Title: A Dynamic Interval Goal Programming Approach to the Regulation of a Lake-River System

Authors: Raimo P. Hämäläinen and Juha Mäntysaari

Status: Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Vol. 10, Issue 2, March-April 2001, pp. 75-86.


Keywords: Goal Programming, Dynamic systems, Multiobjective optimization, Water resources, Environment, Spreadsheets

This paper describes a model and a decision support tool for the regulation of a lake-river system using both goal sets and goal points for the water level over the year. The inflow forecast is updated periodically which results in a series of dynamic rolling horizon goal programming problems. This involves heavy computation and yet it can be successfully done with the spreadsheet program. The related decision support tool with a graphical user interface is called ISMO. The Finnish Environment Institute (FEI) actively uses it in the generation of regulation policy alternatives when considered from the different perspectives of the stakeholders.