T[ANT24] | Olivia Antikainen (2024) Incorporating a Geopolitical Risk Index in momentum investment strategies |
T[EME24] | Oskar Emelianov (2024) An evaluation framework for assessing uses of radio telescopes |
T[HAA24] | Katri Haapalinna (2024) Machine learning for radio frequency fingerprint recognition |
T[HAK24] | Sakari Hakkola (2024) Evaluation of parametric models and neural networks for pricing zero days-to-expiration ptions |
T[HEI24] | Pontus Heir (2024) On forecast calculation levels and observation granularities |
T[HEI24a] | Eero Heimonen (2024) Portfolio optimization under solvency requirements |
T[JAL24] | Jarkko Jalovaara (2024) Line planning with multiple modalities: Performance analysis of cost-oriented approaches |
T[JAL24a] | Perttu Jalovaara (2024) Win probability estimation for strategic decision-making in esports |
T[JAR24] | Emma Järvinen (2024) Long-input summarization using large language models |
T[KAR24] | Hanna Karras (2024) Optimizing the fill rate and throughput rate of an automated shuttle-based storage and retrieval system (Siemens) |
T[KAU24] | Leevi Kaukonen (2024) On teamwork efficiency estimation based on interaction data |
T[KOI24] | Petri Koivisto (2024) Application of System-Theoretic Process Analysis in Probabilistic Risk Assessment of a Nuclear Power Plant |
T[KUM24] | Avashesh Kumar (2024) Optimising the hybrid energy system: A mathematical modelling approach considering uncertainties |
T[LAI24] | Leo Laitinen (2024) Optimal offering strategy for a base station virtual power plant via stochastic programming |
T[LYL24] | Andrea Lyly (2024) Macroeconomic calibration methods in loss given default modelling |
T[MUR24] | Mikko Murhu (2024) Generating complementary instrument tracks with a transformer model |
T[MYL24] | Tuomas Myllymäki (2024) Gaussian process surrogate models in elevator planning |
T[MYL24a] | Saku Myllymäki (2024) Automated optimisation workflow for radiotherapy using dose mimicking from deep learning predicted dose |
T[NAR24] | Mikko Närhi (2024) Censored regression models with autoregressive errors for improved time series estimation and forecasting |
T[NAR24a] | Paul Närhi (2024) Robustness-based sensitivity analysis of a decision model - Application to counterparty risk in energy markets (Fortum) |
T[NGU24] | Kevin Nguyen (2024) On sales lead optimization of personal insurance products with multi-armed bandit algorithms |
T[OIN24] | Oona Oinonen (2024) Unsupervised semantic segmentation of multispectral point clouds |
T[OLE24] | Lukas Olenborg (2024) Clustering hierarchical purchasing categories for procurement benchmarking using sentence embeddings |
T[OST24] | Mattias Österbacka (2024) A biobjective mixed-integer linear program for decarbonized bunkering locations in the Baltic sea |
T[PAR24] | Konsta Parkkali (2024) Risk-informed project selection for developing breakthrough technologies |
T[RON24] | Leevi Rönty (2024) Graph neural network heuristic for timetable planning in public transport |
T[SUL24] | Amir Sultanbekov (2024) Designing an effort estimation process for embedded software projects (EKE-Electronics) |
T[TAA24] | Miio Taarna (2024) Optimization of learning paths for individualized phishing training (Hoxhunt) |
T[TYN24] | Iiro Tynnilä (2024) Utilization of climate scenarios in corporate planning with a cross-impact approach (Konecranes) |
T[UUS24] | Viljami Uusihärkälä (2024) Optimization approaches for line planning in linear railway systems |
T[VEH24] | Juhana Vehmas (2024) Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for nuclear power plant sites in Finland (Fortum) |
T[VIR24] | Markus Virtanen (2024) Evaluation of quality of air surveillance using spatial multi-criteria decision analysis |
T[WEC24] | Aino Weckman (2024) Optimising emission reduction actions in organisations’ climate work |
T[AND23] | Mika Andersson (2023) Forecasting of zonal power transfer distribution factors in flow-based market coupling |
T[AUN23] | Jerry Aunula (2023) Models for Solving Multi-Agent Decision Problems |
T[EKL23] | Tomas Eklund (2023) Impact of air passengers on COVID-19 transmission |
T[HAA23] | Eetu Haavisto (2023) Model optimization for diffuse reflection spectroscopy |
T[HAK23] | Riina Hakkarainen (2023) Drift detection methods for data streams (Wapice Oy) |
T[HOL23] | Thomas-Roy Holt (2023) Modeling supply contracts in production planning with disjunctive programming |
T[ILV23] | Roosa Ilvonen (2023) On the effects of the 2022 crisis on the returns of growth and value companies in the Finnish stock market |
T[KOR23] | Antti Korkealaakso (2023) Predicting liquid-liquid phase separation of proteins using graph neural network |
T[LAI23] | Jani Laine (2023) Moving decision horizon multi-criteria approach to planning of air combat tactics, techniques and procedures |
T[LUN23] | Oliver Lundqvist (2023) A robust optimization approach against adversarial attacks on medical images |
T[LUO23] | Peetu Luotonen (2023) Calibration of European option pricing models using neural networks (Yliaisti Oy) (Kalvot) |
T[MAT23] | Tuukka Mattlar (2023) Assessing marginal abatement cost of bioplastics with an integrated assessment model |
T[REH23] | Walter Rehn (2023) Simulation and optimization of a hybrid cruise ship’s power plant using nonlinear programming |
T[RIE23] | Joonas Riekkinen (2023) A neural network surrogate modeling routine for simulation-based analysis of ship energy systems |
T[SAA23] | Lauri Sääskilahti (2023) Modelling of Uncertainties in Wind Power Forecasts |
T[SAV23] | Joona Savela (2023) Feasibility of a reinforcement learning based market maker without using limit order book data |
T[SEG23] | Christian Segercrantz (2023) Experimental evaluation of record linkage algorithms in a secure banking environment |
T[TOR23] | Noora Torpo (2023) Analysis on the impact of non-participating cargo vessels in a multi-lateral arrival schedule optimization model for decarbonization (Napa Ltd) |
T[TUR23] | Lauri Turtiainen (2023) Modeling non-maturity deposit balances for stress testing (S-Pankki Oyj) |
T[ALA22] | Kalle Alaluusua (2022) Consistent Bayesian community detection (Aalto University) |
T[AXE22a] | Elias Axelsson (2022) Mittausepätarkkuuden määrittäminen radantarkastusvaunun validointitestauksessa (Ramboll) |
T[BJO22] | Emil af Björkensten (2022) Price verification of interest rate options under market uncertainty (OP Group) |
T[ELF22] | Vikke Elfving (2022) Scenario selection in probabilistic cross-impact analysis (Aalto University) |
T[HON22] | Marianne Honkasaari (2022) On optimization of the logistics related to recycling of nutrients in wastewater sludges |
T[HUU22] | Toni Huuhka (2022) Regime-Based Black-Litterman Model for the Strategic Asset Allocation of Institutional Investors |
T[JOK22] | Lauri Jokinen (2022) Elevator packing with various objects using cyclic placement method and quadratic line search |
T[KUJ22] | Ville Kujala (2022) On parameter estimation for generalized nonlinear forecasting models |
T[LAH22] | Patrik Lahti (2022) Compensation of adverse effects of wind farms on air surveillance capability using spatial decision analysis (Aalto University) |
T[LAH22a] | Janne Lahti (2022) Model-based learning interventions to enhance decision-making of master fighter controllers |
T[MAK22] | Johannes Mäkinen (2022) Estimating the Effectiveness of Depression Care Pathways: A Process Mining and Survival Analysis Approach |
T[MAK22a] | Jani Mäkinen (2022) Cost-effectiveness of screening for celiac disease in children |
T[MET22] | Iivo Metsä-Eerola (2022) On forecasting heating energy consumption of HVAC systems with recurrent neural networks |
T[OKS22] | Sonja Oksanen (2022) Predicting residential property prices with decision tree models |
T[OLA22] | Leevi Olander (2022) Decision Programming formulations for optimal asset portfolio management under uncertainty (Aalto University) |
T[PAS22] | Aleksi Pasanen (2022) Discrete-event simulation of an automated guided vehicle system in a Finnish hospital |
T[PEL22] | Matias Peltoketo (2022) Mobile Phone Surface Defect Detection Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning |
T[RAS22] | Joonas Rasa (2022) Margin of Conservatism in Credit Risk Models |
T[SAA22] | Severi Saastamoinen (2022) A Deep Learning Model for Filtering Unusable Visual Data |
T[SIH22] | Roni Sihvonen (2022) Characterizing the winning bid features in multidimensional bidding |
T[SIM22] | Joanna Simms (2022) Developing an agent-based model for peatland subsidies in Lapland (Natural Resources Institute Finland) |
T[TER22] | Topias Terho (2022) Optimization of information structures in influence diagrams (Aalto University) |
T[TUO22] | Ville Tuominen (2022) Improving Individual Tree Detection Using Drone Remote Sensing for Ecosystem Modeling Purposes (Natural Resources Institute Finland) |
T[VIL22] | Vili Visakorpi (2022) Sensitivity analysis of a seismic hazard assessment for a Finnish nuclear power plant (Fortum) |
T[VIL22a] | Miku Vilander (2022) An Optimization Method for Wagon Allocation in Long-Distance Trains (VR) |
T[AAL21] | Tuuli Aaltonen (2021) Feasibility of using choice models with loyalty card data in quantifying product substitution |
T[HAN21] | Hilkka Hännikäinen (2021) Modelling the Joint Distribution of Risk Factors in Financial Markets (OP Group) |
T[HAU21] | Tapio Hautamäki (2021) Multiobjective Optimization Model for Elevator Call Allocation (Kone Oyj) |
T[JEN21] | Cosmo Jenytin (2021) Should a machine be trusted? A study on the effect of explainable artificial intelligence on trust in automated machine learning (MindsDB) |
T[JIA21] | Bingzhen Jiang (2021) Modelling Uncertainties in the Multistage Selection of Energy Projects (Aalto University) |
T[KAN21] | Veli Kangas (2021) A Model for Daily Shift Scheduling of Multi-skilled Workers |
