Research posters
Current posters
Please note: Most of the PowerPoint-files (ppt) are quite large!
 Personnel 2012 (PPT, 1.1 MB)
 Summer Trainees and Visitors 2012 (PPT, 1.0 MB)
 Computational Economics and Experimental Game Theory (PPT, 1.0 MB)
 Decision Theory (PPT, 2.3 MB)
 Portfolio Decision Analysis (PPT, 3.1 MB)
 Decisionarium - global space for decision support (PPT, 1.1 MB)
 Environmental Decision Making and Climate Policy (PPT, 4.4 MB)
 Group Decision Making and Electronic Democracy (PPT, 2.0 MB)
 Group Processes in Technology Assessment and Foresight (PPT, 463 KB)
 Simulation and Optimization of Operations (PPT, 2.2 MB)
 Elevator Traffic Optimization and Crowd Dynamics Simulation (PPT, 2.8 MB)
 Systems Intelligence (PPT, 3.7 MB)
 Game Theory and Incentives (PPT, 1.0 MB)
 Doctoral dissertations (PPT, 12 MB)
 Gallery of personnel (PPT, 1.1 MB)