Systeemianalyysin laboratorion kesätyöpaikat

Systeemianalyysin laboratorio ottaa kesäksi 2025 töihin tutkimusapulaisia. Työt alkavat tyypillisesti kesäkuun alussa ja päättyvät elokuun lopussa, mutta myös muuta voidaan sopia. Osa aiheista soveltuu myös 1.-2. vuoden opiskelijoille. Halukkaat voivat syksyllä jatkaa töitä osa-aikaisesti tuntitöinä ja/tai kurssien assarointien muodossa.

Työt voidaan muotoilla siten, että niistä saa raportoitua kandidaatintyön tai erikoistyön. Kandidaatintyön suorittajat valmistelevat aiheen ohjaajan kanssa työsuunnitelman kesäkuussa järjestettävään seminaarikokoontumiseen (ks. seminaarin sivut). Useista aiheista on mahdollisuus jatkaa diplomityöhön asti.

Kerro hakemuksessasi mistä tehtävistä (numeroinnin XX-XX mukaisesti) olet kiinnostunut. Voit halutessasi myös ilmaista kiinnostuksesi ilmoittamiesi tehtävien välillä.

Hakemus jätetään sähköisesti. Haku päättyy 26.1.2025. Ohjeet löytyvät 9.1.2025 lähtien sivulta

Lisätietoa aiheista antavat alla mainitut henkilöt. Yleisiin tiedusteluihin vastaa prof. Nuutti Hyvönen (


Palkkaamme kesäksi:

Summer jobs at the Systems Analysis Laboratory

The Systems Analysis Laboratory is hiring interns for the summer of 2025. Summer jobs usually last from the start of June until the end of August, but other arrangements are also possible. Some of the topics are also suitable for first or second-year students. There are also opportunities for summer interns to keep working after the summer on a part-time basis as research and/or teaching assistants.

Interns typically produce a bachelor’s thesis or a special assignment related to their research work. Students doing their bachelor’s thesis will prepare a working plan with their advisor for the seminar gathering in June. Many of the topics offer a possibility to continue research work to the master’s thesis phase.

In your application, please specify the topics (XX-XX) that you are interested in. You can also provide an order of preference for the topics you are interested in.

Applications for summer internships are submitted electronically. The deadline for applications is 26 January 2025. Instructions will be available on 9 January at

For more information on a specific topic, contact the topic's contact person. General questions should be directed to Prof. Fabricio Oliveira Prof. Nuutti Hyvönen (

We are looking for:

  1. One student to work on optimization models for risk-informed decision support. Key application areas include the identification of cost-efficient portfolios of actions to improve the resilience of safety-critical networks and the development of optimal policies for condition-based maintenance. Knowledge of the basics of optimization theory, risk analysis, stochastic processes, and/or investment science will be helpful. For details, contact Professor Ahti Salo.

  2. A student to work on the development of spatial decision analysis and optimization models. Application areas include, e.g. air surveillance systems. Familiarity with optimization theory and decision analysis as well as experience with MATLAB are required. For details, contact Professor Kai Virtanen.

  3. A student to work on visualizations for (multi-modal) public transport systems, especially line plans. You will be working with the open source software library LinTim and develop new visualizations. For line plans, i.e., the representation of multiple paths in a graph, we aim to develop a model for minimizing crossings.  Familiarity with linear/integer optimization and Git/Gitlab are required. A basic knowledge of shell commands is of advantage. Please contact Assistant Professor Philine Schiewe for more information.

  4. A student to work on sector coupling for environmental sustainability. We aim to develop Nash-Cournot models to understand how electrification of heating, industrial demand, and transport will affect strategic behaviour by producers in the Nordic power sector. Familiarity with game theory, optimisation, and time-series analysis is required. An interest in energy/environmental issues is desirable along with programming experience, e.g., GAMS or MATLAB. Please contact Afzal Siddiqui for details.

  5. A student will work on building and visualizing a network using combinatorial optimization and graph theory in the context of bioinformatics. We aim to develop an algorithm that builds a network based on pre-existing protein interactions. After that, we focus on identifying the most important nodes in this network that, upon remotion, cause the fragmentation of the entire graph. The student will be working using Python, mostly the Networkx package. Familiarity with those would be recommended, but not necessarily as long as an interest to learn exists. Please contact Fernando Dias for more information.

  6. Your own topic proposal related to the laboratory's research or teaching. If you have a suggestion, be in contact with the laboratory's faculty (Fernando Dias, Risto Lahdelma, Fabricio Oliveira, Tuomas Raivio, Philine Schiewe, Ahti Salo, Kai Virtanen) prior to submitting your application.

Laitoksen muiden tutkimusryhmien aiheet löytyvät osoitteesta 

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