T[KIV21] | Oskari Kivinen (2021) Decision Support Model for Fleet Maintenance based on Vehicle Quality Incentives for Bus Operators in Public Transportation (Nobina Oy) |
T[LES21] | Juuso Leskinen (2021) Optimization of logistics service provider’s parcel network (Posti) |
T[MAA21] | Petri Määttä (2021) Comparison of solution methods for the dynamic pickup and delivery problem with time windows |
T[MET21] | Katja Metsäkoivu (2021) A Capacity allocation method for appointment scheduling in public healthcare (FlovV.io) |
T[MUH21] | Patrik Muhojoki (2021) Domain independent feasibility repairs in a sales configurator framework (Variantum Oy) |
T[NYM21] | Elin Nyman (2021) A credit scoring model for peer-to-peer consumer lending (Fellow Finance) |
T[NYM21a] | Emil Nyman (2021) A sensitivity analysis approach to improve workforce optimization results by simulating employee training |
T[PAR21] | Tuomas Pärssinen (2021) Valuing Pharmaceutical Assets During Clinical Development - A Thread-Oriented Method (Faron Pharmaceuticals Oy) |
T[PAR21a] | Mio Parmi (2021) An optimization model for finding shortest paths in a road network (Nobina Oy) |
T[ROD21] | Marcos Ryhänen Rodellas (2021) Default-implied asset correlations for Finnish small and medium-sized enterprises (Aktia) |
T[SAI21] | Otto Saikkonen (2021) Risk assessment of dynamic interdependencies based of sectoral survey data (Aalto, National Emergency Supply Organization) |
T[SUM21] | Tommi Summanen (2021) Heuristics for days-off scheduling of heterogeneous workforce |
T[SUO21] | Tuomas Suominen (2021) Optimizing defensive naval minefields through network interdiction modeling |
T[TUU21] | Tuukka Stewen (2021) Data-Driven Dynamic Pricing of Airline Upgrades (Finnair) |
T[VAI21] | Tommi Vainio (2021) On Hierarchical Campaign Forecasting |
T[VIK21] | Janne Vikelä (2021) Active management, investment style and mutual fund performance - Evidence from the Nordic market (Aalto University) |
T[ZEI21] | Topias Zein (2021) Verification and validation of passive heat removal systems’ simulation models (Fennovoima) |
T[HER20] | Olli Herrala (2020) An efficient strategy for solving stochastic programming problems under endogenous and exogenous uncertainties |
T[ISO20] | Veli-Matti Isoviita (2020) Computational methods in analysing on-call duty doctors’ working hour data (FIOH) |
T[LEP20] | Jussi Leppinen (2020) A Dynamic Optimization Model for Maintenance Scheduling of a Multi-Component System |
T[NOR20] | Jessica Norrbäck (2020) Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning for Electronic Components (ABB) |
T[REI20] | Kati Reinikainen (2020) Strategic Asset Allocation Using Robust Covariance Estimation and Portfolio Optimization Methods (Elo) |
T[SAL20] | Iiro Sallinen (2020) Customer loyalty in the sales of engine spare parts (Wärtsilä) |
T[SAR20] | Tuukka Sarvi (2020) Predicting product sales in retail store chain (Houston Analytics) |
T[VAS20] | Valtteri Vaskikari (2020) Identifying tactical asset allocation signals for US and European equities (Elo) |
T[WIL20] | Markus Wilkman (2020) Feasibility of a Reinforcement Learning Based Stock Trader (Yliaisti Oy) |
T[AAL19] | Henrik Aalto (2019) Competition-Based Dynamic Pricing in E-Commerce |
T[DOU19] | Mihail Douhaniaris (2019) Fully convolutional networks for segmentation of wearable sensor data (UnifyID) |
T[ESK19] | Janne Eskola (2019) Developing an optimization model for VR's long-term locomotive allocation planning (VR) |
T[GUN19] | Nina Gunell (2019) Optimal Route of Military Aircraft in Multi-Stage Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Target Acquisition Missions (Aalto University |
T[KAN19] | Tommi Kantala (2019) Assessment of cyber risk for energy utilities (Sectra) |
T[LAA19] | Niko Laakkonen (2019) Optimization Problems in Outpatient Clinic Production Planning and Control (Delfoi Ltd) |
T[LAU19] | Verneri Lauksio (2019) Analysing regional response time of imaging satellite systems through simulation (Aalto University) |
T[LEH19] | Leo Lehikoinen (2019) Simulation Approach to Rolling Stock Brake Pad Replacement Strategy Optimization (in Finnish) (VR) |
T[MAK19] | Iiro Mäkinen (2019) Flow shop scheduling of multi phase plywood production with parallel machines (UPM) |
T[MEL19] | Sara Melander (2019) Survival regression model for rolling stock failure prediction (VR) |
T[MUT19] | Juhani Mutikainen (2019) Optimization Model for Multicriteria Workforce Planning of Flexible Train Driver Resource (VR) |
T[NIS19] | Olli Niskanen (2019) An approach for automated rigging to facilitate 3D modeling in mobile augmented reality (3DBear) |
T[SÄR19] | Ilkka Särkiö (2019) Topic modelling of Finnish Internet discussion forums as a tool for trend identification and marketing applications (Dagmar) |
T[STR19] | Jani Strandberg (2019) Semi-automated scenario analysis of optimisation models (UPM) |
T[TUR19] | Samuli Turunen (2019) Feasibility of Nonlinear Multifactor Classifiers for Predicting Share Returns (Evli Fund Management Company Ltd) |
T[WAR19] | Ella Warras (2019) Optimizing Shelf Space Allocation in Grocery Retail (Relex Solutions) |
T[ASI18] | Milja Asikainen (2018) Framework for evaluating the performance of predictive models in healthcare and social services (NHG) (in Finnish) |
T[LAH18a] | Elmeri Lähevirta (2018) On optimization of empty raw wood wagon circulations of rail transport in Finland (VR) |
T[LIN18] | Visa Linkiö (2018) A Multi-Objective Linear Programming Model for Ranking Competing Refineries (Neste) |
T[MAT18] | Markus Mattila (2018) A cyclic exchange neighborhood search algorithm and transformations for the Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem (Aalto University) |
T[PEL18] | Lari Pelkola (2018) Decision Support System for Hydropower Planning under Inflow Uncertainty (UPM Energy) |
T[RAN18] | Eero Rantala (2018) Analyzing Defense Capability of a Fleet of Military Aircraft Through Simulation (Aalto University) |
T[SAI18] | Santtu Saijets (2018) Modelling of preferences in multimodal routing algorithms (Flou Solutions Ltd) |
T[SEE18] | Teemu Seeve (2018) A Structured Method for Identifying and Visualizing Scenarios (Capful Oy) |
T[SHA18] | Nourhan Shafik (2018) On Clustering of Non-smooth Functional Observations (Aalto University) |
T[SIP18] | Juhani Sipilä (2018) On Generating Prime Numbers Efficiently (Aalto University) |
T[VAU18] | Joonas Vauhkonen (2018) Cross-Price Elasticities in Fashion Retail Pricing |
T[HAS17] | Jari Hast (2017) Optimal work shift scheduling: a heuristic approach (Haahtela HR) |
T[HYY17] | Riku Hyytiäinen (2017) Evaluating Trajectories of Air-to-Ground Weapons using a Probability Map for Surface-to-Air Threats (Aalto University) |
T[LAN17] | Mariko Landström (2017) Capabilities, structural change and climate policy (Mercator Research Institute) |
T[LAN17a] | Joonas Lanne (2017) Pricing regulatory capital in over-the-counter derivatives (Nordea Markets) |
T[NYM17] | Lauri Nyman (2017) A Genetic Algorithm for Generating Optimal Stock Investment Strategies |
T[POR17] | Aleksi Porokka (2017) Train driver rostering in Finland considering driver satisfaction (VR) |
T[RIE17] | Vesa-Matti Riekkinen (2017) Comparison of alternatives in EIA Evaluation of multicriteria methods (in Finnish) (Finnish Environmental Institute) |
T[SAL17] | Markus Sallila (2017) An Evaluation Model for a Ride-Sharing Problem (Aalto University) |
T[SEL17] | Katri Selonen (2017) An Adaptive Recommender System for News Delivery (Futurice) |
T[VÄÄ17] | Touko Väänänen (2017) An activity-based model of travel demand using an open-source simulation framework (FLOU) |
T[ALL16] | Pekka Alli (2016) On cluster structures in unemployment of OECD-nations (Aalto University) (in Finnish) |
T[ANT16] | Turkka Anttonen (2016) Procurement Contracts under Uncertain Demand (Microsoft) |
T[HIR16] | Jussi Hirvonen (2016) Stochastic approach to mid- and longterm forecasting of ERCOT real-time electricity price (Wärtsilä) |
T[HUS16] | Vesa Husgafvel (2016) Polyhedral Analysis of Up-peak Traffic Patterns in Elevator Dispatching Problem |
T[ILO16] | Juuso Ilomäki (2016) Recognizing Transportation Modes by Multivariate Clustering of Accelerometer Data (Aalto University) |
T[KAI16] | Joona Kaivosoja (2016) A pull controlled manufacturing system with uncertain demand (Orion Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[KAN16] | Joona Kanerva (2016) Pulp market price forecast model (UPM-Kymmene Oyj) (in Finnish) |
T[KAR16] | Markus Kärki (2016) Computing pure-strategy punishments in repeated games (Aalto University) |
T[KAU16] | Lauri Kauppinen (2016) Developing mid-term sales planning in an engineer-to-order business (ABB) |
T[KIN16] | Teemu Kinnunen (2016) Cost-efficient vacation planning with variable workforce demand and manpower (VR Group) |
T[KLE16] | Santtu Klemettilä (2016) Strategic workforce planning with integer linear programming (Haahtela) (in Finnish) |
T[KUN16] | Janne Kunnas (2016) Importance Sampling for Simulating Risk Contributions of Corporate Loan Portfolios (OP Financial Group) |
T[LEH16] | Eero Lehtonen (2016) A Large-Scale Optimization Model for Tactical Wood Procurement Planning (UPM) |
T[LEV16] | Antti Levo (2016) Predicting Pilot Fatigue in Commercial Air Transportation (Blue1) |
T[LIE16] | Niko Lietzen (2016) New Approach to Complex Valued ICA: From FOBI to AMUSE (Aalto University) |
T[MET16] | Saku Metsärinne (2016) Defining the Level of Accuracy in Strategic Workplace Planning (Haahtela-kehitys Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[MYR16] | Jesse Myrberg (2016) A Recommender System for an Online Auction (Sanoma Oyj) |
T[OJA16] | Vili-Matti Ojala (2016) Simulation support for medium-term production planning at an energy utility (Vantaan Energia) |
T[POH16] | Ville Pohjalainen (2016) Predicting service contract churn with decision tree models (Kone) |
