallinta Pearl'n menetelmällä
E[RAN88]Kimmo Rantanen (1988) Mittaustulosten esitys- ja analysointiohjelmisto
E[TAK88]Pekka Takaranta (1988) Suurjännitepulssien konstruointi käänteisonvoluutiomenetelmällä
E[TIK88]Kimmo Tikka (1988) Semi-Markow-prosessien käyttö tienpidon suunnittelussa
E[TÖY88]Pekka Olavi Töytäri (1988) Toisiaan leikkaavien tasokäyrien muod sulj. alueiden viivoitusalgoritmien suunnittelu ja toteutus CAD-ohjelmistossa
E[VÄÄ88]Jyrki Väänänen (1988) Peurakannan metsästyksen suunnittelu


E[ANT87a]Tapio Anttila (1987) Kiinteistönvälittäjän asiakassuhteet johtaja-seuraaja-peliasetelman avulla tarkasteltuina ja tiet tekn. keh. vaik. ...
E[ANT87b]Tapio Anttila (1987) Päätöspuumenetelmän käyttö tutkimus- ja tuotekehitystoimiminnan ohjauksessa
E[HEI87a]Jussi Heinonen (1987) AHP:n herkkyysanalyysi
E[HEI87b]Jussi Heinonen (1987) SDL-kuvauskielen käyttö lähettämön kuvauksen apuvälineenä
E[HOL87a]Jan-Erik Holmberg (1987) Tödennäköisyysarvioiden täsmentäminen
E[HOL87b]Jan-Erik Holmberg (1987) Halonijärjestelmän optimointimitoitusjärjestelmä
E[KAR87a]Risto Karjalainen (1987) Bayesin luokittelijan virhetodennäköisyyden laskeminen käyttäen Parzen-approksimaatioita foneemiluokkien tih f.:lle
E[KAR87b]Risto Karjalainen (1987) SCARA-tyyppisen teollisuusrobotin optimaalisen liikeradan suunnittelu
E[NIE87a]Tuomo Niemi (1987) Päätöksenteon tukijärjestelmän tietokantaliitäntä
E[NIE87b]Tuomo Niemi (1987) Lineaarisen tavoiteoptimointiongelman ratkaiseminen taulukkolaskentaohjelmalla
E[RAN87]Kimmo Rantanen (1987) Aikasarja-analyysiohjelman käyttäjäliityntä mikrotietokoneelle
E[SAI87a]Timo Saija (1987) Objektiorientoituneen simulointiympäristön laatiminen analogiapiirien mallitukseen
E[SAI87b]Timo Saija (1987) Voimalaitosten energiantuotannon stokastinen monitavoitteinen optimointi


E[KRO86]Edward Krogius (1986) An application of using the finite difference method to solve the Laplacian equation in a cylindrical coord sys.


E[VÄÄ85]Jyrki Väänänen (1985) Markkinaosuusmallien dynamiikka


E[TAK84]Pekka Takaranta (1984) Suprajohtavan magneetin Quenchin tietokonesimul