Single and Multi-Objective Bilevel Optimization - An Illustrated Travel Guide 

A Public Lecture by Professor Carlos Henggeler Antunes

21 June 2023 at 16:00 - 17:00 (Finnish time)
Otakaari 1, Aalto University Hall U7 (U135a), Espoo
Systems Analysis Laboratory
Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis
Aalto University School of Science
Presentation Slides


Bilevel optimization problems model hierarchical non-cooperative decision processes with two decision makers (the leader and the follower), who control different sets of variables, have their own objective functions subject to interdependent constraints, and make decisions sequentially. The follower’s optimization problem is embedded in the constraints of the leader’s problem. 

This public lecture aims to present the main concepts in single and multi-objective bilevel optimization using illustrative graphical examples, as well as applications in real-world problems, particularly in the energy sector. A particular application in the electricity retail market will be presented, which studies the interaction between electricity retailers and consumers engaging in demand response.


Carlos Henggeler Antunes holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering (specialization in Optimization and Systems Theory) from the University of Coimbra (UC). He is a Full Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the UC, Director of the R&D institute INESC Coimbra, and member of the coordination committee of the Energy for Sustainability Initiative at UC. His areas of interest include multi-objective optimization, meta-heuristics, multi-criteria analysis, bilevel optimization, energy systems and policies with focus on energy efficiency and demand response. He is co-author of the book “Multiobjective Linear and Integer Programming“ (Springer, 2016) and co-editor of the book “Energy and Behaviors” (Academic Press, 2019). He is senior editor of Energy Policy and editor of the EURO Journal on Decision Processes.



This event will be arranged in Otakaari 1, Aalto University Hall U7 (U135a), Espoo and is open to all interested participants. The lecture will last about 45 minutes, followed by questions and discussions.

At 14:00 (Finnish time) on 22 June 2023, Prof. Antunes will be the official opponent in the public defence of Nikita Belyak's Doctoral Dissertation entitled Modelling and solution methods for renewables-driven energy marketsThe defence will be held in Lecture Hall H304 (Otakaari 1).

Aalto Systems Forum

The growing challenge of our time is the need to understand and to manage wholes, i.e. systems. Problems in technology, economy, organisations and the environment are strongly interconnected, include multiple criteria and evolve dynamically over time. Systems Sciences as a field of scientific inquiry develops tools and approaches which help address these problems.

Aalto Systems Forum provides a platform for a dialogue between practitioners and researchers, based on major research results and accompanying insights which are presented by leading international scholars.

Aalto Systems Forum is organized by the Systems Analysis Laboratory research group at the Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis of Aalto University School of Science