T[SEP16] | Aleksi Seppänen (2016) Utilizing acoustic measurements in equipment condition monitoring |
T[SIL16] | Riikka Siljander (2016) Energy-climate-forest modelling for integrated policy analysis (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[TUO16] | Henri Tuovila (2016) Optimised Strategies for Dynamic Asset Allocation (OP Financial Group) |
T[VAH16] | Ilari Vähä-Pietilä (2016) Network Optimization of Drives Service Workshops (ABB) |
T[VOU16] | Arttu Voutilainen (2016) Spatial Objectives in Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning (Varian Medical Systems Finland) |
T[KAJ15] | Jussi Kajovaara (2015) Safety Control Analysis in Risk Analysis of Medication in University Hospital (Safeplus4) (in Finnish) |
T[KAN15] | Tiina Kangasniemi (2015) Statistical estimation of price elasticity to support aftermarket pricing (ABB Oy) |
T[KÄN15] | Teemu Känsäkangas (2015) Quality Assessment Methods for Traffic Incident Information (Strafica Ltd.) |
T[KOS15] | Jukka Koskenranta (2015) Availability analysis of Loviisa nuclear power plant considering major risks (Fortum Power and Heat Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[OBE15] | Janrik Öberg (2015) Supporting a company's offering process with Service Design (Mavisystems Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[PÄR15] | Ilmari Pärnänen (2015) Spatial game approach to describe risky agents in evacuation situation (Aalto University) |
T[ROP15] | Juho Roponen (2015) Simulating artillery fire in forest environment (Technology Division of Finnish Defence Research Agency) |
T[SAL15] | Antti Salmela (2015) Nash Equilibrium in Hold'em Poker (Aalto University) (in Finnish) |
T[SII15] | Susanna Siitonen (2015) The measurement and comparison of productivity in specialized paediatric health care (Turku University Hospital) (in Finnish) |
T[TAR15] | Joonas Tarpila (2015) Measurement and statistical analysis of corporate reputations (T-Media Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[TII15] | Teemu Tiinanen (2015) An Agent-Based Simulator to Support Systems Intelligent Behaviour in Organizations (Aalto University) |
T[VEN15] | Ville Venojärvi (2015) Finnish Lotto as a game and modelling and simulation of its sales (Veikkaus) |
T[VES15] | Arttu Vesterinen (2015) Startup teams and organizational systems intelligence (Aalto University) (in Finnish) |
T[AND14] | Juho Andelmin (2014) Optimal routing of electric vehicles (Aalto University) |
T[FOR14] | Jimmy Forsman (2014) Evaluating Options for International Software Expansion within a Partner Channel Model (Enoro Oy) |
T[JUS14] | Tomi Jussila (2014) The Impacts of Forecast Quality on an Energy Company (Helsingin Energia) |
T[KLE14] | Raul Kleinberg (2014) Evaluation of effect of time-dependent phenomena in probabilistic risk analysis (Fortum Power and Heat Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[KOP14] | Ville Koponen (2014) Estimating the use of public transport from smart card data (Strafica Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[KOT14] | Mikko Kotilainen (2014) Statistical modeling of ice-induced loads on a research vessel (Aalto University) |
T[LIN14] | Lasse Lindqvist (2014) Analysis of a predator-prey system with a shared diease |
T[MÄK14] | Harri Mäkelin (2014) Statistical Learning Based Classification of Rare Events in Predictive Maintenance |
T[NIK14] | Tuomas Nikoskinen (2014) Exposure estimation of interest rate derivatives with affine term structure models (Pohjola Bank) |
T[PAA14] | Tuomo Paavilainen (2014) Optimal Generation of Bent Plates in a Software Product (Tekla Oy) |
T[PON14] | Outi Pönni (2014) Post-processing wind speed forecasts with the extended logistic regression method for energy production (Finnish Meteorological Institute) |
T[REN14] | Olli Rentola (2014) Analyses of Online Advertising Performance Using Attribution Modeling |
T[SCH14] | Anton von Schantz (2014) Modeling egress congestion using a cellular automaton approach |
T[VIR14] | Vilma Virasjoki (2014) Market impacts of storage in a transmission- constrained power system (Aalto University) |
T[HAR13] | Mikko Harju (2013) Automated Construction of Dynamic Bayesian Networks in Simulation Metamodeling (Aalto University, School of Science) |
T[HOT13] | Rasmus Hotakainen (2013) Estimation of human error probabilities based on operating experience from a nuclear power plant (Fortum Oyj) (In Finnish) |
T[HYT13] | Noora Hyttinen (2013) The effect experience on knowledge extraction from accident reports (Kotka Maritime Research Center) |
T[KAN13] | Juha Kännö (2013) A short-term price forecast model of the Nordic electricity markets (UPM) |
T[LAH13] | Tuomas Lahtinen (2013) Path Dependency in the Even Swaps Method (Aalto University, School of Science) |
T[LAI13] | Pekka Laitila (2013) Improving the Use of Ranked Nodes in the Elicitation of Conditional Probabilities for Bayesian Networks (Aalto University, School of Science) |
T[NIE13] | Eerno Niemenmaa (2013) Computing Nash equilibrium in a telecommunication market model with different cognitive radio scenarios(Aalto University, School of Science) |
T[NYS13] | Tony Nysten (2013) Development and Communication of Short Term Sales Forecasts (Nokia) |
T[OLL13] | Joonas Ollila (2013) Portfolio Modeling in Environmental Decision Making (Aalto University, School of Science) |
T[OST13] | Lars Östring (2013) Product development process model for producing and maintaining market specific standard configurations (Enoro OY) (in Finnish) |
T[PAR13] | Kaisa Parkkila (2013) Value-at-Risk Analysis of Credit Portfolios (Fortum Oyj) |
T[PUU13] | Heikki Puustinen (2013) Military Aircraft Routing with Multi-Objective Network Optimization and Simulation |
T[SAI13] | Jussi Sainio (2013) Multi-Camera Object Tracking and Camera Calibration in a Video Content Analysis System (Mirasys Ltd.) |
T[SAN13] | Vendla Sandström (2013) Real-Time Resource Management and Activity Controlling - from a Push and Pull Perspective (Haahtela) (in Finnish) |
T[VII13] | Ville Viitasaari (2013) Modeling of Seaborne Forward Freight Rates |
T[AHL12] | Karin Ahlbäck (2012) Using Environmental Value Stream Mapping for Reducing Energy Consumption in Manufacturing (Grundfos A/S) |
T[ALA12] | Jari Alahuhta (2012) The Use of Multilevel Models to Evaluate the Effects of Pay Secrecy (Aalto University, School of Science) |
T[HYN12] | Yrjänä Hynninen (2012) An Efficiency Analysis of Service Providers in Oral Health Care (in Finnish) |
T[LEP12] | Ilkka Leppänen (2012) Cheap talk and cooperation in Stackelberg games (Aalto University, School of Science) |
T[MAN12] | Ilkka Mansikkamäki (2012) Histogram Based Signatures for Detecting Warranty Fraud |
T[NUU12] | Juha Nuutinen (2012) A Consumer Choice Model in Retailing of Health Products |
T[SIL12] | Taneli Silvonen (2012) Reliability Analysis for Passive Autocatalytic Hydrogen Recombiners of a Nuclear Power Plant (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[SOR12] | Otto-Ville Sormunen (2012) Spill Estimation of Chemical Tanker Collisions in the Gulf of Finland |
T[SUT12] | Martti Sutinen (2012) Adaptive Emotion Based Decision Model for a Social Robot |
T[TAL12] | Lauri Talvikoski (2012) Short Term Load Forecasting with Analytic and Seasonal Time Series Methods (ABB) |
T[TOR12] | Juha Törmänen (2012) Systems Intelligence Inventory (Aalto University, School of Science) |
T[VES12] | Heikki Vesterinen (2012) Statistical Regression Models for Ship Performance Analysis |
T[DAN11] | Gillis Danielsen (2011) Optimizing Novel Technologies For Thermal Neutron Detection |
T[ESK11] | Olli Eskola (2011) Bayesian Games for Analysis of Asymmetric Warfare Tactics (Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[HAS11] | Aira Hast (2011) Assessment of Risks and Cost-Efficiency of National Greenhouse Gas Abatement Actions in Finland (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[JUN11] | Janne Junes (2011) Comparing Road Pavement Maintenance Strategies Using Simulation Model (The Finnish Transport Agency / Pöyry CM Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[KOL11] | Juha-Matti Koljonen (2011) Improving Signal/Noise Ratio by Simple Rules and Local Information (Aalto University School of Science and Technology) |
T[LUU11] | Teppo Luukkonen (2011) Emergency medicine services simulation and optimization model (in Finnish) |
T[NUR11] | Joni Nurmentaus (2011) Tactical Forecasting of Arrivals to Call Centers. |
T[POR11] | Jirka Poropudas (2011) Kalman Filter Algorithm for Rating and Prediction in Basketball (Master's Thesis in Statistics at Faculty of Social Sciences at University of Helsinki) |
T[SAL11] | Osmo Salomaa (2011) An Accessibility-Based Simulation Model for Destination and Mode Choice of Trips (in Finnish) |
T[SAV11] | Antti Savelainen (2011) Movement Artifact Detection from Electroencephalogram Utilizing Accelerometer |
T[TYR11] | Tero Tyrväinen (2011) Risk Importance Measures and Common Cause Failures in Dynamic Flowgraph Methodology (VTT Technical Research Center of Finland) |
T[AHL10] | Lassi Ahlvik (2010) Cost-Effective Nutrient Abatement in the Baltic Sea (MTT Agrifood Research Finland) |
T[BAA10] | Lars Baarman (2010) Computing the Thermochemical Balance (Aalto University School of Science and Technology) (in Finnish) |
T[GUE10] | Reda Guerfi (2010) The Effect of Inaccurate Parameters on the Assesment of Radiation Doses (Fortum Oyj) (in Finnish) |
T[HAA10] | Lauri Haapamäki (2010) Identifying Business Models in Networks (Pöyry Forest Industry Consulting) |
T[HUO10] | Aapo Huovila (2010) Evaluation of Workspace Performance with a Multi-Criteria Model Approach (Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[HYR10] | Lauri Hyry (2010) A Statistical Analysis of the Relationship of Quality Perceptions and Loyalty of Customers with the Sales of a Global Company (Aalto University School of Science and Technology) |
