Kimmo Berg
Roima Intelligence
Papers and Manuscripts
Game Theory: repeated and stochastic games, computation of equilibria
- Equilibrium paths in discounted supergames
- Computing equilibria in discounted 2x2 supergames (Comp Econ)
- Elementary subpaths in discounted stochastic games (DGAA)
- Fractal geometry of equilibrium payoffs in discounted supergames (Fractals)
- Extremal pure strategies and monotonicity in repeated games (Comp Econ)
- An algorithm for computing the minimum pure-strategy payoffs in repeated games
- Critical discount factor values in discounted supergames (Games)
- Construction of subgame-perfect mixed-strategy equilibria in repeated games (Games)
- Set-valued games and mixed-strategy equilibria in discounted supergames
- Golden and silver ratios in bargaining (Fibonacci Quarterly)
- Exclusion method for finding Nash equilibrium in multi-player games (AAAI-17, AAMAS-16)
- Rationalizable actions in games with incomplete preferences
Nonlinear pricing
- An adjustment scheme for nonlinear pricing problem with two buyers (EJOR)
- An adjustment process in a buyer-seller game (ECCOMAS 2004)
- Learning in nonlinear pricing with unknown utility functions (Annals of OR)
- Continuous learning dynamics for two-buyer pricing problem (MMOR)
- Interpretation of Lagrange multipliers in nonlinear pricing problem (Optim Lett)
- Complexity of solution structures in nonlinear pricing (Annals of OR)
Cognitive Radio and Future Internet
- Priority-based classification of spectrum access models (IEEE Commun Mag)
- Spectrum access models and auction mechanisms (DySPAN 2012)
- Optimal cost-based strategies in mobile network offloading (CrownCom 2012)
- A game-theoretic evaluation of an ISP business model in caching (Information Systems Frontiers)
- Different approaches to estimate the value of cognitive radio? (WWRF25 2010)
- Impact of new spectrum access models on operators’ capacity and pricing decisions
- Oligopoly model to evaluate the economic impact of cognitive radio
Conference Presentations
- An adjustment process in a buyer-seller game (slides)
Eccomas Jyväskylä, Finland 24.-28.07.2004,
ISDG Tucson (slides), Arizona 18.-21.12.2004 - Multidimensional screening: online computation and limited information
Innsbruck, Austria, 19.-22.8.2008 - Interpretation of Lagrange multipliers in nonlinear pricing problem
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 11.-14.10.2009 - Equilibrium paths in discounted supergames
The 21st International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook, USA, 12.-16.7.2010 - Evaluating the economic impact of cognitive radio with a three-player oligopoly model
International Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN) conference, Aachen, Germany, 3.-6.5.2011 - Computing equilibria in discounted 2x2 supergames
45th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association (CEA), Ottawa, 2.-5.6.2011 - Characterization of equilibrium paths in discounted stochastic games,
The 23rd International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook, USA, 15.-19.7.2012 - Mixed-strategy subgame-perfect equilibria in repeated games,
The 25th International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook, USA, 7.-11.7.2014 - Exclusion Method for Finding Nash Equilibrium in Multiplayer Games,
The 5th World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 24.-28.7.2016 - Computing all the mixed-strategy equilibria in the repeated prisoner's dilemma,
The 29th International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook, USA, 16.-20.7.2018