Scientific Publishing in Decision and Risk Analysis - Fall 2012


The seminar seeks to improve the writing skills of participating doctoral students by giving them opportunities for providing and receiving constructive feedback on papers which are written by the participants themselves. As a rule, these papers are at an advanced stage of preparation and therefore nearly ready for submission to scientific journals.

The seminar is lead by Prof. Ahti Salo ( and M.Sc. (Tech.) Antti Toppila ( is the course assistant. The seminar is open for all doctoral students in the Doctoral Programme in Systems Analysis, Decision Making and Risk Management.

The students are required (i) to read carefully the paper which is made available to the course participants before the meeting and (ii) to prepare and present a 2-page review report on the paper. These reports are discussed at the seminar meeting with the aim of helping the author(s) strengthen the scientific contribution of the paper and improve the quality of presentation. The paper can be downloaded about a week before the meeting (password can be requested from the course assistant). At times, more than two papers may be made available to the participants. In this case, those attending the seminar are expected to have written a review report on at least one of the papers.

The course participants will be awarded one ECTS credit for active participation in three meetings. The course can be taken several times.
Meetings: Meetings are held approximately once a month in the Riihi meeting room (U229a) in the Systems Analysis Laboratory. The dates and times of these meetings are shown on the course website.
  • Mon 8.10.2012 at 16 Brunelli, M. and Fedrizzi, M., (Manuscript September 3, 2012): Characterizing properties of inconsistency indices for pairwise comparison matrices (pdf).
  • Mon 29.10.2012 at 16 Tyrväinen, T. (Manuscript October 9, 2012): Dependent failures in the dynamic flowgraph methodology (pdf).
  • Mon 5.11.2012 at 16.15 Dufva, M. and Ahlqvist, T. (Manuscript October 26, 2012): Towards future-oriented innovation management: Conceptual model of knowledge creation in foresight workshops (pdf).