T[JAA10] | Väinö Jääskinen (2010) Modelling of Human Sleep Stage Transitions (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health) |
T[KER10] | Tuomas Kervinen (2010) A Linear Programming Approach to Estimate Hydropower Supply in the Nordic Electricity Market (Fortum Power and Heat) |
T[KLE10] | Arttu Klemettilä (2010) Three player oligopoly model to evaluate the economic impact of cognitive radio (Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Nokia Research Center) |
T[KOK10] | Juho Kokkala (2010) Optimal Allocation of Defensive Fighter Force (Aalto University School of Science and Technology) |
T[KOT10] | Marko Kotilainen (2010) Complex Network Approach to the Analysis of Industrial Collaborations (Aalto University School of Science and Technology) |
T[LAI10] | Janne Laitonen (2010) Risk Follow-up in Regulatory Control of Nuclear Safety (Nuclear Safety Authority) (in Finnish) |
T[LIE10] | Jari Liede (2010) Hedging Currency Exposures in a Multinational Corporation (Nordea Markets) |
T[LOI10] | Mikko Loimula (2010) Evaluation of Fire Risks for a Room in Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant Using Two Methods (Fortum Nuclear Services Oy) |
T[LUT10] | Mikko Luttinen (2010) No-Limit Texas Hold'em - Analysis of Cash Game Strategy (Aalto University School of Science and Technology) (in Finnish) |
T[MAN10] | Karl Johan Mangs (2010) Classifying Individual-Level Migration Behavior Using Multivariate Methods (Fonecta Ltd ) |
T[MAT10] | Maija Mattinen (2010) Modeling and Forecasting of Local Geomagnetic Activity (Finnish Meteorological Institute) |
T[NEV10] | Eero Nevalainen (2010) Evaluation of Global Positioning System Augmentation Options for Finland (Indagon) |
T[NUM10] | Tuomas Nummelin (2010) Identification of Behavioural Changes from Large-Value Payment Systems Data (Bank of Finland) |
T[PAS10] | Tommi Pastinen (2010) Forecasting Systems in Sales and Materials Management (Aalto University School of Science and Technology) (in Finnish) |
T[PEK10] | Timo Pekkala (2010) Scenario Testing in Managing the Market Risk of an Interest Rate Derivatives Portfolio (Pohjola Bank plc) |
T[RAS10] | Harri Räsänen (2010) Capital Structure and Valuation - A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Finnish Companies (Aalto University School of Science and Technology) |
T[TAA10] | Mauno Taajamaa (2010) Acceleration of Innovation Processes in the ICT Sector (Aalto University School of Science and Technology) |
T[YLI10] | Jukka Ylitalo (2010) Resources and Growth Orientation as Predictors of Firm Growth (Software Business Lab) |
T[YLI110] | Jutta Ylitalo (2010) Modelling Marine Accident Frequency (Aalto Univeristy School of Science and Technology) |
T[AUL09] | Samuel Aulanko (2009) Work Cycle Modeling of Ship-to-Shore Container Cranes (100 Year Foundation of the Federation of Finnish Technology Industries) |
T[HEL09] | Juho Helander (2009) Consideration of Major Uncertainties in the Risk Study of a Nuclear Power Plant (Fortum Nuclear Services Ltd ) |
T[HYV09] | Tapani Hyvämäki (2009) Testing Bayesian Networks and Density Based Clustering in Maintenance Fault Detection (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[KUU09] | Juha-Matti Kuusinen (2009) Modeling and Forecasting of People Flow in Buildings (Kone Oyj) (in Finnish) |
T[LEI09] | Topi Leisti (2009) Construction of the Network Optimization Based Simulation Model for Paper Industry (Stora Enso Newsprint & Book Paper) |
T[LEP09] | Matias Leppisaari (2009) Stochastic Modelling of Mortality Using Finnish Data (Mandatum Life) |
T[LOI09] | Mikko Loimula (2009) Evaluation of Fire Risks for a Room in Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant Using Two Methods (Fortum Nuclear Services Oy) |
T[LUO09] | Jukka Luoma (2009) Systems Intelligence in the Process of Systems Thinking (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[NIE09] | Pyry-Matti Niemelä (2009) Benchmarking-mittaristo sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon tuotannonohjaukseen (NHG Benchmarking Oy) |
T[NII09] | Arto Niinistö (2009) Simulation of the Management of a Micro Grid with Wind Solar amd Gas Generators (Nokia Siemens Networks) |
T[NIS09] | Ville-Veikko Niskanen (2009) Estimating the Liquidity Premium of Equity Indices (ICECAPITAL Asset Management Ltd ) |
T[OLL09] | Matti Ollila (2009) Efficiency Analyses of Interrelationships Between University Research Groups and Their Funding Sources (Helsinki University of Technology) (in Finnish) |
T[POU09] | Jouni Pousi (2009) Decision Analytical Approach to Effects-Based Operations (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[RAI09] | Ismo Räisänen (2009) Transportation Problems Their Solution Methods and an Application to Sea Transportation (Neste Oil Oyj) (in Finnish) |
T[SAL09] | Juha Saloheimo (2009) Utilizing Syslog Messages in Fault Management Process of a Broadband Network (Elisa Oyj) (in Finnish) |
T[SOD09] | Kimmo Söderholm (2009) Computation of Lake Outflow in WSFS (Suomen ympäristökeskus) (in Finnish) |
T[TOP09] | Antti Toppila (2009) A Resource Allocation Model for Standardisation Activities in a Telecommunication Company (Nokia Oyj) |
T[TDUF08] | Mikko Dufva (2008) Cost-Efficient Reduction of Agricultural Load to Water System (Suomen ympäristökeskus) (in Finnish) |
T[TEHR08] | Markus Ehrnrooth (2008) Analyses of Flight to Quality in Financial Markets (Estlander & Rönnlund) |
T[TELO08] | Antti Eloranta (2008) Pricing of Exotic Foreign Exchange Rate Options (Nordea Markets) |
T[ERO08] | Tanja Eronen (2008) Non-Maturity Deposit Valuation and Hedging (Nordea Bank) |
T[GYL08] | Michael Gylling (2008) Designing a Global Supply Chain for a Consumer Product Manufacturer (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[HEI08] | Matti Heimonen (2008) Revenue Generation Model in Multi-player Games (Finland's Slot Machine Association RAY) (in Finnish) |
T[HOL08] | Ville Holma (2008) Copula Functions in Pricing Credit Baskets (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[HOL08a] | Petri Holappa (2008) Purchase Optimization for an Industrial Wholesaler (Etra Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[KAN08] | Jussi Kangaspunta (2008) Portfolio Analysis in the Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Weapon Systems (Maanpuolustuksen tieteellinen neuvottelukunta) (in Finnish) |
T[KAU08] | Tommi Kauppinen (2008) Efficiency Analysis of Material Input and Nutritional Values of Foodstuffs (Ympäristöministeriö) (in Finnish) |
T[KOV08] | Lauri Kovanen (2008) Forecasting the Probability of Corporate Default (Aktia Säästöpankki) (in Finnish) |
T[MAT08] | Anna Matala (2008) Estimation of Solid Phase Reaction Parameters for Fire Simulation (Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[RUU08] | Sampsa Ruutu (2008) National Sea Transport Demand and Capacity Forecasting with System Dynamics (Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[RYY08] | Erkka Ryynänen (2008) Customer Segmentation in Retail Banking (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[SIK08] | Topi Sikanen (2008) Modeling Firebrands Scattering in Fire Simulation (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[SUO08] | Atso Suopajärvi (2008) Modeling of Phenomenological Uncertainties in Level 2 Probablistic Safety Assessment of a Nuclear Power Plant (Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[VAN08] | Maija Vanhatalo (2008) Multivariate Modeling in Improving Product Creation Processes (Nokia Oyj) |
T[VIL08] | Eeva Vilkkumaa (2008) Approaches to Group Decision Support in Robust Portfolio Modeling (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[EKH07] | Tommi Ekholm (2007) Scenarios on the Burden Sharing of Climate Change Mitigation (VTT Energy Systems) |
T[HEL07] | Simo Heliövaara (2007) Computational Models for Human Behavior in Fire Evacuations (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[JAL07] | Erkka Jalonen (2007) Portfolio Decision Making in Innovation Management (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[JAR07] | Harri Järvinen (2007) Functional and Mathematical Structure of Lottery Betting and Gambling Games (Veikkaus Oy) |
T[KAK07] | Anssi Käki (2007) Forecasting in End-Of-Life Spare Parts Procurement (ROCE Partners Oy) |
T[KOR07] | Kalle Korpiaho (2007) Project Portfolio Management in a R&D; Organization (Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[KUJ07] | Ilkka Kujamäki (2007) Assessment of Customer Profitability in a Multinational Paper Company (UPM-Kymmene Corporation) |
T[LEH07] | Kimmo Lehikoinen (2007) Development of Systematic Backtesting Processes of Value-at-Risk (Nordea) |
T[MAL07] | Antti Malava (2007) Modelling the Volatility Risk of an Option Portfolio (Sampo Bank) |
T[MUT07] | Teemu Mutanen (2007) Consumer Data and Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing (Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[NIS07] | Juuso Nissinen (2007) The Impact of Evaluation Information in Project Portfolio Selection (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[RUO07] | Mirko Ruokokoski (2007) Integer optimization in elevator group control (Kone Elevators Ltd ) (in Finnish) |
T[SAL07] | Timo Salminen (2007) Calibration of a Forward Rate Market Model (Evli Pankki) |
T[SIR07] | Sami Sirén (2007) Risk-Informed Optimization of Allowed Outage Times of a Nuclear Power Plant (Fortum Nuclear Services Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[STE07] | Olli Stenlund (2007) Optimization of Construction Project Schedule (Vico Software Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[VAY07] | Olli Väyrynen (2007) Identifying Undervalued Stocks with Multiple Financial Ratios (Sifterfund) |
T[HAM06] | Auli Hämäläinen (2006) Estimating Common Cause Failure Parameters Using Impact Vectors in the Probablistic Safety Analysis of the Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant (Fortum Nuclear Services) |
