News 2019
Uutiset 2019

Traffic jams can be explained with physics
Date of Publication: 19.12.2019
Read the article about the research of Ehtamo and von Schantz in the latest Tekniikan maailma -magazine (article in Finnish).

Smart and Green Cities Workshop
Date of Publication: 10.12.2019
Doctoral Workshop "Smart and Green Cities", GWL Hannover 9.11.2019
Date of Publication: 24.09.2019
EURO2022, the largest european conference in operations research to be hosted in Otaniemi in July 2022.
Edgeworth-Pareto Award
Date of Publication: 24.09.2019
Professor Ahti Salo received the Edgeworth-Pareto Award.
Frank P. Ramsey Medal
Date of Publication: 24.09.2019
Professor Raimo Hämäläinen has been selected to receive the 2019 Frank P. Ramsey Medal.
Date of Publication: 24.09.2019
Systems Analysis Laboratory case study Improving Systems with Operations Research was presented in the Impact Night of Aalto's Research, Art and Impact Assessment, Aug 2018
Date of Publication: 21.03.2019
ACOR's 2nd OR afternoon 23.4.2019: "How are OR and AI methods used in topical operations management problems?" Register by 17.4.2019
Date of Publication: 18.01.2019
Sampsa Ruutu, M.Sc.(Tech.), defends his dissertation "Dynamic modelling for the analysis and support of systemic innovations and competition strategies" on Friday 25 January 2019 at 12 noon at the Aalto University School of Science, lecture hall M1, Otakaari 1, Espoo.