Tuomas Lahtinen
Loihde Analytics
Email: | tuomas.j.lahtinenu |
Postal address: | Aalto University School of Science, Systems Analysis Laboratory, P.O.Box 11100, 00076 Aalto, Finland |
Some topics I am interested in
Behavioural Operations Research, Behavioural experiments, Path dependence, Practice of modelling, Philosophy of modeling, Decision analysis, Portfolio decision analysis, Environmental decision making, Organizations, Operations, Software,
Some research objectives
- Helping practitioners, users, and consumers of Operations Research methods
- Increasing understanding of behavioural aspects in OR and in modelling more widely
- Mitigating risks related to biases and human behavior
Papers and manuscripts
Lahtinen, Hämäläinen (2016). Path dependence and biases in the even swaps decision analysis method. European Journal of Operational Research.
Hämäläinen, Lahtinen (2016). Path Dependence in Operational Research - How the Modeling Process Can Influence the Results. Operations Research Perspectives.
Lahtinen, Guillaume, Hämäläinen (2017). Why pay attention to paths in the practice of environmental modelling? Environmental Modelling & Software.
Lahtinen, Hämäläinen, Liesiö (2017). Supporting Environmental Decision Making with Portfolio Decision Analysis. Environmental Modelling & Software.
Lahtinen, Hämäläinen, Jenytin (2020). On preference elicitation processes which mitigate the accumulation of biases in multi-criteria decision analysis. European Journal of Operational Research.
Arnold, Guillaume, Lahtinen and Vervoort (2020). From ad-hoc modelling to strategic infrastructure: A manifesto for model management. Environmental Modelling & Software.
Salo, Hämäläinen, Lahtinen (2021). Multicriteria methods for group decision processes: An overview. Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation, D. M. Kilgour and C. Eden (eds).
Lahtinen (2021). Collecting actionable and value-focused feedback using multi-criteria evaluation — a procedure and an application. Submitted manuscript.
Selected conference presentations and posters
Path Dependence in Operational Research - How the Modeling Process Can Influence the Results (28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan 2016)
Supporting Environmental Decision Making with Portfolio Decision Analysis (23rd International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making MCDM 2015, this talk was given by Raimo P. Hämäläinen)
Biases and Path Dependency in the Even Swaps Method (Raimo gave this talk at the 22nd International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making 2013, I gave a slightly updated version at Advances in Decision Analysis, Washington DC, 2014)
Poster: Path dependence in systems analysis - The outcome of a problem solving process depends on the path followed (Systems Analysis 2015, IIASA, Switzerland)
Selected lectures
Reflections on the design and analysis of Behavioral Operational Research experiments (Behavioural OR Summer School, 2016, Espoo Finland).
Improving the practice of model based problem solving with a systemic behavioral perspective (My lecture at the dissertation defense, 2018, Espoo Finland).
A Journey with Systems Thinking (Research Seminar of the Finnish Institute for Natural Resources, 2020).
Not teaching currently but instructing a couple of theses.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in working with a Bachelor's thesis, a Master's thesis or a Special Assignment with my help and guidance as an instructor.
2015 Ajatuksia jatko-opinnoista
2018-2020 I worked in the industry (Finnair, Visma Consulting / Weoptit) on topics related to eg. supporting operational planning with optimization technology, software development, resource planning, prediction. This period expanded my knowledge, e.g., on working with customers, general management, project management, sales and marketing.