T[KER06] | Mikko Kerola (2006) Calibration of an Optimisation Model for Short-term Hydropower Production Planning (Fortum Portfolio Management and Trading) |
T[LEH06] | Hannele Lehtinen (2006) Construction of Demand Scenarios in Paper Industry (UPM-Kymmene Oyj) |
T[LEH06b] | Jaakko Lehtinen (2006) Production Control Needs and Methods for Forecasting in Information Logistics Business (Itella Suomi Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[PIR06] | Antti Pirttimäki (2006) Foresight in a Research and Technology Organisation (Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[SIM06] | Lassi Similä (2006) The Electricity Sector in Russia - From Central Planning to Liberalized Markets (Fortum Portfolio Management and Trading) |
T[SUO06] | Emilia Suomalainen (2006) Multicriteria Analysis and Visualization of Location-Allocation Problems (Fraunhofer Gesellschaft) |
T[TAH06] | Topi Tahvonen (2006) Methods and Tools for Simulation Assisted Process Automation Testing (Fortum Nuclear Services) |
T[VIR06] | Pasi Virtanen (2006) Determining an Optimal Cut-Off Point in Credit Scoring (Suomen Asiakastieto Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[AHV05] | Rasmus Ahvenniemi (2005) Analysis of Continental European Electricity Market Under Liberalization (Fortum Oyj) |
T[BRU05] | Ville Brummer (2005) Internet-based Generation and Multi-criteria Screening of Innovation Ideas (Helsinki University of Technology) (in Finnish) |
T[HEL05] | Matti Hellqvist (2005) Intraday Liquidity Management in Gross Settlement System as a Coordination Game (Bank of Finland) |
T[HYT05] | Henri Hytönen (2005) A Model for Value-based Pricing of Industrial Services (Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[ING05] | Henrik Ingo (2005) Using Online Quizzes as a Study Aid in a Course on Probability and Statistics (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[JAV05] | Timo Javanainen (2005) Analysis of Short-Term Hydro Power Production in the Nordic Electricity Market (Fortum Oyj) |
T[KAN05] | Lauri Kangas (2005) Stochastic Warfare Modeling (Puolustusvoimien Teknillinen Tutkimuslaitos) (in Finnish) |
T[KAR05] | Ville Karttunen (2005) Validation of a Fission Product Revaporization Model (Fortum Nuclear Services Oy) |
T[KIV05] | Toivo Kivirinta (2005) Risk-Informed Balancing of Allowed Outage Times of a Nuclear Power Plant (Fortum Nuclear Services Oy)(in Finnish) |
T[LEH05] | Jukka Lehmusvirta (2005) Systemic Modeling of Hierarchical Software Development in a Distributed Enterprise (Nokia Oyj) |
T[MÄN05] | Ilkka Männistö (2005) Risk-Informed Classification of Systems Structures and Components in Nuclear Power Plants. (Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[NIE05] | Sami Niemelä (2005) Short-Term Procurement Optimisation in Deregulated Energy Markets (Process Vision Oy) |
T[POR05] | Jirka Poropudas (2005) Game Theoretic Analysis of an Air Combat Simulation Model (in Finnish) |
T[PÖY05] | Jouni Pöyliö (2005) Cost-Benefit Analysis of Rare Products in Metal Processing (Rautaruukki PLC) (in Finnish) |
T[SOR05] | Antti Soro (2005) Maximizing the Overall Profit Per Hour With Production Planning and Product Transfers in the Fine Paper Industry (Ahlstrom Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[TEN05] | Karno Tenovuo (2005) Analyzing Vibration Sources Based on Their Responses in a Large Cruise Ship (Aker-Finnyards) (in Finnish) |
T[TUO05] | Tero Tuominen (2005) Information Model of an Electricity Procurement Planning System (Process Vision Ltd.) |
T[VUO05] | Matti Vuorinen (2005) Development of Load Forecast Models in an Electrical Utility (Tampereen Sähkölaitos) (in Finnish) |
T[BER04] | Kimmo Berg (2004) A Model of Monopoly Pricing under Incomplete Information (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[GIL04] | Mika Gillberg (2004) Electricity Balance Estimation Models Based on Measurements and Forecasts - Comparison of Economical Efficiency (Fortum Power and Heat) (in Finnish) |
T[ILM04] | Mika Ilmoniemi (2004) Electricity Offer Risk Management (Process Vision Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[JAA04] | Keijo Jaakola (2004) The Weapon Effect and Finnish Terrain on Company Level Combat Modelling (Helsinki University of Technology) (in Finnish) |
T[KOS04] | Mika Koskela (2004) Measurement as a Tool for Developing Dependable Software Products (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[LAU04] | Antti Laukkanen (2004) Short Term Inflow Forecasting in the Nordic Power Market (Fortum Power and Heat) |
T[LIE04] | Juuso Liesiö (2004) Robust Multicriteria Optimization of Project Portfolios (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[MAA04] | Ari Maarni (2004) Utilization Control and Reporting of Secondary Energy in an Integrated Groundwood Mill and Paper Mill. (UPM-Kymmene) (in Finnish) |
T[MET04] | Max Mether (2004) Systematic Management of Technical Intelligence in a Small High-Tech Company (Asperation Oy) |
T[MIL04] | Pekka Mild (2004) Multicriteria Portfolio Analysis for Strategic Resource Allocation (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[NYH04] | Teemu Nyholm (2004) Optimization Algorithm for Securities Settlement (OMHEX Oyj) (in Finnish) |
T[POR04] | Markus Porthin (2004) Advanced Case Studies in Risk Management (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[RII04] | Vesa Riihimäki (2004) Graph Algorithms in Computational Systems Biology (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[SAL04] | Laura Salmi (2004) Time Series Analysis of Demand Patterns in Supply Chains (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[SPI04] | Kai Spitzley (2004) Dynamics of Massive Multiagent Economies: Simulation and Analysis of Inherent Problems (Helsinki University of Technology) |
T[VÄL04] | Tommi Välimäki (2004) Efficiency Determinants of Paper Machine Wet-End Performance (M-real Oyj) |
T[VAP04] | Satu Vapaakallio (2004) Efficiency Analysis for Paper Machine Wet End Performance (M-Real) |
T[VAT04] | Kari Vatanen (2004) Simulation of Nonlinear Risk Measures for Hedge Funds (Evli Investment Management Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[BEL03] | Taras Beletski (2003) Forecasting the Term Structure of Interest Rates with Stochastic Models (Research Center CAESAR) |
T[DIE03] | Jaakko Dietrich (2003) Comparative Analysis of Operational Decision-Making at Chinese and Finnish Paper Mills (UPM-Kymmene Ltd) |
T[HOR03] | Pekka Horttanainen (2003) Uncertainty Evaluation of Terrain Analysis Source Data (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[JAI03] | Toni Jarimo (2003) Innovation Incentives in Enterprise Networks: A Game Theoretic Approach (Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[JÄR03] | Tiia Järvenpää (2003) Optimization Software for Evasive Aircraft Maneuvers (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[KOS03] | Ville Koskinen (2003) e-Learning and Teaching Mathematical Models of Negotiation Analysis (HUT) Abstract Slides |
T[KUO03] | Nuutti Kuosa (2003) Market valuation of employee stock options (HSE) (in Finnish) |
T[LÅG03] | Tomas Lågland (2003) Stochastic Optimization in Dynamic Asset and Liability Management (Moneybell Ab) |
T[MEH03] | Mark Mehtonen (2003) Simulation of Production Based on a Real-Time Database (ABB Automation) |
T[NYB03] | Tuomas Nyblom (2003) Effect of Input Filter on Stability of a Switching Power Supply (in Finnish) (Fortum) |
T[PEL03] | Jarno Pelkonen (2003) Output-Oriented Benchmarking of Product Platform Development (Nokia) |
T[PUN03] | Antti Punkka (2003) Uses of Ordinal Preference Information in Interactive Decision Support (HUT) Abstract |
T[RIS03] | Tuomas Riski (2003) A Multi-Criteria Tool for the Selection of Web-Based Education Technology (Innofactor) (in Finnish) |
T[SÄY03] | Pentti Säynätjoki (2003) Finnish Hydropower in a Nordic Electricity Production Model (Fingrid) (in Finnish) |
T[TIM03] | Vesa Timonen (2003) Simulation Studies on Performance of Balanced Fairness (HUT) |
T[ULJ03] | Heikki Uljas (2003) Performance Evaluation of a Subscriber Database with Queuing Networks (Softplan) |
T[AHL02] | Pekka Ahlajärvi (2002) Reliability of Terrain Analysis (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[ART02] | Kai Arte (2002) Bandwidth Derivatives under Network Arbitrage (EigenValue Ltd) |
T[KAR02] | Janne Karelahti (2002) Solving the Cutting Stock Problem in the Steel Industry (Accenture and AvestaPolarit) |
T[MAR02] | Juha Martikainen (2002) Portfolio Management of Strategic Investments in Metal Products Industry (Outokumpu Ltd) |
T[MAT02] | Ville Mattila (2002) Simulation of Aircraft Maintenance (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[NIE02] | Kimmo Nieminen (2002) Developing MILP-methods (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[OJA02] | Otso Ojanen (2002) Comparative Analysis of Risk Management Strategies for Electricity Retailers (Process Vision) |
T[SOR02] | Janne Sorsa (2002) Optimal Group Control of Double-Deck Elevators (Kone) (in Finnish) |
T[IKÄ01] | Timo Ikävalko (2001) Course Evaluation (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[KUU01] | Antti Kuurne (2001) Mobile Measurement Based Frequency Planning in GSM Networks (Nokia Networks) |
T[LAS01] | Janne Lassila (2001) Real Options in Telecommunications Capacity Markets (EigenValue Ltd.) |
T[NÄS01] | Erkka Näsäkkälä (2001) Modeling Price Processes in Telecommunications Capacity Markets (HUT) |
T[NYL01] | Samppa Nylund (2001) Value-at-Risk Analysis for Heavy-Tailed Financial Returns (HUT) |
T[PÖL01] | Janne Pöllönen (2001) Quality of Service Based Admission Control for WCDMA Mobile Systems (Nokia) |
T[PUR01] | Esa Pursiheimo (2001) Updating the Gradient with Quasi-Newton Methods in Nonlinear Optimization (HUT) Abstract |
