Fabricio Oliveira




Visiting address:Otakaari 1, Espoo Finland
Postal address:Aalto University School of Science, Systems Analysis Laboratory, P.O.Box 11100, 00076 Aalto, Finland

My research involves the topics of analytics and operations research, in particular predictive/ prescriptive analytics, optimisation, and mathematical programming, applied to supply chain management and production planning. Its main focus is the development of decision support frameworks based on optimisation under uncertainty and/or simulation techniques that can be used for decision making in real-world problems. Fields of interest include the oil and gas industry, renewable energy production and the healthcare sector.

Topics of interest:

- Applications of mathematical programming to real-world problems
- Stochastic programming and robust optimization
- Decomposition methods and parallelization  


Further information:

Personal webpage

Aalto Research profile 

Google Scholar profile


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