Title: Smart-Swaps - A decision support system for multicriteria decision analysis with the even swaps method
Authors: Jyri Mustajoki and Raimo P. Hämäläinen
Date: April 2, 2007
Status: Decision Support Systems (to appear)
Keywords: multicriteria decision analysis, even swaps, preference programming, trade-offs, multicriteria decision support systems
In this paper, we introduce a new web-based decision support tool called Smart-Swaps to support multicriteria decision analysis. The decision makers preferences are elicited with the even swaps method (Hammond, Keeney and Raiffa, 1998, 1999) which is an elimination process based on value trade-offs. The software provides a platform for carrying out the elimination process and implements a preference programming model to give suggestions to the decision maker on how to proceed with the process. Such decision support can provide substantial help to the decision maker, especially when the number of alternatives and attributes is large.