T[SOU01] | Kalle Soukka (2001) Automatic Demand Forecasting Model Selection (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[TIR01] | Maarit Tirri (2001) Corporate-Wide Risk Management in Energy Business (Fortum) |
T[GUS00] | Janne Gustafsson (2000) Risk Management in Finnish Biopharmaceutical Companies (HUT) |
T[GUT00] | Tommi Gustafsson (2000) Participatory Foresight Processes for Finnish RTD Programmes (HUT) |
T[JÄL00] | Harri Jäälinoja (2000) Joint Gains - Negotiation Support in the Internet (HUT) |
T[JÄS00] | Mika Jääskeläinen (2000) Households in the deregulated electricity markets (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[KIN00] | Olli Kinnunen (2000) Management of Project Risks in Logistics Development (Siemens) |
T[KIT00] | Mitri Kitti (2000) Distributed Computation of Incentive Stackelberg Solution (HUT) |
T[KÖS00] | Jouni Kössi (2000) Production control in hardware service in telecommunication industry |
T[LAA00] | Teemu Laakso (2000) Efficient integrators for few-body problems (University of Helsinki) (in Finnish) |
T[MIE00] | Antti Miettinen (2000) Implied volatility and derivatives market efficiency on the call options of a technology company (HEX Oy) (in Finnish) |
T[OKS00] | Olli-Matti Oksanen (2000) Acceletated testing in product development |
T[OLL00] | Jaakko Ollila (2000) Real Options in Pharmaceutical R&D ; (Orion Pharma) |
T[PIR00] | Antti Pirinen (2000) Risk analysis of a new Venture project |
T[POY00] | Aku Pöysti (2000) Blocking in Third Generation Radio Access Networks (Nokia) |
T[RIN01] | Esa Rinta-Runsala (2000) Paper Machine Monitoring Using Self-Organizing Neural Networks (Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[SIR00] | Konsta Sirviö (2000) Simulation application specifications for a modular laboratory automation system (Labsystems Ltd) |
T[SUU00] | Riku Suutari (2000) From Emission in Europe to Effects in Finland - Uncertainty Analysis of The Acidification Integrated Assessment Model (in Finnish) |
T[TAP00] | Miikka Taponen (2000) initial synchronization in compact mode |
T[TUR00] | Jussi Turunen (2000) Raw material optimization for copper foundry (in Finnish) |
T[USK00] | Jussi Uskola (2000) Strategic network planning for third generation mobile networks |
T[AHL99] | Mikko Ahlholm (1999) Risk management of a product development program (HUT) |
T[EK99] | Vesa Ek (1999) Design and implementation of a scheduling algorithm (Dialogos-Team) (in Finnish) |
T[HEI99] | Marko Heino (1999) Optimal allocation of transmission network capacity (Sonera) (in Finnish) |
T[IKÄ99] | Jussi Ikäheimo (1999) Adaptive raw material charge optimization system for a steel plant (HUT) |
T[JUN99] | Virpi Junttila (1999) Dynamic multicriteria regulation of a lake-river system (HUT) Tables |
T[KÄH99] | Markus Kähäri (1999) Field failure data analysis of telecommunications equipment (Nokia) (in Finnish) |
T[KÄM99] | Olli Kämäräinen (1999) A finite capacity scheduling system for a silicon wafer manufacturer (Okmetic Ltd.) Abstract |
T[KAN99] | Leena Kangas (1999) Comparison of modelled and measured concentrations of sulphur and nitrogen compounds in Finland (Finnish Meteorological Institute) (in Finnish) |
T[KAU99] | Seppo Kauppinen (1999) Modeling internet service production - Dependability and risk assessment (Sonera) |
T[KIV99] | Ari Kiviluoma (1999) Protection against medium-sized loss accumulation by reinsurance (Enterprise Fennia) (in Finnish) |
T[KUU99] | Mikko Kuusisto (1999) The role of field failure analysis in estimating reliability (Nokia) |
T[LEH99] | Matti Lehtonen (1999) Analyzing uncertainty of preferences in AHP-decision models (HUT) |
T[MUS99] | Jyri Mustajoki (1999) Web-HIPRE - A multiattribute decision support system on the Internet (HUT) |
T[OKS99] | Sami Oksanen (1999) Creating business plans in the telecommunications industry (Omnitele Ltd) |
T[PYY99] | Tuomas Pyykkönen (1999) Modelling of the portfolio management in the deregulated electricity market (Fortum Power & Heat) (in Finnish) |
T[QVI99] | Tomas Qvickström (1999) Pricing of electricity options with a structural model (Fortum Power and Heat) (in Finnish) |
T[RAN99] | Jukka Ranta (1999) A simulator for testing optimisation systems for secondary aluminium production at the Heinola factory of Kuusakoski Ltd (HUT) (in Finnish) Appendix Abstract |
T[SÄK99] | Petri Säkkinen (1999) Optimisation of liquidity needs in security clearance and settlement systems (BHG-Consulting) (in Finnish) |
T[SAM99] | Sauli Samila (1999) Monitoring and diagnostics of GSM network (Sonera) (in Finnish) |
T[SPA99] | Greig Spankie (1999) Optimizing the pickup and delivery problem (Logisticon Ltd. / Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) Abstract |
T[SUO99] | Mika Suojarinne (1999) Combining simulation and optimisation in calculation of cetane index and contribution to refinery's production optimisation process and decision-making (Neste) (in Finnish) |
T[VAS99] | Anu Vasama (1999) Scenario method in strategic planning (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[ALA98] | Susanna Alaja (1998) Structuring effects in environmental decision models (HUT) Slides |
T[BIN98] | Ella Bingham (1998) Neurofuzzy traffic signal control (HUT) |
T[JÄR98] | Ilpo Järvimäki (1998) A monitoring system for the malting process (Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[KAR98] | Jaakko Karas (1998) Prioritisation of investments in a distribution network company (Imatran Voima) |
T[KYL98] | Kaisa Kyläkoski (1998) Performance models for caching World Wide Web traffic (HUT) Abstract |
T[LAA98] | Karri-Pekka Laakso (1998) Compiling Bayesian models to simulator software (University of Helsinki) |
T[LIN98] | Mats Lindstedt (1998) Decision conferencing in nuclear emergency management (HUT) |
T[MUR98] | Pauli Murto (1998) Neural network models for short-term load forecasting (ABB Power Ltd) |
T[PET98] | Antti Petäjistö (1998) An evaluation of connection admission control algorithms (Nokia) |
T[PIE98] | Matti Pietilä (1998) Simulation of the price distribution of derivative securities (Garantia) |
T[RIS98] | Reija Ristilä (1998) A model for the growth of trees (Finnish Forest Research Institute, METLA). Abstract |
T[SOR98] | Antti Sorvari (1998) Bootstrapping in statistical testing (HUT) |
T[SUO98] | Jukka Suominen (1998) ATM routing algorithms (Nokia) |
T[SYR98] | Mikko Syrjänen (1998) The possibilities of data envelopment analysis in university management (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[VEH98] | Iivo Vehviläinen (1998) Risk management in electricity markets (Helsinki Energy) |
T[VEN98] | Juha Venäläinen (1998) Finishing process simulation of a paper mill (ABB) |
T[VIL98] | Samu Viljanen (1998) Optimization of power control parameters of the base station in GSM (Nokia) |
T[VOU98] | Marko Voutilainen (1998) Using desktop-videoconferencing in distance education (Tieturi Ltd) |
T[AUL97] | Heikki Aulamo (1997) Cable fire risk of a nuclear power plant (Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety - STUK) (in Finnish) |
T[FAL97] | Harri Falck (1997) Decision support system for the planning of production and marketing in a steel corporation (Rautaruukki) (in Finnish) |
T[HAN97] | Raisa Hannus (1997) Multiobjective development of lake regulation policies (HUT) |
T[HEL97] | Jyri Helenius (1997) An open decision support system (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[HIE97] | Saku Hieta (1997) Optimization of transmitting powers and locations of base stations in cellular radio communications systems (HUT) |
T[HÖG97] | Albert Höglund (1997) An anomaly detection system for computer networks (Nokia) |
T[JÄR97] | Hannu Järvi (1997) Decision support model for the pricing of international calls (Telecom Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[JUN97] | Timo Junttila (1997) Load forecasting system for electricity markets (Process Vision Ltd) (in Finnish) |
T[KON97] | Elisa Konga (1997) Power and heat procurement planning under influence of electricity (Imatran Voima) (in Finnish) |
T[LAA97] | Pasi Laakso (1997) Tracking simulator model of nuclear power plant (Imatran Voima / Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[LAP97] | Jari Lappalainen (1997) Margining of interest rate derivatives using zero coupon yield curve (SOM - The Finnish Securities and Derivatives Exchange, Clearing House) (in Finnish) |
T[MIK97] | Juha Mikkola (1997) Factors affecting the choice of travel mode in the Helsinki metropolitan area (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[PAA97] | Lauri Paatero (1997) Customer satisfactions analyse in business process (Neste / HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[PEN97] | Jussi Penttinen (1997) A reliability study for a telecommunications equipment manufacture (HUT) |
T[PUK97] | Markku Pukkila (1997) Channel estimation of multiple co-channel signals in GSM (Nokia Research Center) |
T[SAL97] | Hannu Salminen (1997) A model for planning direct selling campaigns (Helsingin Sanomat) (in Finnish) |
T[SIM97] | Pekka Simula (1997) Drawing a restricted graph using evolutionary computation (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[STR97] | Christoffer Strandell (1997) A conceptual model for nuclear power safety analysis (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Swedish) |
T[SUO97] | Janne Suotula (1997) A study on the use of genetic algorithms in project time sheduling (LM Ericsson Ltd) |
T[TAK97] | Petri Takala (1997) Access providers in the internet value chain (Nokia Telecommunications Ltd) |
T[TOI97] | Juha Toivari (1997) Implementation of an interior point method for linear programming (ABB Power Ltd) |
T[YLI97] | Esa Ylipahkala (1997) Estimating the uncertainty of electricity load (Helsinki Energy) |
T[BLO96] | Petri Blomqvist (1996) Modelling the passenger traffic of Finland (Viatek) (in Finnish) |
