News 2020
Uutiset 2020
Prof. Ahti Salo nimitetty COVID19-tiedepaneeliin
Professori Ahti Salo on nimitetty jäseneksi COVID19-tiedepaneeliin, jonka tehtävänä on tukea koronakriisin jälkihoitoa valmistelevan ryhmän työtä.
CANCELLED! ACOR and FORS organize EURO2022 kickoff seminar 28.4.
This seminar is a kickoff for the 32nd EURO conference organized in Otaniemi in July 2022. EURO is the main European operations research and analytics conference with some 2,500 participants from around the world. The seminar provides Finnish companies an opportunity to give short presentations on how OR and analytics are being utilized in their operations, and what kinds of opportunities the conference offers for companies in terms of visibility, sponsorship, recruitment opportunities, and future collaboration.
The objective of the event is to bring together company representatives, students, researchers and EURO2022 conference organizers to discuss how Finnish companies' interests could be accounted for in the conference program and what kinds of opportunities the conference provides. For students, the event provides an excellent opportunity to learn how operations research and analytics are utilized in Finnish companies.
The event is organized at 3 pm at A Grid, Otakaari 5. Please register here by Sun Apr 26th. Visit the seminar web site for more information.
Challenges and Opportunities for OR in Electricity Markets
A public lecture by Prof. Shmuel S. Oren. Friday, March 6 2020 at 14-15, Hall M1, Otakaari 1F, Aalto University, Espoo.
Systeemianalyysin laboratorion kesätyöpaikat
Systeemianalyysin laboratorio etsii kesälle 2020 tutkimusapulaisia. Kesätöiden aiheet ja lisätietoa hakemisesta löytyy sivulta