T[HAA96] | Harri Haanpää (1996) MMP - A Modular Matrix Package (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[HAK96] | Henri Hakonen (1996) Unit commitment optimization of backpressure power plants in cogeneration planning (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[HÄM96] | Markko Hämäläinen (1996) Demand Side Management with innovative tariffs and interactive information exchange (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[HON96] | Karri Honkoila (1996) Training simulator model for combined cycle power plant (Imatran Voima) (in Finnish) |
T[HUU96] | Sami Huusko (1996) Quality of service in packet radio data transfer (Nokia) |
T[IIV96] | Tuomas Iivanainen (1996) Bonds in a multiperiod scenario model for banks (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[JOK96] | Antti Jokinen (1996) Parameter and state estimation of a district heating network model (Process Vision Ltd) (in Finnish) |
T[KES96] | Marko Keskinen (1996) Distance transformation for scalar fields and its use in route optimization (Tekla Ltd) (in Finnish) |
T[KON96] | Esa Konga (1996) Clustering using statistical and neural network methods (Telecom Finland Ltd) (in Finnish) |
T[KTT96] | Eero Kettunen (1996) Procedures for reaching efficient agreements in negotiations (HUT) |
T[LEH96] | Heikki Lehtonen (1996) A dynamic model for economic and policy analysis of Finnish agriculture (Agricultural Economics Research Institute) (in Finnish) |
T[MAN96] | Juha Mäntysaari (1996) Modelling and solving combinatorial optimization problems with Branch-and-Cut algorithms (HUT) (In Finnish) |
T[PLI96] | Herkko Plit (1996) Validation of a simulation software with a nuclear power plant test facility (Imatran Voima) (in Finnish) |
T[SAA96] | Jussi Saalinki (1996) Trade - off analysis in market research (Credere) (in Finnish) |
T[SAR96] | Sari Saranka (1996) Connection admission control in an ATM node (Nokia) |
T[SUN96] | Max Sundström (1996) Neural nets in forecasting capital markets (Merita Bank Ltd) (in Finnish) |
T[TAL96] | Markus Tallgren (1996) Page composition based automated pagination of the newspaper advertisements (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[VIL96] | Juha Viljakka (1996) Reliability Analysis of Digital Transmission Software (Nokia) |
T[VIR96] | Kai Virtanen (1996) Interactive aircraft trajectory optimization (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[ESK95] | Jari Eskelinen (1995) Improvement of the mathematical optimization algorithm for a chemical equilibrium software (Outokumpu Research) |
T[HAR95] | Miikka Haromo (1995) Customer satisfaction measurement system for magazine papers (Kymmene) (in Finnish) |
T[HEI95] | Pirja Heiskanen (1995) A mathematical programming approach to generating efficient agreements in negotiations (HUT) |
T[KAK95] | Urpo Kakko (1995) A model for the optimization of a large-scale power system (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Finnish) |
T[KEP95] | Jussi Keppo (1995) Valuation of FOX options (HUT) |
T[KKK95] | Tero Kokkila (1995) Modelling the currents of the Gulf of Finland (EIA) |
T[KOK95] | Hanna Kokko (1995) Extinction risks in Saimaa ringed scal (University of Helsinki) (in Finnish) |
T[LAP95] | Antti Lappeteläinen (1995) Dynamic general equilibrium models - numerical methods and stability (Government Institute for Economic Research at Helsinki, VATT) |
T[MYY95] | Satu Myyrä (1995) Optimising model for winter ship traffic in the Baltic sea (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[PEN95] | Teemu Pennanen (1995) Second-order information of separable programming (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[PIE95] | Karoliina Pietiläinen (1995) Power system load monitoring and classification of distribution companies (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Finnish) |
T[RAU95] | Mika Rautakorpi (1995) Application of Markov chain techniques in certification of software (L M Ericsson) |
T[RIS95] | Marita Risku (1995) Dimensional management of injection molded plastic parts (Nokia Corporation) (in Finnish) |
T[SAL95] | Sami Salomaa (1995) Market and technology forecasts for the strategy development in the personal computers industry (ICL Data) |
T[TAK95] | Janne Takala (1995) A model for perceived customer value of telecommunication services (Telecom Finland) |
T[UUT95] | Kimmo Uutela (1995) Global optimization in the localization of brain activity (HUT) (in finnish) |
T[HEL94] | Tom Helenius (1994) Load control in an ATM network (Nokia Corporation) (in Finnish) |
T[JOH94] | Niklas Johnsson (1994) Correlation analysis in estimating in vivo dissolution of drugs on the basis of in vitro dissolution data (Orion - Farmos Pharmaceuticals) |
T[KEK94] | Timo Kekäläinen (1994) Use of optimization methods on material logistic applications (Carelcomp Mill Systems) (in Finnish) |
T[KON94] | Jyrki Konola (1994) Realiability growth models applied to planning of software testing (Siemens) (in Finnish) |
T[KUO94] | Harri Kuosmanen (1994) Computer-aided teaching of mathematical modeling (HUT) |
T[KUR94] | Juha Kurkela (1994) Estimation of aerosol mass size distribution (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[LEI94] | Ossi Leikola (1994) Computer supported group decision making in parliamentary work (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[LUC94] | Ville Lucander (1994) Fault location in transmission lines based on power system simulation (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Finnish) |
T[NIK94] | Kimmo Nikkanen (1994) Management information systems as a decision aid (ICL Data) (in Finnish) |
T[PAR94] | Janne Parantainen (1994) Game theoretic analysis of a dynamic tariff for electric space heating (HUT) |
T[SÄY94] | Simo Säynevirta (1994) Solving the trim loss problem in paper industry by using discrete methods (ABB Industry) (in Finnish) |
T[JOH93] | Carita Johansson (1993) Dependency between business volume and computer resource usage (Finnpap) |
T[KAN93] | Pekka Kanerva (1993) A queuing theoretical analysis of an on-line transaction processing system (Union Bank of Finland Ltd) (in Finnish) |
T[KAR94] | Kari Karhunen (1993) Public transport trip-time attributes in routes choice (YTV) (in Finnish) |
T[KIN93] | Kari Kinnunen (1993) Retrospective oil reserve estimates in corporate decision-making (Neste) |
T[KOM93] | Markku Komsi (1993) Forecasting of the demand of perishable goods (Maitokaari) (in Finnish) |
T[KUR93] | Jari Kurri (1993) Estimation of the value of travel time savings (in Finnish) |
T[LAU93] | Hannu Lauri (1993) A mesoscale dispersion model (YVA) (in Finnish) |
T[LEH93] | Petri Lehtivaara (1993) Strategic evaluation in capital budgeting decisions (Rautaruukki) (in Finnish) |
T[NAR93] | Timo Narumo (1993) Modelling two-phase flow by separation of the flow according to velocity (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[NIK93] | Eero Nikula (1993) The probabilistic fire analysis for the instrumentation systems at the nuclear power plant (Teollisuuden Voima) (in Finnish) |
T[PAL93] | Mika Paloranta (1993) Production controllability analysis of a steel factory (Rautaruukki) (in Finnish) |
T[RAI93] | Tuomas Raivio (1993) Optimization models for flight paths (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[WEI93] | Robert Weiss (1993) Evaluation of energy-emission models on a national level (Ekono) (in Swedish) |
T[JOU92] | Juha Jouhki (1992) Mathematical and heuristic methods as planning support in a transportation company (Finncarries) (in Finnish) |
T[KAR91] | Panu Karhu (1992) Controlling cutting pattern changes in paper industry (ABB) (in Finnish) |
T[KET92] | Anu Kettunen (1992) A model for glucanolysis during malt mashing (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[KLI92] | Terhi Kling (1992) Modelling of heat storage in porous unsaturated soil using pore air flow (Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[KUR92] | Mikko Kurimo (1992) Combining adaptive vector quantization methods and hidden Markov models in speech recognition (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[KUU92] | Pirkko Kuusela (1992) Development of a simulation model for a germination process (in Finnish) |
T[LEM92] | Mikael Lemström (1992) A decision model for purchasing unique spare parts for power plants (in Finnish) |
T[MET92] | Hannu Mettälä (1992) Optimal routing in a digital transmission network using object-oriented modelling (Nokia Corporation) |
T[OLL92] | Markku Ollila (1992) A simulator for a district heating network (JP-International) (in Finnish) |
T[PÖY92] | Mari Pöyhönen (1992) Optimal control of electrical heating under real time pricing of electricity (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[PYY92] | Jouni Pyykkönen (1992) A spreadsheet application of the energy-environment model of Finland (Technical Research Centre of Finland) |
T[SIN92] | Jukka Sinisalo (1992) A model for the evaluation of the radiation pressure caused by CO2 emissions (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[TOI92] | Pekka Toivonen (1992) A numerical and graphical analysis environment of contingent claims (KOP) (in Finnish) |
T[VAL92] | Esko Valkonen (1992) A model for the transformation of nitrogen oxides in a street canyon (Ilmatieteenlaitos) (in Finnish) |
T[ARO91] | Antti Arola (1991) Linear programming applied to the management of the lakes Pielinen and Koitere (Faculty of Surveying and Civil Engineering) (in Finnish) |
T[HEI91] | Arto Heikkinen (1991) Emissions and costs of reducing emissions of energy use in Finland (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Finnish) |
T[HUT91] | Reijo Hutka (1991) Analysis of a hybrid wind-diesel power plant (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[HUU91] | Asko Huumonen (1991) Coordinated activation of a knowledge base (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[KOL91] | Tatu Koljonen (1991) A kinetic model of starch hydrolysis during malt mashing (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[LAP91] | Esa Lappi (1991) An analysis method for firesafety (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[LEP91] | Jussi Leppälä (1991) Prediction of personal traffic in the group guidance of elevators (Kone) (in Finnish) |
T[MAL91] | Sakari Malka (1991) A strategic evaluation and analysis system for financing (in Finnish) |
T[OLK91] | Mikko Olkkonen (1991) Analysis of the processing capacity of the DX-220 (Nokia Corporation) (in Finnish) |
T[SEI91] | Ilkka Seilonen (1991) A support system for power transmission network restoration (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[TAK91] | Paula Takkunen (1991) Integrating options with currency portfolio optimization (in Finnish) |
T[YLI91] | Jukka Ylijoki (1991) Calculation of friction and interfacial heat transfer in a two-phase flow model (in Finnish) |
T[AIT90] | Perttu Aittoniemi (1990) Impacts of climate change on energy production and consumption in Finland (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Finnish) |
T[HEI90] | Tapio Heininen (1990) Analysis of floc traces in paper (Tapio Technologies) (in Finnish) |
T[JUV90] | Asko Juvonen (1990) A method for optimizing load in paper transport (Transfennica) (in Finnish) |
T[LUN90] | Petra Lundström (1990) Phenomenological uncertainty in severe accidents (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Swedish) |
T[MAK90] | Simo Makkonen (1990) Dynamic power plant modelling for a training simulator (JP-International) (in Finnish) |
T[MYL90] | Pekka Myllymäki (1990) Data base service in the office architecture of governmental administration (VTKK) (in Finnish) |
T[NIE90] | Jarmo Nieminen (1990) Decision support for acquiring a data transport net (TELE) (in Finnish) |
T[PAS90] | Virpi Pastinen (1990) Updating methods for traffic flow estimation (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[TIK90] | Kimmo Tikka (1990) Maintenance of gravel roads - a stochastic model (in Finnish) |
T[TUO90] | Petri Tuominen (1990) Influence diagram analysis in a knowledge based system for enerprice management (Nokia Corporation) (in Finnish) |
T[VER90] | Markku Verkama (1990) Cooperative strategies in duopoly games (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[BAC89] | Tom Backman (1989) Comparison between the production and consumption scenarios of the Finnish electricity supply service (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[CAS89] | Matias Castren (1989) Expert system and data base for a paper company (JP-International) (in Finnish) |
T[HOL89] | Jan Holmberg (1989) Uncertainty study in probabilistic risk assessment for a nuclear power plant (Teollisuuden Voima) (in Finnish) |
T[JYR89] | Marko Jyrkinen (1989) Modelling in the development of the shipping department (Systecon) (in Finnish) |
T[KAR89] | Risto Karjalainen (1989) Risk analysis in energy policy decision making (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[KEM89] | Pia Kemppainen (1989) Applications of lead field theory in neuromagnetism (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[LIP89] | Risto Lipponen (1989) A send-and-split-method for minimization of transportation costs (in Finnish) |
T[MUR89] | Juhani Murto (1989) Computer visualization of a three-dimensional microscope picture (in Finnish) |
T[RÄS89] | Mika Räsänen (1989) Effects of real time pricing on the load duration curve of an electric utility (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[TAK89] | Pekka Takaranta (1989) Automatic planning of newspaper distribution districts (HS) (in Finnish) |
T[TÖY89] | Pekka Töytäri (1989) Design and software implementation of a freeform surface modelling system (Fineka) |
T[HEI88] | Jussi Heinonen (1988) Mathematical modelling and simulation of operations and material flow in the shipping department (Systecon) |
T[KRO88] | Edward Krogius (1988) Production control in a large bakery (Fazer) (in Swedish) |
T[LAM88] | Pekka Lampio (1988) A model of a semantic knowledge base (VIA) (in Finnish) |
T[LEH88] | Antti Lehtilä (1988) Belief nets and uncertainty in planning electricity production (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[NIE88] | Tuomo Niemi (1988) Management support system for a metal industry corporation (Kone) (in Finnish) |
T[RAN88] | Kimmo Rantanen (1988) Analysis of uncertainty in investment budgets (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Finnish) |
T[SAI88] | Timo Saija (1988) On modelling the demand for long distance calls - a model and a decision support system for pricing (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[VÄÄ88] | Jyrki Väänänen (1988) Power plant unavailability calculation system (in Finnish) |
T[ANT87] | Tapio Anttila (1987) Project planning and monitoring in the technical center of Suomen Sokeri Oy (Suomen Sokeri) (in Finnish) |
T[JAU87] | Osmo Jauri (1987) Executive support system for financing foreign insurance business under complex tax regulations |
T[KAR87] | Ilkka Karanta (1987) Incentives in dynamic decision problems (HUT) |
T[MYL87] | Salla Myllylä (1987) A mathematical model for the metabolism of alcohol (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[SAL87] | Ahti Salo (1987) A decision support system for strategic management in artificial intelligence environment (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[SIL87] | Matti Silverhut (1987) Forecasting traffic in the main road network (Tie- ja vesihallitus) (in Finnish) |
T[VÄL87] | Juha Välisalmi (1987) Shortening delivery time in production (in Finnish) |
T[VAR87] | Markku Varhimo (1987) Management of alarms in a digital switching system (Telenokia) (in Finnish) |
T[VIE87] | Petri Viertiö (1987) A decision support system for investment planning in a bookbindery (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[ELA86] | Anne Elovaara (1986) Project management methods and tools for information system development projects (VTKK) (in Finnish) |
T[ELM86] | Antero Elovaara (1986) Trim scheduling of paper mill's sheet production-development of a program and test results (Advanced Forest Automation Ltd) (in Finnish) |
T[ELO86] | Timo Elolähde (1986) A simulation model of highway trafic (in Finnish) |
T[JAK86] | Jyrki Jakosuo (1986) An expert system for the evaluation and selection of R&D projects (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[MII86] | Risto Miikkulainen (1986) SDL-based simulation system (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[NIE86] | Jarto Niemi (1986) Dynamic optimization of a nuclear fuel cycle (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[NUR86] | Jukka Nurminen (1986) The design and implementation of a mixed integer programming system (HUT) |
T[PÄI86] | Seppo Päivinen (1986) A simulation system for studying highway traffic (HUT) 8in Finnish) |
T[PIT86] | Antti Pitkänen (1986) Corporate-wide energy management systems (Nokia Corporation) (in Finnish) |
T[VAS86] | Petri Vasara (1986) MESTOR: Rule-based multiple criteria optimization system for the exploration of arctic oil fields (Mestor) |
T[KAL85] | Markku Kallio (1985) Temperature effect in the forecasting of hourly grid load (Imatran Voima Ltd) (in Finnish) |
T[KOH85] | Jorma Kohonen (1985) Design of the production management system for a pulp mill (Dataway) (in Finnish) |
T[LAH85] | Risto Lahdelma (1985) Design and implementation of linear programming systems (HUT) (in Finnish) |
T[LIU85] | Helvi Liukkaala (1985) Production control system for house building (in Finnish) |
T[MAR85] | Pekka Martikainen (1985) Time series analysis of total comsumption of district heat (Helsingin kaupunki) (in Finnish) |
T[PÖY85] | Kaija Pöysti (1985) Forecasting magazine sales for next number issued (Rautakirja) (in Finnish) |
T[TÄH85] | Markus Tähtinen (1985) Development of sulphur emissions in Finland to year 1995 (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[TER85] | Jukka Teräs (1985) Factors determining the success of science parks (Otaniemen teknologiakylä) (in Finnish) |
T[TII85] | Jouni Tiira (1985) A system for managing product documentation (Telenokia) (in Finnish) |
T[TÖY85] | Pekka Töytäri (1985) Reliability and point processes (Technical Research Centre of Finland) (in Finnish) |
T[UHL85] | Jan Uhlenius (1985) Online transaction processing application tuning in a multiprocessor environment (in Finnish) |
T[VUO85] | Jyrki Vuokko (1985) Evalution of the performance of a mill computer and the associated workstations by mens of a queueing network model (in Finnish) |
T[AAL84] | Jukka Aaltonen (1984) Process data management in a distributed computer system (in Finnish) |
T[JOK84] | Arto Jokinen (1984) An interactive simulation language and environment for production systems. (in Finnish) |
T[KOV84] | Kari Kovanen (1984) A microcomputer based system for three-dimensional color-illustration (in Finnish) |
T[MÄK84] | Harri Mäkitie (1984) A model for the forest industry export transportations (Transfennica) (in Finnish) |
T[MAN84] | Matti Manni (1984) Terminal response time on a polled multipoint line |
T[MKI84] | Raimo Mäkilä (1984) On the protection and estimation of vulnerability of information processing systems (in Finnish) |
T[OEH84] | Klaus Oehlandt (1984) Development of a trim program for paper industry (in Finnish) |
T[PYS84] | Tuomas Pystynen (1984) A computer aided planning method of data systems (in Finnish) |
T[SAL84] | Jukka Salonen (1984) The analytic hierarchy process in the planning of a bank's branch network (KOP) (in Finnish) |
T[VUO84] | Mikko Vuorikoski (1984) Developing a simulation model for analysing throughput times and costs of a newspaper mailroom (in Finnish) |